The Accidental Sub (13 page)

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Authors: G. Stuart Crane


"You still may not talk until you are home. You may not cum until I give you permission.” I said jerking the leotards out of her mouth. I then released her from the bed. "Keep the collar on until I tell you to remove it. Get dressed and go home, I will call you in an hour. I am falling in love with you but you disobeyed me this evening in several respects."


I then left the bedroom and went to the kitchen for a drink. In a few minutes I heard soft crying but I did hear the door close, car start and a rather rapid exit from my driveway.


An hour later I called her, it was picked up on the first ring. "Hello" I heard.


"It's your master L.A.. I see you made it home OK, any problems?" there was a pause at this then she said "No but driving home was very hard" With the feelings I had induced in her I could imagine.


"How are you now?" I asked.


"I am burning for an orgasm Master. Please help me, please let me." With the word Master in that statement I smiled, and said I would.


But first I needed a little insight as to what happened and her actions. I let a little of my annoyance creep into my voice and it even sounded sharp to me.


"Why did you wear those leotards, L.A.? And why did you not call me master tonight when I allowed you to wear my collar?"


She paused a second then said "I think to test you a little Master. I expected a little verbal correction but not what you did. Please let me do something about it. Please master." She wheedled.


"First take off those leotards and put them in the trash." I heard rustling in the background and in seconds she replied "It's done master”.


"Now the rest of your clothes. Strip!" Again I heard her movement in the background. "Where are you in your house?" I asked.


"My bedroom, I have been waiting by the phone for ten minutes, I was hoping you would call, I was so afraid you wouldn't. I disappointed you tonight, didn't I?" she questioned.


"Yes a little." I said. "Before I continue, do you want to finish this right now, cut the necklace from your body?"


"No Master!" I heard her shout.


"Then find your vibrator and get in your bed. When you are settled let me know." I finally said.


This time I heard drawers opening and closing, then the bed squeaking a little and a low thrum for a moment. She must have been checking the batteries in the vibrator. When she got back on the phone I heard her say, "I'm settled now Master."


"I am going to give you instructions now and you will follow them to the letter. First you will spread you legs wide. Is that done?"


"Yes." I heard.


"Now get comfortable, you will need both hands free."Yes Master, the phone is between the pillow and my ear."


I left my voice firm but low. "You are wearing my collar. You have given me permission to control you and your body. Put one hand to your cunt, run it up and down. I'm touching you now, that's my hand there. Are you moist? Are you wet?" I asked.


"Yes master since the phone rang" she said.


"Open your vaginal lips with one hand. Take your vibrator, run it up and down your sex with the other. Get it wet, but do not penetrate yourself." I commanded.


"Yes master, it's wet." she said.


"Remove the vibrator from your cunt, take it to your mouth. Taste yourself, your secretions, your submission to me. You are wearing my collar. You must obey."


"Yes master, I obey. " she said. I heard a low moan at this point.


"Penetrate yourself. Deep. Find the G-Spot, whatever gives you the most pleasure leave it there." The thrum from the vibrator reduced in volume at this point and I was sure she had sunk that device as deep as would go. "You must tell me when you are getting close, You still do not have permission to cum."


"Yes Master, Ohhhhhh I'm so close, let me.” she said. "Remove it. Take it to your clit and find the perfect place there." I told her. "Grab a nipple, pinch it. Don't let go. Now pinch it harder.” then I paused for a count of five, “Now release it." After waiting a few seconds I commanded, "Now back in your cunt. Find that perfect place again."


She was groaning with frustration now, on the edge but unfulfilled. I waited a full minute before speaking again. "You cannot cum yet, you must beg permission for that. Only after I hear the words, “Please master I beg you let your slave come.” will I allow you your release!"


I heard her breathing pick up at this point and was sure she was going to disobey me. When I heard one very ragged breath I knew she was peaking. "Remove it and take it to you clit now." I heard a sob at this point, her voice low, and then I heard a loud thrum as she removed it.


"I can't do that, I can't ask you that, can't beg you for that. Let me, let me cum, command me to cum." When I heard those words, I knew that it was my clue as to how to finish her punishment. She had to ask, to beg, to clearly hear herself ask for permission to find her release.


"No my lovely L.A.. This time you must beg. You can have your release any time you want it but you must beg it, you are my slave my submissive. If I have to tear those words from your very soul I will but you must ask, beg your master for that permission.”


Over the next ten minutes I kept her on the edge, repeating variations on the activities, telling her where I would be kissing her, caressing her. Never letting her go over the edge.


She was very self-conscious about the scar from the surgery. I told her I was kissing that and how I admired her courage for having that done. Then I would let her off of the edge and just bringing her down to a slow simmer, rather than a roaring boil. I was patient. She would ask. I was sure she would. I just had to let her lead the journey.


The next peak came from me telling me her to just touch her anus with the vibrator then return to her cunt and find the perfect place again. I was about to tell her to remove it when I heard her ask in three soul-wrenching sobs.


"Please master." Then I heard a short gasp.


"I beg you to let." another sharp intake of breath.


"Your slave cum." Then a little cry of frustration.


"Yes, L.A., .Yes, you can cum for me now." I heard her crying, sobbing and thrashing as the climax overtook her body. She was mine now, she had crossed the threshold and been reborn. She had been reborn this weekend and reborn as a natural submissive.


After I let her ride out this climax, I continued to gently to talk to her, to coax her. When I was sure her breathing was good, and she was calm again we talked about what had just happened.


It was time to end this phone call and finish her punishment. Before finishing this phone call, I told her to e-mail me. I wanted a note describing the experience in detail. Make no effort at spelling, syntax or punctuation. Just let the words flow from her heart.


This would tell me how to continue, and with that I hung up. She had traveled a long journey this weekend, with the trail stretching out into the infinite future.



Chapter 6

Beginning Training


It was Monday. I got up that morning with the realization that two things were about to happen. First it was my "On call" week and my time would be severely limited, and second, I would need time for L.A..


I would begin to train and teach her. These things took time and I was going to have very little of it over the next week.


How could I balance them all and still come out of this with all parties happy. I did not know yet, and I did not want L.A. to have a grumpy master.


After taking care of the morning necessities, I checked e-mail. I really did not expect anything from L.A., but there was a message from her. Generated and posted about midnight. Evidently she had taken my last instruction to heart and had composed it late last night. The note was what I asked for, truthful and full of tenderness, poignant admitting she was testing me and was wondering if I had noticed her disobedience.


She thanked me at the end for correcting her. First, I needed to build her confidence in herself and her ability to carry out my instructions. The first big hurdle would come today. Would she go to work without panties?


I would meet her for lunch today and give her plenty of advanced notice. It would give her time to fix anything that was not up to my standards. It was going to be a long week in more ways than one.


In getting ready for work that morning, she was much on my mind. We would both have to be careful so this would not interfere with our normal lives. The normal external appearance must be maintained.


Work that day was almost normal with the exception of one phone call. I ordered from a florist, a couple blocks from her place of employment a nice seasonal bouquet of flowers. They guaranteed a delivery before eleven so the card was simple "Lunch today at noon. Meet me out front." Yes they would call when they were delivered and leave a message if I was not there.


It would not hurt her office staff to know of a possible "Romantic Interest" and may help squelch rumors if they noticed a change in dress and demeanor. I had noticed a change after just one night. She had seemed happier and fulfilled.


With that done, I got to work. No major emergencies had happened over the weekend but the minor problems had added up and did require human intervention in places. It kept me busy till lunchtime. I did get a phone call on the flowers. they had been delivered at about 10:30.


At lunchtime I pulled up to her work place and she was in the lobby of her building chatting with acquaintances from work. When she saw me, I stopped my car to get out and opened the door for her. Before seating her I my car I gave her a quick kiss then got in and left. If nothing else, this would add to the rumor mill.


She was dressed today in another modest two piece business suit; peach toned in color and a white blouse, stockings and low-heeled shoes. I was about two blocks from her work place before I spoke. "I see you got my invitation, are you OK after last night?"


She was quite beautiful today and still glowing. "Yes I'm fine, and I'm glad to see you, I thought you might still be angry with Me." she said. "No not angry, you disobeyed yesterday, I gave you a little punishment, and it's over. That is one wonderful thing about this lifestyle, things are out in the open, and we fix them. No putting things in a gunnysack and saving them for later. It's over, it's done. I might remind you of it later, but never punish you for it again." She smiled at that.


"However let's see if you obeyed me, Raise your skirt." I commanded. I made it seem like a casual offhand remark.


I think the casualness of this took her back for a second, but then she smiled and raised her skirt far enough for me to place my hands between her legs. The smile told me she had anticipated this and she would pass the test this time. I let my hand slide up the inside of a stocking thigh to her crotch. It was as bare and panty-less as I knew it would be.


Next we picked a place to eat that had a buffet and we were quickly seated and eating. I got her to talk about her meeting and work, and then escorted her back to the car. I dropped her off at work with a quick good-bye kiss then told her I would call her at work later.


I went back to work and threw myself into it. Getting as much done as possible and doing as much pre-emptive maintenance on my far-flung equipment as I could, hoping this would cut down on the call outs.


About 4 p.m. I called her at work. She had a hard time talking from work so I kept it brief. No plans or visits this evening but it had sounded like she needed to do some shopping tonight. I was sure from our previous conversation, which she was going to look for bras, hose and garter belts tonight.


Later I would specify color and so on, but not now. Instead I wanted to give her a little time to adjust and perhaps anticipate. She had been exposed to so little of this scene.


When I asked about the shopping, it was for lingerie. For now I did specify that her lingerie would come from Frederick's or another specialty store I knew of in the same mall "Erotic Apparel". This store was a favorite with the fetish scene people. I knew that owner was a Dominatrix, and all of her sales people were familiar with the scene if not involved. In fact one of her sales girls was her sub.

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