The Accidental Sub (12 page)

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Authors: G. Stuart Crane


I did talk with Bea briefly. The lord of the manor would not be up for hours so I made my apologies to her to be delivered to my host and got moving.


It would about 10 am before I got home with most of this morning wasted. The trip had been worthwhile. I had exposed L.A. to more than I could have by myself and she seemed quite happy with the new knowledge. If she had been having second thoughts, I'm sure I would have known about them by now.


She was positively glowing this morning. I took her to the playroom and told her to dress and went back to the bedroom for a quick look around. Her collar was still on the bed and I recovered that. When I got back to the room she was dressed and talking to Bea and brushing her hair with a brush she had borrowed. She was beautiful and I looked a fright.


Day old growth of untrimmed beard, hair every which way, and morning breath only slightly adulterated by two good cups of coffee eggs and toast. I did borrow the brush a minute and straightened myself out a little. It didn't help much but at least I didn't look like a skid row bum now. I got L.A. to say her good-byes then we headed to the car.


After we were headed back to my part of the world, I looked at her hard in the harsh light of morning. She was still beautiful and glowing. For thirty minutes or so nothing was said by either of us. We were both lost in our memories of last night.


I finally broke the silence and asked, "I need your thoughts on what you saw yesterday, and first did any of it shock you?"


"No master not shocked, just amazed that this really exists. It's something from my dreams." She replied promptly. Another clue for me, she had thought about this lot but had kept the feelings deep down so they only surfaced in her sleep, from her subconscious.


"Was there any thing that really aroused you?" I asked.


"All of it master, watching Cathy cum from a verbal command was," she paused as she searched for a word to describe that particular scene. She finally finished the sentence with "incredible!"


I had to agree. "I am going to train you to do that. You may find that impossible now but you will."


She blurted out at this point "HOW can I do that? How can you do that?"


To that I replied "With your relationships of late you have pushed your sensuality into the background, it comes out in spurts, but now you know it exists and I am bringing that out to where you can literally touch it."


"Think about next week, every little breeze on your panty less bare sex will remind you of this. If you don't keep it freshly shaved it will start to itch and remind you. That's where I start, first I remind you constantly that you are a beautiful and desirable woman, and there is someone out there that wants to possess you, literally own you body and soul." I stated.


"You have taken those first steps into a New World. Enjoy it, revel in it and then I will take you a step further."


She fell silent at that point and I had just starting hitting the feeder roads to the freeways and had to pay attention. The traffic at this time on a Sunday morning was already getting heavy with people headed to church as well as service and delivery vehicles.


My adrenaline level went up at one point trying to avoid a collision with two Hispanic farmers in pickups loaded with vegetables and produce. They were probably headed for farmer's market and were running late, it had been open for over an hour. I toyed with the idea of stopping there and leading L.A. all around that market dressed just as she was. My discomfort with my current un-bathed condition stopped me. I pressed on to my house. L.A. was again looking out the window and toying with the necklace.


She finally looked at me again and said, "Yes, I will remember every day what you have done to me. Between this necklace and the other things." Then fell silent one more time.


I left her to her thoughts for the rest of the trip and arrived at my house about a half-hour later. After pulling into the driveway, I let her out and disabled the security system. After I taught her the codes (I thought she might want them later) and made sure she knew the key sequences.


My security system was perhaps a little different from most in that it did not have a "Backdoor". All of the commercial ones do, and believe me when I tell you that the Police and any other law enforcement agency have some one that knows all the backdoor/override codes. This was a product of my love for electronic gadgets; programming and a useful little gadget know as a "Basic Stamp", a complete programmable interface controller, memory, timing and a basic command interpreter built into one IC about the size of a large commemorative postage stamp.


As we entered the house and the door closed behind us, L.A. knew that once again she had to change modes. She was unsure however of how to proceed. I saw the indecision on her face and decided to clarify it.


"Right now I want you to shower first then get into your silk robe. I'm going to make coffee, get the paper and do the same after you. Then you and I will have a lazy morning.”


We did just that, after we both had showered and changed we both got another cup of coffee and the newspaper. I did get my accumulated e-mail and checked pager and phone messages. I had L.A. do the same. As we had left so quickly, we had both left these behind. I had never expected to spend the night and although the likelihood was small of something catastrophic happening over night it had happened on many "Off Duty" weekends.


Murphy was my constant companion. I hate him. I spend a considerable amount of time, energy and money trying to outwit and thwart him with planning, emergency equipment and redundancy in depth.


About 1:00 PM I sensed that she was getting fidgety and restless. She probably had things to do at her home also. Although she had not said anything, I finally stated " You have to get home don't you".


"Yes master I really do, but I'm so mixed up right now. I want go. I want to stay.” I hugged and kissed her deeply silencing this last statement.


"Hush, you know I'm here." with my free hand I started caressing her breast. I felt the nipples stiffen almost instantly. "You know the codes to enter my house, you have my phone, fax and pager number and my E-mail address, and if you will come with me, I will give you a spare key to my house. This has to be consensual. Go and get your errands done and come back at six tonight.”


She seemed relieved at this point. It was up to her to a degree. I did take her into my bedroom and showed her an empty drawer in the nightstand. "This I have set aside for your use. Leave anything in it you don't want to carry home. Can I help you gather your things?”


"Yes Master, please take the bedroom while I check the bathroom" I nodded agreement to this and in about ten minutes It was all done. She did use that drawer for the robe, and a few cosmetics. She left a few minutes later but not before I gave her another serious kiss.


Before I opened that door, I did check under her skirt and found her sex bare and as smooth as I had left it yesterday. Only then did I let her open that door and let her leave.


She would be back. I had taken my accidental sub this weekend and reawakened her sexuality. Opened her eyes to pleasures and possibilities she had only dreamed of. The naked longing in her eyes told me volumes. Tonight she would be back. In the meantime I had laundry to do. And even worse, I was out of coffee!


A quick look around the house showed I had very little work to do. I had picked up the house before L.A.'s arrival. I did get the bed changed and as I took the sheets to the washer, I caught a hint of her scent. I opened up that bundle and found the spot where she had cum on the bed and inhaled deeply. It gave me an erection right there.


Next I got a grocery list together and went to the market. I spent the next two hours getting the grocery shopping done and with a smug certainty that she would be back, (pompous ass wasn't I), bought enough food for two for most of the main courses. At home I got the groceries put up. With that chore done I finished picking up my house and cleaned out the refrigerator.


At about 5pm the phone rang, it was la. She wanted to come back but could not spend the night. She had a meeting first thing Monday. She wanted time in the morning to get dressed. She would need a little extra time to carefully get dressed. She also claimed she would be spending time and money selecting hose and stockings in the near future.


I quickly agreed and asked if she had had dinner, I had decided to grill hamburgers. She had not, I told her dinner was at 6, be on time, and started my preparations for dinner and remade the bed.


About 5:55 I heard a car in my driveway and met her at the garage entrance. She was wearing long loose blouse with a belt to gather it at the middle, leotards, sandals, and I am sure a bra as I noticed no appreciable movement in the upper pectoral regions. After kissing her and letting her in, I held up the collar. She nodded yes and I once again I was able to circle that lovely throat with my leather.


"Thank you for being on time, dinner in 10 minutes, if you will set the table, I will get the burgers cooking, I like mine medium, what about you?” She wanted hers the same way and I quickly got my burger patties and cooking utensils and went outside.


I needed a moment to contain my anger. Leotards! I had never heard of crotch less leotards. She was testing me and she would find I passed the test. I had noticed in an instant. I settled down in a moment and decided on a course of action then got busy with the cooking. The burgers were done in a few minutes and I turned off the grill and came inside with dinner.


She had explored my kitchen and set a lovely table for two. Dinner was fun and she talked of the messages she had found and detailed the meeting she needed to go to and the preparations she had to make. All during dinner she had neglected to call me Master. After dinner, the dishes were put in the dishwasher and the machine was started.


I led her to the bedroom and put on the ankle and wrist cuffs. Then I gently told her to strip to the waist. The belt and blouse came off and then the bra. She was now standing in front of covered from belly button down. I had her remove these. She was panty less but the leotards had a neither closure and covered her crotch.


I got her in the bed and attached the straps. After I adjusted for comfortable fit, she was spread eagle but completely immobile.


"Comfortable?" I asked.


She was lying back with a kind of dreamy smile on her face and said "Yes."


"Yes what!" I asked rather firmly.


"Yes I am comfortable." she replied. With that I jerked on the loose ends of the ankle straps. This pulled her body to the bed and left her body taunt. I had jerked the web belts so hard I actually broke one of the plastic hardware buckles. I knotted this and tugged on the other straps with a little more care to compensate.


"You may not speak until I dismiss you. You are a failed slave! Your little test failed my dear and you are about to be punished. The leotards had a neither closure. Nod your head yes or no." Her eyes started to mist up but she nodded yes.


"I did tell you I don't permit that didn't I?" she nodded yes. "And you have neglected to call Master all evening?" again she nodded yes.


"I let you wear my collar when you came into my house this evening knowing that. You knew what that meant, and what explicit permissions it gives me?" The tears were real now but she nodded yes.


“I am going to punish you now, in what will be the most exquisite punishment I can think of.”


I got her leotards and gagged her with them, then got a vibrator. Not a little one but big bone throbber like the sports masseuses use. I applied this to her pussy and worked it up and down her sex. From that little fat pad above her pubic bone that until recently had been covered with a blond fleece to her asshole. I was going to arouse her and keep her aroused, but not let cum for an hour.


I did just that watching the clock and keeping one hand on her belly and cunt feeling for the tension in her belly that would signal an orgasm. I kept her on the edge for a good fifty minutes. I never let her peak. I never let her cum. She was sweating from head to toe by the time I was done.


I quit and just let her lay there. This was hard on me also, literally! No gentle cool down this time I just let her lay there and got tissues and cleaned up the mess between her legs. I was not gentle about this either. The stain on the bed from her secretions was the size of a hand towel.

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