The Billionaire's Baby (Key to My Heart Book 3) (17 page)

Nia nodded, hopping out the door with Ellis still following closely.

"The market square is right down the street." She chirped, pulling his hand to keep up. She did her best to put the events in her bedroom behind her. If she acted too strangely, Ellis would question her.

They got there swiftly, and were soon behind a short a line for the butcher's vendor, though Ellis didn't release Nia's small hand.

"How big of a rabbit should we get?" Nia asked him, counting a few golden coins she whipped out of her pocket.

But Ellis didn't answer, and when Nia finally looked up from her money, she saw immediately the reason why.

A beautiful, tall blonde woman that Nia didn't recognize was just ahead of them, flirting with the young butcher, in what Nia assumed to be an attempt to get her purchase at a lower cost.

Nia huffed, squeezing onto Ellis's hand for a moment, he blinked and glanced at her, "You're right…" He muttered, "Can’t hit on one girl and hold hands with another."

He gave Nia a wink as he dropped her hand and sauntered closer to the butcher's stand, slamming down a few coins of his own and grinning at the blonde.

The girl looked him over with a flirtatious giggle, and the pair began talking.

But Nia couldn't hear anything except the pounding in her ears and the echoes of '
I love you, I love you' 
that she had known were a lie and had been a fool to let herself even listen to.

The pretty girl picked up her bagged purchase, flipping her hair, blue eyes suddenly noticing Nia, who was now talking to the butcher.

"Aww, is she your little sister?" She cooed, moving closer to Nia and patting the top of her head, "She's so cute!"

"Not all of us can be so monstrous in height." Nia muttered through gritted teeth, reaching for Ellis's hand, "We have dinner."

Ellis gave a nervous chuckle, "Well, Niaaaa, you see, I told Callie here that I would, you know, 
 her home."

Ellis was hungry, and a beautiful blond was on the menu.

"You know that we can't be far-!" Nia hissed through gritted teeth, “And we’re getting this rabbit for you!”

He shushed her hurriedly, glaring a bit, "The old lady said it'd be mostly gone by tonight, and it's been so long since I was around someone who didn't know about me!" He furiously whispered, handing her the bundled up rabbit meat and giving her a gentle push towards Nana's house. "I won't hurt her, pinky promise."

"Be a good girl, little sister!" He called with fake sweetness, "I'll be home before you can miss me!"

Nia bit her lip hard, refusing to argue anymore with him, dashing down the street while Ellis and Callie went the other way.

Nana didn't ask anything when Nia came home, flustered and alone. The old woman simply took the rabbit and tossed it into a bowl, ready to be served to Ellis. It wouldn’t be needed, however, Ellis was getting his full.

Nor did Nana ask anything when Ellis didn't show up for dinner, and Kellen also kept his mouth shut. Though he probably kept silent in fear of setting Nia off on a tirade.

When the awkward, silent dinner was finished, Nia escaped into her room almost immediately, collapsing on the bed and pulling the covers over her head.

Her entire chest felt like it was ablaze, she wondered if Ellis was in any pain either. She wondered what he was doing, where he was, if he was coming home yet, if he'd spend the night in her bed again.

If he would apologize.

But why would he have to?

She sniffled and curled up tighter, half suffocating herself with the pillow.

A sudden, quiet bang of the bedroom door jerked Nia, who must have dozed off at some point, awake. And she quickly threw back the blanket, looking around. But the room was now pitch black and she couldn't see.

She reached out one arm tentatively, and her fingers brushed past the soft fabric that she recognized of Ellis's shirt.

And then there was a swish of the fabric and Nia moved back a bit, trying to force her eyes to see what was happening. Then she was suddenly pressed against the bed, and in surprise she flung her hands up, startled to find Ellis's bare chest against her palms.

"W-what are you doing?" She asked tentatively, her voice betrayed her hurt. At least her heart wasn't aching as much.

"God. Nia, it hurts. The whole time, my heart was hurting so bad..." He muttered.

She turned her face away only to have him grab her and press his burning lips to her own, "I think I love you." He murmured.

But she had heard this before, and she had had enough, "No, you don't Ellis, or you wouldn't have gone off with Cayley."

"Callie." He corrected, “She was delicious. But, it hurts Nia, my heart really hurts, like fire!"

"Cause Nana said it was ending tonight." Nia sighed, “The last bits must be leaving.” When had her voice gone so hollow?

Tonight was the last night that pieces of Nia would be inside Ellis, it was the last night that he was forced to be around her, what reasons would keep them together after this?

"I love you." He murmured again, ignoring anything else she said, and when he began to kiss her, she immediately responded to him, as though it were a habit by now.

"Will you love me later too?" She whispered, betraying herself.

When he answered with a passionate yes, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Even though she didn't believe him.

And before she knew it, it was morning, and she was waking up and Ellis was beside her, still asleep.

She shoved him hard, causing him to snort in his sleep before wearily opening an eye, "What is it kid?" He muttered, yawning.

Nia only glared at him, heart racing. Would he remember? Would he care?

Ellis rubbed his bleary eyes, glaring at the hint of daylight trying to seep in through the girl’s window, “Oh.” He said, frown twitching his lips, “Nia there’s something I want to say.”

She waited, patiently, not noticing her hands gripping the blanket tightly.

"Make me some breakfast."

Chapter Eight




As the sun went down the following evening, Nia woke from their nap to find herself sprawled across Ellis’s stony chest.

After avoiding him all morning. Nana had asked that they rest for just a few more hours to ensure the health of all parties.

Fortunately for Nia, Ellis had behaved himself. As much as the self-obsessed vampire could behave anyways.

Her head was tucked delicately under his chin with her cheek over his heart, and she blushed faintly at finding herself so close against him, but did not move. She kept her eyes closed as well, smiling to herself as she felt his fingers work their way softly through her tousled hair.

“You’re awake?” Ellis’s voice was unusually soft sounding, the rough timbre of his tone almost nonexistent.

Their impending departure was making him soft. He enjoyed the human girl’s company more than he believed was possible. It was only for her safety that he wanted to leave the village. She’d already had her hometown destroyed by George.

Nia opened her eyes gradually, lifting her head to give him a sleepy smile, “I don’t think I could ever get used to this nocturnal thing.” She giggled, placed her chin against his soft shirt gently, squirming in a slight stretch to wake herself up.

“You won’t have to.” Ellis smirked.

She watched as she fiddled with the end of her braid, not paying any attention to him.

Nia seemed to forget that she lay beside a vampire, that he could suddenly turn on her and hurt her. Kill her even.

This bothered Ellis, he never wanted her to let down her complete guard around him, but he knew she did, and that worried him more than anything George or any of the soldiers ever did. They were becoming too close. This was no longer beneficial.

“Come on, then.” He whispered, pulling himself off the bed, “It’s night now, time to make plans.”

He paused to help Nia stand as well before leading her from the bedroom.

In the living room, he found Kellen standing beside the elderly woman, who was seated in a small, wooden chair. Nia walked past to sit on a small couch, an obvious space left at her side that he figured was meant for him. Instead, he chose to stand beside Kellen, though he did not miss the wounded look pierce Nia’s face before turning to look at the old woman.

A cheery mewl suddenly resounded from Kellen’s lap, as the missing kitten Potatoes slowly stood, stretching her elegant length before hopping off of Nana’s lap and twining between Ellis’s legs.

Nana smirked, shaking her head, “I was wondering why she was so insistent on coming inside.”

“Hey, Potatoes!” Ellis cried, sitting down as he cuddled the lap to his face.

“It’s time for me to leave.” Ellis murmured quietly to the woman over the sound of the cat purring.

He pretended not to see Nia’s hands clench slightly in her lap, “I have enemies that I do not want to draw here.”

Ellis didn’t want to know what George and his little friends would do to this small, unprotected village.

He glanced up to find Kellen staring at him, his brow creased slightly in confusion. Those eerie steel eyes trying to extrapolate the vampire’s true reason for leaving so soon without Nia. Ellis immediately turned his gaze away, clearing his throat uncomfortably to look at the old woman, who was also staring at him intently.

He couldn’t even bear to glance at Nia anymore, who was sitting in a pained silence.

Nana stood slowly, and Kellen stepped forward so she could hold his arm for support. Standing, the woman was even shorter than Nia was, but she had an undeniably commanding presence, and Ellis felt shrunken beside her.

“Will you take her?” The old woman’s voice was not feeble, and it did not tremble as you would expect such an elderly woman’s voice to. Her eyes shifted to her granddaughter.

Ellis froze, and he saw Nia’s head jerk up from the corner of his eyes. He wasn’t sure what to say, and cleared his throat once more, but it was Nia who spoke first.

“…If he doesn’t want me, I can’t just follow him around anymore. I’d only get in the way.” Nia said with firm voice and sullen eyes.

She would blame any despair on the tiny shreds of her soul that would cling to Ellis forever.

Nana pursed her lips and shook her head, her voice dropped as though she could hide it form Nia who sat only inches away, “You must take her.”

Ellis pursed his bewildered lips, but finally nodded.

He observed this strange old woman, trying to figure out what her hidden meaning was, though both she and Kellen were staring at him in silence with identical expressions of some emotion that Ellis could not place.

Nana stepped forward, gently hugging him in gratitude, “Protect her.” She whispered in a hushed tone, and Ellis again heard that strange hidden meaning.

Ellis stepped back, nodding and striding towards the door without a glance at his companion.

“I’ve packed several things for you both.” The old woman continued, pulling out two stuffed packs. A brown bow hung from the smaller, “Nourishment, tools. I saw this coming.” She shrugged, handing them to the two departing.

“Thank you for everything.” The vampire said, awkward in his gratitude. He wasn’t used to situations like these, he hadn’t felt thankful in…decades.

A smile played on the old woman’s lips as she nodded, sweeping her granddaughter into a hug and kissing her forehead, “Find Lili.” She said, “Get the answers.”

Nia nodded, glancing up as Ellis headed towards the door. After a rushed hug with Kellen, Nia paced after the tall vampire.

“Where are we going?” She gasped after him, struggling to keep up.

Though Nia was feeling much better, and the bandages around her middle no longer tinted pink, she was not up to full health yet.

“I need to see a friend, you have places that you need to go as well.” Ellis replied, glancing over his shoulder at the girl.

“I can help you find your friend!” Nia offered, “…I didn’t realize you had friends…”

Ellis stopped so short that the small redhead crashed hard into his back, falling backwards onto the ground as the vampire whipped around on his heel.

“I have friends!” He retorted, crossing his arms, “Well. One. Who we’re going to see.”

“Two!” Nia said smugly, “And don’t you try to deny it.”

“You’re right.” Ellis sighed, hands on his hips, “I do have another friend.”

As Nia beamed smugly, Ellis leaned down to call forward the kitten who followed them several paces behind.

“Isn’t that right, Potatoes?” Ellis cooed, “We’re the best of friends!”

Nia groaned and rolled her eyes, watching as Ellis straightened and looked around.

“Tell me about this friend we’re finding.” Nia sighed, “Where does he live?”

“A cottage, normally. West of Thade I believe.” The vampire said, observing the stars over their head.

Nia nodded, gazing around her. She knew the area faintly, hopefully well enough to find a single hut on the miles of land. Fortunately, the border that Thade shared with Landrian was relatively passive.

On paper, their journey would be smooth and unhindered. In reality, however, that was definitely not the case.

“Is it a human friend?” Nia asked, trotting beside the vampire.

“Who is it?” Nia pressed insistently. She wasn’t about to let him off easy on this one.

“A prince.” Ellis sighed, glancing at the girl who refused to stop speaking.

Nia raised her eyebrows curiously, “You know a prince?”

Ellis nodded, still not giving Nia a spare glance in his examination of the area, “I killed him.” He shrugged, as though he was commenting on the cool weather.

Nia choked, sputtering in shock, “What?”

“The Prince of the North. He made the mistake of crossing my path. I made the mistake of not finishing the job.” Ellis ran a hand through his dark hair. This was not a story he enjoyed recounting.

The Prince was the reason George had tracked him down, the Prince was the reason Landrian was in despair.

“Tell me more.” Nia persisted. His pained expression didn’t help her curiosity.

“I was too young. I turned him just to find out what it was like. Maybe I was lonely. Maybe I was stupid.” Ellis tapped his chin thoughtfully.

“Or both.” Nia muttered, shaking her head.

“He tried to go back to his people originally, but they weren’t exactly welcoming of a vampire prince, and they tried to kill him, they’d rather have a dead prince than a vampire one.” Ellis winced, shaking his own head.

“And then they started chasing you.” The girl murmured quietly with a shake of her head, “All this time, it’s just been about what you did so long ago?”

A tiny smile curved the pale man’s thin lips, “It’s possible that may not be the only reason.” He chuckled.

Nia frowned, tilting her head slightly, “Then why, Ellis?”

Ellis shrugged, “I’m not exactly sure. I thought they were just really obsessed about hunting vampires, but they seem to think I have something to do with…some kind of rock.”

He shook his head, looking down at Nia in confusion, “I’m honestly unsure what they’re talking about, they keep saying something about a stone, and how they think I’m connected with it.”

“Why would a country want a rock? They don’t have their own rocks?” Nia questioned incredulously.

“Whatever kind of stone this is, apparently it’s got some kind of power, and Corsentil wants it really badly.” The vampire held up his hands, “Don’t ask me, I’m not the one looking for it.”

“But the Prince, he knows everything. I think he might be able to give us some answers.” Ellis nodded resolutely.

Nia was particularly surprised to see the respect on the vampire’s face. She’d begun to believe Ellis had never felt respect for anyone.

“Lili is on the way.” Nia said quietly, “We need to see her as well.”

Ellis frowned, antsy to get his own answers. In the end, he sighed and agreed.

“Alright.” He murmured, “We head to your elders, and then to the Prince.”

Nia nodded firmly, charging headlong down a thickly wooded path as the vampire followed her.

Miles away, as the pair of strange companions made their way through brush and fog, a pair of wise blue eyes awoke.

Lithely, he stretched, walking to his window as he gazed out towards the woods, before turning to water a huge potted pink petunia plant.

The Corsentil prince knew they were coming, he knew the information they sought and the position they were in.

This oddball human and vampire team had no idea what they were up against, they had no idea yet the powers that would be fighting against them, they had no idea of the Pandora’s box that they tread upon so thinly, they had no idea of the pain and anguish their new path would lead them.

George and his army had much up their mighty sleeve. This was no ordinary stone that they sought, though this was no ordinary relationship that the General would find himself fighting against.

Fate had much in store for their future.







The End.

Chronicles of Nienna, Book 1







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