Read The Battle of Riptide Online

Authors: EJ Altbacker

The Battle of Riptide (15 page)

THE MAREDSOO POWERED GRAY'S FURIOUS swim from the training grounds back home to Coral Shiver. There was a dull roar in his ears and his heart raced. But after Gray was about halfway home, the Dark Blue greenie's effects stabilized. He wasn't hungry or tired, even though he had swum at a sprinting-attack speed the whole way. Finally, he saw the Rock Lobster formation near Coral Shiver's homewaters.

A cold fear gripped Gray when he noticed a steady stream of sharkkind and dwellers leaving the hidden entrance. But then he realized it was okay. His mother and Mari were leading everyone in an organized move. Gray scanned the waters and saw nothing of Indi Shiver. Not yet, anyway. He hurried to his mom and Mari.

“What are you doing?” he asked them. “Takiza wanted you to wait.”

“That would have been useful to know earlier in the day,” Mari said. The thresher waved her tail for the crowd to keep moving. “Come on, come on! No time to waste!” she told everyone.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Gray asked his mother.

Sandy replied, “Lochlan and AuzyAuzy Shiver left early because Finnivus is going to execute the armada commander.”

“Oh, no!” Gray felt his heart sink. “I've got to help! Where are they?”

Mari quickly told Gray what everyone was doing and where they most likely were, and he streaked off toward the Riptide homewaters. Luckily, Slaggernacks was on the way, as he wanted to make a quick stop. But no one was there. The place looked like just another series of caves and greenie-covered coral.

Gray was about to leave when he reached out with his senses and found stonefish and octos hiding among the rocks. Gray was surprised he could tell which one was Trank. He glided over to what most fins and dwellers would see as an innocent pile of rocks.

“Get up, Trank,” he said. Nothing moved. For a moment he felt silly. But Gray could feel the stonefish breathing now that he was close. “Quit fooling around.”

Trank didn't move, but did answer. “Wouldja keep swimmin'? Youse is attracting unwanted attention.”

“You said Gafin would help, and we're going to need that help now.”

“We're closed. Move along!”

Gray nudged the stonefish by swishing his large tail directly over it. “Come on!” When he tried to move the stonefish again, its spikes sprang out.

Trank turned slightly. “I told youse, we're closed.”

Gray grew hot with anger. “You know what? Sharkkind say that stonefish can't be trusted. And I always stick up for you. I say, ‘No, you have to get to know Trank. He's loyal.' But you're not, are you? When the current gets rough, you stick your head in the sand like a baby turtle. Well, I'm done with you. You hear that, Trank?”

But there was no answer from the stonefish. Gray shook his head, feeling more sadness than he should. The others were right: Trank wasn't to be trusted. Gray blasted away, covering the dweller with sand as he put Slaggernacks behind him.

He forced himself forward, faster and faster, trying to make up for lost time. Gray wouldn't let Lochlan and AuzyAuzy fight without him. Takiza would be angry that they hadn't waited, but it couldn't be helped. If Gray could go around to the far side of the old Goblin Shiver homewaters, he could swim into battle with the small AuzyAuzy force.

It was then he saw a hundred Indi Shiver sharkkind rise over the crest of the Riptide homewaters.

While Gray wanted to fight, he didn't want to be foolishly sent to the Sparkle Blue. He descended into the greenie and watched as the battle formation passed, leaving the homewaters. Gray counted and figured it wasn't the entire armada but about a third of it.

The odds just got a little better, he thought. But this meant two thirds of the Indi armada was still around. How could the splinter force of AuzyAuzy, along with Rogue Shiver and some sharkkind of Coral, beat Finnivus and his force of well-trained mariners? Gray had never seen the armada set a single fin out of place once they were in formation and being guided by their mariner prime.

It was then that a thought hit Gray, making him tingle all over. He hoped the tingle was because his idea was a good one, and not some funky after-effect of the maredsoo. The concept was crazy and had the longest odds of succeeding. And it would require him to wait patiently and not do anything until the
moment—something he wasn't used to doing.

But if Gray could pull it off, his friends just might have a chance against Finnivus and the Indi armada.


They were well inside the Riptide homewaters. Barkley nodded that he understood but motioned for the blacktip to stay put. He could see the royal court and Riptide's colorful terraced greenie cliffs in the background. But there was nothing to do but be still. Usually Barkley could do this quite well. He prided himself on being able to outwait
outwit others. But this wasn't training or sneaking up to scare a friend or even hunting for lunch. So much was riding on this crazy mission that Barkley's patience was stretched to the breaking point.

Ripper swam by, led by two armored
. Barkley hissed softly, “Here we go.” They were so close! But they had to wait for the signal. If they broke Whalem out of prison before it was time, every one of them would end up on Finnivus's dinner menu.

Barkley had taken a long look at Whalem's cage. It wasn't like the whale-skeleton prison he had been locked in by Velenka last year. This was different. There was no system of interlocking bars on the door. In fact, the front door looked much like the three other sides of the cage, although it did have a rectangular section with a hole in it. But there was no way a shark could get a fin into that small hole! How would they open it?

tugged on the chain that held Ripper. The scarred hammerhead glared, growling in a menacing tone, “Do that again and you'll be sorry.”

The guard laughed. “The only thing I'll be sorry about is if I don't get a piece of you for dinner.”

The other
added, “Or if you give the emperor gas!”

“Oh, that would be bad!” agreed the first one. “I'm on throne duty tonight!”

The first guard placed one of the links of the chain holding Ripper onto a pole in front of the cage housing Whalem. This had the effect of acting as a brake on Ripper while the other guard was still connected to him.

Whalem roused himself when he heard the clanking of the metal door. The first guard saw this. “Looks like you're getting company,
” The
used the title as an insult. “Hope you two get along. Open the cage!”

For a moment, nothing happened, but then an octopus crawled out of its hiding place holding a shiny object in one of its suction-cup-covered tentacles. Barkley cursed to himself. How could he have been so stupid? He had
in a landshark ship and knew landsharks had things called
that opened doors and chests. So there wasn't a knob or lever to push and release Whalem. This cage could only be opened with a key!

And there was no way this Indi octo was going to give it to them! Barkley's mind raced as the octopus crawled its way up the bars, inserting the key into the lock. Had the octo heard them the last time they were here? If so, why hadn't he reported it? Did Trank have something to do with that? Trank had said Gafin had treaties with dwellers all over the Big Blue. But these were questions for another time. The door swung open! They
to act while it was open!

“Inside,” the second guard ordered Ripper.

This was their chance! Just then there was a tremendous cry from the guards in the royal court. Barkley could hear, “Alarum! Alarum! We're being attacked!”

It was the signal!

Barkley streaked up and speared one of Ripper's guards in the liver. Onyx took care of the second. Being chained to Ripper, the smaller guard had no chance, and the hammerhead helped batter him into submission. Barkley let the octo scoot away. He was probably just another dweller forced to do the emperor's bidding.

Ripper saw and didn't approve. “You're still weak,” he said to Barkley after spitting out the bite blocker in his mouth. “Much better,” he said, gnashing his rows and rows of teeth.

Whalem crept to the edge of the cage, and Ripper moved to block the tiger. “What are you doing?” Onyx asked crossly. “We're here to get him out, not keep him in!”

“Looks like he's getting second thoughts,” Ripper said. “Maybe he'd like to turn us in to prove his loyalty?”

Barkley saw that Ripper was right! There
doubt in the armada commander's eyes. Of course, there would be. Onyx didn't want to believe it. “That's crazy! Let him out. Sir, I am so sorry.”

“Lochlan says he doesn't hold you responsible,” Barkley told the tiger commander. This seemed to settle the older shark, and the look of doubt went away.

Whalem nodded at Barkley. “I still have much to apologize for, though. Lead on.”

The Indi armada was being set in its battle formation, at least ten rows deep. Barkley began picking his way through the kelp field, away from the noise and bustle.

Ripper had other ideas. He zoomed back toward the royal court!

“Where are you going?” Barkley hissed.

“To deal with Velenka!” he shouted.

Before Barkley could do anything, they were spotted. “The prisoners have escaped! The prisoners have escaped!” the

A group of ten armored guards streaked toward them.

“So much for the easy way!” Barkley shouted as he broke from cover with everyone else. “Swim for your lives!”


“Pick up the pace!” snapped Whalem, as he also flashed ahead.

Barkley tore after the two as fast as he could. Luckily, rather than pursuing them, the
broke away to defend Finnivus as Ripper shot toward him like a maniac.

Barkley saw Whalem head directly for the massive armada formation. “Follow me! I have an idea!” Whalem yelled. The old tiger swam them directly between the growing pyramid formation of sharkkind and the new mariner prime, who was busily barking orders at everyone. Barkley's group churned past, and for a moment, the new Indi commander was too shocked to do anything. He shook his head, not believing what had just happened, then shouted, “Capture them!”

The pyramid formation seemed to melt as the sharks on the top dove into a downward current straight at Whalem, Onyx, and Barkley. The armada's subcommanders, busily carrying out their last instructions, bellowed at the Indi mariners to stay in formation. The new mariner prime then realized his mistake. “No! Wait, stop! Back to your positions!” he cried. But it was too late. The formation was hopelessly disorganized. No one could swim anywhere.

“Ha!” yelled Whalem. “That new mariner prime can't hold a lantern fish to me!”

“Go, go, go!” Barkley urged.

Onyx streaked toward the area where Lochlan and AuzyAuzy Shiver were assembling, with Barkley and Whalem close behind.

“Got him,” Onyx told Lochlan as he whipped into battle position facing the Indi armada.

“Good on ya,” the golden great white said, nodding. “Barkley, Snork, take the commander to the safe area. We'll hold them up long enough for you to disappear.”

Whalem took only a moment to size up the hourglass formation of Lochlan's forces. The AuzyAuzy mariners were mostly on the top with the Coral Shiver sharks arranged below. This would give the more experienced AuzyAuzy mariners a chance to descend from above, using the now downward-drifting currents to their advantage. With Coral Shiver's lack of training in formation fighting, they had to be protected.

Whalem looked at Lochlan and shook his head. “You'll be slaughtered.”

Barkley saw the faces of the AuzyAuzy Line and knew it was true! And yet they still were willing to swim into the battle. He couldn't believe it.

“You can't do this!” Barkley told Lochlan. “You're supposed to be the shark everyone rallies around! You can't die!”

“Very touching, mate, but you've got to leave,” the golden great white replied. “Whalem will lead you. He's better than I am.”

The tiger commander shook his snout vigorously. “I dishonored myself! I will stay if your mariners will allow me to guide them.”

“For the love of Tyro!” shouted Barkley. “Let's all just swim away!”

Lochlan told Whalem, “We don't have our dolphs to coordinate the formation, so we can only delay them.”

The old tiger looked at Lochlan. “Have you studied the Battle of Silander's End?”

“Oh, you've got to be kidding,” Kendra interrupted. “You want to use voice commands? From the center of the formation?”

“It would have to be a two-pronged formation,” Lochlan said, a toothy grin spreading across his face.

“Exactly!” agreed Whalem. “That would negate their speed!” The two looked at each other, and Barkley could see a mutual respect grow between the old mariner and the young king.

Lochlan nodded to the old tiger. “If you wouldn't mind commanding the second battle fin, I'd appreciate it.”

“I'd be honored . . . my King.”

Lochlan told his Line, “Kendra, you're with me. Xander, Jaunt, you're now Whalem's subbies,” meaning subcommanders.

Jaunt tail-slapped Whalem's flank. “Too right! We'll help the oldie!”

The old tiger was shocked for a moment—and then roared with laughter. Barkley supposed no one had spoken to Whalem that way for several decades.

“If today's my day to swim the Sparkle Blue, let that be the chorus of my farewell song!” Whalem called out with a smile, showing his notched teeth.

The AuzyAuzy mariners thought this was hilarious and also laughed.

Barkley turned to Snork. “Do they realize everyone might die today?”

“I think that's why they're laughing. To stop from being scared,” the sawfish answered.

“Hey!” shouted Striiker. “Are we going to fight at some point? I thought you AuzyAuzy fins liked to fight, but all I see is a lot of yapping!”

Apparently Xander and Striiker were brothers at heart. Xander took his position ahead of the great white and yelled, “Soon enough, young son. Soon enough. That is if you don't talk them to death first and spoil the party!”

Then Whalem and Lochlan had a rapid conversation that Barkley barely understood.

“Watch their Topside Rip and Slide attacks,” Whalem said. “They'll roll down the current with Orca Bears Down or Sea Snake Engarde.”

“Should we be ready for Yellowfin Feeding on Minnows or Cuttlefish Strikes a Crab?” asked Lochlan. “Won't they be looking for a chance to end this early?”

“The new mariner prime won't be so bold. He outnumbers us four to one even without his third battle fin.”

Barkley recognized the terms as fighting moves, but these two obviously knew the information on an entirely different level. As Lochlan and Whalem spoke, the AuzyAuzy subcommanders moved the formation from the shape of an
to one made up of two
s, which then interlocked to form a

From his position in Lochlan's half of the formation, Barkley saw the much more massive Indi armada moving from the Riptide homewaters toward them. The armada was five levels higher than their own and in the shape of a pyramid. Barkley felt icy cold inside his stomach. How would they be able to survive Indi's attack?

“The time for chibber-chabber is done and gone!” yelled Jaunt. “Here they come!”

Both Lochlan and Whalem were well aware. “Quick and decisive!” shouted the tiger shark commander to everyone. “That's the way to do things!”

“Agreed! Let's give 'em a good snout banging!” Lochlan exclaimed.

Lochlan and Whalem swam in the center of their respective
formations. From their positions, theoretically, the subcommanders would relay their shouted orders to everyone else.

In reality, though . . .

Barkley didn't understand how Lochlan and Whalem would make split-second decisions in the thick of battle while they themselves might be fighting for their lives. And even if everyone heard the commands, there was a whale-size difference between understanding an order and doing it!

Once it got moving, the massive Indi armada was a thing of deadly grace. Their sharks swam so close together and turned with such precision that the entire formation seemed like a single, monstrous predator. They shifted their ranks into other shapes, smoothly and cleanly. Lochlan and Whalem shouted countermoves, and their own ranks morphed and changed. But the combination of AuzyAuzy, Rogue, and Coral sharks didn't blend seamlessly like the more experienced Indi armada. Their reactions were delayed, and their swimming wasn't nearly as crisp.

The Indi armada split into three battle fins of a hundred sharkkind, each one larger than the entire AuzyAuzy-Coral formation.

“Hold fast in your eights!” yelled Lochlan.

The subcommander in Barkley's section of the formation was Kendra. She translated, “Stay on my tail! Don't attack yet!”

Many sharks were out of position, and Barkley could tell some were already tired. They had none of the training or discipline of the armada.

Then Indi's second battle wing struck! At least ten sharkkind on Barkley's side were mauled and spun crazily toward the seabed below. They followed that with feinting moves by the first and third Indi battle fins, which pulled apart the AuzyAuzy-Coral ranks as they tried to counter.

Then the second Indi battle fin attacked for real and broke through, killing another fifteen of AuzyAuzy-Coral mariners. Barkley barely avoided a bite at his left fin as he struggled to keep up. He heard Lochlan yell, “Regroup! Swim through the Split S!” Kendra again translated that into something he could understand.

Barkley caught a glimpse of the flashing lantern fish device relaying signals to the Indi armada. That way of communicating was much faster. Their subcommanders didn't listen for commands but merely glanced over to
their orders, then acted on them. The Indi mariner prime also had the advantage of watching the entire battle waters from a safe distance. It's too much of an advantage to overcome, Barkley thought hopelessly. It's only a matter of time before they crush us.

Lochlan and Whalem
working miracles, though. Barkley couldn't believe how speedily their formation was reordered after their initial battering.

The first battle wing of the Indi armada did a sharp looping turn and dove from above. This time the damage was far worse. Thirty sharkkind were mortally wounded—and Indi's third battle fin, packed with heavy sharks like great whites and bulls filled the gap, preventing Lochlan and Whalem from re-forming into a single defensive formation. Blood bloomed thick in the water, causing Barkley to gag.

They were about to be eaten alive!

Barkley saw the other two Indi battle fins form a pincer move. The first did another looping attack from above. It was doubtful that the AuzyAuzy-Coral force could stop
of the attacks, much less all of them. Barkley glanced at the lantern fish light board and knew he had made a huge mistake. He wasn't a good mariner and never would be even if he lived to be a hundred—which definitely wouldn't happen now.

“I should be sneaking up to that signaler to destroy it! I've killed us all by not using my head,” Barkley muttered through gritted teeth. The Indi armada closed in for what would be a final, decisive attack.

Just when all hope seemed to be lost, Barkley caught a glimpse of an immense shark bursting from the greenie and streaking at the lantern fish signaler.

His heart leapt. It was Gray!

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