Read The Billionaire's Pet Online

Authors: Loki Renard

The Billionaire's Pet (12 page)

She was finishing her third glass of champagne when she felt a prickling at the back of her neck, the little hairs standing up each on their own, little soldiers coming to attention. Quite suddenly, Ellie was certain she was being watched. She turned in the direction of the sensation, her eyes scanning the room.

The crowd parted for a brief moment and there he was. Daniel Treville.

She spotted him almost immediately. He commanded the room with casual ease, drawing attention from every female in the vicinity. Ellie slid back into the crowd and watched him make what was almost certainly polite, charming conversation. He did not seem to have noticed her, though surely he must have or she would not have gotten the sense of being watched.

What was Daniel doing in Paris? Was this mere coincidence? Did Fate have some sick sense of humor? Ellie did not know, and she did not wait to find out. Her heart pounding, she made her way out of the main ballroom and sought some kind of safety in isolation.

A month since she had laid eyes on him, and in one single instant every bit of feeling returned in a heady rush that left her feeling weak at the knees. There were many quiet places to withdraw, thanks to the extensive nature of the embassy. Ellie found herself out on a balcony on the second floor, overlooking the street below. The night air was cool and perfumed with the scent of the city. Alone, she tried her best to take deep breaths and calm herself.

“Make a dignified, discreet exit,” she murmured to herself. “He doesn’t have to know you were ever here.”


She stopped breathing as Daniel’s distinctive timbre emanated from the room beyond the balcony doors. Ellie glanced over the edge of the balcony, a brief moment of madness making her think that if she jumped she might perhaps save herself the embarrassment of being confronted by the man she had run from.

It was too late. He had passed through the doorway, his tall frame as elegant and powerful as ever. Their eyes met, his full of warmth, hers brimming with uncertainty.

“Well, my pet,” he drawled. “It’s been a long time.”

“Daniel,” she said, uttering his name as if it were a talisman. “You’re here.”

“We’re both here,” he agreed, letting the shock dissipate a little. “It’s good to see you, Ellie. You’re looking well. Paris suits you.”

He was making polite conversation, as if… as if they were not in the midst of a painful rift, as if he were not the devil who had been her downfall. She could barely believe that he was actually there, not until he reached out and placed his hand over hers on the balcony railing, the warmth and strength of his flesh making him real.

She snatched her hand away and held it close to her chest. “Don’t make idle chitchat with me, Daniel,” she said in icy tones. “You cost me everything. What the hell are you doing here?”

“I was invited.”

Her eyes narrowed further, two furious cat-like slits. “Then I’m leaving.”

He caught her by the arm, arresting her progress before she could storm out of his life yet again. “You can’t avoid me forever, Ellie, we have to talk about this,” he said patiently.

“We don’t have anything to talk about,” she said as she glared up at him, once again caught in his physical spell. “You used me sexually, played all sorts of sick games with me, and finally humiliated me out of my job. You’re a sick asshole, Daniel Treville. Now let me go or I’ll scream this embassy down!”

“Whoa, wait,” Daniel replied, putting his hands up and taking a step back to give her some space. “I did not humiliate you out of your job. I told you not to give that presentation. You didn’t listen.”

She gave him a sulky, borderline petulant look. “You knew I wouldn’t.”

Daniel rested against the railing, his expression wry. “What should I have done, Ellie? Tied you up and forbidden you to speak?”

“Why not? That has your M.O. all over it.”

“First of all, I did not expect you to explode at the board,” he said evenly. “That was quite uncharacteristic for you. Second, you would have hated me if I had physically stopped you from giving that presentation. Maybe I should have tied your little butt up until you saw sense, but dammit, Ellie, this isn’t an arrangement where I kidnap you and completely remove all choice.”

She stared at him and the moment stretched into silence. A slow look of incredulity passed over his face and he let out a short, not entirely amused laugh.

“That’s what you want, isn’t it?”


“Maybe not what you want, but what you need.” He shook his head. “I should have known, as hard as you fought me… you always had that look in your eyes.”

“I did not!”

“You’ve got it now,” he said, his voice lowering to a predatory purr. “Every word that comes out of your mouth is a lie, Ellie. You’re lying to me and you’re lying to yourself. And you know what, my pet? I didn’t come this far to listen to those lies. You’re still as much mine now as you were when you left, aren’t you?”

She wanted to throw the word ‘no’ at him like a missile, but she couldn’t. A month’s worth of grief and loneliness was coming crashing down on her. As much as she told herself that she hated him, she was so relieved to see him she could have cried. The whole time she’d been in Paris she’d thought of nothing but Daniel, first hating him, then missing him so much it hurt, then hating him again. Now he was standing in front of her, wanting her, loving her. How could she tell him no when every single fiber of her being was screaming yes?

As it turned out, she did not need to make that decision. Daniel made it for her.

“Alright,” he said, his voice a guttural growl of desire. “You want me to just take control, then that’s what I’m going to do.”

“Daniel!” She squealed his name as he took her by the hand. “What are you doing?”

“I’m taking you back.”

She half expected to be hauled from the party entirely, but Daniel did not head for the front door. He headed for the wide staircase, drawing her up between bemused diplomatic types all the way to the third floor, which he seemed to know his way around well enough to lead her four doors down and then take the hall to the left and open the door on the right—which led to a richly appointed bedroom decorated in high French style. Fleur-de-lis ranged the walls, and the bed itself was covered in light blue satin dotted with delicate lace petals that would have made Marie Antoinette weep with joy.

“You’ve been here before,” she said, accusingly as he released her and shut the door.

“To Paris? Yes.”

“No, here, to the consulate. To this room.”

“I haven’t actually,” he said, pulling her close. “But I did ask for a private room to be made available for us.”

“You knew I’d be here? How?”

“Who do you think sent you the invitation, pet?” He chuckled as his hand slid to the back of her neck, found the zipper of her dress, and slid it down in one long motion, freeing her body from the silver sheath and leaving her in nothing but lingerie.

“You tricked me? This whole thing is a trap?”

“Hardly,” he smiled, helping her step out of her dress. “The embassy does not put on entire soirées to help jilted lovers reconnect.”

“You know what I mean,” Ellie accused. “How did you know I was in Paris? Why did you…”

“Here’s what I knew, pet,” he said, sliding his arms around her waist. “I knew you were hurt and sad and alone. I knew you needed some time to decide what you wanted. And I knew that if you didn’t want me, you’d let me know. So,” he said, lowering his head so his lips were almost touching hers, “do you want me, Ellie?”

Swept up in the intensity of the moment, drinking in his scent and the feeling of his hard body pressed against hers, there was only one answer Ellie could give. Only one answer she could ever have given.

“Yes.” She whispered the word softly, almost inaudibly.

His lips closed the distance between them and pressed against hers with a demanding, fierce passion that drove all lingering uncertainty out of her mind. Business be damned. Past be damned. She wanted this man with everything she had.

The kiss signaled an unleashing of desire, a final crack in the dam of propriety. Ellie was not sure if she pulled his shirt asunder first, or if it was he who unzipped her dress, but seconds later they were tearing one another out of their clothing, hands, lips, tongues on one another’s skin and mouths, tasting, suckling, reuniting. Ellie was consumed by Daniel, his hunger for her entirely ravenous. His palms were on her ass cheeks, holding her aloft. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he thrust himself inside her, his cock branding the depths of her cunt with hard, fast thrusts.

She welcomed every one of them, wrapping herself around him with sybaritic glee. Every few dozen thrusts he took a step toward the bed until he was standing beside it. He pulled her writhing body from his cock and tossed her down on the exquisite coverlet, the naked length of his body covering hers as he claimed her mouth in a passionate kiss and thrust back inside her. She was positioned somewhat on an angle so he was more or less fucking her from behind, but with her hips twisted in such a way that her shoulders were on the bed, their eyes locked together as the primal desire to fuck and fuck hard took control of them both.

Ellie was as wet as she had ever been, a month of chastity resulting in a wetness that soaked his cock and made every thrust a joy no matter how hard it was. He reached down and ran his hand through her hair, his fingers tightening close to her scalp as he locked her in position and fucked her with a fast pistoning motion that left her wailing ecstasy to the world.

“I’m going to come in you,” he growled down at her. “I’m going to come in your hot, wet little cunt.”

“Yes,” she gasped, her desire making her inner walls pulse and ripple with need. Her clit was fully engorged, a tight, hard needy bud that he caught between his fingers and massaged as he took the last few thrusts at high speed, fucking her with a reckless animal abandon that made her head spin.

“Fuck. Yes. Ellie!” His triumphant cry came in guttural spurts along with the spending of his cum. She could feel him filling her pussy with his seed, the hot juices making her tender cunt sting as he slid deep, forcing himself all the way in, holding his cum against the unprotected neck of her womb.

Pinned, fucked, and with cum deep inside her, Ellie felt her orgasm burst forth. She could hardly move for the grip Daniel had on her, but her hips ground against him, her bud riding against the ridge of his fingers as her pussy squeezed his cock, milking him for every last drop of his precious semen. Her wails were incoherent cries of feminine satisfaction that echoed across the room as the final tremors of
le petit mort
ran through them both.

Flushed and disoriented, she looked up at him with lust-glazed eyes. “So,” she said, lying there with her swollen pussy lips glistening in sweat and his seed. “What now?”

Chapter Nine



“What now?” He lay down next to her and teased his fingers through her blond locks while rubbing his palm over her rear. “I’m taking you home, my pet.”

“Daniel, you can’t just
me. I’m not a stray cat you found in the bushes,” she pointed out, smiling at him with a teasing lilt. Though her pussy was aching and she was certain it was going to take an icepack to soothe the heat in her swollen labia, she had been more than satisfied with the vigor of their lovemaking.

“A stray is exactly what you are,” Daniel corrected her, his Mediterranean gaze enveloping her with tender warmth. “And it’s time you came home.”

His words made warmth well inside her, but the rebellious part of her could not be content with that. The sex was hot, but they had more to resolve than that.

“I’m not ready to go back,” she said. “I like it here. Nobody knows me. And I can’t understand anything they say. It’s perfect.”

He smiled down at her. “I want you with me, Ellie. You don’t have to go back to work…”

“I can’t go back to work,” she pointed out quickly. “I was fired, remember?”

“Well, I could hire you again.”

“Hell, no,” Ellie said emphatically. “I wouldn’t go back for all the money in the world.”

“Then you can be my house pet,” Daniel smiled. “My sweet, domesticated little kitten.”

Ellie drew back her lips in a snarl as he chuckled, having known full well his words would get a rise out of her.

“Settle down, pet,” he drawled, running his palm over her bottom. “No need for the hissing and the spitting. Not yet anyway. We haven’t gotten to your punishment yet.”

“Punishment?” She looked at him with wide eyes. “You think you can take me back and punish me? What if I’ve decided I want to live in France? I’m not even your pet anymore. I got fired. I don’t have to… mph!”

Her words were lost to his kiss as he claimed her mouth, laid back and pulled her body over his, her thighs parting to straddle his hard cock as her well-fucked pussy was once more pressed against the ridge of his erection.

“You’re coming home with me, Ellie,” he said as he sank his cock back inside her slick, sore, cum-filled cunt. “And you’re in trouble for running away too, pet.”

It was so hard to argue when her pussy was stretching around him, when his powerful hips urged his member deep inside her, grinding her clit against his pubic bone.

“No, because you have no authority over me now,” she said, her hair falling in a blond curtain around her face as she teased him. “I’m no longer an employee of any of your interests. You’re completely powerless, Daniel Treville.”

Her words earned her a hard thrust. “Is that right?”

“Yes,” she yelped defiantly.

His large hand departed from her rear and returned with a hard slap. “Are you sure about that, kitten?”


Another hard slap landed on her other cheek, making her flesh sting while he fucked her slowly. He seemed to be quite well aware of the tender state of her pussy and was making some accommodation for it—though she knew his mercy could evaporate if she pushed him too far.

“You’re a brat, Ellie,” he said with tender affection. “But I love you, and I want you back. Will you come back?”

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