The Complete Works of William Shakespeare In Plain and Simple English (Translated) (1060 page)

no name suits your evil but your own!



Give me the poniard; you shall know, my boys,

Your mother's hand shall right your mother's wrong.


Give me the dagger; you shall see, my boys,

your mother shall revenge her wrongs with her own hands.



Stay, madam, here is more belongs to her;

First thrash the corn, then after burn the straw.

This minion stood upon her chastity,

Upon her nuptial vow, her loyalty,

And with that quaint hope braves your mightiness;

And shall she carry this unto her grave?


Wait, madam, there is more to her than just her life;

first we thresh the corn, then we burn the straw.

This hussy was proud of her chastity,

her wedding vow, her loyalty,

and with that old-fashioned nonsense tried to face down your magnificence;

are we going to let her take that to her grave?



An if she do, I would I were an eunuch.

Drag hence her husband to some secret hole,

And make his dead trunk pillow to our lust.


May I be a eunuch if she does.

Drag her husband to some secret hollow,

and his body can be the bed for our games.



But when ye have the honey we desire,

Let not this wasp outlive, us both to sting.


But when you have the honey you want

don't let this wasp stay alive to sting us both.



I warrant you, madam, we will make that sure.

Come, mistress, now perforce we will enjoy

That nice-preserved honesty of yours.


I promise you, madam, will make certain of that.

Come, mistress, we shall now enjoy by force

that chastity you were so proud of.



O Tamora! thou bearest a woman's face-


Oh Tamora! You have a woman's face–



I will not hear her speak; away with her!


I won't listen to her; take away!



Sweet lords, entreat her hear me but a word.


Sweet lords, please ask her to just listen to a word from me.



Listen, fair madam: let it be your glory

To see her tears; but be your heart to them

As unrelenting flint to drops of rain.


Listen, fair madam: take pride

in causing her tears; but let them affect your heart

no more than the hard flint is affected by raindrops.



When did the tiger's young ones teach the dam?

O, do not learn her wrath- she taught it thee;

The milk thou suck'dst from her did turn to marble,

Even at thy teat thou hadst thy tyranny.

Yet every mother breeds not sons alike:

[To CHIRON] Do thou entreat her show a woman's pity.


When did the tiger cubs teach their mother?

Don't teach her hatred–she taught it to you;

the milk you sucked from her turned to marble,

even in your infancy you became evil.

But not every son is like his mother:


ask her to show a woman's pity.



What, wouldst thou have me prove myself a bastard?


What, you want me to show that I am a bastard?



'Tis true, the raven doth not hatch a lark.

Yet have I heard- O, could I find it now!-

The lion, mov'd with pity, did endure

To have his princely paws par'd all away.

Some say that ravens foster forlorn children,

The whilst their own birds famish in their nests;

O, be to me, though thy hard heart say no,

Nothing so kind, but something pitiful!


Its true, ravens don't give birth to larks.

But I have heard–oh if it could happen now!–

That the lion, when moved by pity, allowed

himself to put away his princely claws.

Some say the ravens raise lost children,

while their own chicks starve in their nests;

you don't have to be as kind to me, but please show me pity,

even if your hard heart is telling you not to.



I know not what it means; away with her!


I don't know what she's talking about; take her away!



O, let me teach thee! For my father's sake,

That gave thee life when well he might have slain thee,

Be not obdurate, open thy deaf ears.


Oh, let me teach you! For the sake of my father,

who let you live when he could have killed you,

don't be stubborn, open your deaf ears.



Hadst thou in person ne'er offended me,

Even for his sake am I pitiless.

Remember, boys, I pour'd forth tears in vain

To save your brother from the sacrifice;

But fierce Andronicus would not relent.

Therefore away with her, and use her as you will;

The worse to her the better lov'd of me.


If you personally had never offended me,

I am pitiless for his sake.

Remember, boys, I cried floods of tears

in a vain attempt to save your brother from being sacrificed;

But savage Andronicus would not relent.

So take away, and do what you want with her;

the worse you treat her the better I'll like it.



O Tamora, be call'd a gentle queen,

And with thine own hands kill me in this place!

For 'tis not life that I have begg'd so long;

Poor I was slain when Bassianus died.


Oh Tamora, be called a kind Queen,

and kill me here with your own hands!

It's not life I have been begging for for so long;

I was as good as dead when Bassianus died.



What beg'st thou, then? Fond woman, let me go.


What are you begging for then? Foolish woman, let me go.



'Tis present death I beg; and one thing more,

That womanhood denies my tongue to tell:

O, keep me from their worse than killing lust,

And tumble me into some loathsome pit,

Where never man's eye may behold my body;

Do this, and be a charitable murderer.


I'm begging for instant death; and another thing,

that my womanhood forbids me from speaking:

oh, save me from their lust which is worse than death,

and throw me into some horrid pit,

where no man can ever look at my body;

do this, and be a kind murderer.



So should I rob my sweet sons of their fee;

No, let them satisfy their lust on thee.


That would rob my sweet sons of their rewards;

no, let them satisfy their lusts with you.



Away! for thou hast stay'd us here too long.


Let's go! You have kept us here too long.



No grace? no womanhood? Ah, beastly creature,

The blot and enemy to our general name!

Confusion fall-


No kindness? No womanhood? Oh you horrible creature,

a stain on the reputation of womankind!



Nay, then I'll stop your mouth. Bring thou her husband.

This is the hole where Aaron bid us hide him.

DEMETRIUS throws the body

of BASSIANUS into the pit; then exeunt



Right, I'll shut your mouth. You bring her husband.

This is the hole where Aaron told us to hide him.



Farewell, my sons; see that you make her sure.

Ne'er let my heart know merry cheer indeed

Till all the Andronici be made away.

Now will I hence to seek my lovely Moor,

And let my spleenful sons this trull deflower.



Re-enter AARON, with two



Goodbye, my sons; make sure she can't give anything away.

May my heart never be happy

until all the family of Andronicus are finished.

Now I will go and find my lovely Moor,

and let my vicious sons deflower this slut.



Come on, my lords, the better foot before;

Straight will I bring you to the loathsome pit

Where I espied the panther fast asleep.


Come on, my lords, best foot forward;

I'll bring you straight to the horrible pit

where I saw the panther fast asleep.



My sight is very dull, whate'er it bodes.


My sight feels very cloudy, whatever that means.



And mine, I promise you; were it not for shame,

Well could I leave our sport to sleep awhile.

[Falls into the pit]


And mine, I can tell you; if it wasn't that I would be embarrassed

I could easily leave the hunt to have a little sleep.



What, art thou fallen? What subtle hole is this,

Whose mouth is covered with rude-growing briers,

Upon whose leaves are drops of new-shed blood

As fresh as morning dew distill'd on flowers?

A very fatal place it seems to me.

Speak, brother, hast thou hurt thee with the fall?


What, have you fallen? What cunning hole is this,

whose mouth is covered with rough brambles,

whose leaves are covered with drops of newly shed blood

as fresh as the morning dew settling on the flowers?

It seems a very deadly place to me.

Speak to me, brother, have you hurt yourself in falling?



O brother, with the dismal'st object hurt

That ever eye with sight made heart lament!


O brother, I have been hurt by the most dismal thing

that was ever seen to make the heart grieve.



[Aside] Now will I fetch the King to find them here,

That he thereby may have a likely guess

How these were they that made away his brother.



Now I'll bring the king here to find them,

so that he will think it's probable

that they were the ones who killed his brother.



Why dost not comfort me, and help me out

From this unhallow'd and blood-stained hole?


Why don't you assist me and help me out

of this devilish bloodstained hole?



I am surprised with an uncouth fear;

A chilling sweat o'er-runs my trembling joints;

My heart suspects more than mine eye can see.


I ambewildered by a strange fear;

a cold sweat runs over my trembling limbs;

my heart suspects there is more to this than meets the eye.

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