The Billionaire's Curvy Conquest - Complete (13 page)

Read The Billionaire's Curvy Conquest - Complete Online

Authors: Lydia Layne

Tags: #billionaire romance

Was cutting off communication his way of punishing me for leaving his mansion and returning to my own home? Pride kept me from taking the first step and reaching out to him to ask.

So, I ended up spending the next several days in relative isolation, watching movies on Netflix while eating delivery pizza and Chinese food and trying not to think about my unconventional relationship with Mr. Reed.

How could two people who had been so
with each other have so much trouble talking about their feelings and expectations? There were so many things I wanted to say to him and to ask him. But the only time I felt free enough to speak frankly was when we were having sex.

My heart missed him.
And between my legs, I longed for him.

I was ashamed to admit that I was starting to think that I would do almost anything to have things go back to the way they were, even if that meant sharing him with another woman.

By the time my doctor finally cleared me for work, I was both scared and excited to return to Reed Technologies.

When I got to my office, I was hoping to find a confidential memo from Mr. Reed. I sorted through the large pile of mail and other paperwork that had accumulated during my absence, but didn’t find what I was looking for.

Just as I was about to turn on my computer and weed through two weeks of email, my phone beeped. “This is Cassie,” I answered.

“Hi Cassie, it’s Greta. Welcome back.”

“Thanks, Greta.”

“How are you feeling?” she asked.

“Good. Rested and ready to tackle my work backlog.”

“I’m afraid that will have to wait. You’re wanted in Mr. Reed’s office.”

That was...odd. Mr. Reed hadn’t requested my presence via Greta since we had come out as a couple. I really wasn’t imaging it; my burst appendix had knocked our relationship several steps back.

When I got to his office, I knocked on the door before entering. Mr. Reed was sitting at his desk looking more handsome than ever. When he got up and walked toward me, my stomach filled with butterflies. My body responded to him even though my mind tried to resist.

He motioned for me to take a seat and he sat down beside me.

“After all that’s happened, I felt like we should clear the air,” he said. His voice was stiff and formal.

“Okay,” I agreed, although I wasn’t quite sure what he meant.

“What, exactly, do you remember about the ambulance ride to the hospital?”

Now, I understood. He wanted to clear the air about the whole I-love-you-not-really debacle. I decided to let both of us off the hook. After all, what girl wants to hear from the man she loves that he doesn’t really love her back?

“Not much,” I lied. “I remember the hunky guys loading me into the back of the ambulance on a stretcher and you climbing in beside me. But after the one guy gave me a shot of the happy juice, my mind is pretty”

“You don’t remember talking to me?”

I hesitated for effect. “No, I don’t. Did I say something embarrassing? I’ve heard that people sometimes say silly things when they’re under the influence of drugs like that.”

Mr. Reed looked relieved by my uncomfortable rambling. “No, nothing embarrassing, Miss James,” he assured me.

“Then why did you ask?” I guess I wasn’t ready to let him
off the hook. Now
was the uncomfortable one.

I smiled innocently while waiting for his response.

“You were in a significant amount of pain and I was hoping that you had little memory of it,” he finally said.

Nice recovery, Mr. Reed. No wonder you’re so good at negotiating billion dollar business deals. If you ever want a second career, you might consider professional poker playing.

“Well, you can put your concerns to rest because I’m over it already,” I said.

Too bad I’m not quite over you.

The look of relief was back on his face. “Excellent. Very happy to hear that.” He stood up and moved toward the door, which I took as my cue to do the same. “I need to go out of town on business for a few days—”

“Again?” I blurted out like a whiny teenager...or a nagging shrew.

“Yes. Again.” He sounded slightly annoyed by my interruption. “As I was saying, I need to go out of town on business for a few days, but I have a very special evening planned for us upon my return.”


He moved in close. “You’re surprised by that?” he asked.

My heart raced from his nearness. “I sh-sh-shouldn’t be,” I stammered. “All of our evenings together are special. It’s just that...”

“It’s just what?”

“It’s just that things between us feel...different somehow.”

Mr. Reed took my face in his hands. “Nothing has changed between us, Miss James.” He brushed his lips against mine and heat pooled low in my belly.

“When do you leave?” I asked.

“Tomorrow morning.”

“Maybe we could spend the night together,” I said, nearly breathless.

Ugh. I was practically begging him to fuck me!

He kissed me again, only deeper this time. “Nothing would be more satisfying, Miss James, in more ways than one. However, I have too much work to do and my flight leaves quite early.”

I leaned into him and his growing erection pressed against my still-tender belly. I inhaled sharply and pulled away just slightly.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

I nodded. “I guess I’m still a little sore and, well, you’re pretty hard.” I longed to feel his hardness inside of me, filling the space where I was simmering with red hot need, but settled for pressing my open palm against the front of his trousers. When I stroked his length through the fabric, it stiffened further beneath my fingers. “Make that

Mr. Reed took a ragged breath. “You’re making it very difficult to put my work first, Miss James.”

“Then don’t,” I whispered. I ran my tongue along his jawline and across his lips.

first, Mr. Reed!

“I wish it were that easy, my sweet.” He sighed and chastely kissed my forehead, and I felt him soften beneath my palm.

“You can’t blame a girl for trying,” I said, trying to hide my disappointment.

As I walked out his office door, his voice trailed behind me. “I look forward to seeing you upon my return.”


hat night, when my mom called to see how I did on my first day back to work, I took the conversation off-topic. “Mom, how did you know that dad was the man you wanted to spend your life with?”

“It was a feeling more than a thought process. When we were together, it felt comfortable.”

“That’s it? Comfortable? You didn’t have butterflies or weak knees or a thumping heart?”

My mom laughed. “Sure I did. Sometimes I still do! But passion alone isn’t enough to sustain a marriage, Cassie, because it waxes and wanes with the ups and downs of life. Your dad and I are best friends, which is the glue that keeps us together through good times and bad.”

Mr. Reed and I didn’t have comfortable...or glue. All we had was really hot sex.

“Is this about your boss, David Reed?” my mom asked.

“You know about him? About us?!”

“They do have gossip magazines in the suburbs, Cassie. Of course I know you two have been dating. And even if I didn’t know it before, once I saw how protective he was at the hospital, I would have figured it out. His feelings for you were written all over his face.”

“Why didn’t you say something?” I asked.

“I didn’t want to pry. I figured you’d tell me when you were ready. Are things getting serious between you two?”

“Just the opposite,” I said. “Ever since my surgery, he’s been...distant.”

“Almost losing someone you care about can be a life-changing experience. Maybe he’s afraid to get too close again.”

Or maybe he’s moved on with someone else.

“I’m pretty sure Mr. Reed is fearless,” I said.

Reed? That’s a formal way to refer to the man you’re dating.”

I paused to think of a response she would accept as logical. “Well, he’s also my boss, mom.”

“How can the man be your equal in this relationship if you refer to him as

My equal?
That was laughable. Our relationship couldn’t be more lopsided. Mr. Reed was the dominant one who held all the power, while I was the subordinate employee who was always willing to submit to his desires.

But I couldn’t tell my mom that.

“We’re not formal when it’s just the two of us,” I replied.

“I should hope not,” she said. “Have you talked to him about what’s bothering you?”

“I tried. He pretty much brushed me aside and said everything was fine between us.”

“Some men aren’t very comfortable talking about emotional things or their feelings, and they need a little prodding. Give him some time and hopefully he’ll come around.”

“What if he doesn’t?” I asked.

“Then you’ll need to decide if you’re willing to settle for a man who holds you at arms’ length and won’t let you into his heart, or whether it’s time to cut your losses and move on.”

The reality of her answer was like a slap in the face. Was I willing to settle for whatever Mr. Reed would give me...or was it time to end our arrangement? At the moment, I didn’t have an answer.

“Thanks for the relationship talk, mom. You’ve been a big help.”

“You’re welcome, Cassie. Keep in mind that, when it comes to love, there’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all. Follow your heart, but think with your head.”

I giggled into the phone. “Really, mom?  That’s your final bit of contradictory advice?”

“What I mean is, don’t let your emotions drive you to make rash decisions that you might regret later.”

“I’ll try,” I said.

“All your dad and I want is for you to be happy. So whatever you decide to do, or not do, we’re here for you.”

“I know. We’ll talk again, soon, okay?”

“Okay. Good night, Cassie.”

By the time I hung up the phone, I felt exhausted. It was early – just 9pm – but I decided to crawl into bed anyway.

Except sleep eluded me.

I couldn’t help but wonder what Mr. Reed was doing. Was he preparing for his business meetings...or banging the model-thin brunette? The only way to know for sure would be to go to his penthouse apartment, and even I wasn’t that bold.

Or stupid.

After tossing and turning for a long while, and finally coming to a decision regarding my relationship with Mr. Reed, I drifted off to sleep.


he next day began like many others, with a shower, two cups of coffee and a rush to catch the express bus to downtown. I got to my office in the Special Projects Division of Reed Technologies a little late because I stopped at the bottom-floor cafe to grab a bagel and more caffeine.

That’s when my day took a more interesting turn.

Sitting in the middle of my desk was a large white boxed tied with a red silk ribbon. I tugged on the ribbon and lifted the lid. Sitting on top of tissue paper was a red envelope marked: CONFIDENTIAL MEMO.

I opened the envelope and pulled out the note that was inside. As I read the hand-written words, I couldn’t suppress the smile the creased my lips.


y Dear Miss James:

Please accept my apologies for leaving town so abruptly after your return to work. I can assure you that, while my trip was unavoidable, I would have preferred spending my time with you.

Since I know you’re still recovering from your surgery, I’ve taken the liberty of gifting you with the items that will be needed for our next night of passion.

I hope you enjoy unwrapping these gifts as much as I enjoyed purchasing them...and as much as I will enjoy unwrapping you.

Yours Truly,

David Reed


y hands shook as I lifted the tissue paper to reveal several small packages wrapped in more tissue. Each one had a small card taped to the top. I picked up the first one and read the card.


he color of this chemise is pure, much like your soul, Miss James, and the fabric is designed to give me delicious glimpses of your womanly treasures. When you slip it on over your sexy curves, I can only hope that you will ache for me the way I have been aching for you.


ears filled my eyes when I saw the beautiful white lace chemise that was wrapped in the tissue. Thin straps led to stretchy, triangle bra cups and an empire waist gown that would flatter instead of cling.

I set the short gown aside and picked up the next package, which was much smaller and felt light as air. 


his one’s naughty instead of nice. Red hot, much like my desire for your curves, and designed to be quite cheeky, just like you.


h my!

I gasped in surprise when I unwrapped red lace panties. They were crotchless, of course, but the opening was extra-wide and continued past the mound area and up the back.

Cheeky indeed. These panties would leave my ass crack and half of my cheeks uncovered!

I picked up the next package, which was small, cylindrical and solid.


our body’s lubrication is sweeter than honey. I plan to lap at your slick and glistening folds, tasting the nectar of your arousal until you scream my name when you come.

After I lick away your silky juices, you’ll need something even more slippery to slide my last gift into your virgin entrance.


nside the tissue was a small bottle of sexual lubricant. When I realized what
entrance the note was probably referring to, my mouth went dry...even as my pussy became dripping wet.

I picked up the last package and read the card. The message was short.


o double your pleasure, my sweet.


he gift inside the fancy, tissue-wrapped box was a small crystal butt plug with a flat bottom. Other than a light caress, I had never experienced anal play before and was curious and nervous at the same time. Was I really going to let Mr. Reed put that thing inside me?

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