Read The Alphas' Bliss Online

Authors: G.J. Cox

The Alphas' Bliss (2 page)

I’d told her that night I’d give her ten years, knowing her transition wouldn’t happen before she turned thirty. I wanted her to have a life, mature, and get some experience before coming to me. However, from what Reardon, Dante and Brass had told me over the years, Henry and Bethell had pretty much kept Bliss quarantined to the mansion. The boys had taken her out from time to time but there were no outside friends to speak of. The poor chit must have gotten lonely over the years.

She appeared in the doorway with a small suitcase, a backpack, a jacket and wearing a pair of shoes. I couldn’t help but smile. She was so damn cute.

“Ready?” I asked walking over to her.

“Yes…Sir.” Again with the pretty blush. I ran my finger down her cheek.

“Let me guess. Aunt Bethell told you to call me Sir?”

She nodded looking over at my Aunt nervously. I brought her chin back around to me. “Ok. We’ll discuss it at home.” She suddenly looked nervous. “Hey, it’s okay. Everything is ok sweetheart.”

She nodded but didn’t look completely reassured. Henry and Bethell came over to say their goodbye and I was soon leading Bliss out to the SUV waiting on us. She stopped short when she noticed the two warriors waiting by the SUV. They were in full combat gear and since it was the twins, Brock and Bradley, they were bald with silver shining eyes. They were intimidating as hell to someone who didn’t know them.

“That is Brock on the right and Bradley on the left. Two of my warriors. I have six total that live with me. You’ll meet them all eventually.” I gently pulled her to the SUV while Reardon put her few things in the back. She climbed in quickly donning her belt. Brock climbed into the driver’s seat while Bradley took the passenger seat. Reardon and Dante climbed on their Ducatis leading us away from her home. I saw a tear slip free, but she quickly wiped it away. I leaned over, kissed her temple gently and took her hand in mine. She gave me a smile and squeezed my hand.

And, so our lives together would begin.






sat on the edge of the bed in the room I was given. It connected to the suite of rooms that belonged to Micha. There was a nicely appointed sitting room, a small dining room, his office and his bedroom which was right through a connecting door to my room.

I’d only gotten to see the foyer, the main staircase and our suite of rooms upon arriving. I was curious about the painting of the woman I noticed in the sitting room but Micha had escorted me directly to my room and told me to get comfortable. I unpacked my bag as my other belongings had already been unpacked and placed in the dressers and the large walk in closet. My few things took up a very small space and the rest was an empty cavern. It could serve as another bedroom. My room was beautiful. It was decorated in soft blues and light browns. Everything I touched was silky soft. Expensive.

I’d set up my laptop and plugged in my e-reader to charge on the small desk overlooking a beautiful garden. I’d walked out on the patio and stared up at the moon like it was going to give me some answers.

Everything Mother had told me to do and not to do ran around in my head. The electrical buzz had subsided now that Micha wasn’t near, but it still hummed under my skin. It was a little disconcerting. I’d taken a shower and dried my hair, brushing the long locks till they shone. Now, I sat waiting. For what, I wasn’t entirely sure.

Mother had told me Micha would probably claim me on our first night and what to expect. It made me shutter. I didn’t think I was ready. I didn’t know if I could be tied down, whipped, and then taken from behind as he took my vein. Did all new vampire mates have to endure such things? I couldn’t reconcile the man I thought I knew with the one my Mother told me was my mate and the things he expected of me.

In reality, I didn’t really know Micha though. We’d never spent more than a few hours together, at any given time over the years, usually, on my birthday. He’d bring me another piece of jewelry, kiss my temple, tell me Happy Birthday, and then disappear for another year. Except for this year, when the signs of the transition were starting to show themselves. The fatigue, the headaches, aches and pains felt in my bones. The gums around my incisors itched and ached. The aggressiveness and rage I sometimes felt that I didn’t know what to do with, so I’d run myself into exhaustion.

He’d told me he’d come at the first of September and here I was. Our claiming ceremony would be on Halloween. I had sixty days to learn how to become the perfect mate and submissive. I shook my head. Me, submissive? It was downright laughable. I’d tried to talk to Brass about it, but he wouldn’t so much as let me get a single word out. He’d outright refused to discuss the topic with me. My research on line hadn’t eased my fears at all. Seemed the only person I had to discuss this with was my mate, who’d dropped me off in this beautiful room and disappeared.

Just as that thought crossed my mind, my door opened and Micha walked in. I immediately dropped to my knees, lowering my body so my forehead rested on the floor, with my arms extended and crossed at the wrist. Wrist up, so he’d see his mark. I’d practiced the position over and over again at Mother’s instruction until she’d told me it was perfect, but Micha growled unhappily. My heart skipped a beat. Did I do it wrong? I didn’t dare lift my head to ask.

“Bliss, sweetheart, stand up.”

I came to my feet as quickly as possible, gripping my hands together nervously in front of me. I noticed that Micha was barefoot and had on a pair of jeans. He’d been wearing a suit earlier. I lifted my gaze to his. His fangs were extended, taking me by surprise. I took a step back forgetting the bed was right behind me. I fell to my butt. Micha snickered making me glare at him.

“There’s the Bliss I’ve heard about all these years,” he said coming to his knees in front of me. My eyes widened.

“What are you doing? Get off your knees. You’re the King for goodness sake!” I reprimanded making him laugh. He leaned into me and kissed me, once again taking me by surprise. I felt the prick of those long fangs against my lips. It made me quiver.

“We are going to talk ok?”

“Ok,” I said simply looking into those deep blue eyes. He was so handsome. Pitch black hair fell to his shoulders, strong jaw covered in dark bristle, those mesmerizing blue eyes. Tall, God, he was tall, and built. The few times I’d been against him tonight all I felt was hard muscle under that suit. It made me want to lift up that white t-shirt he had on now to see what was under it.

“I’d give anything to know what you are thinking about at this moment,” he said coming to his feet. I felt myself blush and shook my head. “Keeping secrets already I see,” he reprimanded lightly.

I shrugged.

“Let’s start with the Sir bit, ok? You don’t have to call me that all the time. There will be times when I want that respect from you but in our everyday settings, it’s not necessary. Now, I’m sure it was my Aunt who told you to assume that position, but did she tell you why or what it was for?” he asked, crossing the room and taking a seat in a large chair.

“She told me I was now your submissive, as well as your mate. The position was a sign of respect and submission to you. That if I did it and did it well, you might go easy on me. She made me practice it over and over again. Did I do it wrong?” I asked nervously looking over at him.

“No, sweetheart. You did it perfectly. What else did she tell you?”

“That you would tie me down, whip me and take me from behind while you took my blood for the first time. That this was to be your claiming. She said you would often use implements of punishment on me, even if I was perfectly behaved, that it was just the way of a dominant. I wasn’t to cry out or complain and to never tell you to stop, but to take it as a good submissive should.” I took a deep breath before continuing.

“She said if I was good, respectful and did everything you decreed that you might give me time to grow accustomed to your demands and needs. She told me tonight you reassured her that you wouldn’t hurt me.” I took another deep breath, tightening my fist.  Here was my chance to ask for a concession before anything happened.

“I’d ask a favor of you if I could Micha.” I looked over at him. He hadn’t moved a muscle while I talked. He looked angry. I could sense the emotion rolling through him. The electrical buzz I felt when he was near seemed to connect us.

“What would that be?” His voice was gruff, hoarse.

“I don’t think I’ll be a good submissive. You’ll probably turn me black and blue because I’ll mess up terribly. Just, please, don’t tie me down. I don’t think I could handle that. The wolves tied me down when they had me and I might freak out on you.”

He didn’t say anything at first. Just got up from his seat, walked to the patio doors and looked out over the garden for a moment. He turned to me after what felt like an eternity. “Did you get counseling after the wolves?”

I nodded. “Yes. Mother and Father had a counselor come out twice a week for years after I healed. She was a vampire. It helped tremendously, but…” He put his hand up to stop me.

“I get it. I do. Come,” he walked over to me, extending his hand. I took it immediately. He led me through the connecting door to his bedroom, through his room to a door I’d assumed was a closet. He pulled a key from his jean pocket, unlocked the door and pushed it open. Soft lighting immediately brightened the room. He put his hand on my lower back gently pushing me through the door.

The room was beautiful and smelled of leather. The walls were a deep burgundy color, the floor natural hardwood. There was a large four poster bed directly across the room with big fluffy-looking pillows. There were all sorts of strange pieces of furniture that I had no idea what they were or could possibly be used for. One wall had an array of whips, canes, floggers and belts. Another wall had row after row of rope, padded cuffs, metal cuffs and several masks. There was a large dresser in a corner with an abundance of drawers.

“This is our playroom. In here, I will show you pleasure. In this room, you will call me Sir. You will get a safeword. If something is beyond what you can take, then you call that safeword and everything stops. When in this room, you will get in the position you resumed in your room. Occasionally there may be pain but mostly pleasure. I’ll never beat you, spank you or whip you just to cause you pain. I’m not a sadist. Light spankings will be for our pleasure and I can teach you how to derive pleasure from it. Occasionally it will be to punish you for breaking a rule, which we’ll discuss in detail.”

He cupped my cheek. “I want you to forget everything my Aunt told you. She doesn’t know me or what I expect from my mate or my submissives. I’ll tell you what I expect. We’ll go slow and you’ll learn. I don’t expect you to know everything instinctively or to learn everything overnight.” He took my hand and led me back through the door into his bedroom.

“Before we make it into that room, we’ll start in this room. And yes, I will take your blood when I make love to you Bliss. I won’t be able to stop myself. Just kissing you tonight, I wanted your blood. I want nothing more than to lay you on my bed and bury myself balls deep inside your sweet heat, but you’re scared, understandably so, and you don’t trust me not to hurt you, yet. We’ll get there and it’ll be wonderful for both of us, I promise.” He pulled me close, one arm around my hips, the other holding my head so he could plunder my mouth.

I moaned. My blood sizzled. My skin felt alive and when he sucked my tongue into his mouth I thought I would come. I gripped his t-shirt in my fist holding on tight while he kissed the daylights out of me. He tasted like warmed spiced chocolate. It was a taste I could easily get addicted too. I whimpered when he pulled away.

“Strip and climb into bed. I’ll lock up and be in shortly.” He instructed giving me a kiss to the temple.

“Strip?” I asked stupidly. I was sleeping in here with him? Then why were all my things in the other room?

“Yep, strip. When you are in my bed, you’ll be naked.”

“Then I’ll sleep in my room.” I said simply heading to my room. He laughed, grabbing my upper arm.

“It wasn’t a request mate. You’ll sleep with me. Everyday. If you won’t sleep naked yet, then you’ll sleep in one of my silk shirts. They are in my closet, on the left. Pick one,” he left the room pointing to his closet.

I walked over to it and opened it up. Holy clothes horse! It was packed, but well organized. I pulled a blood red silk shirt from its hanger and quickly changed into it. I placed my jeans and t-shirt on the chair by the door then quickly climbed into bed. Just as Micha entered the room I heard a loud screeching noise coming from the windows and patio doors.

“It’s the shutters, to keep out the sunlight,” he explained, pulling his t-shirt over his head. Good lord, the male was in fighting condition.

“Will I be able to get outside?” I asked watching him unbutton his jeans. I quickly turned away when he pulled them down and I noticed he had on no underwear.

“Yes, the day servants open up the downstairs when they rise. Most of the rooms downstairs have a special film on the windows that lets in light but blocks out the UV rays.” He climbed into bed and immediately snuggled up behind me.

He kissed my temple, settling back down behind me. “Relax Bliss. Sleep sweetheart. It’s been a long night.”

I closed my eyes and willed my body to relax. Micha’s hand was over my heart and he was rubbing his thumb over the top of my breast. It was soothing and making the buzz in my blood ease.

“That’s it baby. Just let yourself go. I’ve got you,” he whispered as I drifted off to sleep.



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