The Billionaire's Apprentice: The Rise of the Indian-American Elite and the Fall of the Galleon Hedge Fund (57 page)


Title Page
Welcome Page
Cast of Characters
The Twice Blessed: Prologue
Part One: Discovery
Chapter One: “Who Will Show Me the Way in the World?”
Chapter Two: “I Respectfully Decline to Answer the Question”
Chapter Three: A Family Affair
Chapter Four: Drama at IIT
Chapter Five: Birdie Trades
Chapter Six: Promises to Keep
Chapter Seven: The Good Ship Galleon
Part Two: Rising
Chapter Eight: No Ask Backs
Chapter Nine: “The Tamil Tiger” of Wall Street
Chapter Ten: Up or Out at McKinsey
Chapter Eleven: The Camera Never Lies
Chapter Twelve: The Corner Office
Chapter Thirteen: Raj’s Edge
Chapter Fourteen: Building Offshore-istan
Chapter Fifteen: Partying and Polycom
Chapter Sixteen: Playing for Team USA
Chapter Seventeen: The Wharton Mafia
Chapter Eighteen: Reeling in Roomy
Part Three: Falling
Chapter Nineteen: Moonlighting at McKinsey
Chapter Twenty: A Vanaprastha on the Hudson
Chapter Twenty-One: The Dishonorable Dosco
Chapter Twenty-Two: On the New Silk Route
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Million-Dollar Man
Chapter Twenty-Four: “You’ve Gotta Be a Hustler”
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Richest Maid in Silicon Valley
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Wire
Chapter Twenty-Seven: “I Played Him Like a Finely Tuned Piano”
Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Friend on the Board
Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Tragic Call
Chapter Thirty: “Buy Goldman Sachs, Buy Goldman Sachs”
Chapter Thirty-One: Trading at the Setai
Chapter Thirty-Two: Handcuffs for Breakfast
Part Four: Trials
Chapter Thirty-Three: “Why Is It So Quiet Around Here?”
Chapter Thirty-Four: “He’s a Bad Man”
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Gupta File
Chapter Thirty-Six: Kumar Sings
Chapter Thirty-Seven: An Unhappy Diwali
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Et Tu, Kumar?
Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Family Secret
A Note on Methodology
About the Author

Copyright © 2013 by Anita Raghavan
Cover design © 2013 Hachette Book Group, Inc.
Cover design by Flag
Cover photo of the Red Fort in Delhi, India, by E+/Holger Mette
Cover photo of New York Stock Exchange
© Walter Zerla/age fotostock
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ISBN 978-1-4555-0403-9

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