For the microphone use a magnetic earphone (1k to 2k).
Where you see "[!]" is the antenna. Use about 8 feet of wire to broadcast approx. 300ft.
Part 15 of the FCC rules and regulation says you can't broadcast over 300 feet without
a license. (Hahaha). Use more wire for an antenna for longer distances. (Attach it to
the black wire on the fone line for about a 250 foot antenna!)
Operation of the Lunch Box
This transmitter will send the signals over the AM radio band. You use the variable
capacitor to adjust what freq. you want to use. Find a good unused freq. down at the lower
end of the scale and you're set. Use the 2 meg pot. to adjust gain. Just fuck with it until
you get what sounds good. The switch on the 2meg is for turning the Lunch Box on and off.
When everything is adjusted, turn on an AM radio adjust it to where you think the signal
is. Have a friend lay some shit thru the Box and tune in to it. That's all there is to it. The
plans for a simple receiver are shown below:
The Lunch Box receiver
(1) 9 volt battery with battery clip
(1) 365 pf variable capacitor
(1) 51 pf capacitor
(1) 1N38B diode
(1) Transistor antenna coil
(1) 2N366 transistor
(1) SPST toggle switch
(1) 1k to 2k magnetic earphone
Schematic for receiver
51 pf
! !
) 365 pf
(----+ !
) ! !
+---*>!----base collector-----
diode 2N366 earphone
emitter +-----
! !
- battery
Closing statement
This two devices can be built for under a total of $10.00. Not too bad. Using these devices
in illegal ways is your option. If you get caught, I accept NO responsibility for your
actions. This can be a lot of fun if used correctly. Hook it up to the red wire on the phone
line and it will send the conversation over the air waves.
118.Olive Box Plans by The Jolly Roger
This is a relatively new box, and all it basically does is serve as a phone ringer. You have
two choices for ringers, a piezoelectric transducer (ringer), or a standard 8 ohm speaker.
The speaker has a more pleasant tone to it, but either will do fine. This circuit can also be
used in conjunction with a rust box to control an external something or other when the
phone rings. Just connect the 8 ohm speaker output to the inputs on the rust box, and
control the pot to tune it to light the light (which can be replaced by a relay for external
controlling) when the phone rings.
| | ^
NC --|-- 5 4 --|-----/\/\/------->G
| | / R2
G<----)|----|-- 6 3 --|-- NC
| C3 | U1 |
-------|-- 7 2 --|---------- --- -- - > TO RINGER
| |
----|-- 8 1 --|--
| |______________| |
| ---/\/\/----|(----- L1
| R1 C1
------------------------------------------ L2
a. Main ringer TTL circuit
FROM PIN 2 < - -- --- ----------| |_| |------------->G
b. Piezoelectric transducer
__ /|
FROM PIN 2 < - -- --- ---------|(---------. .-------| |/ |
>||< |S1| |
>||< --| | |
>||< | |__|\ |
G<---------.>||<.--- \|
c. Electromagnetic transducer
Parts List
U1 - Texas Instruments TCM1506
T1 - 4000:8 ohm audio transformer
S1 - 8 ohm speaker
R1 - 2.2k resistor
R2 - External variable resistor; adjusts timing frequency
C1 - .47uF capacitor
C2 - .1uF capacitor
C3 - 10uF capacitor
L1 - Tip
L2 - Ring
L1 and L2 are the phone line.
Shift Rate:
This is the formula for determining the shift rate:
1 1
SR = --------------------- = ------------ = 6¬ Hz
(DSR(1/f1)+DSR(1/f2)) 128 128
---- + ----
1714 1500
DSR = Shift Devider Rate ratio = 128
f1 = High Output Frequency = 1714
f2 = Low Output Frequency = 1500
119.The Tron Box by The GREAT Captain Crunch!
I I I I-
(C) (C) (C)
I I I I-
F =fuse
R =resistor
I,- are wire
Parts List:
(3) electrolytic capacitors rated at 50V(lowest) .47UF
(1) 20-30 OHM « Watt resistor
(1) 120Volt fuse (amp rating best to use at least half of total house current or even
less it keeps you from blowing your breaker just in case...)
(1) power cord (cut up an extension cord. Need plug part and wire)
(1) electrically insulated box for the rest of us. If your don't feel comfortable about
electricity then don't play with this. There is voltage present that will ***kill you***.
The thing works when the load in your house is low like at night time. It will put a reverse
phase signal on the line and cancel out the other phase and put a reverse phase running
everything in the house. Well if you have ever switched the power leads on a D\C (battery
powered) motor you will see that it runs backwards well your electric meter sort of works
this way...so reverse phase makes the meter slow down and if your lucky it will go
backwards. Anyway it means a cheaper electric bill.
120.More TRW Info by The Jolly Roger
TRW is a large database in which company's and banks can run credit checks on their
customers. Example: John Jones orders $500 worth of stereo equipment from the Joe
Blow Electronic distributing Co. Well it could be that he gave the company a phony credit
card number, or doesn't have enough credit, etc. Well they call up TRW and then run a
check on him, TRW then lists his card numbers (everything from sears to visa) and tells
the numbers, credit, when he lost it last (if he ever did) and then of course tells if he has
had any prior problems paying his bills.
I would also like to add that although TRW contains information on millions of people, not
every part of the country is served, although the major area are.. So if you hate someone
and live in a small state, you probably wont be able to order him 300 pink toilet seats from
Logging on
To log on, you dial-up your local access number (or long-distance, what ever turns you on)
and wait for it to say "TRW" at this prompt, you type either an "A" or a "Ctrl-G" and it will
say "circuit building in progress" it will wait for a minute and then clear the screen, now
you will type one of the following.
This is to tell it what geographical area the customer is in, it really doesn't matter which
you use, because TRW will automatically switch when it finds the record.
Next, you will type in the pswd and info on the person you are trying to get credit info on.
You type it in a format like this:
Rts Pswd Lname Fname . .,House number First letter of street name Zip
ctrl s and 2 ctrl-Q's here is what it looks like in real life:
Ae: Dialing xxx-xxx-xxxx
(screen clear)
circuit building in progress
(pause . . . screen clear)
Rtc 3966785-cm5 Johnson David ...,4567
R 56785
^s ^q ^q
and then it will wait for a few seconds and print out the file on him (if it can locate one for
the guy)
Note: You may have to push return when you first connect to get the systems attention.
Getting Your Passwords
To obtain pswds, you go down to your favorite bank or sears store and dig through the
trash (hence the name trashing) looking for printouts, if they are a big enough place, and
live in a TRW area, then they will probably have some. The printouts will have the 7 digit
subscriber code, leaving the 3-4 digit pswd up to you. Much like trashing down at good old
ma bell.
121.Phreaker's Phunhouse by the Jolly Roger
The long awaited prequil to Phreaker's Guide has finally arrived. Conceived from the
boredom and loneliness that could only be derived from: The Traveler! But now, he has
returned in full strength (after a small vacation) and is here to 'World Premiere' the new
files everywhere. Stay cool. This is the prequil to the first one, so just relax. This is not
made to be an exclusive ultra elite file, so kinda calm down and watch in the background if
you are too cool for it.
Phreak Dictionary
Here you will find some of the basic but necessary terms that should be known by any
phreak who wants to be respected at all.
The action of using mischievous and mostly illegal ways in order to not pay for some
sort of telecommunications bill, order, transfer, or other service. It often
involves usage of highly illegal boxes and machines in order to defeat the
security that is set up to avoid this sort of happening. [fr'eaking]. v.
A person who uses the above methods of destruction and chaos in order to make a
better life for all. A true phreaker will not go against his fellows or narc on
people who have ragged on him or do anything termed to be dishonorable to
phreaks. [fr'eek]. n.
A certain code or dialup useful in the action of being a phreak. (Example: "I hacked
a new metro phreak last night.")
Switching System:
There are 3 main switching systems currently employed in the US, and a few other
systems will be mentioned as background.
SxS: This system was invented in 1918 and was employed in over half of
the country until 1978. It is a very basic system that is a general waste
of energy and hard work on the linesman. A good way to identify this is
that it requires a coin in the phone booth before it will give you a dial
tone, or that no call waiting, call forwarding, or any other such service
is available. Stands for: Step by Step
XB: This switching system was first employed in 1978 in order to take
care of most of the faults of SxS switching. Not only is it more
efficient, but it also can support different services in various forms.
XB1 is Crossbar Version 1. That is very limited and is hard to distinguish
from SxS except by direct view of the wiring involved. Next up was
XB4, Crossbar Version 4. With this system, some of the basic things
like DTMF that were not available with SxS can be accomplished. For
the final stroke of XB, XB5 was created. This is a service that can allow
DTMF plus most 800 type services (which were not always available.)
Stands for: Crossbar.
ESS: A nightmare in telecom. In vivid color, ESS is a pretty bad thing
to have to stand up to. It is quite simple to identify. Dialing 911 for
emergencies, and ANI [see ANI below] are the most common facets of
the dread system. ESS has the capability to list in a person's caller log
what number was called, how long the call took, and even the status of
the conversation (modem or otherwise.) Since ESS has been employed,
which has been very recently, it has gone through many kinds of
revisions. The latest system to date is ESS 11a, that is employed in
Washington D.C. for security reasons. ESS is truly trouble for any
phreak, because it is 'smarter' than the other systems. For instance, if
on your caller log they saw 50 calls to 1-800-421-9438, they would be
able to do a CN/A [see Loopholes below] on your number and determine
whether you are subscribed to that service or not. This makes most
calls a hazard, because although 800 numbers appear to be free, they
are recorded on your caller log and then right before you receive your
bill it deletes the billings for them. But before that the are open to
inspection, which is one reason why extended use of any code is
dangerous under ESS. Some of the boxes [see Boxing below] are unable
to function in ESS. It is generally a menace to the true phreak. Stands
For: Electronic Switching System. Because they could appear on a filter