The Billionaire's Daughter (29 page)

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Authors: Maggie Carpenter

very sorry, Sir,” she answered.

were rude and demanding,” he said.
“I should really put you over my knee in the back seat of the car and
pull your jeans down.
Let my hand
work on your naked skin for a few minutes,” he scolded.

really sorry.
It’s so hard
sometimes,” she moaned.

know,” he sighed, and he really did.
A lifetime of behavior could not be completely cured in a few
She was trying, and she’d
done really well.
He couldn’t
expect her to be perfect all the time.
But she did have to understand civility.

do you feel now?
Are you ready to
have something to eat and then continue shopping or do you still want to go

her surprise Kate realized the short, quick spanking had somehow energized

think I’d like to continue,” she answered quietly, looking up at him.
“I mean, really.
I’m not just saying that.”

There was a sparkle in her
eyes and he had no doubt there was a warm moistness growing between her
Almost to confirm his belief
she shifted from foot to foot rubbing her thighs together.

let’s go.
I’m dying for a cup of
coffee,” he said, taking her hand.

her back to the mall he crossed the parking area to the intimate french
Kate’s jeans were scratchy
against her skin and she was wearing a thong so her bottom had no protection
from the denim.
Dante gestured to
a table and moved off to get them something to eat.
She sat down gingerly and wondered if the few people around
her could see the flush across her face.
Her bottom cheeks weren’t the only ones that were red.

returned quickly.
There was no
line and he had bought them large vegetarian quiche and a pastry dessert to
share, and each of them a cup of coffee.
They ate hungrily though Kate squirmed restlessly on her chair.
Dante noticed but chose not to say anything.
He knew her bottom was smarting and had
to keep moving for comfort.
Inwardly he smiled.
young woman would learn manners one way or the other.

rest of the shopping went smoothly and he found all the items he’d been
seeking, the last of which was a simple black dress with a round neck and long
It was tailored, which
flattered her luscious shape, but it was modest and elegant.
When she studied her reflection in the
tall dressing room mirror, even Kate had to admit it was quite a transformation.

solitaire diamond on a silver chain, or pearls, and you’ll look amazing,” he
said, admiring her.

smiled back at him and nodded her head.
It was a far cry
from the
transparent, pink silk dress she’d been parading around in earlier.
By the time they began the drive home it
was dusk, and the energy from the light snack had subsided.
Once they arrived they both felt
drained and after Dante helped her up to her room with the packages, he
suggested a long hot bath and a nap.
She couldn’t have agreed more.

have a jacuzzi tub,” she offered.
“If you’d like.”

like,” he replied.
“You get it
started. I’ll be back in a minute.”

made his way to the kitchen and retrieved a bottle of Pinot Griggio from the
He pulled the cork
and rested it back in the neck. The cool refreshing drink would be just the
thing to relax them after their busy day, and compliment the hot bubbling water
of the tub.
He grabbed two glasses
and was just about to make his way up to her bathroom when the phone rang.

was a short conversation.
Hollister was making a quick stop-over on his way to New York.
He’d be at the house late in the
afternoon the following day.

was big news, and thoughtfully he made his way back up the stairs.
When he entered the bathroom he found
Kate already soaking.
Bubbles from
the jets as well as bubbles from bath beads filled the room with the steamy
aroma of jasmine.

there,” she purred, her pretty face surrounded by a sea of white foam.
“Care to join me?”

certainly do,” he replied, pulling the cork off the wine and pouring the honey
colored liquid into the glasses.
He handed one to Kate, placed the other on the side of the tub and
stripped quickly.
As he slithered
into the warm suds, he sighed as he felt the jets pulse against his back.
His ankle throbbed slightly and he
wasn’t surprised. He’d been walking on it all afternoon and it was only natural
it would protest a little.
He took
a sip of his wine and as he had guessed it hit the spot.

got quite a bit to untag and put away,” he remarked, sinking into the relaxing
water, thinking how relieved he was that they’d gone shopping that
She’d have something
nice to wear for her father’s unexpected arrival.

Amex was almost worn out when we finished.”

know,” she giggled, “but at least this time my parents won’t have a cow when
they see what I’ve bought.
Especially dad!”

nodded knowingly.

I have some news.
I don’t know if
you heard the phone ring, but your father just called.
He’ll be here tomorrow afternoon,” he
told her, his voice dropping to a serious tone.
“And I have no doubt he’s going to see what I promised.
A dutiful, well behaved daughter.
One he can be proud of.”

heart jumped.

Oh my goodness.”

But you’re a changed woman. I know
he’ll be very impressed with the new you!”

The more she pondered her
past the more guilty she felt.
Dante’s corrective measures were working on her conscience as well as
her outward behavior.
Her entire
life she’d been given anything she wanted and she was beginning to realize just
what a handful she had been as a child, and even more so as an adolescent.

hope so,” she replied quietly.

sure he will,” he smiled at her, “and of course you know there’s a paddle - a
hairbrush - a crop - and a very hard hand, ready and waiting to help you if
need be.”

reached across the foam and grabbed her arm.
She slid across the tub and he turned her around so she
could lean against him.
His arms
encircled her and his hands cupped her breasts.

he murmured, nuzzling her neck.
think I know just what I’m going to do to you when we get out of this tub.”

she asked, thrusting her chest out, pushing against his fondling fingers.

find out.
It will be a very
intense but short lesson,” he replied.
“Just what you need to ready you for tomorrow.”

closed her eyes and felt him swelling against her and the familiar tingling
echoed through her loins.

have to make sure you’re absolutely in the right frame of mind.
We don’t want you apartment hunting do
we?” he reminded her.

no, Dante,” she murmured, losing herself in his artful fingers.


hour later she found herself naked, standing at the foot of his bed with her
arms stretched wide and shackled to the top frame of the four poster.
Her ankles were cuffed to a spreader
bar and there was a blindfold across her eyes.
Something touched her lips and she heard Dante instruct her
to open her mouth.

realize there’s no-one around to hear you,” he said softly, as he placed a red
ball gag between her lips.
about discipline.
A reminder that
you must think before speaking.
From now on, every time you show a flash of temper you will be gagged
and punished.
Hopefully you’ll
remember this when your father is here.”

nodded her head.
She couldn’t move
and never had she felt so helpless.
She wrapped her fingers around the rope that held her wrist cuffs to the
Somehow it made her feel a
little more secure though there was nothing comfortable about her state.

had been saving this.
I thought
your dad wouldn’t be here for another week, but since he’s arriving tomorrow I
must introduce it now.
It is a
very dramatic instrument.
One of
my favorites.
It’s called a
flogger and it will burn your beautiful bottom in a very different manner than
anything you’ve yet felt.
I won’t
flog you very hard or for very long, but it will be enough for you to
understand the point and it will stay with you for the next couple of
I know sometimes you think
it’s all a bit of a game --”

shook her head from side to side furiously and whined through the gag,
attempting to refute his accusation --

well, perhaps not as much as you once did.
But today was a prime example of how difficult it can be to
change your ways.
Since your
father is about to land upon the doorstep I’m very intent on making sure your
behavior modification is complete and enduring.
At least for the next 48 hours! Nod your head if you understand.”

whimpered a little and nodded her head.

going to flog you now Kate.
I will
only flog you four times.
But that
will be plenty I can assure you.
When I’m finished you’re going to remain exactly where you are for
fifteen minutes.
During that
fifteen minutes you’re going to give great consideration to your recent past,
the corrective training you’ve received from me, and your future.”

waiting for a response Dante stepped back and lifted his brand new heavy black
Holding the end of the
tongues he took careful aim at the very center of Kate’s round plump
With a practiced flick of
his wrist he let it fly, landing the tendrils solidly against her tender skin.

let out a muffled cry, and he watched as the wide angry crimson mark of its
delivery appeared instantly upon her flesh.
Shaking the tongues he ran his fingers through the leather
then picked up the ends once again.
He let them fly with a little more severity, and Kate instinctively
thrust her pelvis forward.
tried to pick up a foot but the spreader prevented it, and Dante stood back a
moment watching her writhe in her binds.

He had been standing to her left, and
moved across so as to deliver the last two from the opposite side.
Always very careful not to allow the
tongues to wrap around and catch the sides of the hips he waited until she

two more, Kate.
I believe I have
made my point,” he said, softly.

the flogger he delivered the next two in the same, slow, methodical manner.
The tongues lashed across her seat
cheeks, followed by a second, more severe blow.Kate was now mewing and rolling
her head and Dante knew that even though the flogging short lived, it was
certainly strong enough to have had the impact he desired

he walked across the room and opened and closed the door.
But he didn’t leave.
He wanted her to think he had but he
would never leave her in such a vulnerable state.
If she had a bad cramp or something untoward happened he
would be there to release her immediately.
He settled silently on the couch and stared at her beautiful
body, then checked the time on his watch.
In fifteen minutes he would open and close the door again and release
Then give her an extra warm

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