The Beginning of Us (303 page)

Read The Beginning of Us Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle


Chapter 24

Tuesday August 28, 2012


I wake to the annoying sound of my alarm. With all the excitement of last night I didn't prepare for work today. I need to get up but the warmth of the body next to me won't allow me to budge. I snuggle myself in closer to Riley and can feel him begin to stir. I wrap my arms around him and nuzzle my face into his chest. I love the way he smells.

We both need to get up and start our days but being here with him like this makes it so hard. He is playing with my ponytail twirling it in his fingers and I am running my own fingers up and down the light patch of hair that leads from his belly button to my new favorite of places.

I know that if I venture much further things are going to get heated and unfortunately neither of us having the time for that. I begin to move my way off him and down to the end of the bed. I look back at him and he has the cutest pout on his face. I love that he stayed here again with me last night. Having him with me like this is perfect and I don't want it to end, but he can't stay here forever...right? He can't like move in here...right? No, it’s way too soon for that! Maybe a night or two apart is just what we need to slow things down a bit. Yea that is exactly what we need to do.

"Ok sleepyhead, we both need to get a move on so we aren't late for work. Let's go!" I say trying to push him out of the bed.

"You can try to get rid of me babe, but your slight push isn't going to do it." He smirks.

"Hmm, okay tough guy. What if I offered you to join me in the shower?"

Before I can even stand to make my way to the bathroom, Riley is up and sprinting ahead of me...naked. Holy shit my man is hot! As he trots himself toward the bathroom I get an extra long glimpse of his perfect back, ass, and legs. Yummy!

I follow him into the bathroom and start up the shower. He hops in and pulls me in right next to him.

"Now you know we don't have all that long in here mister so soap up and move out of my way." I tell him as I add the shampoo into my hair.

"Don't worry baby, it won't take me long to do what I need to do in here." He says with a devilish smirk and wink.

I watch as he lathers the body wash over his body and then proceeds to do the same for me.

"Why thank you kind sir, that was awfully nice of you to lend me a hand." I tell him with a kiss to the lips.

"Well you said we were on a time limit here and I had plans to slip something in if there was any time left over."

"Oh you are so sly."

"I know!" He says to me and rinses the last bit of soap off my body.

He hangs the shower hose back up to the wall and puts his hands on my hips. The tingle begins to take over my body and I can feel myself start to tremble with anticipation.

"How much time do we have left babe?"

"Just enough." I barely squeak out.

He lowers himself so that he is kneeling in front of me. He pushes my back up against the shower curtain which is hanging directly in front of the tile wall. My legs are shaking so bad right now and Riley puts a hand on both of them to calm my nerves.

"Just relax baby, I am going to reward you for your amazing poker skills."

I try to relax myself and watch this amazing man.

He plants a soft kiss to my stomach and trails tiny nips over to each hip moving back and forth. He continues his kisses down to my thighs and nuzzles his nose to my sacred place. With both of his hands he spreads my lips and takes a long lick from front to back.

I can barely keep myself from falling at the mere pleasure he has just sent through my body.

"Riley, oh god, please don't stop!"

He continues to suck, lick, and nip. Before long my entire world is spinning out of control. Riley has a tight grasp around my legs so that I don't slip and fall and keeps going until the last bit of my orgasm is taken from me.

He moves up my body and places a tender kiss to my lips.

"Shit Riley that was fucking amazing."

He gives me a smile to die for and turns off the water.

"Guess we need to hurry up now and get ready. Hope my little treat doesn't make us too late for work." He says while grabbing the soft fluffy towels for us to dry off.

"Oh it was so worth it." I tell him.

"You are going to be really late though since you have to run back to Derrick's to get changed." I say.

"Nope! Brought my clothes with me last night."

"A little presumptuous aren't ya?"

"Nah, just knew you would want me to stay with you again." He replies with a wink.

I giggle at him and proceed to dry off and make my way back to the bedroom to get dressed. What a great way to start the day, wake up to a gorgeous man and have an orgasm all before breakfast.


I give Char a short, but passionate kiss before shutting the door to her Jeep. After the night we shared last night and the moment of bliss in the shower this morning I would say we have some strong physical chemistry.

I watch as she pulls out of the lot and hop into the Durango. Today will be a busy day at work and I am anxious to visit two other clients for possible contracts. The team at Taylor & Sons Contracting is knowledgeable and skilled in many areas. I am fortunate to learn from their experiences.

When I get into the office, I have a message waiting for me from Patty to meet the team in Bryce's office at nine o'clock. I have a few emails to review before the meeting so I decide to log into the computer and get to work.

At nine sharp the entire team of Bryce, Pete, Tony, Chris, and I meet in the large office. The guys and I discuss the day ahead of us while we wait for Bryce to share why we are here. This is the first time I am in this type of a setting with the crew minus Roger and I am unsure what to expect.

"As you know Roger is out this week. I know it’s quite unlike him to just pick up and request vacation at the last minute, but I now know why his departure was so sudden. I received a call today from a contracting company down south. It seems that Roger has accepted a position with them and will be starting as soon as next week."

"What the hell Bryce, did he go to the same company Curtis left us for? Where does that leave the T&S crew?" Pete asks.

"Yes, Roger has accepted a position with the same company Curt is now working with. Looks like they now have two of our men. I understand this leaves a bit of a hole in the team...again. We just replaced the building contractor's position. There are a lot of heavy hitters along the East Coast, but this competitor is one that we have never had to deal with when it has come to our clients. Roger and I had been looking into some new business in the Southeast for quite some time and it looks like his new venture will now be fighting for those same jobs. We have a bit of a dilemma on our hands, but I am positive this team will see it through till the end."

"So does this mean we are now looking for a general contractor?" Tony asks.

"Pretty much, you guys got anyone in mind?" Bryce says.

We all start to look around the room at one another and suddenly all eyes are directly on me.

"What are you guys looking at me like that for?" I ask.

"Come on Riley, you basically ran your dad's business for years after college. You are overly qualified for just a building contractor. What do you have to lose?" Chris says.

"Guys seriously I am flattered that you have so much faith in me, but I just started here last week."

I look over to Bryce for something, anything, but all he is doing is sitting up against his desk with his arms crossed. He is watching the interaction among his team and I can tell the wheels are spinning in that head of his.

"Bryce? What are you thinking?" Pete asks.

"I think the job of a general contractor is a large responsibility for anyone to take on, believe me, I did it for years before Roger came on board. I know Riley is capable of the job, but is he willing to take it on?"

He looks directly at me with a questionable smirk on his face and waits for me to reply.

"Riley, what do you say? We all got your back on this." Tony chimes.

"How soon do I need to let you know?" I ask

"I want you to think about this seriously Riley. You can do it; I just want you to be ready for this jump. It’s not just the building crew you will be overseeing; it will now be the entire operation." Bryce replies.

"I can do it, I know I can. Let me just take some time to mull it over." I say.

"Sounds good! Ok men, head out to your bids and Riley make sure the final detail is in my office by the end of the day." Bryce tells the team.

"Yes sir!" We all reply.

"Hey Riley, stay back a second would you?" Bryce asks.

"I'll be down to meet you guys at the truck in fifteen minutes." I tell the team and close the door to Bryce's office.

"I appreciate your confidence with this position Bryce, I really do. I want to accept the role, but I also want to give it some time to sink in."

"I understand son, the job is yours if you want it. I do want you to know that we will be bidding for the same jobs as another company from North Carolina."

I hear the words coming out of Bryce's mouth, but I also feel the tension consuming me. I know the other company he is speaking of and I never thought I would have to deal with those people again. A part of my past is about to creep up on me and I don't know how I feel about it.

"How do you feel about being in front of RPK Contracting again?" Bryce asks.

"Bryce this is not just a stepping stone for me. Taylor & Sons is a career. It’s the place I want to make my home. If I have to out-bid those clowns and take over a client, I will do it proudly."

"I am so glad to hear you say that Riley. Oh and by the way, great work with the final bid detail for our client yesterday. It was flawless."

"Thanks Bryce, I'll meet you back up here later tonight with today's bids."

"Sounds good Riley and thanks for your professionalism."

I walk out of Bryce's office and make my way out to meet the crew.

Fuck me; I never thought I would have to deal with him again!

My head is spinning in a million directions and I need to think, I need to breathe, I need a fucking drink, I need.....Char!


Chapter 25


Pulling away from Riley isn't as easy as it was a few weeks ago. I am growing quite attached to my guy. The past few days have been absolutely amazing and I am so happy that I am giving this a chance. He makes me feel whole, like he is the piece of me that has been missing for far too long.

I know I told myself that we should take a night or two to breathe, but after the moment of passion we left and I forgot to mention anything. I'm thinking of asking the girls if they want to head out for drinks and dinner tomorrow. That will give me something to keep my mind off Riley in my bed.

God the thoughts of Riley in my pull it together Char. It isn’t appropriate to walk into work with wet panties.

Breathe, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, I go!

The morning at work is flying by and I really haven't had a chance to talk to Angie or Ruthie yet. I love being this busy, it helps the day to go by fast and keep my mind off a certain someone.

I make my way over to where the girl's offices are set up. Angie's door is closed so she is probably in a meeting, but I can see that Ruthie's is open.

"Hey lady!" I say walking into her office.

"Hey Char, what's up? How is that hot man of yours?" She says while wiggling her eyebrow in a seductive way.

"You are nuts girl, you know that? I am doing just great and as for Riley, he is wonderful. So anyway enough about me, what are you up to tomorrow night? I was thinking of asking you and Angie to go for some drinks and dinner after work."

"Well I know I have nothing going on, but let's check with Angie." Ruthie replies.

"Ok, her door was shut when I came over so I assumed she was in a meeting or something."

"No worries, I will watch out for her and ask when I see her come out. I will call you when I know the plan." Ruthie says with excitement.

"Perfect see you later." I tell Ruthie as I leave her office and go back to my side of the admin floor.

Great now that is all settled I need to finish up a few budgets and accounts before heading out to lunch. I have to remember to talk to the guys about dinner at Mama and Daddy's too before I get a call about that today.

I get back to my office and complete all the things I have listed to do this morning. I love staying ahead of the game; it’s kind of what makes me tick. Having a plan and seeing it through is all part of my OCD. I giggle to myself at my craziness that is me and shut down my system to go for lunch.

Once I make my way over to the Jeep, I pull out my cell to call the guys. I need to get this dinner squared away before I forget. I see that I have three missed calls from Riley and two text messages. Shit!

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