Read The Alphas' Bliss Online

Authors: G.J. Cox

The Alphas' Bliss (4 page)





soft knock sounded at the door and I knew it was Lucy before I answered it. Warrick was right behind her, as was Reardon and Dante.

“She ok?” Lucy asked with concern.

I opened the suite door further so they could see her lying on the couch. “She’s out cold. I gave her blood which seemed to help.”

“Is what we sensed, what she felt this morning?” Warrick asked. The guys all looked concerned and maybe even a little sick.

“No, the early morning episode was much worse. This was painful but that put her in a fetal position and she could barely hold on to her sanity.”

“I’d like to run some test on her Micha. What I felt, that pain was nothing compared to what I felt when I went through the transition. I’d like to make sure everything is ok. I mean she’s part human so maybe it’s just different for them. I’ll do some research but I’d still like to run some tests and will need to draw some blood.” Lucy walked into the room and over to where Bliss was lying down. I noticed she had her doctor’s bag with her.

“Even now, we can still feel the pain resonating inside her.” Warrick said with a wealth of worry.

“I know and it kills me to allow her to be in pain.” I brushed her hair with my fingers which roused her a bit.

“Micha?” She asked drowsily.

“I’m here baby. Lucy would like to draw some of your blood. Is that ok?” I asked her while Lucy got everything prepared.

She looked over at Lucy, and then glanced at all the guys in the room. “Am I ok?” she asked waking up a little more.

“You’re fine. I just want to run some tests to make sure the transition is progressing as it should. Ok?” Lucy’s tone was reassuring.

“Ok.” Bliss agreed sticking out her arm. Lucy made quick work of drawing two vials of blood, putting a Band-Aid on the small pin prick and pulling Bliss’ sleeve back down.

“All set,” Lucy said putting the blood in her bag.

“Sorry I’m not much good company, guys. I’m just so tired,” Bliss said wearily.

“No worries little sister. We just wanted to check on you. We’ll come back later when you are feeling better,” Dante said. Reardon nodded and waved before everyone headed out of the door.

I picked Bliss up and carried her to our bedroom. I sat her on the edge of the bed, unzipped her hoodie, pulling it off her. Her bra came next, then I worked her jeans off, leaving her just in silky, white underwear. I went to the closet, pulled out a black silk shirt and returned to her. She was almost asleep sitting up. I helped her with the shirt, picked her up and put her down in her place in bed. Her eyes closed the minute her head hit the pillow. I pulled the comforter over her, kissed her forehead, thankful she didn’t feel hot, and clicked off the bed side light.

“Sleep well sweetheart. I’ll be right in my office if you need anything.”

“Thank you Micha,” she whispered just before sleep claimed her again.

I walked to my office and immediately called down to the clinic. Of course it was too early for Lucy to have any results but she assured me that she’d call the minute she knew anything.

I answered countless emails and made several phone calls. The aristocratic vampire families were a real piece of work. I sighed deeply. It was almost like dealing with a bunch of small children.

Several hours later, I felt the buzz in my blood and l looked up to see Bliss in my doorway. The silk black shirt was enormous on her and fell to her knees. She’d rolled up the sleeves several times so they wouldn’t hang past her fingers. Her hair was a little tousled but she still looked sexy as hell.

“Micha,” she sounded sultry, wanton and fuck, it called to me. She swayed into the room, her brown eyes bright. I got up from my desk and met her in the middle of the room.

“Pain gone?” I asked but I knew it was. What I sensed coming from her wasn’t pain. It was need. Sexual need. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pressing her full body against my hard one. She fit me perfectly. I wrapped my arm around her waist, holding her to me.

“No more pain,” she said huskily rubbing her body against mine.

“What do you need baby?” God, I knew, my body knew what she needed, but I wanted to hear her say it. My blood was surging through my body. My cock already hard, ready, and willing to bring her relief, not that I would allow it anywhere near her pussy. It was too soon. I didn’t have her full trust yet. But I would definitely satisfy any need she had.

She pulled my head down to her level, slowly, her eyes sure. When her lips were level with mine, she gave me a playful peck, then bit my lower lip gently. She gave me a seductive little smile.

“I want your kisses Micha,” she whispered before she took my lips with hers. She ran her tongue against the seal of my lips seeking entry so I let her in. She gave a little moan, pressing harder against me as she deepened our kiss. I gripped her hips tightly, holding her against me.

“Kiss me Micha,” she demanded tugging on my hair. I wouldn’t deny her anything, much less my kiss. I kissed her with everything in me. She responded beautifully. The kiss was a lot raw and a little rough but she answered it. When I pulled away we were both panting.

She began unbuttoning my shirt, kissing the skin she exposed as she worked her way down to the last button. She pushed it off my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Her small hands splayed against my chest rubbing lightly. When her lips and tongue made full contact with one of my nipples, I couldn’t hold back a low growl.

“Bliss.” I think I was about to beg for mercy.

“Hmm?” she continued her exploration of my chest, kissing, nibbling, licking my nipples. It felt like heaven. My cock was pressed so tightly against my zipper it was starting to become uncomfortable. Her nimble little fingers made quick work of both the button and the zipper on my pants. It was such a relief to be free of the restriction.

“Touch me Bliss,” I told her when she hesitated, staring down at my elongated cock. I was big and thick, her small hand would never close around me completely but I didn’t care, I just wanted her touch. She ran her fingers down the length, running her thumb across the slit in the head. It made me tremble.

Sweet Jesus, this little slip of woman could bring me to my knees. From the very first moment I laid eyes on her, there was a pull that I couldn’t deny and it had only grown stronger over the years. I’d loved Anne-Marie with the whole of my heart but I’d never felt the kind of longing I felt for Bliss. Was she my soul-mate? Was she the one who would bear my young?

My mind blanked when those sweet soft lips wrapped around my cock.

“Holy fuck Bliss!” I wrapped my fist in that long glorious hair holding her in place. She gave a soft giggle but continued to tongue my cock. I was going to die standing here in my office. When she began to suck on me I had to brace myself so I wouldn’t fall over. It was heaven and hell simultaneously. She was inexperienced but it was the best damn blow job I’d ever gotten. Those little hands of hers gripped my hips while her tongue and mouth worked me over enthusiastically. She hummed her pleasure in what she was doing and it almost had me coming. Regretfully, I pulled out of her sweet mouth.

“Enough baby,” I was panting hard trying not to come all over her when she nuzzled me with her cheek.

“Was I doing it wrong?” she asked shyly.

Lord, how could she even think that? “No baby, you were doing it perfectly,” I cupped her cheek in my palm, raising her face so she could see the truth in my eyes.

“Then why stop me? I want to give you pleasure Micha,” she reached for me again, but I took her hand in mine, tugging on her lightly so she would come to her feet. When she was standing in front of me, I made quick work of removing the shirt she had on. She immediately went to cover herself. I pulled her arms down and away from her body.

“Your pleasure should always, and, will always come first,” I kissed her quickly, nipping at her bottom lip. “Don’t ever hide this beautiful body from me. Ever,” I made the command gruff. “Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir,” she responded beautifully, casting her eyes down, as a good submissive should.

“I want you to go sit on the couch, lean back so your head is resting on the back of the couch, legs spread.” She sucked in a deep breath but didn’t move right away. I gave her behind a not so gentle swat. She yelped. “Go now and do as I say.” She quickly turned away, going to the couch and assumed the position as I had directed.

My little half human was a feast laid out for me to enjoy. Her tiny fangs were worrying her bottom lip but when she looked up at me she must have seen how much I wanted her because her worry seemed to disappear. My virgin became a seductive vixen.

She curled her back, pushing her breast up and out. She smoothed her hands on her slightly rounded abdomen up to cup her breast. She pinched and tugged on her nipples till they peaked and turned a bright rosy color. She bit her bottom lip and moaned, spreading her legs even wider. When I saw the juices glisten against her pussy and scented her I couldn’t stop myself from palming my cock and squeezing it, roughly stroking it a time or two. Holy fuck it felt good. There was nothing more I wanted than to drop to my knees and push my cock into the tight wet opening I could see from my spot in the middle of the room.

My little vixen ran her hand down to her pussy allowing a finger to disappear between her lips but not entering herself. She ran that finger down over her clit and lips a few times, making her hips come up. Moaning, then biting her lip, she called my name, just before she put her slick, wet finger in her own mouth and sucked the juices off.

I was across the room, on my knees and my tongue was against her clit before I realized I’d moved. She fisted my hair, holding me against her body, grinding herself against my lips as she came when I pulled that little nub between my teeth and sucked on it. The usual calm buzz that ran through us when we touched, ignited like a blowtorch when she came against my mouth. It felt like I was being electrocuted and burnt alive, but fuck it felt good. I kept her orgasm going by slipping a finger into her tight channel and pumping it in and out of her as I worked her clit with my tongue over and over again. Her hold on my hair didn’t loosen and my name was a litany on her lips. After she came again, for the third time, she started to push me away, becoming too sensitive. I kissed her clit one last time and pulled my finger from her gently. I placed it in my mouth sucking her juices off the digit and she watched me with tired, but satisfied eyes.

I picked her up, cradling her close to my chest as I carried her to our bedroom. I placed her in the middle of the bed then climbed in right behind her, pulling her against me.

“Micha, let me pleasure you now,” she said sleepily, turning over and wrapping her hand around my still hard cock.

I pulled her hand away, bringing it to my lips for a kiss. She was so sweet. She was half asleep but was worried about me. “Later baby. Sleep.”

“Micha, no, you deserve…” she began, but I kissed her quiet.

“Shhh, sleep sweetheart. It’s okay,” I tucked her under my chin, throwing a leg over her hips, so that she was completely surrounded by me. She gave a soft sigh but didn’t argue. Within seconds, she was sound asleep. I smiled. My little human had had her first orgasm and it had worn her out. How precious was that?






came awake slowly, taking stock of my body. There was no pain or discomfort, thankfully. Hopefully the transition would give me a night off. I opened my eyes to find myself almost damn near on top of Micha. My head rested on his chest, my arm and one leg was thrown over his prone body. His deep even breaths told me he slept on. I looked at the bedside clock to see that it was only five in the afternoon.

The memory of what transpired during the night came back to me and I felt my face heating up. What had come over me? Micha had taken wonderful care with me. He’d given me so much pleasure. Just the thought of it had my body warming, my pussy becoming slick. An idea formed in my head and I smiled. He wouldn’t let me give him pleasure last night, but he was asleep now so I could do whatever I wanted.

I carefully climbed over him, resting my butt on his lower legs so that my face was even with his cock. Even soft and resting against his thigh, he was long and thick. I gently rubbed my cheek against him, kissing each protruding hip bone, then running my tongue from the head of his penis to the nestle of curls at the top of his groin.

A low, moaning growl came from my sleeping mate. As I ran my tongue over him again and again, he slowly began to stiffen, elongating, and thickening. I wrapped my palm around him pumping him with my fist a time or two before moving my mouth over him.

“Holy Fuck!” he hissed coming completely awake as I began to suck on the head. One hand fisted the sheets while the other buried itself in my hair tightening on it lightly.

“Bliss, baby. My god! Harder,” he commanded roughly.

I sucked him harder, lightly running my teeth against him, which made him moan and twitch. I brought him to the back of my throat, being careful not to gag myself. I had no idea what I was doing but from the sounds Micha was making, I was doing something right. The part of him I couldn’t fit in my mouth I massaged with my hand, holding him tightly in my fist while running it up and down his length.

“Bliss, god baby, yes, just a little more,” he told me hoarsely. He pushed his cock a little deeper in my mouth and I felt the first jet of his come explode from the tip. I gladly swallowed every bit he gave me. The roar that exploded from his lips nearly deafened me but I assumed the sound was a good one. I licked him clean then slowly crawled up his body to lie next to him. He kissed my forehead, my cheek then my lips.

“Thank you baby.” Another kiss to my lips as he pulled me closer to his body. “I’d cursed the fates when I found out I had another mate but the more time I spend with you, the more I’m sending them thanks,” he murmured against my neck.

It was like a bucket of ice water had been thrown on me. “Why would you curse the fates for giving you another mate?” I asked curiously.

He lifted his head and looked me in the eyes. “I didn’t particularly want another mate. I’d been happy with having long term submissives.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. “You didn’t want me?”

“I didn’t want a mate Bliss—any mate. I had one and she’d been wonderful, no one could replace her. I’d loved her with the whole of my heart. I couldn’t see myself giving my heart to another. I didn’t want the complications of a mate. I liked the simplicity of having occasional submissives.”

His words hurt. I’d thought, stupidly, that he was happy to have another mate. That he was happy to have
“Get off of me.”


“Get off of me!” I said louder this time pushing against his chest. It was like trying to move a boulder with a tiny stick. He wouldn’t budge. I had to get away from him. I didn’t want him to see me cry and the tears were so very close to the surface.

“Please move,” I tried again.

“Sweetheart, I’ve upset you. That wasn’t my intent,” he kissed my cheek, my neck.

“Stop. You don’t want me. You don’t want a mate. I don’t understand Micha. What am I doing here?” Then it occurred to me, oh god, no. They couldn’t have.

“Did my parent’s guilt you into accepting me? They told me that I had a better chance of surviving the transition because you were my mate. Your blood was strong, pure. Oh god, they did, didn’t they? They guilted you into accepting me.” I pushed against his chest harder this time, trying to get out from under him. I had to go, he didn’t want me.

Micha growled warningly just before he slammed my arms above my head and his hips came to rest against the core of me. He was hard again I couldn’t help but notice.

“I’m the King. No one guilts me into doing anything! If I didn’t want you, do you think you would be in my home, in my bed?” He growled down at me. His fangs had dropped and his blue eyes were shining bright with anger.

“Do you?” He demanded again when I didn’t respond.

“I don’t know Micha! Maybe your sense of honor demands that you not let me die during my transition since I’m your mate, the mate you didn’t want!”

“Damn it Bliss! Enough! If I truly didn’t want you, one of my brothers would have serviced you during your transition to ensure you survived. Does this feel like I don’t want you? Does this feel like I’m not happy to have you as my mate?” he asked pushing his hips against me so I could feel how hard he was.

When I didn’t respond, he lowered his lips to mine, giving me a sweet, soft kiss. He moved to my neck, kissing my pulse, then traveled to my ear. “I’m fucking delirious with the fact that you are my mate Bliss. You’re mine now and I’m keeping you,” he whispered in my ear. Two tears rolled down my cheeks and he kissed them away.

“Don’t cry baby. I’m sorry I hurt you. That wasn’t my intention at all.” He loosened his hold on my arms, letting me bring them down from over my head. I gripped his strong biceps, watching him.

“Why don’t you hit the shower, while I get us some food?” Another kiss to my lips. “I don’t want to fight with you about this Bliss. I want you, ok?”

I nodded in agreement even though my heart wasn’t in it. Could I take what he was telling me at face value? Could I trust in him? He said no one could take his previous mate’s place. Well I didn’t want to take her place. I just wanted a small piece of his heart. When he lifted off me, I scurried from the bed and into the bathroom. The door closed behind me just as the first tear fell.



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