The Billionaire's Curvy Conquest - Complete (15 page)

Read The Billionaire's Curvy Conquest - Complete Online

Authors: Lydia Layne

Tags: #billionaire romance

Slow and steady was soon tossed aside as Mr. Reed pounded into me, harder and faster. Each stroke of his cock carried me higher and higher until I realized I was climaxing again.

“Oh god, I’m coming. I’M COMING!”

Mr. Reed gripped my hips tighter as our orgasms crested simultaneously, his thrusting nearly frantic as his hard cock filled my slick channel with his hot, sticky seed.

As his movement slowed, I had a fleeting pang of regret that I was taking birth control pills. My emotions swelled and tears filled my eyes under the blindfold.

I felt Mr. Reed collapse beside me on the bed and could hear his labored breathing. After a few moments, he untied my wrists and pulled me close, kissing my lips softly.

“Should I remove the blindfold now?” I asked.

“No yet, my sweet. I’m not quite done with you yet.”

Since this would be our last time together, my heart fluttered at his response. Obviously he was trying to catch his breath before starting another round of love-making.

“How is your incision area?” he asked.

“Tender, but not too bad. Thank you for asking.” I licked and nibbled his neck as a reward for his thoughtfulness.

“Swing your leg over my hips, Cassie,” he instructed.

I did as he asked and he reached around my body, squeezing my butt cheek affectionately before easing the plug out of my ass. Without the plug or Mr. Reed’s cock, my body felt...empty.

“Have you had enough time to catch your breath?” he asked.

“Yes. Why?”

“I have something for you. Come with me.”

He helped me off the bed and took my hands, leading me several steps to what felt like the center of the bedroom. He dropped to his knees and pressed his face between my thighs. 

Oh, yeah. You have something for me, all right. Another orgasm!

We were definitely going for round two.

With a breathy sigh, I parted my legs and gripped his shoulders while he tongued my clit until I was shaking. He pulled back, presumably to catch his breath, although I sensed him moving away from me.

I heard the pull of a dresser drawer and wondered if he was retrieving something from his never-ending stash of sex toys.
was more like it.

“You can remove the blindfold now, Cassie.” He was in front of me again and his voice was low and commanding.

Did he want me to last time?

I reached up and pulled the silk away from my eyes. It took me a few moments to adjust to the bedroom light. When my vision finally became clear, my eyes widened like saucers and my jaw dropped. I was speechless.

But only for an instant.

“What in the hell?!”

His Special Proposal


knew that I had to have you, Cassie, and I would stop at nothing to make you mine.”

Chapter 1

reached up and pulled the silk blindfold away from my eyes. It took me a few moments to adjust to the bedroom light. When my vision finally became clear, my eyes widened like saucers and my jaw dropped.

I was speechless.

But only for an instant.

“What in the hell?!”

Instead of holding some exotic toy designed to drive me wild during another round of sex, a naked Mr. Reed was holding an unlabeled, legal size file folder.

“What is
?” I asked. Not only was I confused, I was a bit disappointed. Nothing says
I want you
like a folder filled with legal papers.

“It’s the rest of your gift,” Mr. Reed said with a satisfied smile on his face. “Go on. Open it.”

I took the folder and looked inside. The cover sheet on the stack of paper was printed on law firm letterhead. Underneath the TO designation was my name and current address. The headline of the letter read: DEED OF TRUST.

I flipped through the papers under the cover letter. I think too much blood had been diverted from my brain to my throbbing pussy because I wasn’t quite grasping how the folder represented a gift to me from Mr. Reed.

“I’m confused,” I said.

Mr. Reed’s smile lost some of its luster. “I purchased a condominium in your name. You’re officially a homeowner, Miss James.”

I looked inside the folder again and recognized the property address on the Deed. “Wait. You bought me a condo? In this building.
Your building
?” It wasn’t the penthouse, but the description in the paperwork stated it was a one bedroom view unit on the sixth floor.

Mr. Reed grinned. “Exactly. I thought it would be convenient for you to live closer to the office, and closer to me.”  He leaned in and kissed me softly, which made my heart race. Living just a few floors below Mr. Reed
have its advantages. 

I pressed myself against him and felt his cock stir against my belly. Maybe we were going to have that second round of sex after all!

“Besides,” he whispered against my parted lips, “that dingy little apartment you live in isn’t suitable for someone of your stature...or mine.”

My entire body stiffened and I pulled away. “What do you mean by that?”

“I’m a billionaire technology mogul, Miss James. Dating a woman who lives in a run-down apartment complex in a seedy neighborhood on the outskirts of the city doesn’t look right.”

My stomach lurched and I thought I might be sick. This was the whole I-love-you-not-really scenario all over again.

Mr. Reed’s gift wasn’t about having me closer to him. It was about preserving his image!

“It’s fully furnished and professionally decorated, so you won’t need to bring any of your existing furniture with you,” he said, adding to his insult. “I have the keys. Would you like a tour?”

I thrust the folder into his hands. “I’m sorry, but I need to go.” I slipped on my shoes, grabbed my handbag from the dresser and left the bedroom to find my coat.

Mr. Reed followed. “Go? Where do you need to go?”

“Home to my dingy little apartment in the slums,” I said through gritted teeth. “To think.”

He grabbed my arm to stop me from leaving. “Don’t you mean to pack?”

I laughed at his arrogance. “No, Mr. Reed. I won’t be packing. Not tonight. Not tomorrow. Not

“Now I’m the one who’s confused, Miss James. What are you saying?”

“Isn’t it obvious? We’re breaking up. If you act fast, maybe you can have your photographer friend, that  Bill Blaine guy, capture the moment on camera and slap it on the front page of tomorrow’s Post.”

“Breaking up?” He looked irritated. “I just gave you a very expensive gift and this is how you thank me?”

He may have been irritated by my response to his
, but I was well beyond the irritated stage. Especially since he didn’t even acknowledge my reference to Bill Blaine!

“You want me to thank you for insulting the home I love and for putting me up in a condo so I can be at your beck and call?”

Just like the paid whore that I am?

I yanked my arm from his so I could put on my coat. With shaking hands, I buttoned it up, neck to knee, and walked toward the elevator on legs that felt like Jell-O.

When the elevator door opened, I stepped inside and turned toward Mr. Reed, who was just standing there, stunned.

“Thanks, but no thanks,” I said as the doors slowly closed.

Outside, I’m not sure what was worse: the fact that it took several minutes to hail a cab or the fact that Mr. Reed didn’t come chasing after me.

His lack of action spoke louder than words and convinced me that ending our fake relationship was the right thing to do, even if my heart was slowly shattering into a thousand tiny pieces.

Due to the late hour, the drive to my
dingy little apartment
was short. I paid the cab driver through tear-filled eyes, and once I was inside my apartment, I stripped off my clothes and took a long, hot shower.

I needed to wash Mr. Reed’s sexy scent from my body, even if I couldn’t erase him from my mind. With my hair still wet and my tears still falling, I climbed into bed and pulled the covers up to my chin.

Eventually, I slept.

Chapter 2

hen my alarm went off on Monday morning, I got up, but didn’t get ready for work. After spending the weekend in bed and weighing my options, I knew what I had to do. Resign from Reed Technologies

Effective immediately

There was no need to prolong the inevitable. I had a bank account full of money, thanks to my ridiculously-generous pay for being Mr. Reed’s Personal Communications Specialist.

For the first time in my adult life, I could afford to take some time off.

I grabbed my laptop and typed up my official Letter of Resignation. After printing it out and signing it, I put it in a sealed envelope and used a red pen to write ATTENTION: GRETA VANNESS on the outside of it.

I had decided to address my written resignation to my supervisor rather than Mr. Reed. That way, he couldn’t manipulate me into ripping it up or taking it back. I was determined to end things for good this time.

Using my cell phone, I called Mr. Reed’s driver. “Hi Henry, it’s Cassie.”

“Good morning, Miss James. What can I do for you?”

“I need your services. Do you have time to stop by my apartment this morning?”

“Sure. I’m not too far from you. Give me just a few minutes.”

“Thanks,” I said.

When Henry arrived, he looked surprised at my disheveled appearance. I was still dressed in pajama pants and an oversized sweatshirt, and hadn’t even bothered brushing my hair.

“I take it you don’t need a ride into the office,” he said.

“Not exactly,” I replied. “But I do need you to deliver this to Reed Technologies.”

When I handed him the envelope, he looked at it and then at me. Without saying a word, I knew that he realized what was inside.

“Are you sure this is what you want, Miss James?”

“Yes, Henry, I’m sure.”

“I don’t know what happened between you and Mr. Reed, but he’s a good man.”

“He’s also a manipulative, condescending jerk,” I responded.

“Can I tell you a story, Miss James?”

I wasn’t really in the mood, but I didn’t want to hurt Henry’s feelings. “Okay.”

“Did you know that David Reed and I grew up in the same rough neighborhood?”

“No, I didn’t.”

“He was a few years older than me, but we hung out with the same general crowd. Or at least we did until his folks were gunned down and he was shipped off to foster care,” Henry explained.

“I know about Mr. Reed’s sad and sketchy childhood,” I said, unable to hide the impatience in my voice.

“What you might not know is that he never forgot where he came from.”

“That’s a very nice story, Henry, but I’m not sure how it relates to my—”

“I’m not finished yet, Miss James.”

Henry’s voice was curt and I blushed in embarrassment at my rudeness. “Sorry about that. Please, go on.”

“Once upon a time, I got into some trouble with the law,” Henry said. “Money was tight, my wife was pregnant with our second child and I was feeling pretty desperate, so I did something I’m not proud of and got caught. I knew that, with the public defender as my lawyer, I was looking at serious jail time. The thought of being locked up and missing the birth of my kid was too much to handle.”

I stayed silent while Henry took a break from his storytelling to get his emotions in check. I smiled in encouragement and he continued his tale.

“I knew that my old childhood pal, David Reed, had somehow managed to break free from our poverty lifestyle and had hit the bigtime with some kind of technology. I had no idea if he would remember me, but I called him up anyway and asked for his help.”

“What happened?” I asked. My interest was genuine now.

“He bailed me out of jail, got me the best lawyer money could buy and gave me a fresh start once the legal trouble was behind me.”

“A fresh start? How?”

Henry grinned. “When I got in trouble, I was a part time taxi driver. The pay didn’t make ends meet, but I enjoyed the work and knew the city like the back of my hand. Mr. Reed bought me a town car, helped me set up a business and became my very first customer when he hired me as his personal driver.”

Henry leaned against the doorframe with a smile on his face, seemingly lost in the memory of his story.

“That was several years ago, and I now own a fleet of four town cars,” he eventually said. “It’s not a multi-billion-dollar technology company, but I make a respectable living. My wife and I bought a house and we even have enough money saved up to send our kids to college. None of this would be possible if David Reed hadn’t helped an old friend in need.”

“That’s a great story, Henry. I’m happy for you. Really,” I said, and I meant it. “But I’m not sure how your story relates to me.”

“David Reed may come across like a jerk sometimes, but his loyalties run deep. At the end of the day, he looks out for the people he cares about,” Henry said.

I couldn’t help but notice how Alice had told me something very similar. “I’m sure he does,” was all I could think of to say.

Henry held up the envelope I had given him. “Do you still want me to deliver this?”

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