The Battle Lord Saga 02 - Her Battle Lord's Desire (39 page)

expression on it. “I’m cold, Yulen, okay? I’m tired, and I’ve got a headache. I’ll be all right

tomorrow. You’re right. Everyone has an off day every once in a while.”

His eyes narrowed. Although they had only been married a short while, there were times

he could read her like a book. “When was the last time you actually honest-to-God

target, Atty? And being two years old doesn’t count.”

Instead of answering, she turned and continued toward the main lodge. Yulen followed

her, but not before signaling for a soldier and giving him orders to fetch MaGrath.

When they reached the main lodge, Atty continued upstairs, disappearing into the

bedroom without another word. Yulen remained downstairs to wait for the physician.

“You know you could’ve brought her over to the clinic,” the man groused.

“She’s too upset. She doesn’t want you to check her out,” Yulen told him as they

ascended the staircase together.

“She doesn’t, huh? Is it true she didn’t hit the target?”

“Her first arrow never got close. The second one was outside the rings.”

MaGrath whistled, shaking his head, then opened the bedroom door and walked in.

Atty was standing by the window, but it was clear she wasn’t watching the activity going

on outside. She gave MaGrath a scathing look and crossed her arms over her chest. “I told him I

was okay,” she repeated. “I just have a headache.”

Her reticence didn’t faze him. “In that case, let me give you some powder for that,” he


“I don’t need any powders. I’ll be fine. Just... just let me lie down for a little while. I’ll

be all right.”

MaGrath glanced over at the tangled sheets, knowing Berta would have already made up

the bed that morning. “Looks to me like you’ve already been lying down,” he commented,

tongue-in-cheek, and ignored the look she shot him. Behind him, he could hear Yulen’s soft snort

of laughter. “You know me, Atrilan. I’m not going to leave until I’m satisfied you’re not coming

down with anything serious. Not after the near misses we’ve had with you in the past. So quit

digging in your heels and let me examine you. Because until you do, I’m not going anywhere.

And if I get an emergency summons, I’ll have to get Yulen hold you down so I can do my job.

Now...what will it be?”

She gave them both a pained look, then walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge.

Nodding, MaGrath extracted a probe and first looked into her mouth. Yulen remained to one

side, watching. After a few minutes, and after checking her heart and lungs, the physician gave

her a cautious look and ordered her to lie down.

“Yulen, you might want to wait on the balcony until I’m finished.”

“I’m staying here.”

MaGrath sighed loudly, making his disapproval quite clear. “Very well. But the first time

you make a move or say something, I swear, Yulen, I’m throwing you out of this room until I’m

finished. Do you understand me?”

Crossing his arms over his chest, the Battle Lord leaned against the far wall and kept


“Okay, Atty. Clothes off,” the older man ordered from the door of the bathroom where

he was washing his hands.

Yulen watched as she slowly undressed, then slipped underneath the blanket before

scooting her bottom down to the edge of the bed and lifting her knees. His eyes widened when he

realized what MaGrath intended to examine, but he held his tongue, as difficult as it was to do.

The physician tried to make his examination as quick as possible. Once he was finished,

he told her to sit up, and reached over to uncover her breasts. Gently he grasped one, noticing

how she flinch at his touch. Taking a deep breath, MaGrath leaned back and stared down at the

young woman.

“All right, Atty. ‘Fess up.”

She responded with a dirty look.

“You want me to tell him? Or will you?”

“Tell me what?” Yulen broke his silence.

MaGrath motioned toward her with a tilt of his head, never taking his eyes off of her. “Go

ahead, Atty. You have all the signs, turgid abdomen, tender breasts. When was the last time you

had your flow?”

“I...I don’t remember,” she said.

“Bullshit. You of all people would know. You have to know and keep track of it because

that’s part of being a hunter. You know how important it is because the smell of blood can draw

all kinds of unwanted creatures after you if you’re not careful. So, how long has it been? Two

weeks? Three?” He watched closely for some kind of response. “Four weeks? Six?”

Atty unconsciously flinched, and MaGrath knew he’d struck a nerve. “Okay. Six weeks.

That puts you about two weeks past due. No wonder you missed that target. Your hormones are

probably going crazy about now.”

“Uhh, Liam, is she sick? Or isn’t she?” Yulen insisted.

Giving her one last long look, MaGrath said, “Why don’t you tell him, Atty? After all, it

should come from you.”

Yulen remained where he stood, watching as his wife clutched the blanket across her

breasts to cover them against the cold. Her hands were shaking. She took a deep breath. Then

another one. Finally she lifted a pale face, yet kept her eyes averted from his.

“I’m...I’m going to have a baby,” she barely whispered. Immediately she glanced up at

him to see what his reaction would be.

Stunned, Yulen could only stare at her. “Repeat that.”

“I’m going to have a baby.” It didn’t seem to be any easier to say it the second time.

“If she’s six weeks late, I would estimate her delivery time around next spring. Late May

or early June, but that’s speculative.” MaGrath gave him a cautious smile. “From this point on

we’re going to have to be extremely careful, Yulen. We’re lucky she hasn’t miscarried before

now. Her first trimester is the most critical. If you thought we were overprotective before, Atty,

you haven’t seen nothing yet!”

Yulen walked over and knelt before her, looking up into her eyes as a wide smile creased

his face. “A baby?” he whispered. Without realizing it, he did a quick mental calculation in his

head. “That means you conceived while we were in Wallis.”

Atty continued to stare at him. It was clear she was torn between fear and relief to finally

get it off her chest. “I’m sorry,” she murmured.

“Sorry? For what?”

“I...” She shrugged. “I honestly thought I’d never get pregnant,” she admitted, “but I

knew I had to try.”

“You took the chance for us?” he insisted.

“No, Yul. For you. I took the chance so your lineage could continue,” she tenderly told

him, reaching out to run her fingers through his red-gold hair. “I just hope I don’t let you down,”

she whispered, pressing her forehead to his.

In answer, Yulen pulled her down into his lap, into his embrace, and let his kiss show her

how much he loved her. And how delighted he was at the news.

Quietly, MaGrath left the room to let them have their privacy, but his next stop would be

to let Madigan know she was finally going to get her dearest wish. The D’Jacques Dynasty

would continue. Their future, and the future of Alta Novis, would continue.

Plus, she was going to be a grandmother.

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