The Billionaire's Daughter (30 page)

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Authors: Maggie Carpenter






wriggled and moved in her bonds.
Her bottom was burning and itching at the same time and her limbs were
beginning to ache.
It had felt
like an hour had passed but he had promised to return in 15 minutes and he
always kept his promises.
heard the click of the door handle and the sound of its closing.
She gulped back a sob and waited,
almost holding her breath in anticipation of his touch, the release of the
bondage, the gentle caress that she hoped would soon follow.

my sweet Kate,” he whispered in her ear.

breath was hot and comforting and she tired to lean back against his chest, but
her ties would not allow it.

going to release you now, but when I do you must move very slowly otherwise
your muscles will cramp,” he warned, removing her gag.

Sir,” she replied, her voice barely audible.
Her jaw was a little sore and he moved her chin back and
forth to relieve the ache.

by one he released her arms and legs, and massaging her sleeping muscles back
to life he moved her slowly around the room, finally laying her full length on
the bed.
As she had hoped he began
softly rubbing her crimson, lined, bottom cheeks.
He kissed her tenderly and lightly sucked at her
She began to fall asleep
and he allowed it for a short time, and then raised her from her nap.

- here - drink some water,” he said, raising her up and handing her a glass.

had no idea how thirsty she was and downed it quickly.

you up to talking about tomorrow?” he asked.
“Or do you need to nap some more?”

knew the flogger could be exhausting for the recipient, and even though it had
been a short visit with the long leather tails he wanted to be sure she was
rested enough to talk.

fine,” she breathed.
“I can
It’s weird how I feel

know,” he nodded.
“It’s as if
you’re tired, but not tired.
As if
the flogger robbed you of all your stress and guilt.
Is that a fair way to describe it?”

Yes, that’s it exactly,” she replied,
amazed that he’d put it into words so perfectly.
“I’m fine to talk about tomorrow.
I want to,” she declared.

- first, you realize the staff won’t be back for another two days,” he
“But I think that’s a
good thing.
I want your father to
have some time with you - the new you - without anyone else around.
He wants to give you the opportunity to
show him how much you’ve changed.”

felt the familiar twirl of a dust devil spring to life.

I’m not worried,” he crooned, reassuring her.
“Most of what you’ve learned has now become second nature.”

think?” she squeaked.

Your true sweetness and desire
to please is completely obvious and it will be to him as well.
You need to get a good night’s sleep
and I want you here with me.
Tomorrow you’ll plan a menu for a homecoming dinner and lay down a
lovely table for him.
You’ll be
gracious and charming and I’m sure your dad will think he’s come back to the
wrong house.”

The house was a mansion
and the concept of such a suggestion she really quite funny.

he said, kissing her gently, “I haven’t given you much training in this area,
but if I was to tell you to slide down between my legs and show me just how
nicely you aim to please,” he instructed, tweaking a nipple, “what would you

it would be my pleasure, Sir,” she said softly.
“Actually,” she continued, “it’s weird but I can think of
nothing I want to do more.”

what I thought,” he crooned, and sighed deeply as she slithered down his
He had learned that
women loved to worship their Master’s cock after being flogged.
It was an interesting side effect and
one he very much looked forward to.

her head against his semi hard member she kissed it gently, then took him in
her mouth and began to suck.
closed his eyes, lost in the warm richness of her lips.
Her tongue flicked and moved around his
knob and he found himself responding quickly.
He recalled the lascivious wriggling and twitching of her
bottom as he had flogged her, the sound of her muffled gasps, the bright
crimson marks left by the solid leather tongues.

could feel her moving her mouth up and down his fullness, her fingers dancing
against his balls, tickling and teasing.
He extended his arm and wrapped his fingers around her hair, clutching
her long locks, guiding the pace and depth of her movements.
He could feel his moment pending,
groaning as it neared and clutched harder as let himself shoot into her
He dropped her hair but she
did not disappoint him. She continued to suck him, swallowing his cream,
milking his essence, draining him of all he had.

up his body she rested her head against his chest.

girl,” he crooned. “That was lovely.”

could feel her own juices, her own excitement, and pressed her esurient pussy
against him.

- not tonight.
You’re going to
stay hungry until you’ve shown your father what a wonderful young woman you’ve
Then you’ll get your

her need she found the answer immensely satisfying, and though she was aching
for him she soon found herself drifting off to sleep.

she awoke in the morning it was to the sound of the shower running.
Dante was already out of bed and in the
bathroom getting ready for the day.
She stretched languidly and thought about all the things she needed to
Slipping from the sheets she
padded across to the bathroom.
door was open and she peeked her head in.

I go upstairs and get ready or do you want me to shower with you?”

Too much temptation joining me here
little lady.”

laughed, and grabbing her clothes from the night before darted from the room.

stepped from the hot water and began to dry himself off.
He peered down at his ankle.
Except for a small area of yellowing
there was no evidence of the sprain that had brought him into the house.
It felt as though it had been weeks
since that fateful day.

had missed Kate during his years away at college and building his business, but
during that time he had immersed himself in the D/s lifestyle and discovered
his passion for it.
The thought
crossed his mind that all the experience he had gained, all the lessons he had
learned, had simply been in preparation for this time with Kate.

Foolish notion,
he thought.
But maybe not. Maybe

so their day began.
Together, and
sometimes separately, they prepared for her father’s homecoming.
She hadn’t learned how to cook a
gourmet meal but she could certainly make the roast Dante had taught her, and
though she was nervous and had a few flustered moments, by the time the
limousine pulled up to the front steps the large chicken was baking in the
oven, accompanied by a tray of vegetables coated in olive oil, garlic and
Dante had helped only
when she called on him, and she had designed and laid out the dining room table
She’d had just enough
time to run up to her room and change before she heard the car arrive.

quickly she made her way down the hallway towards the stairs, and was surprised
to find her father standing in the foyer, Dante next to him, waiting for her
grand entrance.
When he saw his
daughter his jaw dropped.
Astonished, he watched her gracefully glide down towards him.

Gone were the crazy high heels, the scandalously short skirt,
tight fitting cut off teeshirt and long dangling earrings.
Kate was dressed in a slightly flared
black skirt that fell mid thigh, and a feminine, loose fitting, black and white
crew neck sweater.
She was wearing
dark stockings and Gucci shoes with a low heel. Her make up, once a conglomeration
of thick, multi colored eye shadow and dark red lipstick, had changed to simple
mascara and soft pink lip gloss, and her long disheveled locks were pulled up
in a pony tail.

What didn’t show was what Dante had made her wear
The stockings were
thigh highs; the panties were lace, to scratch her tender rear end as a
constant reminder to behave or else; and her nipples were no longer evident for
everyone to see, but not because of a bra.
He had her wearing round sticky nipple covers so he could
have the extreme pleasure of slowly peeling them off.

“Welcome home,” Kate grinned, moving
quickly to hug him.

“Kate - you look - fabulous.
Absolutely fabulous,” her father

“Thank you dad,” she whispered in his

Tears were brimming in her eyes.
She had never been so happy to see him,
and it was a warm, almost overwhelming feeling.

Dante stood back and watched the
The shocked expression on
Bill’s face when Kate first appeared told Dante that Kate’s father wasn’t
prepared for the extraordinary transformation.
Leaving them alone he quietly made his way to the kitchen
picked up the tray he and Kate had prepared.
It had an ice bucket with a chilled bottle of champagne,
three glasses and a plate of different cheeses, some grapes and gourmet

When he returned to the living room he
found Kate and her father seated next to each other on the large, overstuffed

“Dante,” Bill Hollister said, standing up
as he saw him enter.
“Let me help

“I will,” Kate interjected, jumping
“Please. I’d like to, if you
don’t mind,” she added hastily.

“No, of course I don’t mind,” her father
said, once again taken by surprise. His daughter had made it a habit of never
helping anyone, and her manners!
He had never known her to be so polite.

“I’m fine,” Dante replied.
“But thank you, Kate.
I think it’s a bit heavy for you.”

He placed gently down on the big, square,
glass coffee table and popped the champagne cork, while Kate offered her father
the plate of cheeses.
When they
each had their drinks Bill Hollister raised his in the air.

“To my beautiful daughter of whom I am
immensely proud.”

Kate beamed.

She sat back down next to her father and
sipped her champagne, but it wasn’t easy.
She was extremely uncomfortable.
The scratchy lacy panties were rubbing her tender behind and she was
finding it difficult to remain still.

“Dad,” she said tentatively, “there’s
something - something - I want to tell you.”

He studied her daughter’s face.
The last time he had seen her looking
so well scrubbed and pretty, was when she was just 12 years old.

“Yes, Kate?
What is it?”

“I want to say how sorry I am for having caused you so much

Dante pricked his ears. The spontaneous
apology surprised him. He glanced at Bill Hollister and thought he saw the
trace of a tear in the older man’s eye.

“I’m extremely lucky to have been born with so much privilege,” she
continued, shifting her seat,
I’ve taken it all for granted.
You’ve been so good to me,” she said, her voice quivering.
“Dante has shown me that and I want to
thank you for giving him the chance to help me find myself.
And again, I’m really sorry for all the

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