Tangled Betrayals (5 page)

Read Tangled Betrayals Online

Authors: Lynn Wolfe

Tags: #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #Romance, #Literature & Fiction, #Historical, #Historical Romance, #Romantic Suspense

“Thank you, I
’m famished, and please call me, James.” James said as he winked at her.

“Don’t let her fool you, James. She
’s a superb cook and baker. However, a few years back, I had my doubts. We threw away more than we ate. If it wasn’t for her employer, Minnie Baker, teaching her how to prepare edible foods, we all might have starved to death.”

, Thomas, did you have to bring up my first few weeks of cooking?” Mary said laughing. “Yet, it’s the truth. It did take me a long time to learn how things were done in the kitchen. I was only eight when our mother passed. Yet, I’ll never be as good in the kitchen as mother.”

“Aye, you
’re every bit as good, Mary. Now, James, while we’re eating, please inform Mary about America and your horse farm. She’s not met an American before and she’s quite excited to hear about your home. My advice is to talk first and quickly, otherwise, we might not get a word in edgewise.”

I see.” James said as he winked at Thomas. “But first, there is something I must address. Miss Ball, I do believe you have something on your nose,” James stated looking intently at her face.

Mary’s mouth dropped open and she immediately start
ed wiping her nose. She saw James and Thomas smirking. It appears, Mary thought, James couldn’t help teasing her and wondered what was on her face?

“Oh, I
’m sorry; I believe those are only freckles on your nose, are they not?”

Mary knew she had responded as
predicted. “Mr. Parker, my brother failed to mention you’re a prankster. I’ll try, in the future, to weigh what you say carefully before reacting to your words.

certainly hope you get over the obvious distraction of my freckles, since I have no way of removing them. I suggest you begin telling me about America so we may continue to enjoy the evening, and might I suggest you refrain from making any further comments regarding the status of my nose?”

“Agreed,” James said obviously pleased with himself
and laughing softly.

Rolling her eyes at Thomas
, Mary started to re-pass the food. Mary had no idea where the time had gone. It was almost nine when James Parker left with an invitation from Thomas to come back anytime he was able. Mary could have kissed Thomas right there for offering such a wonderful suggestion to Mr. Parker, James, as she now called him.

She could
n’t wait for the next time James would return. She loved the fact he felt comfortable enough to tease her and to share their home with ease. She hoped he realized she only pretended to mind his comments. She was fairly certain he did.

“Well, Mary, now
that James is gone, tell me what you thought of meeting your first American and the first eligible man close to your age?”

“He seemed quite
nice,” Mary said as she put the clean dishes away.

that all you have to say is he seemed nice? The way you flirted with him I’d have surmised you might be interested in seeing him again.”

“For goodness sakes, I
only met him tonight. He doesn’t really impress me, Thomas.  And I didn’t flirt with him.”

“Mary Ball, don’t you pull
your contrite act with me. You would love to have him back for a meal. And you were flirting! I sat right here and watched you.”

Mary couldn’t go on any further with her denials. “Oh, alright, I did enjoy his company very much. Does that satisfy you?”

“Yes, Mary. But be careful, I don’t know how he treats women. He may be a skirt chaser for all I know.”

“Maybe, Thomas. But he doesn’t appear to be
, at least to me. I do hope he returns soon.”

“I bet you do
,” Thomas said, pleased he could bring some joy into Mary’s life. He knew all she’d been doing for the last few years was working long hours and living a dull life at home.

, this night their father didn’t come home until the wee hours of the morning. Mary wondered what was going to happen once their father found out James would be returning.

Yet, i
t didn’t matter. There was nothing he could do to diminish the feelings of warmth and excitement James brought into their cottage and into Mary’s heart. She now believed the stories told about love at first sight. They must be true, for Mary felt she may have loved James Parker from the first moment she saw him. She wondered if he found her attractive. She prayed he did.



London 1829

“Bloody Hell, Thomas, if I
’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times you’re not going to America, there is no future there! You make a decent living working at the docks, which has made you into a man, at least physically, mentally you’re a twit!”

“Father, why can’t you see I don’t wish to make my living unloading and loading cargo all day long? Do you think I wish to end up like you? A drunk who manages to keep his job only because he can beat the living hell
out of anyone he comes up against? Tell the truth, Father, you haven’t used your fists on me for the last year or so and we both know the reason why. I can best you now!  Would you like to try me, Father? Heed my words! I’m leaving for America with James once he returns to England. You must accept my decision, even if you don’t like it!”

“If you leave
England, I forbid you to return to this home. In fact, I forbid you to return to England! You’re no longer my son!”

“As you wish!”
Thomas bellowed as he stormed out of the cottage.

“Mary, you
’ve heard my words. Beware; they apply to you, too. I know you’ve been spending many hours with Parker and I’ve tried to be patient with you. I figured you’d come to your senses as far as that bastard was concerned. But I see by the tears in your eyes, you’ve taken your brother’s side. Don’t cross me on this, Mary. If Thomas follows through on his threat, he’ll no longer be welcome in this house. Do you hear me?”

Yes and everyone else can, too! Why can’t you see Thomas could do far better in America than in London? In America, they care not for titles and royalty! They say land is plentiful and since James and his father have offered to give Thomas a stake to start his horse farm, why would you forbid him to have an opportunity to better himself?”

Because I know best, Mary! You only want Thomas to go to America so if you get the chance to join him, he’ll be there to welcome you. You can’t trust Parker. I’ve told you that for the past two years. Get your head out of the sky, Mary. Parker is toying with you. 

’m heading for the pub. You’d better think upon my words. If you’re smart, you’ll talk your brother into staying in England where he belongs. If he doesn’t, he’ll no longer be a son to me or a brother to you!”

Mary watched as
her father swaggered out the door. Why couldn’t he understand by going to America, Thomas could have the chance to become somebody? As Mary looked out, she was relieved to see Thomas coming down the opposite side of the cobblestone street. She couldn’t help but notice neither father nor son acknowledged the other as they passed from a distance.

Thomas hadn’t even got the door closed before Mary spoke.
“Thomas, I tried to reason with him. It’s no use. He’s determined to stand by his words. If you leave with James, I might never see you again.”

“Mary, what if James asks for your hand
in marriage? Will you turn him down and remain with a father, who will never allow you happiness? He only wants us here to abide by his every whim. I’m almost twenty years of age. I must leave, Mary. It’s too good of an opportunity for me to pass up.

You already know when I leave England; I’ve no plans on returning. You know I can’t remain here just to please father, and neither should you.” Thomas stated pleading for Mary to understand. He loved her dearly and didn’t want to even think of the possibility he may never see her again.

Thomas, I’ve waited two years for James to make a commitment to me. I feel fairly certain he’s going to do just that when he returns this time. At least, he indicated it was his plan. I pray he will. I’ll then have some time to work on father. Maybe I can make him understand our dreams. Yet, I’m aware we both have a connection to the man father hates. It scares me to think what lies ahead if we both have our wishes granted.”

“What lies ahead is nothing but a better future
than we have now to look forward to. James should be here any day. I cannot stand this bickering which goes on between father and me. He treats me like I’m a fool. I shall miss you more than you’ll ever know, Mary, I hate to leave you alone to handle father, but I must follow my heart.”

Aye and I hope to follow mine,” Mary said through tears.

Mary knew
all the pleading in the world was not going to change her father’s mind. Now it may be Mary’s turn to take on her father. He had been relentless in his hate for James. Mary refused to allow her father’s hate to destroy the love she held for James. But the hurt she held inside for going against her father was painful. She loved her father, even though he had changed so dramatically after her mother died, he was still her father.

She owed him her love
, but not her life. She wanted more than anything to become the wife of James and move to America to start a new life and live near Thomas. That’s what she was going to do, at any cost. Even if James Parker hadn’t come to the same conclusion!




The next day things remained unsettled in the Ball household until Thomas returned home and informed Mary
The Emerald
had docked and James would be coming to dinner that evening.

anxiously waited for James. When she finally heard the door open, she saw James peeking around the door trying to surprise her.

You caught me!” James remarked with a smirk. “Mary, my love, I’ve missed you so much! Especially your freckles,” he teased as he swept her in his arms and gave her a long lingering kiss. He almost smashed the flowers he carried. 

“Put my sister down, James
! I’m hungry. You can cuddle later when you walk to the bridge, after we have eaten. Sure smells good, Mary.”

Mary knew her face was red
as a beet from such a passionate greeting, especially in front of her brother, yet, she tried to pretend nothing had happened to embarrass her. “

Tonight, we’re having lamb, potatoes, carrots, and chocolate cake. We can eat whenever you release me, James, so I can put the food on the table and the flowers in a vase.”

James leaned down to kiss
Mary on the tip of her nose just to annoy Thomas.

“The flowers are lovely, James.
And please stop kissing me in front of Thomas. He’ll constantly remind me of your immoral behavior and not give me a minute’s peace after you leave.”

The flowers are not as lovely as you, and don’t pay any heed to your brother. He’s quite jealous that I’ve found the most wonderful girl possible from all my worldly travels, and he’s yet to find one to tolerate him for more than ten minutes! Can I help it if I’m much more dashing than he?”

James, I’m not interested in being led around by the nose. I sure don’t plan to allow any woman to consume all my thoughts and time even if she does please me! Now please stop admiring my sister, you two act like you’re in love or something. Right now, I only want to eat and have a pleasant conversation at dinner without you two behaving like there’s no tomorrow.”

Besides James, you’re very lucky our father isn’t here to witness such nonsense, he’d knock you on your ass if he saw you touching Mary,” Thomas said grinning and winking at his sister.

I saw him today at the dock and informed him you were coming for supper, he said in words I won’t repeat, he’d be late coming home tonight. Which means, James, he’ll be drunk and obnoxious when he finally arrives. You may wish to make an early departure after dinner.”

If your father tries to have a confrontation with me, I might surprise him with my ability to fend for myself, for I’m a rather skilled fighter, as you know, Thomas.” James remarked. He could only hope the arrogant Henry Ball would try to take him on in a fight; he’d happily show him a thing or two.

“Please don’t have an altercation with
our father, James. Things are bad enough with Thomas leaving. The thought I might leave for America drives our father to the brink of insanity, I swear.”

would only be out of respect for you, Mary; that I’ll keep my temper in check. It’s been most difficult in doing so, but I agree with you, I don’t want to add any more animosity to how your father feels about me or the plans we’re making for our future. Your father may say he means well for all his blubbering, but we all know differently.”

Mary noticed the
usual silence whenever James said anything negative about their father.      James was aware neither Thomas nor Mary disagreed with his opinions.

“Mary, let
’s walk to our bridge tonight. Thomas will be fine reading his book. I’ve much to tell you and the walk will do us good after such a wonderful meal.”

James knew
Mary enjoyed their time alone. They held hands and kissed as they slowly walked to the bridge.

when I leave this time, I shall not be back for an entire year.
The Emerald
due for an overhaul.”

“A year?” Mary cried out. “James, a year
’s such a long time! With Thomas leaving for America and you telling me you shall be gone a year, how am I to survive?”

Mary knew
James could see the hurt he’d caused.

“Mary, I wouldn’t ask you to wait without a damn good reason
. It would honor me if you’d accept my offer in marriage. I know I’m asking much of you, but if you’d be willing to wait, I promise to return and make you my wife before we sail back to America. Will you wait for me, Mary?”

James held his breath. He knew he was asking a lot
of Mary. Yet, he was certain she loved him as deeply as he loved her. He wished he had spoken these words the last time, but he hadn’t realized he’d have to wait a year before returning to England.
The Emerald
was having some major work done and while the ship was being repaired, he was taking that time to build up his herd of horses on his plantation.

Yes James, I’ll marry you, in one year. I’ll stay busy making my wedding gown and dreaming of the day you return.”

James grabbed Mary and held her
. He knew how torturous this was going to be for both of them. “If you stay busy, Mary, the time will go by much faster. I promise to be back as close to a year as possible. When I return, I shall bring with me my mother’s emerald rings. They have been passed down for several generations. There as beautiful as you are. I shall give you the emerald engagement ring when I arrive, and then the matching band, which also has emeralds, when we marry before we sail.

Mother has kept the ring set for me to give to the woman I love, the one I find worthy enough to marry. The rings will be a testament of how much I love and adore you.”

again grabbed Mary and kissed her all along her face and neck. “About your dress, Mary, I’m sure whatever you chose to make will be lovely. It doesn’t matter what you’re wearing, as long as you’re in it.”

ames pushed Mary back to look into her sparkling, tear filled eyes. He once again pulled her to him and stroked her back and whispered, “I’ll think of you every night as I go to sleep and every morning as I awake, darling. Before we know it, a year will have passed and we’ll be married on
The Emerald,
I promise.   

You’ll love sailing on the ocean, Mary. But not near as much as you’ll love America and my family waiting there to greet you. It’s such a grand country. I promise you’ll never regret leaving England. Never!”

my only regret, James, will be not being here to care of my mother’s grave and seeing Miss Minnie and father. It brings me comfort when I spend time at the cemetery, to be close to my mother. But I know in my heart, she’d understand my need to move on. She’d want me to be happy. You’d think father would feel the same. But as long as I have you and Thomas with me, nothing else matters.

It’s like we’ve said many times; it’ll be the three of us forever, you, me and Thomas. And, if I truly become homesick, I only have to look for the brightest star, where my mother is watching over me, as she promised when I was a little.”

Your mother must have been wonderful, for you are such a grand girl, Mary. I’m the luckiest man alive.”

“No, James. I
’m the lucky one. I can think of no one finer than you. You’re the kindest, smartest, and most handsome man I know. Thomas is lucky to have you for his friend, and I’m even luckier to have you to spend the remainder of my life with.

I don’t want to let go of you tonight, but the sooner you leave for America, the sooner you’ll return. I’ll pray for a safe journey for you and Thomas, and a quick year to pass.”

“I love you more than anything in this world, Mary. I
’ll miss you sorely. However, please don’t become upset with me if you do not receive any letters, I’m a horrible letter writer and to be honest, there’ll probably be little time to write. Even if I should get a letter written, it would be difficult to get the letter to you, especially from the plantation. Always know you’ll be in my heart and I shall miss you and think of you every day while we’re apart.”

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