Read The Blackpool Highflyer Online

Authors: Andrew Martin

Tags: #Mystery

The Blackpool Highflyer (37 page)

We had a pint in a pub near the shed, and I was sitting there out of sorts, too hot, and wondering whether I'd be in a funk over obstacles on the line for the rest of my days. What bothered me especially was that next week was Wakes.
we be given the Hind's excursion run once again? Then another thought came: would we be given the Highflyer for a second time?

Clive said, 'Sup up, we're off.'

'We?' I said.

'You want bucking up,' he said.

So we stepped out of the pub into the booming blue of the Scarborough day. The motor charabancs parked along the station were all shaking with their engines on, panting like horses. Looking down at his new boots, and with his carpet bag in his hand, Clive began to walk. I watched him go and he called out, 'Look sharp!' so I started to follow.

We didn't walk down the Valley Road, where Scarborough became the Garden City, but away from the sea and into some side streets that the sun didn't suit. We came to a row of dark shops selling gloomy things like sideboards, and one of the businesses was a tailor's.

Well, I ought to have guessed. There was a sign above the door, in small red letters: '
winterbottom: cash taylor'.
Clive pushed the door, and the bell rang very loudly, but Winterbottom was just on the other side of it, waiting. He stood up and a cricketing paper fell to the floor. He was a small, dark man with side whiskers which he for some reason wouldn't let meet to form a beard. His shop was small and so dark after the brightness of the day that blue smudges floated before my eyes as I looked about it.

'Good afternoon, gentlemen,' he said; then, recognising Clive: 'Mr Carter! Have you come in on an engine?'

'Nay,' said Clive. 'Walked it. All the way from Halifax!'

They both laughed at that. I knew right off that Clive and the tailor were thick with each other. Clive introduced me to Winterbottom, saying: 'This fellow needs a suit.'

'Working suit?' asked Winterbottom, half speaking to Clive and half to me.

'A Sunday suit,' said Clive, 'that'll come in for work later.'

'Wear it out,' said Winterbottom, 'then wear it

'He always says that’ Clive said to me.

'To measure or ready-made?' asked Winterbottom.

'I can't run to tailoring,' I said straight away.

'Should be no trouble to fit off the peg’ said Winterbottom, eyeing me up and down: 'the greyhound breed!'

'That's another thing he always says,' said Clive, 'so don't get swell-headed.'

Winterbottom walked smartly towards a line of hanging black suits, then went clean through them and disappeared.

He came back a moment later with half a dozen suits over one arm. He let one of the coats - a blue one - dangle down. Clive shook his head at it, and Winterbottom let it fall to the floor, the trousers and waistcoat too. He held up another coat, biscuit coloured this one. It was the same coat as Clive's.

'Poacher's pockets!' I exclaimed, and felt foolish.

'Norfolk jacket’ said Winterbottom.

Clive was shaking his head. 'Won't do,' he said, which I thought rum, since it did very well for him.

The next coat Clive liked, and so did I. It was blue, of course, loose and comfortable-looking, and not too heavy. It came with turned-up trousers and there was a choice of two waistcoats to go with. Winterbottom held up the two: one had more pockets than the other - a lot more. It was a complicated sort of waistcoat, like George Ogden's.

'I'll try that one’ I said, pointing to it.

I went into the little changing room and when I came out Winterbottom was saying something to Clive and pointing me towards the mirror. He and Clive stood behind me, look­ing on, which stopped me looking at myself. So I put the whole thing on to them. 'What do you think?'

'Rather flattering, sir,' said Winterbottom.

I expected Clive to put in his motto with 'He always says that,' but he didn't. This was no joking matter. The suit
rather fetching. I could see myself driving engines in this, big ones at that, and meeting no obstructions as I did so. I could also see myself at the University of Liverpool, chatting to Mr Aspinall himself about railway matters.

'What weight is the cloth?' I asked.

'Give over’ said Clive, 'you barmpot.'

'Eighteen ounce’ said Winterbottom, 'a good summer weight.'

'I prefer this sort of light suiting,' I said.

'Quite so, sir,' said Winterbottom.

'Just out of interest,' I said, 'would you ever think of buying cloth as low as twelve ounces?'

'No’ said Winterbottom.

After a bit more fancying myself in the mirror, I asked the cost.

'Guinea suit,' said Winterbottom. 'I have a tie in brown that'll set it off to a tee,' he added, before disappearing once more into the line of coats.

'Tell him the lining feels a little rucked at the shoulder’ said Clive when he'd gone.

'But it isn't,' I said, 'well I don't think it is, any road.'

'No,' said Clive, 'but he'll know what you mean.'

I mean?' I said.

'That you want a little off.'

'He feels it's a little caught under the shoulder’ said Clive when Winterbottom came back.

'A pound and sixpence’ said Winterbottom double-quick, before adding, 'It's already discounted, you know.' He then let a brown necktie dangle down.

'No ...' I said. 'No thanks.' I certainly didn't want the neck­tie, but the question was the suit.

Winterbottom could see me thinking things over. 'Do you want it on HP?' he said.

'He's trying to work out what the missus'd say’ said Clive, grinning, and he had
right, although of course I wouldn't let on.

The wife wanted me to progress, and a good suit might come in there. She liked what was down-to-date, and turn-­ups were the latest thing in trousers. Then again we were meant to be putting the coppers aside for the Special Piano.

I said I wasn't sure, that I would think on, and Winterbottom wasn't put out in the least. He just cut me off completely. Turning to Clive, he said something I couldn't quite catch, and pointed to the carpet bag.

I dawdled off to the changing room, trying to cotton on to what was being said, but all I heard was the word 'snowdrop'.

Five minutes later I was out in the street once more with Clive. 'You'll regret that,' he said. 'It did wonders for you.'

'I can always come back for it’ I said, but Clive wouldn't have it.

'It'll be gone in a flash,' he said. 'Top summer wear, that is.' He walked off with a wave of his free hand and I didn't have the brass neck to follow him this time. Before turning a corner he called back once more: 'Did wonders for you, that suit!'

I wandered back to the station and thought about taking the first train for Halifax, but I had a new sort of superstition about seeing the sea in a seaside town. If I didn't see it, there might be a stone placed on the line. So I walked down the Valley Road past the gardens in bloom. The same sort of plant came up over and again: a bush with long white flowers like railway signals. Wherever it grew, folk stood admiring it.

I turned to my left, and saw a giant white 'S', and it was the first letter of '
snowdrop laundry
' - the words were painted on the wall of an end-terrace. A line of smoke came out of the chimney, but disappeared after a second, put to shame by the bright sea air.

That was where Clive had been heading with his bag. I won­dered whether he was inside at that moment. I hung about out­side the front door for a while, then gave it up and walked back towards the Valley Road and the sea view, feeling blue.

The sea didn't end, and so you felt useless looking at it. You could only do
things by comparison. George and Clive knew that, and the one little thing they did was cut a dash in the world. I had thought that driving and firing engines might be the thing, for it gave the freedom of flying, but I now could not think of the job without feelings of anxiety.

I turned away from the sea.

With all of Scarborough before me and the whole world in holiday mood, I could think of nothing to do but go back home.

I set off back up the Valley Road in my heavy boots, aiming for the station, thinking of Arthur Billington. In a holiday town, people go slowly towards the railway stations but they always come out of them fast, and so I was not surprised to see a pretty woman moving fast away from the railway sta­tion. I almost called out to her when it struck me that I knew her, but I buttoned my lip in time, for I did not know her at all, really, but had only seen her once at the Joint.

It was Emma Knowles, the stationmaster's beautiful wife.


Chapter Twenty-four


On the Friday before Wakes, Halifax was beginning to empty out. There was only one other man drinking in the Evening Star. The three lonely billiard balls were set out, but the chance of any sport seemed further off than ever. The
was bursting with late advertisements for wood and cane trunks, portmanteaus and other holiday goods.

Circumstances dictated a couple of pints after a very hot rim that day - Southport and back. Southport was the second biggest holiday place after Blackpool. Taking a pull on my beer, I thought of Clive and Emma Knowles. What it totted up to was this: they had both been in Scarborough on the same day, and Scarborough held many people, especially now that all sunshine records were being broken.

Then I brought Blackpool into my mind's eye. Blackpool was waiting, and it was waiting for me.

I'd seen the notices for the coming Sunday and knew that the Hind's Mill Wakes excursion was to be taken there by Clive and myself. There'd been a fair chance it might be another crew, for almost all links were put onto excursions in Wakes, but in a way I was glad it had fallen to us. I wanted to see that line running clear across the Fylde with no obstructions placed, and the same folk as before riding behind.

I put the peg in after two, bought a bottle of Special Cola for the wife, and carried on up Horton Street, which was empty.

Towards the top of the street, I turned and doubled back towards the wall of the old warehouse. There was a new bill in place of the the Socialist Mission poster: 'All who suffer from the heat should add a few drops of Condy's Fluid to the Daily Bath.'

I thought of Emma Knowles in the bath as I passed by the open door of the Imperial. The fans were working away, spinning and rocking, but there were more waiters than toffs in there.

I walked fast to Back Hill Street so as to keep the Special Cola cool, and I was still moving fast as I stepped through the front door, so the shock of what I saw hit me with main force: a soot-clarted man on the floor wrestling with the con­tinental stove. The wife was standing behind him with her arms hanging loose, and the strangest look on her face. There was a bottle of castor oil on the old mantelshelf, I noticed, as the sooty man on the floor said, 'How do.'

'You've caught on,' I said to the wife, 'you're pregnant?' I whispered because of the stove man, but with the word came the whole future, revealed all in a moment.

'Well, you needn't look like that,' said the wife.

'Like what? This is the way fellows always look when they get that kind of news.'

I took her through to the scullery, and, closing the door behind us, kissed her and handed over the bottle. 'It's going to have to be
Special Cola from now on,' I said.

'You feel all right about it then?' she said.

'Aye’ I said.

'Aye?' she said back, slowly.

'Not that it isn't a shock,' I said. 'I mean, so much for
How to Check Family Increase.'

'Well,' she said, 'they say their methods are not perfect.'

'Do they now? They're right about that, at any rate.'

She was quiet, looking sideways. The man in the other room sounded as if he was clattering at the stove with a ham­mer. It was not a scientific business, getting those articles out.

'And I'll tell you this again for nothing,' I said. 'You're not going on the Hind's Mill excursion to Blackpool.' She nodded very quietly, and I was just thinking that this was not like the wife at all, when she suddenly became her old self once more. 'I
going on the excursion to Black­pool,' she began, 'although only for one day. And why must I go to the Infirmary? I am not in the least infirm. Tomorrow I am to see a midwife recommended by the Guild. She's nearby and she has all the certificates. It will cost a shilling, and she will measure my pelvis.'

'Good,' I said. Why?'

'To make sure the baby will fit.'

'Well,' I said, 'it had
do. What happens if it won't? I mean it would be a rum go if it didn't, wouldn't you say?'

'At twenty-eight weeks,' said the wife, ignoring me, 'I will go up to the hospital and I will have regular checks after that to term. Meanwhile we must put away little bits of tea, sugar, and lay in little stores for the time. The Guild has lectures coming up on care of maternity, and I will go to those, and you might like to come along yourself.'

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