The Copper Horse #2 Pride (18 page)

Read The Copper Horse #2 Pride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #erotic, #crime, #Gay, #victorian, #BDSM, #bondage, #pony play, #Slavery, #animalization

“I’m leaving,
Copper,” was the last scrap of attention he got before the door




Reuben couldn’t
fall asleep, but he did sort of doze off with half of his mind at
some point, and only a rough touch to his ass roused him. At first
he thought that maybe Erik had changed his mind and come back, but
he quickly realized those were not his master’s slim fingers. These
were thick and rough to the touch, the palm itself much larger than

“Oh, are you
awake, pony?” said a low voice that Reuben knew but couldn’t
pinpoint . The man grabbed the sides of his hips, hauling Reuben up
to grind the bulge in his pants against Reuben’s ass.

He wanted to
protest, but with his mouth wide open in the brace, he could barely
let out a whimper. The blindfold rendered him oblivious to what was
going on, and panic climbed up Reuben’s back. Was Erik here? Would
he hear him? He clenched his ass and tried to scoot down to escape
the assault.

The man
laughed, roughly holding him in place. “You’re going nowhere.”

Reuben moaned
through the brace and tried to step sideways, but he was trapped in
the stocks. Why would Erik send someone else to deal with him?
Didn’t he want Reuben anymore? Or maybe he was here, watching like
he had during the breeding? A hard slap to his ass brought him back
to reality.

“I told you I’d
eventually have you.”

Reuben loathed this scum with all his might. The man
would never spare him a sleazy comment when Erik wasn’t around.

Reuben writhed
in panic and bucked his hips. He couldn’t believe Erik would leave
him to Ollie of all people! His cries were nasal and quiet.

“Don’t even
try, the master wouldn’t like it if you didn’t surrender, would
he?” Ollie’s voice was raspy with need as he rolled his hips into
Reuben’s, grabbing at his flesh with all the hunger he hadn’t been
able to satisfy so far.

Reuben stilled
with a small whine. Would Erik really want do this to him? He
probably cared very little for him now. Reuben clenched his fists,
knowing Ollie’s touch was unavoidable. He would be taken blind,
bound, defenseless, and there was nothing he could do to avoid

“Wanna have a
taste before we get on to the real thing?” Ollie asked, slapping
Reuben’s thigh.

Reuben tried to
kick him in protest. He didn’t want to have anything to do with
Ollie’s cock. The man mocked him at every chance he got, and after
all this he’d just get to feast on Reuben’s vulnerability? Moving
back and forth in the stocks did nothing to help and only chafed
Reuben’s skin.

“I thought you
would.” Ollie moved, and each of his steps sounded like a loud
thump to Reuben’s terrified mind. “It’s nice he left you so open.
Hope you haven’t dried out,” he said, stopping in front of Reuben,
who could already
him. Ollie reeked of the onions he
must have been chopping earlier.

Panic overtook
control, and Reuben thrashed in the stocks, turning his head away.
He couldn’t scream, couldn’t close his mouth. Sweat beaded all over
his back. This couldn’t be happening! There was an unmistakable
rustle of cloth in front of him and, God, he heard every painful
detail of that sound. Then came the large hand that curled in his
mane, using it to pull Reuben’s head up into a better position.
He’d have Ollie’s cock down his throat. Reuben tried to pull away,
but it was useless. He moaned, trying to plead his case, but the
thick length sliding into his defenseless mouth muzzled his words.
He was left with just a few nasal grunts, and even though he
promised himself he wouldn’t cry, a few tears wet the blindfold as
he gagged on the thick rod.

“Ah, one day,
I’ll save enough money to have a slave like you myself.” Ollie’s
breathing was ragged as he moved his hips in a slow, rolling
motion, clearly savoring the feel of Reuben’s contracting throat
around the head of his cock. “He’d have to take it, just like

Reuben tried to
breathe through his nose, but he gagged, drooled—maybe this was the
way he would go. Strangled by a cock. He literally couldn’t
breathe. Erik always gave him time to inhale in between thrusts,
but Ollie wasn’t that generous. He just thrust in and out, over and
over until there was nothing left for Reuben to do other than
struggle against the stocks. The metal and wood were solid enough,
but he could hear crackling sounds as he fought for air, screaming
into Ollie’s prick. He wanted to vomit.

“Fuck, you’re
so hot when you’re scared!”

Reuben didn’t
want to give him the satisfaction, but it was impossible to back
away! He even hit the back of his head against the stocks, just to
get some air, but Ollie let the tip of his cock lie on Reuben’s
tongue. There was no doubt he was enjoying himself, enjoying
Reuben’s pain and shame.

“Good pony, the
master has trained you well,” Ollie panted as he withdrew from
Reuben’s mouth, but the relief was short lived because it meant
he’d stick it somewhere else.

Reuben tried to
gurgle something, to hold Ollie’s attention on his mouth. And the
fucking smell of onions was driving him mad! He’d never eat another
onion in his life! But what hurt so much, apart from his pride, was
that Erik had left him here, game for anyone who wanted to fuck
him. His heart couldn’t break any more.

“Easy now,
it’ll only hurt if you tense up, but you know that, right?” Ollie
laughed behind him, and before Reuben could even articulate an
answer in his mind, his hole was stretched wide. He tried to pull
away, to clench his buttocks together, but it was useless. Resigned
to what was about to happen, he thought that at least his ass was
slicked up. But that thought didn’t stop the shame of being fucked
by Ollie. Out of all people, the man he despised so much. Who
groped him and taunted him. Now he would get the chance to use
Reuben for his pleasure. And he wasn’t the type to hesitate.
Already excited after the throatfuck, he took Reuben hard and fast,
slamming into his ass as if he had wanted it for years and only now
got his one and only chance to have it. At least he didn’t spill
inside, pulling out and spending his seed on Reuben’s back with a
low growl. Reuben choked back a sob. His legs trembled so bad they
threatened to give in.

He pulled his
thighs together, as if that could help him at all. He wanted to
shed his skin, scrape his flesh to the bone. He did not deserve
this. How could have Erik left him to this? Was this the punishment
for betrayal of trust?

Ollie cursed
beneath his breath and cleaned Reuben up with a cloth.

“That’s one
fine ass for fucking. No wonder the master’s using it so much.”

Reuben sniffed,
shaking. The thought that Erik had done this on purpose made him
want to scream in anguish. Eye for an eye? Betrayal for

Ollie laughed
in the dark. “With Jack on kitchen duty, I might come over more
often. I bet we’re gonna have fun. Isn’t my cock larger than

Reuben shook
his head ferociously. That was about all he could do. His insides
pulsed after the assault. Erik had said he would let him go. Would
that offer still stand tomorrow?

Suddenly, there
were at least three fingers up his ass. “What was that, bitch?”
growled Ollie, bending the digits inside of Reuben.

He squealed in
surprise, jerking his hips up. When would the fucker go, and leave
his ass alone?

With no other
answer from him, Ollie withdrew his fingers, and from the rustling
sounds, Reuben assumed he was pulling his pants up.

“I thought so,”
snarled Ollie. “Don’t miss me too much tomorrow.”

Reuben hung his
head in shame. He could still feel Ollie’s sperm on his back, as if
it were acid, even though the fucker had wiped it off. He wanted to
howl, but unable to do even that, he cried. In anger, in sorrow,
until he had no more tears left.



‘Cramp’ was
Reuben’s new name. His back was in agony, his mouth was dry, and
his throat sore from Ollie’s violent thrusts. But most of all, his
pride was broken. Not even the pride of a man, but the pride of a
horse. He wanted to be a prized stallion, not some old gelding to
be used by anyone. That wasn’t how a horse should be treated!
Thinking of what happened as horse abuse was the last thing keeping
him sane, and it helped him push the memories away from
the human

His heart
stopped when he heard a creak of the door. It was Erik. By now he
knew the sound of his footsteps by heart: light like a cat’s and
very confident.

sleeping it off, so I thought I’d take over his duties this
morning,” Erik told him, moving straight to Reuben’s front. He took
the blindfold off Reuben, but Reuben dropped his gaze to the floor.
The last thing he wanted was for Erik to see how hurt he was. His
whole jaw was one big ache.

“Do you want to
have your breakfast now, or do you want to sleep first? I brought
you some water,” Erik said, removing the brace with gentleness.

Reuben couldn’t
believe Erik could be so callous. Like nothing had happened. He
wouldn’t say no to water, though. “Please,” he whispered, afraid
with his throat so dry and aching, he’d break into a cough.

“Here.” Erik
brought a cup to his mouth, careful to brush Reuben’s mane away so
that it wouldn’t fall into the drink. “I know it’s been a rough
night, but you needed to learn your lesson.”

Tears came to
Reuben’s eyes, but he managed to hold them back and drink a greedy
mouthful of water before actually speaking. “Rough night,” he
muttered in anger and clenched his fists.

“I imagine you
must be sore, Copper.” Erik opened the padlock and raised the top
bar, releasing Reuben from the stocks.

Reuben slowly
straightened and had to fight not to hit Erik in the face. That
wouldn’t get him closer to leaving this house. “You said yesterday,
that I could leave.”

Erik stopped,
simply frozen in place. “Yes.”

“Well, I want
to leave,” he said as politely as possible. He could still smell
the fucking onions!

He flinched at
the sound of the padlock closing, the same padlock that had kept
him in place for the rapist. One that worked at Erik’s command. How
could he ever be stupid enough to think that Erik cared about him?
He was a plaything for a bored richer, nothing else.

“Are you

“Yes, please,”
Reuben wanted to say, but only managed a whisper, looking down at
his feet.

Erik shifted
his weight to the other foot. “Are you certain? You said you didn’t
have anywhere to go.” There was no emotion in his voice. As

“I’ll think of
something.” Don’t cry Reuben, don’t be a big baby!

“If that’s what
you want, and I can’t convince you to stay, then you do need to
go.” Erik sighed like someone who just lost a prized possession.
Like an umbrella with an ivory handle.

Because that
was all Reuben was. A possession. It still seemed to go against
what Erik had told Alexander, that he could keep Reuben as long as
he liked. Apparently he just didn’t care enough to keep him

“Can I please
have some clothes?” Reuben licked his lips, walking a few steps
away. He didn’t even want to be close to someone so cruel.

Erik shook his
head, stoic as a statue made of stone. “Yes, of course you may.” He
then turned to the door and shouted. “I need someone to bring
clothes for Copper!”

Reuben felt so
awkward he covered his crotch, like yesterday. Even his worst
encounters with men were something he went into out of need and
lust. Sometimes they would end badly, but they were his own goddamn
fault. But the things Ollie did to him last night? He had no words
to describe them. He felt foul, rotten to the core. Without even a
glimmer of excitement. It hurt like a gut stab.

“So...” Erik
cleared his throat. “Any plans?”

“G-get drunk, I
Fucking voice! Stop trembling!
“Back to London

“I will give
you some money to start out. Is that agreeable?”

“Can’t really
say no.” Reuben pouted, taking a handful of clothes from a servant
who stormed in without knocking. Reuben didn't know his face. Erik
dismissed the boy, and once again it was just two of them.

“If you change
your mind within a reasonable time frame, I might consider taking
you back.” Erik moved along the wall. “As long as I don’t find a
suitable replacement, you’re free to come back.”

“I’ll keep that
in mind,” Reuben muttered and quickly began dressing. He would have
loved to take a bath, but it would mean he would have to stay
longer in this house, and he didn’t think he could bear that.
Bylondon would have to become his new home, and in a few days he
would probably work out some way to get back into London.

Erik strolled
back and forth, and Reuben could feel those strange, diabolical
eyes on him. It used to excite him, but now all they evoked was

“Was your
punishment really that hard?”

“You know what?
Fuck you! I don’t want your money!” Reuben spat, though he
regretted it the moment he said it. He didn’t even wait for an
answer and made his way to the corridor, buttoning up his shirt.
The way Erik chose to call what Ollie did to him ‘punishment’ made
Reuben’s stomach turn. He wanted out. He needed to breathe.

“Reuben!” Erik
grabbed his arm, yanking him back with surprising strength. “Why
are you so angry?”

“Don’t touch
me!” Reuben sniffed and shook Erik’s hand off. “You sent him to
fuck me, and I was so scared! And you don’t care! Were you there,
watching?” He grabbed Erik by the shirt, ready to smash that
perfect nose into the skull. The genuine look of surprise on Erik’s
face kept Reuben from acting on that impulse.

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