Talk a Good Game (14 page)

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Authors: Angie Daniels

Tags: #drama, #sex, #urban, #street lit, #ghetto, #drame, #angie daniels, #sasha campbell

Nah, I didn’t mean it like

We got to Wendy
I felt my phone ringing in my purse. “I gotta pee. Order me a
strawberry salad,” I said and dashed into the stall. By then the
phone had stopped ringing but I noticed Jeremy had sent me another

J: Whatcha doing? Thinking about
me? Notice I didn’t put a LOL


m a big believer
of multitasking so I decided to text and pee.

Me: Actually I am.

J: I knew it. Care to share??

Me: I was thinking about the
comedy show last Friday. You were laughing, joking and so relaxed.
I’d like to see more of that side of you.

J: I told you I am a clown. I enjoyed u also.

I sat there on the toilet, sighing. This was like
one of those romance novels or something. Jeremy was sweet and
respectable and I kept wondering how in the world was this amazing
man single?



* * *

What the hell is he waiting for?”
Timmy screamed.

We were in my hotel room watching the Lakers play
Portland, and Kobe Bryant was looking sad out on the court.

I don’t
wrong with them?” All I could
do was shake my head. I was a diehard basketball fan and the
used to be my team before I fell
in love with Kevin Durant. “
Kobe ain’t
been the same
since Shaq left.”

Timmy looked at me with that
beautiful grin of his. “You

re something

I was sitting beside him on the bed with a bowl of
popcorn between us. It was nice being here with him again. As soon
as I first found out I was attending the training class I was
wondering if Timmy was going. And then, when I saw the list of
people planning to attend I had gotten excited and started thinking
about the way things used to be and what if we could hook up while
we were here. But like I said, that was before I met Jeremy.

Speaking of him,

d been ignoring his calls all
evening. If fact, I had to turn off my ringer.

I’ve been thinking about applying
for a position at Whiteman AFB.”

Really?” That was less than two
hours away from Columbia.

Yeah, the superintendent is

I snapped my fingers. “I think I
heard something about that.”

I was thinking about applying. I
would be closer to my dad.” His father lived in Des Moines, Iowa.
“And this sexy woman sitting beside me.”

I was grinning like a damn fool when he leaned over
and pressed his lips against mine.

So tell me
going through your head. What
do you think about all this?”


m thinking weeks
ago I would have been all for it. “
…” I didn’t
know where to begin. “
… I’ve gotta be
I can’t believe

m doing this
. “I

m sorta seeing

And what does that mean for

I have this fine man sitting
beside me, single, with no kids, who
willing to
relocate so he can be closer to me so we can finally have a
relationship and yet my dumb ass was hesitating. I can’t explain it
but I guess it
something about what
coulda-shoulda been and trying to rekindle a flame that had burned
out years ago. I don’t know. When I wanted him he wasn’t available
but now that he
ready, well, just like a
brotha, they expect you to drop everything and be on board. I just
wasn’t with that.

Images of a life with Jeremy had
been dancing in my head. “I

m seeing someone I
really like. I don’t know where it
headed but

m interested in finding out.

m not saying you and I don’t have
a chance. I

m just saying someone has jumped
ahead of you in line.”

His eyes started to twinkle and
there was that smirk on those pretty lips of his. “Well since
not here and I am, then I guess I need to give
you a reason to put me ahead of the rest.”

Timmy started kissing me and I rolled onto my back
and allowed him to draw me close in his arms. The kiss was nice and
when his tongue slipped into my mouth, I was all about meeting his
strokes, yet the entire time I caught myself thinking about what
was waiting for me at home.












I had just finished checking on how dinner was going
when I stepped out of the kitchen and spotted Kaleb standing up
front looking scrumptious in gray slack, a white dress shirt and
Ferragamo loafers. Trust me, I know my designers. The second Kaleb
spotted me he grinned. I sauntered over to him and watched as his
eyes took in everything from the blue Manolos on my feet to the
black wrap dress that tied at my small waist. Yesterday I had made
a trip to the mall so my new push-up bra had my girls covered in
satin and looking ripe for the picking.

You made it,” I purred and tilted
my head for a brief succulent kiss.

As he pulled away, Kaleb had a
sexy smirk on his face. “I wouldn’t have missed it.”

Then come on and follow me. I
have a table reserved.” I signaled for him to follow my lead as we
weaved through the small intimate tables covered with fine linen.
Closer to a long bar were a couple of oversized love seats. Of
course several customers stopped me along the way, wanting to
comment on how good the food tasted. I smiled, sucked it all up,
and kept it moving.


re popular,” I heard Kaleb

I shrugged and glanced briefly
over my shoulder. “I

m the owner and everyone knows
how hands-on I am with my restaurant.”

I can’t wait for you to show me a
little hands-on experience,” he teased.

I giggled and pointed for him to take a seat at the
best table in the house.

He did that sexy one eyebrow
thing. “You joining me, right?”

my night off.” Or at least it
officially started the moment he stepped into the

You got a nice place here.” He
glanced around and looked clearly impressed. He should. I spent a
lot of money designing a place with class. Thanks to my cousin Toby
who was a hell of a contractor I was able to get most of the
renovations for dirt cheap.

Thanks. This is my pride and
joy.” I was probably glowing.

Kaleb leaned back on the bench.
Damn, the dude had swag. “As I was coming in, I noticed the space
next door is for sale.”

He was observant.

m impressed. “Yes, that was a
bridal shop that went out of business.”

You ever think about knocking out
that wall and expanding your restaurant?”

gave a rude grunt.
“All the damn time but
I know I need to crawl before I walk. My restaurant is just
starting to turn a profit so I don’t have the money to expand just

He brought a hand to his chin and
gave me a calculated look. “
Well, we
have to see about

See, that what

m talking about! Kaleb went out
of his way to make me feel special by doing things for me that
showed he was interested in more than just dating. I didn’t want to
get ahead of myself but if he was saying what I thought he was
saying, I was going to be doing a lot of slobbering on that
beautiful penis of his.

He reached for a menu and opened
it in front of him. “So what do you suggest I order?” he asked with
a curious look.

Everything’s good on my menu.” I
wasn’t trying to boast but it is what it is. I personally selected
every item on that menu.

Oxtails and rice?” His brow rose.
“I gotta see this. Nobody makes them like my Big Mama.”

I pointed a finger at him.
because you haven’t tasted

So what you
saying? They

re better than Big

Uh-huh. I wasn
even about to get
between a man and his grandmother. “I

m saying

re probably the next best thang.”
He looked pleased by my answer. The last thing I was going to do
was offend this man especially when I was dying for him to make me
a permanent part of his life.

How about we place a bet?” I

What kind of bet?” Men never
could resist a challenge.

I crossed my legs. “If you don’t
like them then I’ll make it up to you with a little hands-on

And if I do like

Then by midnight I expect to feel
your hands all over me.” I licked my lips and leaned in close so
the twins were resting on the table. His eyes dropped to my
cleavage and lingered there long enough for me to know he had
accepted my challenge. Not that I had expected any less.


re on.” He accepted with the
cutest little smirk.

To moved my menu to the side. “And
when you finish my oxtails you
have to top that off
with peach cobbler and ice cream.”

Damn babe. You

re tryna reel a
nigga in.”

I winked. “That

My cousin Charmaine came over and took our drink
orders. Kaleb moved his chair over next to mine and we held hands
and listened while the band did their thang. Folks were still
coming through the door and several recognized Kaleb and came over
to speak briefly. I felt special being with him and I held his hand
proudly. I could get used to being with this rich and powerful


I nodded in agreement. “Fluidity
be jamming. I heard them one weekend while I was in St. Louis at
this joint on the north side and I invited them to drop through
whenever they were in the area.” We chatted some more and placed
our dinner order then I excused myself long enough to run to the
kitchen and threaten Mimi that Kaleb
oxtails had
better be on point. When I finally made it back to our table he was
checking messages on his phone. I took my seat. We chatted and
listened to the band while they sung Atlantic

Secret Lovers.

I was humming and sipping an Apple
Martini when I caught him looking at me. “What?”

You sure

re single?” he asked with a
piercing stare.

Why you ask that?”

Because you got every brotha in
here staring at you.”

I did a quick sweep of the
restaurant. There were a few. Most of them were dudes I knew from
the neighborhood, but I didn’t bother correcting him. A man loves
having a woman everyone wants. And I was definitely worth having.
Kaleb needed to know he wasn’t the only man yanking my chain even
though right at the moment he was the only one who

I gave a shrug like it was no big
deal. “No one I

m interested in.”

He grinned and brought my hands to his lips and
kissed it.

A couple of friends stopped by my table to say hello
and I introduced them to Kaleb. Shortly after our food arrived. I
had ordered the oxtails as well and waited for him to dive in
first. The second he put the fork in his mouth and his eyelids
lowered I knew I had him.

this is good!” He moaned and shook his head as he
took another bite.


m sorry…
I don’t
think I heard you.” I cupped my ear with my

He laughed. “Babe, you heard me.
This food is off the chain!”

I waved a fork in the air. “Does
that mean it
as good as Big

He gave me that cute smirk again.
“Nah babe. It
’s better. Just don’t
tell Big
Mama I said that.” He laughed and I joined in. Kaleb planned to
introduce me to his grandmother. That meant I was in

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