The Captain's Lady (26 page)

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Authors: Lorhainne Eckhart

Tags: #Ship Captains, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Kidnap, #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #Navy, #military, #Fiction, #Love Stories

"Abby, we haven't formally met, I'm Commander Joan Foxworth. I'm conducting an investigation and was wondering if I could ask you some questions."

Abby smiled up at her, gently rocking the baby in her arms. “You're investigating the charges Gail Carruthers made."

The girl's forthrightness stunned her. She had not been aware Abby knew anything about the situation. In fact, it had been her understanding that Eric was so overly protective, she was oblivious to everything going on outside sickbay.

Pulling up a chair to sit by Abby, she was distracted by a subtle longing, seeing the tiny baby in her arms. She wasn't sure why these maternal feelings were beginning to surface. And along with them, a dawning wonder of what it would be like to have a child of her own.

"Would you like to hold her?"

The moment turned awkward. For Abby to be aware of her feelings caused an uneasy discomfort inside Joan. It prompted her to decline, only the words would not come. So Abby stood up and put Rachel in her arms.

Awkward and apprehensive, she accepted the bundle. A warm peace flooded her senses. The purity and innocence was amazing. Holding that contented baby left no room for anything else in that moment. The envy she felt for Abby, blessed with such a gift, made her wonder what it would be like if she finally met that special someone and settled down to have kids of her own.

Pulling herself from the blissful state, she handed the baby back to Abby.

There was very little time before the captain arrived. She began, “Abby, I'm surprised you know anything about the accusation. I was led to believe that you knew nothing about it."

"Oh. I know about it. Believe me, it wasn't easy finding out. Eric wanted to keep me in the dark, but I knew something was going on by the way everyone was acting, and believe me, she had me confused for a while."

Joan tried not to stare at Abby, seated on the edge of the bed, rocking the baby.

"What did she say to you?"

"Well, actually a few things happened. She came to see me one night, I think it may have been when you first got here. The guard was no longer at the door and she came in alone. She seemed so interested in how the baby and I were doing, then she started to check my blood pressure."

"Okay, before I ask about the guard, which I am quite confused about, tell me what she said to you."

Abby closed her eyes as if picturing the incident. Then, her eyes flew open. She appeared confused. Shadows of raw emotion clouded them. “I still don't understand it. But she made me doubt him. Eric, I mean. She said she was concerned for me and the trauma I'd been through. Then she told me I needed to be careful with the captain. That he may not have my best interests at heart. He was planning to send me off to Bahrain. She said also that she overheard him and Lt. Commander Reed saying that they were worried Seyed would have a chance to get me back, but they would try to make an effort to protect me, to assign a guard, but..."

Tears appeared in Abby's eyes. She swallowed before continuing. “She said she heard Eric say, Seyed is the father of that child. If it were mine I would move heaven and earth to reclaim it. I can't blame him for that. And then she started crying and said she was so worried for me. That many years ago she had been raped, too, so she understood what I was going through. She said she was worried; that she didn't know for sure, but the captain might hurt me. She could see he was sucking me in the same way he did to her. She said he had been so nice to her when she started here, so helpful. He'd even helped her with some personal problems, taking charge and fixing them for her. She didn't say what they were and at the time I was too stunned to ask. She seemed to know what to say. And I have to say at the time I may have believed some of it."

"But you don't now?"

Abby shook her head. “I sneaked out the next morning into the passageway—when you saw me with that seaman scrubbing the floor. I didn't sleep well all night. It didn't make sense what she said. Something about it didn't ring true to me. I was angry and hurt and thought he was a bastard. I must have cursed every name upon his head. I was even going to demand that he set me ashore. I was going to find a way to the embassy and demand to be sent home.” Joan watched Abby's fingers working within the folds of the white blanket around the baby and had no doubt this was all true. “I had it all worked out,” Abby continued. “Then it hit me in the morning as I lay there. There were too many other things that happened. One was the morning after I'd been in early labor, Eric thought I was asleep. I heard the door crash open and then I heard Gail's voice. She refused to acknowledge the captain appropriately and talked with such contempt. It was as if she was declaring open war. I remember hearing Eric open the door and call in the guard. He ordered him to escort her out. I've never heard him so angry. But it was at that moment I knew she had done something to him, the way she acted with him was more a woman scorned, which is what I'd been thinking."

"Okay, so what made you change your mind? How do you know he didn't do anything to her?” Joan was disturbed by what she was hearing. For just a second, doubts filled her. Had Gail been mistreated, or were these all lies?

"He didn't do anything. I know it here.” Abby pointed forcefully to her gut. “He keeps me in the dark, trying to protect me. Someone who truly dislikes women wouldn't do that. Besides, in case you haven't noticed, everyone else respects him. I remember what Mary-Jo said to me. She warned me about Gail, said she was trouble. She wouldn't talk about her specifically, but said enough that made me question Gail's motives. That's when I sneaked out of the room. I briefly spoke with the seaman washing the floor. One thing I discovered along with the truth of the incident is that the crew love and respect him; they view her as a viper."

"Okay Abby, this supposed incident she reported happened here in sickbay.” Joan was careful to keep her tone light as she continued.

Startled, Abby blinked rapidly, the mottled confusion displayed in her widened eyes. So, Abby wasn't aware of the specific details of the claim.

"I'm sorry,” Joan said, “I misunderstood. I thought you knew all the details."

"Obviously not, I guess I just presumed ... sorry, I never got details.” There was a hint of anger in Abby's voice as she took a quick glance down at the baby, struggling to maintain a steady calm.

"It happened on Friday, here in sickbay.” Joan paused to review the specific details in the notes. “She has noted a time of approximately 1200 hours. That's noontime."

Confusion shrouded Abby's face then knit her brows together. She fixed a concerned gaze on Joan; a faint recollection of something seemed to flicker in her eyes, along with anger in her now-quiet demeanor.

"I do remember Friday, right before the doctor brought me my lunch. And I can honestly tell you, I do remember when the captain came in. I was just waking up and I heard him talking to Gail. He asked.... “The door swung open, stopping Abby mid-sentence.

All at once, the atmosphere inside the room changed. A steely look glowed in Eric's powerful eyes, widened and directed at Joan. He was thunderous as he stalked over to them. A sheepish Joe followed behind.

Joan fixed Eric with a nervous smile, her face slightly coloring. “Good morning, Captain.” A curt nod was all the reply she received as Eric moved to stand right beside Abby, almost blocking her from Joan's view.

He was seething. “Commander. I see you arrived early. I understood from Joe that we weren't to meet for another twenty minutes yet. Or is it that I was given the wrong time?” It was more a statement than a question, as he turned and glared murderously at Joe.

Joe leveled a furious look on Joan, who didn't cower under it. Abby leaned around the captain to look at Joan.

She reached out with a free hand and touched Eric's side, drawing his attention. As he looked into her eyes, his irritation melted away.

God, thought Joan, the man was in love with her!

"Eric, I remember that day, and what happened. I was awake when you came in."

He squatted in front of her, and then put his hands on each side of her. “What day are you talking about?"

Abby looked anxiously at Joan. “On Friday when this ... supposed incident happened.” Abby was blushing furiously.

Reaching out, Eric took Rachel from her, stood and faced Joe. “Here, make yourself useful. Hold Rachel a minute."

Joan received another surprise when he passed the baby with the expertise of a father, and issued a stern warning as he laid her in his arms. “Watch her neck and for God's sake be careful with her.” His sharp comment surprised Joe who rolled mocking eyes, but did not utter a sound.

Returning to Abby, Eric once again squatted in front of her. He deliberately kept his back to Joan, but she didn't mind. Maybe letting the situation run would produce the answers she needed to close this case.

Eric took Abby's hands in his, squeezing them to reassure, encourage. “What do you remember?"

Abby related the bit of story Joan had heard just before Eric's untimely appearance. She listened more closely as Abby embarked on new territory. “You asked her where the doctor was and at the time there was one thing that puzzled me. I didn't understand then why you were so abrupt with her, but I do now."

That last comment brought a puzzled look from both Joan and Joe, although Abby didn't notice.

"She didn't acknowledge you as her commanding officer when you came in."

Joan felt a tinge of resentment for what they shared between them. It was a rare bond they'd formed, and something she could honestly say she'd never witnessed before. It was a powerful thing that left her yearning for the same emotion.

"I remember you said, ‘That's all,’ dismissing her. I had the idea she just stood there because you had to say it again. Then you told her to go to the mess hall. I remember how surprised I was at her behavior and how quickly she left."

Eric reached out and touched her face, cupping Abby's cheek in the palm of his hand. “I didn't know you were awake."

Joan cleared her throat. He pulled back his hand and stood, turning to face Joan, who met his stern gaze with a wide smile. “Well, I do believe with Abby's statement here, that this should finish it."

Feeling a little out of sorts at witnessing such an intense moment, Joan gave herself a mental shake and focused her attention to the next step in the process. “I think that's all I need."

Standing up, she paused in front of Abby. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Abby, and thank you for letting me hold your baby."

That last comment earned Abby a frown from Eric. She in turn smiled lovingly at him.

"It was nice meeting you, Commander,” Abby said, “I hope I was able to help clear up any accusations against Eric."

Offering a subtle incline of her head, Joan declined to go into specifics, then prepared to leave.

"Just a minute, Commander. If you don't mind I'd like to speak with both you and Lieutenant Commander Reed in my quarters, now."

Joe just rolled his eyes, as he gently swayed with the baby in his arms. He winked at Joan, breaking the astonishment she felt at the terse command.

Eric turned to Abby. “I'll be back right after I meet with these two."

"Give her to me.” He took Rachel possessively from Joe, stealing a quick sweep of her with his eyes, as if examining her for some injury she might have suffered while in his arms.

Joe uttered under his breath, in a voice low enough so as not to alarm the baby, “I didn't harm her. You know, I do know how to look after one; I have three of my own."

Abby choked as she swallowed a chuckle at the quiet outburst. She shared a moment with Joan. Their eyes met. A silent agreement between two women: that Gail's visit to Abby should go unmentioned for the moment to the captain. She beamed from ear to ear as the three took their leave. Looking down at her beautiful girl, she hummed a soft lullaby as the baby drifted back to sleep.

* * * *

Closing the office door, Eric walked with arrogant purpose around the desk, then sat in his chair. Without a word, he stretched out a hand, palm up, gesturing to the two chairs in front of the desk. On the walk back to his cabin, Eric had managed to work off some of the annoyance, but his irritation at the betrayal was still there. He refused to allow this incident to pass without addressing it.

Joan directed a cautious look at Joe, who only raised his eyebrows as they sat down in the proffered chairs.

Leaning back in his chair, Eric propped up one foot on the desk and narrowed his eyes while silently scrutinizing Joan. After several seconds, she began to fidget. She held up the flat of her hand in mock surrender. “Captain, I'm sorry, I told the LCDR here a later time. He didn't know I was going there an hour earlier. I needed to be able to talk to her without interruption."

"Let me make something perfectly clear to you, Commander Foxworth.” Eric kept his tone steady, but added a bite to it, relaying to her that if she wasn't careful she would find herself bounced right off this ship, regardless of whether the investigation was completed.

Coloring slightly, she realized in that moment that she had made a dreadful tactical error.

"No one pulls that kind of crap on me, no bullshit. To be quite frank, I'm very disappointed in you. I honestly started to believe that I may have misjudged women in the military, but I believe, from your current behavior, you have just proven me correct."

She was obviously stunned by his accusation. Anger colored her cheeks. She opened her mouth to say something, but stopped and shut it again. Perhaps, he thought, she realized how Gail must have felt. She shook off the anger. “Captain, I agree that what I did wasn't right. I do regret my earlier actions and would like to apologize."

Eric glanced over at Joe and was startled by the sympathetic look he gave Joan. It was a warning glance to end this now and not say another word. She took his friend's silent advice and turned back to the Captain, looking properly chagrinned.

She spoke to Joe in an apparent attempt to gain his support. “I'd like to talk about Abby's statement."

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