Tangled Up in Daydreams (17 page)

Read Tangled Up in Daydreams Online

Authors: Rebecca Bloom

The afternoon started off exactly as planned. Molly and Liam's friends fluttered around oooing and ahhhing over Molly's work. The turnout was huge, with many little starlets whipping out their checkbooks and fastening the goods onto their bodies immediately after purchase. Liam had his publicist do a little magic, and a photographer showed, as well as a reporter from a small but well-known alternative fashion magazine. Pictures were snapped, information exchanged, and Molly was on cloud nine. In a lull, Liam came over to her and handed her a glass of champagne.

“A toast to my beautiful, talented girlfriend.”

“Thanks.” Taking a sip and kissing him. “Thank you for everything.”

“My pleasure. I really am proud of you. I told you everything you've been working on in the last few months would come together. It was just about finding your niche. And if an up-and-coming rock star can't use all his connections, and all the people he pays to further his career, to facilitate his love's coming-out party, then who can?”

“Rock star, huh?”

“Well, the emphasis is on the up-and-coming.” Kissing her cheek.

They laughed and flowed back into the party. Molly made a few more sales and her face became stuck in perma-grin. Nothing could topple this moment.

Then, just within earshot, Molly could hear a loud voice. One that rang high above the din. It was drunk and belligerent and kept rising as seconds passed. Molly turned her head to see Elena and Zander holding court at a small table. Two empty bottles and a third half full sat in the middle and all the flowers that had been the centerpiece were shorn of their petals and lying like corpses on the brocade cloth. Three others surrounded them, all with various subculture accoutrements of style. They were a scary group of those hipper-than-thou cool kids that immediately intimidated Molly even though she had dealt with them daily at art school. She gulped and edged closer to hear what they were saying. Zander's voice bellowed above all.

“It's all crap. This whole thing!”

“She would be nowhere without him.” Elena spit. “What does he see in her? All her little old-fashioned quaint ideas. It's like she is Little House on the fucking Prairie.”

“She must be fucking great in bed,” Zander stated, pouring some more drinks. “That has to be it because all this is just too precious.”

“Like that's what I wanted to hear, Zander.” Elena, giving him the evil eye. “But it must be true for miss plain-Jane to keep him interested.”

Molly's face went crimson and hot tears formed. Elena always knew just what to say. Liam caught her eye from across the room and gave her a big smile. She weakly grinned and turned her head, bringing her hands to her face. His look changed and he weaved through the crowd to her.

“Baby, what's wrong?”

“Nothing.” Wiping her face. “I'm fine.”

“No, you're not.”

Just then, Liam heard those same voices. Heard the things they were saying. He paled.

“Oh, come on. I'll be right back.” Walking over to his friends.

Molly hurried after him.

“Liam, don't.”

It was too late. Liam had rammed headfirst into the pack with a look of anger flashing in his eyes.

“Please leave,” Liam stated simply enough.

“What?” Zander asked.

“Leave, all of you. Ta ta, good-bye.” Grabbing their glasses off the table and tossing them into the trash nearby.

“Did I just hear you ask us to leave?” Elena questioned.

“Yup.” Waiting.

“You have got to be kidding!” Elena blasted.

“Nope, I'm not.”

“And that's it?” Elena, asking.


“Give me a fucking break!” Exclaiming. “Zander, I think our friend has lost his mind.”

“I agree.” Standing up. “Is this over her?” Getting angry.

“Zander, dude, just get out of here.” Losing patience.

“It is about her.” Starting to yell. “Everything's about her.”

Zander grabbed his jacket off the chair and spun around quickly. His coat caught the edge of one of the tables and before Liam could stop the chaos, half of Molly's display came crashing to the floor. Mirrors shattered, the mannequin fell off her stand, drinks spilled, and everything fell to pieces. Zander tried to grab what he could, but instead was left standing in the middle of the disaster.

“Dude, I'm so sor …” Stuttering. “I didn't …”

“Don't bother.” Interrupting.

“I didn't mean.”

“Look, just go.”

Molly came running over and bent down over the mess. There was no holding back the tears now. She reached to collect her jewelry and her hand came in contact with a shard of glass. Molly felt a sharp pain and then a heated trickle. She looked and her hand was covered in blood. Liam grabbed her and ripped a tablecloth off to wrap around her hand.

“Jay! Jay!” Yelling.

Jay pushed through the crowd that had now gathered around watching the drama unfold. Elliot also came to Liam's side.

“Molly, are you okay?”

“I think so.” Weakly. “I don't think it is that bad, really.”

“Liam, what can I do?” Elliot, asking.

“Why don't you get some guys to clean this up? And maybe start clearing people out of here.”

“No problem.” Rushing. “Okay, everyone. Just a little mess but everything will be fine. Why don't you all take your champagne and head into the restaurant? The festivities will continue in there.”

As Elliot corralled the crowd, Molly unwrapped the cloth around her hand and looked. She felt her knees buckle and Liam caught her.

“I lied.” She smiled.

“Okay. I think we need to go to the hospital.”

“I think so too.”

“Jay, will you deal with all this? Pack up everything? Whatever?”

“Of course. Just go and call me when you get there.”

Molly and Liam proceeded to spend the next five hours in the hospital. Twelve stitches later, they got home. Molly felt like a wet rag. Wrung out, limp, and smelling like antiseptic. Jay was sitting with Zander and Elena in the living room of their apartment.

“Look, I already feel like shit. I really don't need anymore.” Molly eyed the evil ones. “Could you just leave?”

“Molly, I'm so sorry. It was an accident.” Zander, hanging his head. “I'm really sorry. I was drunk.”

“Fine.” Unenthusiastically. “Liam, could you get me some water and give me one of those pills they gave me.”

“Yeah.” Settling her onto her couch.

“Everything is fine, all the jewelry is still perfect. I put it all away the best I could and the cash box is next to your bed.” Jay, sitting next to Molly. “They helped clean up and sort of followed me back here.”

“Whatever.” Trying to get out of her jacket. “Help.”

Jay got Molly out of her jacket and a large bloodstain ran the length of Molly's pink silk shirt and vintage lace skirt.

“Why don't we go get you changed?” Eyeing the blood.

“Okay.” Getting up again with the hand of her friend.

“Molly, can I do anything?” Elena asked.

“I asked you to leave, that would be nice.” Walking to her bedroom. “I heard all the things you were saying about me.”

“I know. I didn't mean them. I was wasted.”

“Yeah, you did, and that's fine. I don't like you much either.” Shutting the door behind her.

Molly, with Jay's help, stripped off the stained clothes and fell into a nightgown. Her hand ached, as did her whole body.

“Do we know how to throw a party or what?” Molly attempted a smile.

“A total showstopper.” Sitting next to her. “One that will not be forgotten in a while.”

“How bad was it?”

“Pretty bad, but …” Leaning over and grabbing the cash box. “You made bucks, baby!”

“I did?”

“I think you had only eight pieces left, and they are doing one of those who's who party pieces in the magazine.”

“Oh great, before or after the big finale?”

“Does it matter? I think it made it more of a scene. Kind of performance art. I also wooed the photographer a little to make sure that there were no pictures of you know who used. No sense in them getting the press.”

“Thanks. He was kind of cute. Dug the shaved head and retro glasses.”

“I know, me too. We have a date Wednesday.”

“Go you. Even if that were the only good news you had for me, I would say it was a success!”

There was a knock on the door and Liam opened it slowly.

“Hi. Here's your water and medicine.”


“I'm going to take off.” Jay, getting up. “Call me if you need me. I'll be around in the morning to help reorganize.”

“Thanks for everything.”

Jay slipped out of the room and Molly could hear the door lock behind her.

“They left.” Lying down next to her. “They both are really sorry and sheepish.”

“I don't really want to talk about them anymore. Actually, I kind of don't really want to talk about them ever again.”

“I'm sorry.”

“It's not your fault your friends are assholes and hate me.” Curling into him the best she could.

“They don't. They're just jealous.”

“It doesn't matter.”

“It does to me.”

“Maybe it's time you made a choice.”

“I think I already made it.” Curling around her and holding her tight.

Molly traced her finger along the scar on her hand. Another wrong choice Liam made the other night. The decision to spend time with old friends, old friends who brought out the worst in him. Were all the things he said to her made of cotton candy? Yummy, fluffy, and devoid of any nutritional value? Nothing seemed to stick with him—why should she? Molly set everything on her desk and stripped off her cotton black pants, red tank top, and black jog bra. She jumped into a hot shower, dried, dressed, and headed to the kitchen to grab a coffee before she took off for the restaurant. She picked up the phone, checked messages, made some calls, and finally, dialed Jay's cell.

“Hey, it's me.”

“Molly, I was just thinking about you. I'm on my way to get waxed.”

“Okay, that's a little weird.” Starting to laugh as she poured herself a mug. “You're thinking about me as you head to the waxer. Yuck.”

“That didn't come out right.” Laughing with Molly. “I just ran into Stolen Memories and picked you up some great old lacy ribbon. Annie had it held behind the counter because she knew you would love it. I'm putting it in the mail later.”

“Thanks. Sounds great. I got the box by the way.”

“And?” Jay asked over the cell static.

“And what?”

“Should I go find out details? Take pictures? Do whatever?”

Having gained some confidence in her business, Molly had recently been entertaining the idea of opening up a work space/shop to make and sell her wares. Jay, having just graduated from UCLA business school, was keen on stepping in and capitalizing on Molly's talent. She already had taken over all of Molly's sales, orders, et cetera, acting as Molly's representative. Jay was eager to turn this mom-and-, well, mom operation into a bigger business. If Molly was unwilling to totally commit before Liam's meltdown, now she was unable to even toy with the notion. Jay's plan for her to be the next Me & Ro was going to have to wait. Molly couldn't handle anymore big changes. She was full.

“I don't know, Jay. I can't really get my head around that now.”

“Things still hard?”

“Yeah, getting better though. I only cry once a day instead of breaking down every five minutes. It's been good being with my family. Also, I'm sorry for being so bitchy to you when I left. I know you were just trying to help.”

“No need. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. I … never mind.” Breaking herself off.




“I talked to Teddy yesterday. I called Elizabeth, and Teddy was there too.”

Molly took a deep breath and sat down. She pulled her jean-clad legs close to her and tucked them under her chin.

“He said Liam was out of the hospital and in a treatment center a few hours out of town. I think it's a monthlong program and then follow-up with a group here.”

“How's he doing?”

“I think okay, but Teddy didn't have details. I guess in the first week of the stay there is no contact with the outside.”

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