The Beast's Desire 1-3 (Paranormal Romance, Beast Lust Series) (4 page)

She protectively crossed her arms across her breasts and replied, “I’m fine, thank you.” She shook her head, embarrassed and continued, “It was my fault…I didn’t mean to surprise you.”
Or have you turn around so suddenly when I was standing so close to you. What the hell was I thinking?

Not seeming to notice her sudden arousal, he smiled as he walked past her to unlock the cabin.  Held the door open for her and waited as she walked inside.

To her left she heard a click as he ignited his lighter bathing his face in a soft orange glow. She watched him move as he lit several lanterns around the cabin and was impressed as a nicely decorated, well furnished, clean cabin was revealed.

The cabin paled in comparison to the gorgeous man only a few feet from her. He moved with a kind of fluid gracefulness, perfectly balanced, never losing his footing even in the low light.

His dark eyes sparkled in the firelight of the lit lanterns and she found herself memorizing his facial features. His luscious lips looked soft and delectably kissable, his teeth were white and straight, his nose was neither too wide, nor to narrow and his jaw was strong, but not overstated. Even the tiny scar that interrupted his right eyebrow didn’t take away from his perfection.

Oblivious to her gaze, he motioned to different parts of the room as he spoke. “The bathroom is back here and there are lighters in almost every drawer.” He paused before continuing, “Most people don’t realize how dark it really gets out here without light from a nearby city. Once you decide to turn off the lights, it’s best to know where to find the nearest lighter or flashlight.”

Chloe nodded, listening politely. “You said there was running water for the toilet and sink, but not for a shower?”
Bet he’d look good in the sh-. Don’t even go there, Chloe!

“No,” he smiled. “There’s a natural spring that feeds into pond about fifty yards from the cabin where you can wash up. You can drink the water from the waterfall, but I’d boil it just in case. It would be safest just to drink the water from the sink.”

She mutely nodded her head, trying like crazy to keep her mouth closed so she didn’t blurt out anything embarrassing.

“I park my truck here since my cabin is further north a couple of miles,” he gestured with his chin. “Just follow the path if you need anything.”

“Thanks, but I’m sure I’ll be fine,” she smiled, anxious to have the place to herself and to get over the intensely erotic feelings.

He came to stand in front of her with a worried look on his face. His scent washed over her once again and she instinctively breathed him in deeply. If a man’s spicy musk could be addicting, she was well on her way to being indefinitely hooked.

“Will you be around the cabin much?” she blurted, now suddenly hoping to see him at least one more time before the weekend ended. Funny how all thoughts of wanting to be alone flew out the window because of the way this man’s scent affected her.

He shook his head, “Most likely not. My work will take me further North and West for the next couple of days. I’ll return home at night, but otherwise, I’m unreachable.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Are you sure you’ll be okay by yourself?” he asked once again.

“Absolutely,” she answered a little too quickly. It seemed like she couldn’t decide whether she wanted him to stay or to leave. Her head was in such a fog, she was becoming utterly confused.

He nodded his head once as though finally accepting her answer. “Oh, almost forgot,” he said as he walked to the nightstand and opened the drawer.  “Here,” he said and handed her a flashlight. “Extra batteries are in the drawer.”

She clicked the flashlight on and off to make sure it worked. “Great!” she replied enthusiastically.  Chloe courteously walked him to the door. “Thanks, Mr. Devons.”

“It’s Ronin, and you’re welcome,” he said, then closed the door behind him. She had just tossed the flashlight onto the bed when the door opened once again, “One more thing. For your safety, I would advise against wandering around at night. There are few predators in the preserve, but I wouldn’t want you to run into any of them.”

“Predators?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest again in disbelief. “Like what?”
A few skunks and raccoons?
she mused.
How naïve does this guy think I am?

“A few coyotes and every great once in a while a wolf wanders in, but that’s about it.”

Oh…hadn’t thought about that.
She nodded her head, “Got it.”

“Good night, Ms. Sanders.”

She smiled at him and said, “’Night. And it’s Chloe,” before she shut and locked the door.

Chapter 2

Chloe looked around the room, surveying her living quarters for the next several days. Everything in the place was made of wood or made to match the rich walnut color of the cabin. Really, it was beautiful.

She opened all the windows, immediately enjoying the cool breeze that drifted across her perspiring skin. This was going to be a warm night, even with light t-shirt and shorts for sleepwear. She heard Ronin start his truck and drive away, assuming he must have decided to run his errands after all.

The day seemed to catch up with her all at once and a wave of exhaustion poured over her. She opened her pack, trying to ignore the rich, spicy scent that permeated the room and found her night clothes.

Chloe sighed wistfully, wishing there was a shower or a tub in the cabin. Even though she was exhausted, she longed to feel clean. There was just something about a shower that helped wash away the remains of a bad day, and her day had been anything but great.

After catching a whiff of herself, her decision was made; despite Ronin’s warning about predators, she was going to find the pond and take a relaxing dip.

She stripped out of her sweaty halter top and the rest of her clothes, stretching her body as the breeze played over her skin. She fished through her pack for her toiletry bag and put on her lightweight robe.

She was almost out the door when she remembered to grab the flashlight still sitting on the bed. Finally ready to go, Chloe set out from the cabin in search of the pond.

Leaves rustled above her head, small insects chirped and tree frogs croaked all around her. She clicked on the flashlight and searched for the trail Ronin had mentioned earlier. She found the path easily enough and followed the gentle turns through the forest.

Chloe knew she must be close to the pond because she could hear water falling, inviting her closer. After a short walk, the dirt and leaf-covered lane diverged and widened. She took the short path to her right and was led to a small clearing. Surrounded by tall oaks, walnut trees and firs was a shallow pond with a small, rapidly-flowing waterfall. 

She switched off her flashlight and stood mesmerized at the surreal view before her. A nearly full moon shown down on the pond; its reflection rippling from the waterfall’s splashing currents. The scene before her couldn’t have been more peaceful or beautiful.

She set her small pack on a flat rock near the edge of the water then disrobed, the sensation of the night air tickling the hairs on her naked skin. The brightness of the moon guided her to a declining slope leading down to the water’s edge.

She waded carefully into the clear pond, luxuriating in the feel of it rinsing away the sweat and grime of the day. She lathered her arms with environmentally-safe soap and washed her hair, the cool water invigorating her.

She swam around for a while, floating on her back, relaxing, and loving the feeling of weightlessness. Finally, her body began to cool; the fleshy nubs of her nipples hard and gooseflesh popping up all over her skin.

Chloe reluctantly climbed out of the water and laid out on a large, flat rock still warm from the sun. It was a perfect way to dry off. There was no freer feeling than being naked in the middle of a forest.

She closed her eyes and dozed lightly, taking pleasure in the warmth at her back and the cooling night air. Her intention was to relax for a few short moments; however, when she next opened her eyes, she realized it had gotten quite late.

The moon had shifted and was no longer shining directly into the clearing, but it was still light enough that she could make out her forgotten robe nearby. Suddenly, the forest was quiet; the chirping insects and amphibians silencing themselves abruptly.

She scrambled to her feet in fear, certain someone or something was watching her. A twig snapped loudly and Chloe jerked her head around, trying to see what caused the noise. Taking a few steps forward, she squinted in the moonlight, hoping to pinpoint the location of the sound.

A rich, spicy musk filled the air and Chloe smiled knowing the Bigfoot was near. A dark shape closed in behind her and a surprised “eeep” left her mouth as she was lifted off her feet. Her fear was quickly muted as she fully took in the musky scent of male, welcoming it as it filled her senses.

Her body became flushed with arousal as the beast’s pheromones invaded her mind. She had hoped she would see the ape-man again but hadn’t realized exactly how much until this very moment.

The creature pulled her against his chest, cradling her nude body against his. His soft hair tickled her breasts as he flexed his arms, teasing her, making her want to get as close to him as possible.

He nuzzled her ear, nipping and licking the outside, driving her wild. The beast’s scent had kicked in hard and Chloe buried her face against his chest, breathing him in, happily sealing her fate as the addicting pheromones took away her inhibitions.

As though a switch had been flipped, her body responded fiercely to his amplified scent, her nipples jutting prominently and her sex becoming slick with her honey. Her body was on fire with desire as the big male gently set her down on the flat, warm rock she’d slept on only a few minutes ago. He stepped back from her as though waiting for her to make the next move.

Even in the dim light, she could see him clearly and she looked up at the ape-man, studying his features.

The beast was absolutely massive as he stood at his full height.  Nearly eight feet tall, he towered over her, making her feel tiny and helpless. An abundance of fine, curly dark hair covered the Bigfoot from head to toe, though it did little to hide the powerfully bulging muscles on his arms and legs.

His chest was broad and solid and Chloe wanted nothing more than to rub her face against those pectoral muscles over and over again – until she saw his enormous cock rise and thicken.

The length of beast’s erection made her gasp, appearing larger now than it had when she’d last seen and touched him. She licked her lips reflexively as she stared at the ape-man’s huge, dark erection and shuddered at the memories of their last encounter.

The beast watched her closely as she took in his body, his breath quickening when her gaze stopped on his erection. His cock pulsed several times and he grasped the long organ in his hand. The beast stroked his erection slowly, all the while giving her a purely predatory look.

Her lips parted as she watched him pump his shaft and she was almost jealous.
wanted to be the one touching him, not sitting there watching him pleasure himself.

As though reading her mind, the beast stalked toward her, chuffing his excitement as he used one hand to push her body flat against the rock. After settling on her back, Chloe watched his fingers trail over her breasts then hover just above her stomach.

Although the beast’s scent had taken control of her sexual responses, her brain was still clear enough for her to be nervous. As her back touched the rock, she bent her legs and whipped her knees together, in an effort to protect herself from being so open and vulnerable to the Bigfoot.

Her mind and body seemed to be at war; the logical part of her brain told her to protect herself while her sexually aroused body screamed at her to give in to the pleasure she was craving.

An odd feeling crept over Chloe as she realized she
the Bigfoot inside of her. She didn’t want to run away or fight him, though she wasn’t exactly sure of the reason. As the pheromones further swayed her mind, she made her decision. She wanted him to fuck her until she couldn’t see straight, or walk straight, whichever came first.

The ape-man was crouching at her feet, looking at her over her bent knees and was obviously not happy about the leg-barrier she’d created. He placed his hands on her knees and pushed them apart easily, lightly slapping her feet away as he settled between her legs.

She could feel the cool night air against her sex and shivered slightly, partly from nervousness and partly from having her pussy wide open to the world.

The Bigfoot reached up with two large hands and caressed her breasts, his touch gentle, almost loving. After tweaking her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, he ran his hands down her sides sending shivers all over her body.

He caressed her hips, his thumbs tracing their way to her inner thighs. The Bigfoot’s rough hands finally came to rest on either side of the fleshy lips of her pussy. His thumbs reached inward, pulling her labial lips even wider. She had never felt so exposed in her life, but she remained unafraid.

He stared at her most intimate place, seeming to study her a few moments. The beast extended one finger and lightly traced it around her opening, circling it, eliciting a gasp from Chloe. He swirled around the edge a few more times before lifting his finger to his lips. The ape-man locked eyes with her as he slipped the wet digit into his mouth, savoring her taste.

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