Read The Art of Domination Online

Authors: Ella Dominguez

The Art of Domination (8 page)


Isa’s face goes pale and she looks faint. More than that - she looks mortified. “Shit, Isa. Are you okay?”

“Yes, yes. I’m fine. I’m
” she says, but it sounds like she’s trying to convince herself more than me.

u know we don’t have to do this,” I tell her, but my voice betrays my hurt.  Hell, maybe she doesn’t really love me the way I love her.

Yes we do. Because I love you and I want you to know that I would do anything for you,” she says and as usual, she’s in my head.

She smiles weakly,
kisses me and reassures me that she really wants to do this. Just then my phone rings. I assume its Sawyer and answer it quickly, and I’m sickened to hear Erika’s voice.

“So are we meeting today?”
Erika asks.

The last p
erson I want to talk to right now is this woman.
Not on my wedding day.
I promptly move away from Isa so she’s unable hear what I’m saying.

“No, that’s not going to work,
” I say, trying to keep my tone and answers clipped.

“And why not? I know you have a four-wheel drive so I’m sure it won’t be a problem for you to get around.”

“I said no. It’ll have to be another day.”

“Maybe I’
ll be busy another day talking to reporters,” Erika says sounding irritated.

Fucking hell.
“Listen to me, I said not today and that’s the end of it. I’ll meet with you tomorrow,” I tell her harshly but whispered.

“I love it when you get testy. Why are you whispering? Is
there? I’d love to say hi to her. Why don’t you put her on the phone?”

seriously had it with this wench
. “I’ll talk to you later,” I say.

I hang up and turn off my phone, and w
hen I look over at Isabel, she’s watching me with suspicious eyes.  I open my mouth to try and make up an excuse, but I stop myself. I don’t want to lie to her anymore today. I just smile at her and leave it alone and thankfully Isabel doesn’t ask any questions.

get packed up and ready to go to the court house. It’s quite a challenge getting Isabel down the stairs in her dress and heels and about half-way down she finally just takes off her shoes. I hold her dress for her as we get loaded into the Land Rover. When we get inside the car, Sawyer is beaming at me and grinning from ear-to-ear, and suddenly I feel shy.

“I never thought I’d see this day.
What was it you said about hell freezing over?” he asks sarcastically.

Yeah, yeah.
I roll my eyes at him and he laughs heartily. When he looks at Isabel, he looks astonished and he blushes. I’ll be damned. He thinks she looks hot.  Being the good man that he is, he doesn’t say anything and he just winks his approval at me and smiles sheepishly.
Yes, she is gorgeous, thank you very much, and she’s all mine.

Once we arrive a
t the court house, we fill out the appropriate paperwork and get things underway. Sawyer stands in as a witness and Isabel looks about like I’m feeling at this point. I’m beginning to have second thoughts myself. I mean seriously,
? Me? Yes, yes. I need her to be fully committed to me. I need to hear her say the words
I do.

We say our wedding vows
and when Isa says them to me, she smirks nervously and I get choked up.
Damn I really wish my parents were here.
Then Isabel surprises me when we’re asked if we have any special vows that we want to share.

“I wish I had prepared something because there are so many things I want to say to you right now. I think you’re the most wonderful
, beautiful person in the world, Dylan, and I love you so very much.  I still can’t believe how lucky I am to have you in my life and to be standing here with you. I just want you to know that I’ll never leave you and that I’ll always be faithful to you, sugar. And even though I can be stubborn at times, I will always love and obey you, Sir,” she says softly and barely audible.

Her luminous eyes are teary. S
he crookedly smiles at me and her smile and words completely melt my heart. 
God damn Erika. Damn her to hell. She will not come between us.
Isabel squeezes my hand and I wink at her.

“I love you, Isa.
I promise to always protect you and never let anything come between us.” It’s all I can think to say to her and from the look on Isabel’s face, it’s enough. I kiss her and the ceremony is complete. Now it’s real. It’s official - we’re married. Isabel now belongs to me.

I have Sawyer drive
me and Isa to the Four Seasons where he’s booked us the Presidential Suite. The entire drive over we sit in the back seat making out and I can’t keep my hands off of her. We’re acting like a couple of teenagers on prom night with our tongues down each other’s throats. When I finally come up for air, I see Sawyer glance at us through the rear view mirror and roll his eyes at me and laugh.

I want nothing more than to get her inside the hotel and ravage her
body and tear off every stitch of clothing that she’s wearing. I will have her tonight and in the wickedest ways, too.
Fuck yes
. Tonight my lover, my friend, my pet, my submissive,
my wife
will know the real Dom in me.

We no sooner get on the elevator and I’m tearing at her dress
. Another couple gets on about half way up to our room and Isa suddenly gets shy. She tries to stop me from continuing my quest, but I’m not having it because I don’t give a shit who sees us. Isa’s face turns a delightful shade of pink when I keep tearing at her gown despite the couple staring at us. 

“I’m so sorry,” she says to the couple who are gaping at us as I’m on my knees lifting her dress and removing her shoes and stockings
. The couple finally gets uncomfortable enough they get off the elevator on a floor that I suspect isn’t theirs.  Not soon enough we arrive on the 16
floor. I sweep Isa up and carry her to the room, fumbling with the card to open the door while Isa kisses and bites my neck. 

“I want you so badly.
Please hurry
,” she whispers in my ear. Her words drive me insane and make me fumble even more.

soon as we get inside, I get tear her dress off and free of her remaining undergarments. She’s standing fantastically naked in front of me except for her wedding ring and I take a mental snapshot.  I slowly take off my tie and my clothes, watching her eye me greedily.

“Don’t b
e cruel, Dylan. Please hurry,” she whines impatiently as she licks her lips
. I love teasing her like this.
While I’m torturing her with my slow undressing, she sits on the bed and starts twirling her ring around her finger and it hits me like a ton of bricks.

“Holy shit, Isa, w
e’re married. We’re fucking married!” I yell at her in a voice that sounds immature and Isa jumps. “You’re mine! Hell yes! Isabel Young! Say it, sweetheart! Say your new name!” I don’t know what’s come over me, but I’m happier than I’ve ever been.

Isabel laughs out loud and then stands on the bed and jumps up and down like a t
hree year old. “Isabel Young!” he screams as her breasts bounce in time. “Holy hell freezing over, I’m Isabel Young! Hot damn! No more Mr. Eligible Bachelor, he’s mine all mine! You hear me out there ladies? This man is all mine!”

I start laughing so hard my eyes start watering and I join her on the bed as we both j
ump naked up and down. It’s a strange sensation having a hard-on and having it bounce around as it slaps my stomach. When I look down at it, the sight of it makes me laugh even more hysterically. Isa sees my predicament and howls with laughter, too.

“Holy bouncing nut sack!”



Dylan’s laughter is so infectious I can’t contain myself. He looks so absolutely content and happy and I’m overwhelmed with love. Suddenly my laughter turns to tears and Dylan stops jumping up and down and he looks grim.

“Oh Dylan, I’m so happy. I just love you
so damned much,” I tell him to reassure him my tears are tears of joy. He smiles widely and starts jumping up and down again.

Yeah, I knew that,” he snorts sarcastically.

All at once he pulls me to him and kisses
me. His tongue is twisting inside my mouth and doing a magical dance as it slicks its way over my teeth.  He pushes me down on the bed and leaps on me.  Before I have a chance to think, he’s ravaging me, assaulting me and laying claim to every part of my body. When he stops, he holds my face in his hands and his eyes dilate beyond recognition.

“I’m going to fuck you tonight in ways you’ve never been fucked before, Isa
. I’m in complete control tonight. Do you understand? I don’t want any sass from you. I want you to give yourself completely to me and I better not sense any hesitation from you.”

Dylan’s voice is austere
and I for a moment I feel frightened.

“You want to know about my secrets? I’ll share some of them with you tonight. You’re going to experience the Dom I u
sed to be; the real Dom. The Dom that likes things dirty and depraved. The Dom that now owns you completely. There are no safe words tonight, Isabel. You’ll have to trust me to know what you can and cannot handle. I won’t hurt you, but I’ll push your limits beyond what you’ve experienced before. I’ll give you one chance and one chance only to back out of all of this right now. If it’s vanilla with a twist that you really want, I can do that, because I love you. But if you want to know the real me, the real Dom, than vanilla with a twist be damned. So what’s it going to be?”

He pauses and I feel that pit in my stomach again, but this time it’s not only from nervousness, but
from excitement.  Is he saying I haven’t seen his true Dominant nature before? That what we’ve been doing hasn’t been naughty enough? We’ve already done dirty and depraved things. How much more perverse does he want things to be? No safe words
? Maybe vanilla with a twist isn’t so bad after all.

While I sit motionless and speechless, Dylan wai
ts patiently not saying a word and staring straight into my eyes. I can feel his heart beating rapidly in his chest as it beats against my breast while he lies on top of me. His breathing is slow and deep, and I can sense how badly he wants this,
as do I.
I do want the real Dom and more importantly, I want to know his secrets. If this is what it’s going to take to make him forget about the woman whose name I don’t dare say on my wedding night, then I will do this.

vanilla with a twist be damned,” I whisper to him and he smiles the most spine tingling, devilish smile ever. 

“I never had a doubt
you would choose otherwise. After all, I do know my wife,” he growls.

Yes, I am his wife and he does own me completely. He always has. The sound of his voice and the look in his eyes almost sends me into complete overdrive and I get wet with anticipation. I’ve never seen him like this before. Even when he has dominated me before, his look wasn’t quite this intense or extreme.

He pulls me
so I’m sitting upright and off the bed and leads me to the middle of the bedroom. He points towards the floor and I kneel in front of him. He then walks towards the suitcases that were already here waiting for us. I can only assume Raul or Sawyer have brought them for us. Dylan opens them and starts pulling things out, laying them on the floor.  He’s brought the spreader bar, rope, ball-gag, and several belts.
What the hell? No fucking way.
I almost voice that sentiment, but Dylan looks up and narrows his eyes at me.

“Trust me,” h
e says as if he’s reading my mind.

Yes, I
must trust him but my heart is pounding in my chest out of fear. He promised he would never use a belt on me.
He promised.
I’m starting to feel sick so I look down, close my eyes and concentrate only on the sounds I’m hearing. D
ylan would never hurt me
, I keep repeating to myself over and over. I’m his wife now.
He would never hurt me

I hear him
moving around the room and then music comes on. It’s something I’m not familiar with - the song or the band, but it’s sexy and the words put me into a trance-like state. ‘Everything in its right place’ the song repeats over and over. I feel Dylan move up behind me. He slips a soft blindfold over my eyes and ties it tightly.

“This is so
you can’t see what’s coming,” he says.

Then he places the ball-gag in my mouth and fastens it behind my head. “This is so you can’t speak to me and distract me.”

Next, he stands me up and guides me somewhere. He spins me around and lifts me onto something cold and hard and I realize it must be the dining table. He wraps rope around each of my wrists and ankles and ties them firmly, securing me. Now I’m sprawled out spread-eagle and completely exposed.  Dylan plays with my hair and takes out my braid. He kisses my forehead and his warm wet mouth brings me back to reality.

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