The Beast's Desire 1-3 (Paranormal Romance, Beast Lust Series) (2 page)

Her only option was to climb out the driver’s side window to get out of the SUV. Her wound was still bleeding and was beginning to soak through the band-aids, so she grabbed the already bloody napkins just in case. She turned to her left and tossed her pack onto the road first, then raised herself up and pushed her body through the open window.

Chloe swooned at the pain in her head and lost her balance which sent her falling onto the rocky pavement three feet below the bottom of the window. “Dammit,” Chloe cursed as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Now she had bloody hands and knees as well as a head wound.

Chloe looked up at the leaves above her and yelled, “If any more shit is supposed to happen, let’s just get it over with now!” She wasn’t sure who she was yelling at, but she had to admit, she felt better having aired her frustration.

As though some force was taking her literally or making fun of her predicament, a low growl sounded from behind the truck and two huge, reflective orange eyes glowed in the darkness. Chloe whipped her head around then froze as an enormous figure tentatively made its way toward her.

Chapter 1.3

This can’t be happening!
Chloe thought to herself.
Okay, I take it back…I didn’t really mean for bad things to happen right this second!
She squinted her eyes, trying to make out the large dark form coming nearer, but she’d never seen anything close to its size.

The being was so huge it had to be at least seven feet tall when crouched, which meant it was gigantic at its full height. As it came closer, the reflection of the lights from the Bronco enabled her to better make out its humanoid shape.

Covered in dark, curly hair, it was muscular and had to be at least three hundred plus pounds. It was hunched over, and only presented one side to her, its posture defensive and ready to attack or run away. It would step forward, then stop, step forward again, then stop, as though testing her or waiting to see if she would do anything threatening toward it.

Part of her wanted to run away in terror, but the biologist in her was filled with curiosity. Choosing to remain silent and to see how this played out, she remained fixed, not daring to move.

The giant, furry beast was so close to Chloe now, she could smell the dirt on its body, but, surprisingly, his scent wasn’t unpleasant. She inhaled and found it didn’t smell badly at all; in fact, the human-like beast actually smelled

Ugh, what is
with me? My head must be worse than I thought if I’m starting to think this human-creature-thing smells nice!
She inhaled yet again to see if she was losing her mind, but found the beast’s aroma even more enticing than before.

The huge creature cocked its head to the side as it stared at her intently, its fists nervously clenching and unclenching. A slight breeze suddenly filled the air with the scent of sandalwood and musk, teasing Chloe’s nostrils, and she breathed in deeply. The rich, earthy fragrance rolled over her tongue and down her throat and she realized she was beginning to feel aroused.

The thought of being “aroused” in the presence of this unknown creature jolted her back into reality.
God, what is wrong with me?
she berated herself.
It’s not even human! I can’t find a hairy beast attractive…can I?

Again, the spicy, musky scent overwhelmed her and she found her mind beginning to fog. She was shocked to feel her nipples stiffen achingly against her shirt and the area between her legs was starting to pulsate as her excitement grew.

The creature reached out slowly to touch her forehead and, still dazed, she let it. The moment its fingers made contact with the injury above her eye, pain shot through her again and she yelled, “Ow!”

Startled at her sudden outburst, the creature quickly withdrew its fingers from her face as though they were on fire. The being cocked its head to the side and studied her for a moment, searching her eyes and face. She saw intelligence in its brown-eyed gaze, and realized this creature was capable of reasoning at a higher level.

What was it? A hybrid? Maybe a cross between gorilla and some kind of hominid or was it an entirely new species completely? She was certainly not aware of the presence of a creature such as this residing free in the United States; then again, scientists were always discovering so-called “new” species that had already existed for thousands of years.

As though feeling sorry for causing her pain, the ape-man sat down a few feet from her and reached toward her face once again. Even sitting down, the humanoid was huge, towering over Chloe’s five foot five frame.

The creature’s scent was getting stronger as it maneuvered itself closer, making her almost dizzy with need. Unable to stop herself, she closed her eyes, savoring the beast’s arousing perfume and loving its sensual aroma inside her nose and mouth.

She had been so wrapped up in her arousal, she had stopped paying attention to the proximity of creature. She jumped when it lightly put its fingers against her wound and said, in a low, gravelly voice, “Ow.”

Chloe couldn’t believe her ears. The humanoid-ape creature had just spoken to her! Obviously more intelligent than she had thought, she stared at it in disbelief.  The beast kept his fingers on her wound as though waiting for her to react, so she nodded her head and whispered, “Yes. Ow.”

The creature nodded its head, seeming to understand the word “ow” was correlated with pain. Its fingers traced down the right side of her face then stopped to cup her cheek as though trying to comfort her.

The beast sniffed her hair and settled its lips against her forehead. It completely caught her off guard when she felt its tongue against her skin. She flinched as the creature brushed over her cut and could hardly believe that it was slowly licking over the band-aids covering her wound.

Instead of being revolted, the biologist in her reasoned,
this is exactly what animals do to clean their wounds. They have far less bacteria in their mouths than humans and the licking promotes healing.
The beast was actually caring for her.

The band-aids, now wet from the ape-man’s saliva, flapped forward and fell sideways onto her nose. Chloe reached up and pulled the rest of the bandage from her forehead, exposing her cut to the creature’s tongue.

For the first time since she had seen it, the musky scent seemed to subside, allowing Chloe to think clearly as the beast tended to her cut.
she nearly exclaimed out loud.
That is the reason I’m feeling so dizzy…Males secrete hormones to attract a female. That means the ape-creature is not only attracted to me, and I’m being affected by the hormones but “it” is also…

Oh, yeah,
Noticing for the first time that it was facing her and giving her a full frontal view of its body she glanced down. Her mouth dropped open in surprise when she saw that the creature before her was an extremely well-endowed male, his giant cock dangling low between his thighs.

Sensing her change in demeanor, the ape-man leaned back to look at her curiously and followed her gaze. As though understanding her fascination with his giant member, he gently chuffed and she would have sworn she saw him smirk!

As quickly as the seductive scent disappeared, the pheromones that had previously been driving her crazy with need, wafted through the air, now stronger than ever. Chloe inhaled and was immediately aroused again, especially with the beast’s monster cock staring her in the face.

She glanced down at her skimpy halter top and shivered, her nipples more prominent than ever. The small nubs were becoming incredibly sensitive, and she longed to be touched and caressed.

The creature’s scent was so intoxicating, it began to overwhelm her rational mind all over again. She felt dizzy and a little bit giddy, which reminded her of the first time she tried pot, minus the stench of the weed. He smelled
so good
she only wanted to get closer to him so she could bury her face into his chest and breathe him in.

The juncture between her legs was getting wetter by the minute as her juices moistened her sex, dampening her underwear. Chloe unconsciously arched her pelvis up and down, rubbing her clit against the denim seam of her shorts. A soft moan slipped from her lips as she gyrated against the material, stimulating herself.

She pressed her fingers against the seam of her shorts and gasped as the pleasing sensation increased. The beast sniffed the air, scenting her arousal, and his cock began to stiffen, rising quickly as it became engorged with blood. The male’s fingers, having paused when it held her face, moved down her neck to her shoulders before tracing down the side of her breast.

Chloe exhaled loudly as the beast cupped her breast and slowly ran its thumb across the hardened peak of her nipple.
Yes, this was exactly what she needed! She leaned her head back against the door of the truck and moaned loudly as the creature’s thumb quickened its pace, thrumming the digit back and forth across her fleshy nub.

Not caring anymore about her totaled truck, the strange detour she’d taken or even feeling any pain, she placed her free hand over the beast’s hand, pressing his fingers and palm tighter against her breast.

Encouraged, the beast grunted and moved closer to Chloe, and she welcomed him, her only thoughts were of her aching nipples and dripping sex. The big male’s cock was growing longer and harder as his arousal for her grew. His erection was so close to her and the desire to reach out and touch him was becoming the foremost thought in her mind.

Interrupting her thoughts, the huge ape-man moved again, and his right arm slipped around the back of her neck, cradling her head. His fur was not wiry as she’d assumed, but was soft and dense, almost silky. She buried her face in the creature’s pectoral muscles and sucked in as much air as she could fit into her lungs. Any remaining resolve she’d had disappeared with the ape-man’s scent.

He shifted, hugging her tightly against his body, bringing his erection closer, placing it slightly below her breasts. A bead of pre-cum glistened on the head of his phallus and her mind raced.
God, what would it feel like to have that perfect cock in my mouth?
she thought shamelessly. She couldn’t help but wonder what the creature would do if she wrapped her fingers around his member and stroked him. Would he like it? Would he become angry or run away?

Chloe turned toward the beast and leaned in toward his chest, brushing her breasts across his erection, teasing the head with the friction of her halter top. The creature stopped what he was doing and snuffled against the top of her forehead, but didn’t move away. She froze, uncertain of his reaction until he resumed tracing his thumb over her nipple.

His moving thumb was all the encouragement she needed and she decided she
to touch him, praying he wouldn’t run from her or become violent. Before she could change her mind, she reached out and gently wrapped her fingers around his thick, long member.  

The creature sucked in air suddenly and his entire body stiffened, the muscles in his arms and legs visibly tense. For a moment, Chloe was certain he would bolt from her; instead, quite the opposite happened. She continued to stroke his engorged cock up and down, up and down, and, after the third stroke, the ape-man moaned, obviously enjoying her touch.

His fingers traced the back of her neck to her face before he tenderly inserted his thumb into her mouth. Chloe ran her tongue wildly across the pad of his thumb, sucking on it greedily. Had her scientific mind been working properly, she would have realized his gesture was very human.

The ape-man shifted his legs so he could better angle his huge cock into Chloe’s grasp, meeting her thrust for thrust. His left hand raised Chloe’s breast, squeezing the orb gently, feeling the weight of it in his hand. He alternated between caressing and holding her breast, to gently pinching her nipple between his thumb and first finger, driving her mad with desire.

Even through the material of her halter top, Chloe was in heaven. Never in her life had she been so turned-on or felt so carefree, but she wanted more from this beast; she wanted him inside of her, filling her until she came screaming again and again.

Wanting to show the beast her receptiveness, she spread her legs and guided his hand between her thighs, under the denim material of her shorts. Needing no further direction, the ape-man slipped his fingers into Chloe’s sex, pushing in and out of her unceremoniously.

Chloe cried out with pleasure and threw her head back, gasping and panting at the beast’s ministrations. Taking her reaction to his touch as favorable, he increased his fingers’ thrusts inside her body and her juices thickly coated his fingers in response. He sent his fingers deeper into her warm pussy, making her writhe wantonly. His fingers were so long, he hit her g-spot easily, sending her spiraling out of control.

Everything he did made her want him more; the touch of his hand on her breast, the exquisite pain and pleasure when he pinched her nipple and the way he expertly drove his fingers into her, fucking her harder and harder was pure ecstasy.

She returned the favor by rubbing his cock faster and leaned down to give the head a quick swipe with her tongue. He wailed loudly with pleasure as his cock began to protrude from the sheath of foreskin, his excitement growing.

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