The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (147 page)

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Authors: Richard J. Herrnstein,Charles A. Murray

Tags: #History, #Science, #General, #Psychology, #Sociology, #Genetics & Genomics, #Life Sciences, #Social Science, #Educational Psychology, #Intelligence Levels - United States, #Nature and Nurture, #United States, #Education, #Political Science, #Intelligence Levels - Social Aspects - United States, #Intellect, #Intelligence Levels

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Abecedarian Project, 406-409, 574

Child abuse and neglect

Achievement tests, black and white differences in IQ and, 290-293, 554-556, 562-567, 662-664

Adams, John, 531

Adoption, 309-311, 410-413

Affirmative action

in higher education, 36, 447-477

admissions policy and, 458-468

black dropout rates and, 473-474

costs of, 470-475

ethnic premium for, 449-458

graduate schools in arts and sciences, 457-458

impact of, 469-470, 574-575

law schools, 455-456

medical schools, 456-457

policy options for, 475-477, 574-575

racial animosity and, 473

rationale for, 458-468

undergraduate schools, 451-455

in the workplace, 479-507

employment tests and, 481-484, 502, 679-687

federal regulation of, 481-483, 485-491, 679-687

impact of, 485-492

job productivity and, 492-498

policy options for, 498-508, 574-575

race norming and, 503-504

Affluent class

coalition with cognitive elite, 514-518, 569

economic growth and, 516-517

elite college attendance by, 41-42

senior business executives and, 58

African Americans:
Black and white differences; Blacks

African IQ, 565-566


heritability of IQ and, 108

at marriage, 169-171

of mother

dysgenesis and, 351-352, 354-355

low-birth-weight infants and, 216-217

as predictor of job productivity, 81

Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), 191-193;
See also
Welfare dependency

Albemarle Paper Co. v. Moody
(1975), 684, 687

American College Testing (ACT) examination, 291, 294, 664-665

American Enterprise Institute (AEI), 553

Annual family income:

Aristotle, 255, 531

Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT), 73-74, 120, 277-278, 603-616, 667-668

Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), 75-76


immigrants, 359-360

reverse discrimination and, 453

and white differences

in IQ, 272-276, 299-301

in test scores, affirmative action and, 451-453, 455, 456, 458

Assortative mating, 110-113

Attacks on
The Bell Curve,

Bean, Frank, 347

Bell curve, 572, 574, 580-582

Bender, William J., 29, 41

Benton, David, 392

Besharov, Douglas, 208

Test bias

Binet, Alfred, 2

Bishop, John, 421-422, 437-438


differences with whites:
Black and white differences

dropout rates of, 473-474

immigrants, 359, 360, 363

Black and white differences

in aptitude test scores

affirmative action and, 451-458

narrowing gap in SATs, 292, 294-295, 662-664

in educational attainment, 319-320

in fertility, 352-357

in income, 322-327

on indicators of social problems

cognitive outcomes for children, 337-338

crime, 338-339

developmental outcomes for children, 336-337

home environment for children, 334-336

illegitimacy, 330-331

labor force dropouts, 327-328

low-birth-weight infants, 332-334

marriage rates, 329, 330

poverty, 326-327, 333-334

unemployment, 327-329

welfare dependency, 331-332

in IQ, 276-295, 562-566

affirmative action and:
Affirmative action

African-Americans compared with African blacks, 289-290, 565-566

computation of, 278

diminishing trend in, 290-295, 661-666

dropout rates and, 474

genetic explanation of:
Genetic factors in IQ

magnitude of, 276, 277-280

socioeconomic status and, 286-288

standardized tests and, 276

test bias and:
Test bias

uncertainty within scientific community about, 295-296

in Middle-Class Values Index, 339-340

in occupational status, 320-322

Blackburn, McKinley, 97

“Black English,” 660

Bok, Derek, 66, 80

Borjas, George, 361-364

Boykin, Wade, 306

Brigham, Carl C., 5, 6

Broken homes

crime and, 249-250

illegitimacy and, 184-186

Brown University, 43, 453

Browne, Malcolm, 553

Burger, Warren, 682

Burt, Cyril, 11, 12, 16

California Psychological Inventory, 7

Cameron, Steve, 147-148, 151

Carroll, John B., 16, 559

Case, Clifford, 683

Cattell, Raymond, 15, 345-346, 366


Chan, J. W. C., 273

Child abuse and neglect

parental IQ and, 211-213

socioeconomic status and, 207-210

Child development

behavioral problems in older children, 226-227, 383

ethnic differences in, 336-337

home environment for:
Home environment for child development

index of problems, 227-229

low-IQ prevalence among mothers and, 382-384

motor and social development, 226, 383

poverty and, 229-230

temperament, 226, 383

welfare dependency and, 229

See also
Child development; Infants; Parenting

adoption of, 309-311, 410-413

development of civility in, 256-258

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