The Complete Works of William Shakespeare In Plain and Simple English (Translated) (93 page)

that in Devonshire Sir Edward Courtney and the arrogant priest

the Bishop of Exeter, his older brother,

with many other confederates, have taken up arms.


Enter another MESSENGER



In Kent, my liege, the Guilfords are in


And every hour more competitors

Flock to the rebels, and their power grows strong.


In Kent, my lord, the Guildfords have taken up arms;

and every hour more forces

flock to the rebels, and they are growing strong.


Enter another MESSENGER



My lord, the army of great Buckingham-


My Lord, the army of great Buckingham–



Out on you, owls! Nothing but songs of

death?[He strikes him]

There, take thou that till thou bring better news.


Get out, owls! Do you have nothing but songs of death?

There, take that until you bring better news.



The news I have to tell your Majesty

Is that by sudden floods and fall of waters

Buckingham's army is dispers'd and scatter'd;

And he himself wand'red away alone,

No man knows whither.


The news I have to tell your majesty

is that due to sudden floods and change of tides

Buckley's army is dispersed and scattered;

and he himself has gone away alone,

no man knows where.



I cry thee mercy.

There is my purse to cure that blow of thine.

Hath any well-advised friend proclaim'd

Reward to him that brings the traitor in?


I beg your pardon.

Take my purse as compensation for that blow.

Has any sensible friend announced

a reward for whoever captures the traitor?



Such proclamation hath been made,

my Lord.


This announcement has been made, my lord.


Enter another MESSENGER



Sir Thomas Lovel and Lord Marquis


'Tis said, my liege, in Yorkshire are in arms.

But this good comfort bring I to your Highness-

The Britaine navy is dispers'd by tempest.

Richmond in Dorsetshire sent out a boat

Unto the shore, to ask those on the banks

If they were his assistants, yea or no;

Who answer'd him they came from Buckingham

Upon his party. He, mistrusting them,

Hois'd sail, and made his course again for Britaine.


Sir Thomas Lovel and Lord Marquis Dorset

are said, my lord, to have taken up arms in Yorkshire.

But I bring your Highness this consolation–

the navy of Brittany has been split up by storms.

In Dorsetshire Richmond sent out a boat

to the shore, to ask those on the banks

if they were his friends or not;

they told him they came from Buckingham

to help him. He, not trusting them,

hoisted his sails and set off back to Brittany.



March on, march on, since we are up in


If not to fight with foreign enemies,

Yet to beat down these rebels here at home.


March on, march on, We are ready for battle:

if we are not fighting with foreign enemies

we shall beat down these rebels here at home.


Re-enter CATESBY



My liege, the Duke of Buckingham is taken-

That is the best news. That the Earl of Richmond

Is with a mighty power landed at Milford

Is colder tidings, yet they must be told.


My Lord, the Duke of Buckingham has been captured–

that is the best news. That the Earl of Richmond

has landed with a great force at Milford Haven

is not such good news, but it has to be said.



Away towards Salisbury! While we reason


A royal battle might be won and lost.

Some one take order Buckingham be brought

To Salisbury; the rest march on with me.


Off to Salisbury! While we argue here

the battle for the Crown could be won and lost.

Someone make sure Buckingham is brought

to Salisbury; the rest of you march with me.


Flourish. Exeunt







Sir Christopher, tell Richmond this from me:

That in the sty of the most deadly boar

My son George Stanley is frank'd up in hold;

If I revolt, off goes young George's head;

The fear of that holds off my present aid.

So, get thee gone; commend me to thy lord.

Withal say that the Queen hath heartily consented

He should espouse Elizabeth her daughter.

But tell me, where is princely Richmond now?


Sir Christopher, tell Richmond this from me:

that my son George Stanley is imprisoned

in the sty of the most deadly boar;

if I rebel, he loses his head;

the fear of that stops me from helping.

So, go; my best wishes to your Lord.

Also say that the Queen has given full agreement

that he should marry her daughter Elizabeth.

But tell me, where is the princely Richmond now?



At Pembroke, or at Ha'rford west in Wales.


At Pembroke, or at Haverfordwest in Wales.



What men of name resort to him?


Who are the men who have gone to him?



Sir Walter Herbert, a renowned soldier;

Sir Gilbert Talbot, Sir William Stanley,

Oxford, redoubted Pembroke, Sir James Blunt,

And Rice ap Thomas, with a valiant crew;

And many other of great name and worth;

And towards London do they bend their power,

If by the way they be not fought withal.


Sir Walter Herbert, a famous soldier;

Sir Gilbert Talbot, Sir William Stanley,

Oxford, good Pembroke, Sir James Blunt,

Rice ap Thomas, with a brave force;

and many others of great name and worth;

they are bringing their forces to London,

if they are not fought along the way.



Well, hie thee to thy lord; I kiss his hand;

My letter will resolve him of my mind. Farewell.


Well, go to your lord; I kiss his hand;

my letter will tell him of my decision.





Salisbury. An open place


Enter the SHERIFF and guard, with BUCKINGHAM, led to execution



Will not King Richard let me speak with



Won't King Richard let me speak with him?



No, my good lord; therefore be patient.


No, my good lord; so calm yourself.



Hastings, and Edward's children, Grey, and


Holy King Henry, and thy fair son Edward,

Vaughan, and all that have miscarried

By underhand corrupted foul injustice,

If that your moody discontented souls

Do through the clouds behold this present hour,

Even for revenge mock my destruction!

This is All-Souls' day, fellow, is it not?


Hastings, and Edward's children, Grey, and Rivers,

holy King Henry, and your good son Edward,

Vaughan, and all who have fallen through this

underhand, corrupt, evil injustice,

if your unhappy souls

are seeing this time through the clouds

you may mock my death to take your revenge!

This is All–Souls' day, isn't it, my man?



It is, my lord.


It is, my lord.



Why, then All-Souls' day is my body's


This is the day which in King Edward's time

I wish'd might fall on me when I was found

False to his children and his wife's allies;

This is the day wherein I wish'd to fall

By the false faith of him whom most I trusted;

This, this All-Souls' day to my fearful soul

Is the determin'd respite of my wrongs;

That high All-Seer which I dallied with

Hath turn'd my feigned prayer on my head

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