The Billionaire's Daughter (25 page)

Read The Billionaire's Daughter Online

Authors: Maggie Carpenter

did as she was told and he placed the box on the coffee table.  Taking one
of the clamps he pushed the handles together opening the rounded top. 
Wrapping the fingers of his free hand around her right breast he squeezed,
pushing her nipple out.  She groaned, and when he gently placed the clamp
around her tiny red bud and released the tips allowing the metal to bite into
her pink flesh, she let out a startled cry.

she cried.  “Ow, ow, ow.”

was gasping and Dante quickly lowered the small round metal ring responsible
for the tension of the hold, and she let out a long whimper of relief.  He
studied her face.  The clamp was still tight but not so tight as to be
intolerable.  Noting the placement he set the matching clamp to the same
tension and repeated the process on her other breast, which she accepted with a
deep, soulful moan.

may open your eyes, Kate,” he said. "Nipple clamps. They suit you, and
your tits deserve jewelry.  I will use them for pleasure,” he paused, then
added, “or discipline.

was panting.  The tight throb that was coursing through her breasts was
pulsing down her torso directly into her pussy. 

know when I applied the first one it was a nasty pain.  Now it’s a
strangely sensuous pain, isn’t it?”

she admitted, breathlessly. “It is strange - exciting,” she stammered.

instructed her to close her eyes again, then let her sit for a minute or two,
watching her, allowing her to process and embrace the new sensations. 
Satisfied, he stood up and walked across to the bedside table, opening the
drawer and picking up the wrist cuffs and blindfold. 

her from behind he deftly placed her wrists in the leather shackles and snapped
them to chrome rings half way up her back.  The blindfold slipped over her
eyes and she moaned softly as the forgiving foam closed around her, blocking
all light, sending her into darkness.  Taking her by the elbow he helped
her up and slowly led her across the room to the bed.  He placed her far
enough back so it would only be her head that would rest upon it, then taking
her by the hair he lowered her face down until her cheek was laying on the

apart,” he ordered, standing back.

separated her legs, and with her wrists locked in their cuffs and snapped in
place behind her, the position caused her back to arch, which made her backside
protrude in a most vulnerable and lascivious manner.  She whimpered as she
felt his hands roam across her bottom.

told you there would be further punishment for your impetuous outburst this
afternoon and that time has come,” he said sternly.  'But I understand why
you did it, and I know you will communicate your moods to me in future.
 So this is more training than punishment.  A reminder to talk to me
when necessary."

Sir,” she whimpered.

have every intention of implementing whatever is necessary to not only have you
ready to greet your father, but to ensure your proper behavior in the future.”

Sir,” she stammered.  “I understand."

sharp smacks of his hand followed, then he backed away.  Kate could hear
him moving around the room and listened intently, attempting to discern his

sight of Kate’s beautiful backside presented in such a lovely position, along
with her ripe breasts hanging under her, clamped so deliciously, made him want
to drop his trousers and fuck her rigorously, but he had more than enough self
control to stay focused and continue with the task at hand.

pulled the small box containing the vibrating egg from the drawer and retrieved
the lube from the bathroom.  Slipping the crop off the hook just inside
the closet, he stared at the flogger hanging next to it.  As much as he
wanted to christen the flogger it was too soon.  That he was saving for
another, very specific time.

was quietly moaning. The nipple clamps were biting into her tender flesh, but
in a manner that shot toe tingling sparks through her entire being.  She
felt so alive,  almost feverish, and any fear or apprehension was fueling
the thrill of it all.  She trusted Dante completely, but she also knew he
was more than capable of spanking her to tears and she had no idea what other
perversions he had waiting in store.  Her heart was pounding and her pussy
lips swelling as she waited.  When she sensed he had returned and was
standing behind her, she took a deep breath and held it.

do that,” he said softly.  “Don’t hold your breath.”

was a little startled by the tenderness of the instruction and it helped to
relax her.  Sighing deeply she tried her best to breath as normally as she

gazed fondly at the inviting sight before him and ran his hand over the
goosebumps that had appeared on her skin. 

are going to be humbled and disciplined Kate,” he cautioned, “but you know you
are in good hands.”

Sir,” Kate replied, soothed by his tone and reassuring words.

warning his finger lightly touched her back hole.  Instinctively she
tensed and had to remind herself to breath.

said you were going to be humbled,” Dante repeated, “and you will be.”


Oh God.  I should have known it was
going to be something like this...

toyed with the puckered little hole for a few minutes, watching her tense with
nervousness.  When he was satisfied she was prepared he reached for his
lube and placed a small amount on his finger, smearing it in place.  She
groaned again and when he began to penetrate, she let out a woeful cry.

quiet and accept Kate,” he warned.  “I won’t stand for any nonsense
tonight.  Those clamps can always be tightened and I can always add time
to the spanking you’re about to receive.”

“Yes, Sir,” she whimpered, through clenched teeth.

picked up the egg, covered it with copious amounts of lube and presented it to
the tiny opening.  He knew from experience that two good pushes followed
by several quick hard smacks, then a sudden hard thrust would get the job done,
regardless of the reticence of the recipient.

pushed once, felt the instant resistance, pushed a second time, felt the
resistance lessen a little, then holding it firmly at her entrance with one
hand, he started to spank Kate’s upended bottom very hard and very fast.

it you bad girl,” he growled, as the blows landed sharply, one after the other.

cried and yelped as his hand exploded on her ass.  After his short, fierce
spanking  he pushed again, and just as he expected she opened up and the
egg slithered inside.   The wire attached to the remote lay dangling,
evidence of its placement.  Kate was breathless, aghast at the intruder
inside her.

of these days you will learn to do as you’re told young lady,” he said sternly,
“regardless of what is asked of you.  Your bottom will pay the price if
you don’t and had you waited much longer your nipples would have as well.”

Sir,” she replied, her voice small and shaking.

just rest there a minute and get used to the feeling.  There’s quite a bit
more to follow.  One of these days you’ll want that lovely little thing
just where it is.  You’ll beg me to put it there.”

Kate couldn’t imagine such a thing.  She felt totally overcome, humiliated
and punished.  More to come?  What more could there possibly be?

returned to the couch and viewed the lovely sight before him.  The remote
control for the egg was sitting on the bed next to her, its three speeds ready
to be activated.  The crop lay next to it, and Kate’s pretty pink bottom
was waiting, the magnificent, round cheeks inviting his attention.

As Dante began to undress, his cock grateful for its release from the confinement
of his clothing, he could see Kate beginning to relax.  She had no idea of
the great pleasure she was about to experience.  Laying his clothes across
the chair he walked back and reached for the crop.  Though his ankle was
still reminding him he was not 100%, it was the last thing on his mind as he
let his cock slither suggestively across her tender ass.

Dante,” she cried, “please give it to me,” she begged.


most certainly will,” he replied, and stepping back raised the crop in the air.
















wide leather tongue of the small fat crop landed on Kate’s right cheek with a
loud cracking sound.
She let out a
short sharp wail, and Dante smiled with satisfaction at the perfect mark.
He moved it across to the left cheek
and slapped it down again.
winced and cried out, but Dante’s desire to crop her well far surpassed any
empathy he had.

was particularly fond of the crop, both its size and style.
It had a strong rubber handle, easy to
grip and control, and the flicking leather at the end of the stick could be
made to dance against the flesh in several different ways.
He had learned that variety could
elevate a cropping from a simple chastisement to one of anticipation and

moved the tongue from cheek to cheek, never landing the leather on the same
spot twice but expertly making sure her entire bottom was covered.
The crop would land smartly, eliciting
a sharp cry, and then almost tickle with the next stroke.
Kate moved her hips from side to side
after each blow, salaciously exhibiting her bottom in a manner that was having
a pronounced effect on Dante’s already very stiff member.
By the time he had finished she was
apologizing profusely, promising to never snap at him again, ever, about
anything, and to always tell him if she was feeling upset.

returned the crop to the closet and moving slowly back to his whimpering charge
he traveled his hands softly across her punished behind.
Speaking gently he reminded that any misdemeanor
had to be dealt with, and that was something she must always remember.

had been learning to control her temper but her outburst at the private
boutique made it obvious she still had a ways to go.
He continued the post spanking caresses for some time, until
her whimpering had transformed into a soft, grateful, mewing.

was overcome.
The cropping had
been one thing, but the egg was something else entirely.
Every time she had wiggled or moved her
hips it made itself known.
It was
as if it owned her.
She had tried
desperately not to writhe so she could avoid the sensation.
It didn’t hurt but it felt huge inside
her and most uncomfortable.

between her pussy lips he found, as he expected, a wet hungry crevice.
His cock was swollen and just as hungry
as Kate’s juicy pussy.
He pressed
his hardness against her burnt backside and she squirmed in response.

we learned our lesson Kate?” he asked, his voice tinged with compassion.

Sir,” she replied immediately.

you snap at your father, or mother, or anyone in this house you’ll get the
exact same treatment, perhaps even more.”

Sir,” she stammered.

to control your temper and hold your tongue and you’ll be fine.
If you just tell me how you’re feeling
a visit with the crop or my hard hand can be avoided.”

I am very sorry,” she
whimpered, “and I promise I’ve learned my lesson.”

reached down and picked up the remote control attached to the egg firmly
implanted inside her.
From the moment
he had ordered the spicy, scintillating, sexy toy he had imagined how it would
be to watch her reaction to its magical massage.

is the little intruder feeling, Kate?” he asked, fondling the switch on the
remote control box, greatly looking forward to sending the power through the

overwhelming but I’m getting kind of used to it,” she replied, a deep red heat
moving across her face.  She was glad her head was buried in the
mattress.  It felt almost as hot and red as her bottom.  

yourself,” he warned.  “It’s about to stimulate you in a very sexy way.”

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