The Beginning of Us (301 page)

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Authors: Alexis Noelle

They catch my stare as I watch four men walk into the deli. Once again I feel as though my body is in another world and I can't move even if I want to. His eyes catch mine and his face turns into the biggest smile. He gives me the sexiest wink and begins to head over to our booth.

"Char, ladies, how are you all doing this afternoon?" He asks.

I can hear the heartbeats of the other two women at the table as Riley just stands there so cool and confident. I figure I better speak up for us before we all look like love struck fools.

"Hey Riley, guys. What brings you over to our side of town today?" I ask directing the question at Riley.

"Chris told me this place had great sandwiches and we were bidding on a job nearby so we decided to stop." He replies.

"Well it was nice to see you again so soon. Angie, Ruthie this is Riley and the crew Chris, Tony, and Pete." I say with a coy smile directed at Riley.

"Well ladies it was a pleasure to meet you all, but we do have to get some grub and get back on the road. Char I will see you later." And with that the men walk over to the deli counter.

"Hot damn mama! Who the fuck was that?" Ruthie asks.

I giggle at her line of questioning, only Ruthie can ask a question like that and have it mean so much more. Angie just sits there fanning herself watching the men order their lunches.

"Stop staring crazy!" I shout at her while kicking her under the table.

"Well answer the damn question!" Angie shouts.

"It’s a long story and we only have fifteen minutes left of our lunch. Let's finish up and I will explain on our walk back to the office.

The girls quickly eat up the rest of their salads and get to-go cups for their drinks. We make our way back to the building and I share with them the saga that is Riley and Char.

They both stare at me and fight off their fits of laughter.

"Good god woman, I would’ve jumped him in the ladies room of the deli." Ruthie admits.

"Yes you would, but lucky for me I’ll have all night to do just that." I say with a girly giggle.

"Slut!" Angie says.

"Whore!" Ruthie says.

"Jealous? I reply.

"Yes!" they say in unison.

And the three of us fall into laughter as we enter the office.

"Thanks for tagging along for lunch, it was fun."

"Let's do it again sometime soon." Angie insists.

I make my way back to my office space and knock out the rest of my day without a second to blink. It feels good to be back on track with things at work and I am so glad I got to hang out with the girls at lunch today. I miss having girlfriends like that and I feel like Ruthie and Angie are girls I can be honest and share my love drama with.


After seeing Char at the deli, it was hard to get her off my mind. The guys were being complete assholes on the way back to the office and it was nearly impossible to avoid their line of questioning.

I tried to pay attention to my driving skills, but the dick heads wouldn't shut the fuck up.

"Come on Kincaid, spill it. What is going on with you and Char?" Tony asks.

"Yea, last week you told us nothing was going on and the rumors were bullshit." Chris piped in.

"Guys, things change and really it’s none of your god damn business what we are or are not doing."

"Ha so there is more than he’s willing to tell us!" Pete shouts.

"Guys shut the fuck up before I take this truck off road. And then you can explain why the driver was distracted and crashed up to Roger and Bryce."

"In all seriousness dudes, does Bryce know?" Pete asks.

"Ugh you are all a giant pain in my ass. Do I go asking you clowns about your fucking love lives...hell no?"

"Did you hear that guys, Riley is in love with Char." Chris says.

"That's it. I am not saying another word to you assfaces till we get back to the office."

Fuck those guys know how to push all the wrong buttons with me. Char and I are so new to our relationship that there is no way in hell I am talking to them about anything. Plus I don't need them creating unnecessary gossip around work. Because you know men talk more than women do, go figure.

Once we get back to the office, I head into my office and log in the bid we are offering for the new client. I feel so in my element here with Taylor & Sons Contracting, it’s a great job and I love every minute of it.

The rest of the day flies by and before I know it’s already five o'clock. I shut down my stuff for the day and make my way up to Bryce's office to hand in the team's final bid paperwork.

I see Patty typing like a mad woman and ask if Bryce is available. She calls him and shortly after tells me to head-on in.

"Hey Bryce." I say as I enter his large office.

"Hi, Riley. How did the meeting go with the team today?"

"It went really well and I am almost positive they will accept our bid. It’s a big job, but with the talent we have here, I am sure we can knock it out of the park."

"Good deal let me see what you guys have come up with and I will send it over to their people tomorrow."

I hand him the file I’ve carefully constructed and pray that it meets his standards. With Roger out this week, he has put me in charge of organizing all the bids. This is a big deal for me and I don't want to let Bryce or Roger down.

"Is there anything else I can do for you before I head out?" I ask making my way back over to the door.

"Nah, this all looks pretty good for now. If there is anything that needs changing I can do it myself and then work with you on it tomorrow."

"Ok, have a good night Bryce."

"You too Riley and give Char my love." Bryce tells me.

"Will do sir and thank you." I reply.


Chapter 22


On my way home from work I decide to stop at the local grocery store to pick up some things for dinner. Riley has tasted my cooking skills before and so far he approves. I want to make something delicious for him again tonight and I have just the idea.

I choose to go the route of seafood and pick out all the ingredients I will need to make shrimp scampi and a nice big garden salad. I wander over to the wine section of the store and pick out a bottle of Pinot Grigio to accompany dinner, but because Riley is not a fan I grab him a six pack of beer too.

Before heading home I send Riley text messages letting him know I am on my way home and hope he is hungry. En route to the apartment, I play back the past few weeks in my mind. With the chemistry Riley and I share one would think we’ve known each other much longer than just two weeks. Things are going so well between us and I am anxious to see where this relationship takes us both.

I know that things were not always great for me in the romance sector before, but with Riley it’s just so easy to fall in love with him. I know it’s way too soon for love, but lust is a good place to start right now. I won't rush a relationship with him if that isn't what he is looking for, I mean in the long-term sense of things. Instead I think it’s best to take things with us day by day.

My phone begins to ring in my purse and the Blue-tooth in the Jeep kicks into gear. I see the call is coming from Mom's cell so I choose to answer it.

"Hey Mama."

"Hi there baby girl, how was work today? It wasn't too much coming back from vacation I hope."

God I love this woman, she is so caring and always worries too much about me.

"Work was great and I already got myself all caught up."

"That's my girl. So the reason I am calling is to find out when you, Riley, and Derrick will be coming for dinner this week."

There is a moment of silence.

"Char?" Mama asks.

"Yea I am here Mama, just surprised you invited Riley to come too I guess."

"Well you two are dating now, right. I mean wouldn't it be rude if I didn't invite your boyfriend to come for dinner?"

"Um well, I guess so."

I haven't considered Riley to be my boyfriend. I mean yes we have had amazing sex together; he slept over, and showered with me the next morning. But does that make him my boyfriend...or me a whore?

Oh god!

"Char? What is wrong with you honey? Are you even paying attention to me?" Mama asks in a harsh tone. I can tell I am beginning to irritate her with my lack of conversation.

"Yea I am good Mama. I will talk to the guys and call you back later tonight. Is that ok?"

"Of course, just don't forget."

"I won't Mama, love you."

"You too baby."

Damn it to hell, I better talk this through with Riley before he heads over to my parents for dinner. I don't want an awkward moment like I just had with Mama to happen to him.

I pull into the small complex parking lot and pull the Jeep right in front. I don't see Riley's Durango yet so I grab my bags and head-on inside.

Before I start cooking I pull my hair back in a hair-tie and go to wash my hands. I organize the items I will need to start dinner and get a move on.

The smell lingering in the air is delicious and I can't wait to eat. It’s a little after six and I was hoping Riley would have been here by now. I look to my phone to see if he messaged me, but there is nothing since the one I sent him earlier.

I go to my room to change into something more comfortable and light some candles along the way back out to the living room. I set the table and stir the scampi sauce before tossing the noodles into the boiling water.

I hear the famous door bell ring and instantly butterflies develop in my stomach. God this man isn't even in my apartment and he is causing me to feel this way. I hurry over to the door and without even looking out the peep hole I throw open the door.

In front of me stands my man. I jump into his arms and greet him with a soft passionate kiss. As my tongue darts out and into his mouth, I can taste Riley. His mouth is hot and sweet all at the same time. His minty breath makes my tongue tingle and the fact I am in his arms my entire body feels like it’s bolting with electricity. I love the way I feel around this man.


I am greeted by Char at her door and before I can say hello she jumps into my arms. I love the way she makes me feel and with a kiss like this, I may never leave her to go to work again.

I put her feet back down to the ground and break away from our moment of intensity.

"Well hello to you too baby, happy to see me are you?" I ask her with a smile.

"Yes! I missed you today." She tells me still breathless from our kiss.

"I know, I missed you too. It was hard to see you at the deli and then having to walk away. Next time I’ll have to either crash your lunch date or make one of our own."

"Ooo, I like the sound of that."

She stands on her tippy toes and plants a soft kiss on my lips. I am trying my best to hide the flowers I bought for her behind my back, but I can tell she knows I am up to something.

"It smells incredible in here. What are you cooking?" I ask stretching my neck to see in the kitchen.

"Just a little thing I know you will like." She replies with a coy smirk on her face.

Char makes her way over to the stove and starts to stir up some sauce in one pan and noodles in another pot. I work my way up behind her and lean my chin up against her left shoulder. From behind both of our backs I pull out a bouquet of wildflowers and bring them around for her to see.

"Oh my goodness Riley, they are beautiful. Thank you." She says with tears in her eyes.

"Oh baby, these weren't meant to make you cry. Please don't cry. Here let's grab a vase and get them in some water."

"No, no the flowers are not the reason I am crying and they are not tears of sadness Riley. You just make me so happy, I’m so happy because of you."

She throws her arms up around my neck and tightens her squeeze. I hold on to her and I need to tell her how I feel for her. I don't want to scare her away, but at the same time she needs to know.

"Char, ever since I laid my eyes on you I wanted you to be mine. I know we’ve had a few awkward moments, but I would not take back the last two weeks of my life for the world. You really are something special to me. I hope you realize that."

As I say these words to her, she is looking at me with such love. Her big brown eyes are full of tears; yet the smile on her face shows me just how happy she really is to have me here with her.

"Riley I feel the same way for you. I was just thinking about us today and that it seems as though we’ve known each other so much longer. I can honestly say that I am on my way to falling in love with you."

With that she quickly shuts her eyes and throws her hands over her face. She is so cute when she is trying to express herself, but I don't want her to feel embarrassed about what she is telling me. 

"Char baby, look at me. I know how you feel and there is no reason to be shy or embarrassed about it. I feel the same way."

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