The Cowboy's Property (Siren Publishing Classic) (7 page)

Read The Cowboy's Property (Siren Publishing Classic) Online

Authors: Calico Daniels

Tags: #Romance

The silky glide of his tongue across her bottom lip made her knees turn to jelly. She moaned and nipped at his lips as his hands roamed from her hair down her back to her ass, grinding her hard against his erection.

Jack’s lips never left hers as he pulled her away from the door and walked backwards toward the bed. He jerked her shirt from the waistband of her jeans, broke the kiss long enough to pull the hindering material over her head, and returned to her lips as hungry as ever.

Kayla toed off her shoes and let her nails drag across his back. His callused fingers made quick work of the clasp of her bra. He pushed the straps off her shoulders and went to work on the button of her jeans. Everywhere his fingers touched her made her skin blaze. Her breath caught as he slowly pushed the denim down her legs as far as he could without breaking contact with her mouth.

She stepped out of them and reached for the waist of his jeans, but his hands stopped her. With a firm grip, he lifted her and placed her on the bed. She lay back and watched him remove her bra and drop it onto the floor. His eyes were dark with passion. He stood between her legs and gazed at her for what seemed like forever.


He leaned forward, braced his arms on the bed on either side of her, and gazed into her eyes. Without a word, he kissed her tenderly, his tongue grazing her lower lip, teasing, making her moan in frustration. He chuckled and started working his way down her body, pausing to lave her breasts and gently tug her nipples on his way down.

His moist breath left a trail of fire in its wake. She squirmed in anticipation. She had never dated much. They never really lived anywhere long enough to make it worthwhile to get involved with someone only to leave. And Jack was making it hard to remember why she chose to remain detached from emotional entanglements.

His fingers hooked her panties and slid them down her legs, his lips following in their path. He dropped them to the floor and knelt between her thighs. Sliding his hands beneath her hips, he placed his mouth against her pussy and flicked her with his gifted tongue. Kayla cried out at the first touch.

Her hands fisted in the quilt as he swirled his tongue over her swollen clit again and again, making her body quake. A moan escaped her mouth as he slid a long finger deep inside her. It was soon followed by a second while he continued to torture her with his skilled mouth, bringing her to the brink.

Kayla squeezed her eyes closed as the first wave of her orgasm crashed over her. His fingers continued to plunge into her as her muscles convulsed around them. His mouth continued to work its magic, bringing another wave closely on the heels of the first. Her response seemed to spur him on, and he continued the delicious assault until a third wave rocked her to the core.

Her breathing was ragged when he pushed away from her and stood between her legs. She sat up and made swift work of his jeans. His cock jutted proudly from its nest of dark curls, begging for her attention. Attention she had every intention of bestowing upon it.

She ran her fingers softly over the impressive length of his shaft. He had definitely been on the blessed side of the receiving end the day he was born. A smile touched her lips just before she leaned forward and drew him into the warm recess of her mouth. Jack’s low groan filled the room. Kayla drew back and ran her tongue across his engorged head before drawing him back in.

With gentle suction, she drew on him and grazed his length with her teeth. He fisted his hands in her hair as she worked him with her mouth and hands.

Jack pulled away from her with a low growl and fished a condom out of his suitcase at the end of the bed. He tore open the package and rolled the latex over his shaft. She lay back on the bed and watched him crawl up her body and position himself between her thighs. Slowly, he entered her, inch by tantalizing inch, until he filled her completely.

When he began to move, Kayla thought she had died and gone to heaven. Never had sex felt like this before. A sensual slide, teasing her nerves and causing a coiling pressure deep in her pussy. She gripped the curve of his ass while he tutored her in the ways of lovemaking. There was no way
could be considered just sex.

She arched her back and met each thrust. Just at the point she was sure she would come again, he withdrew and sat back on his knees between her thighs. She looked at him, confused. He smiled and lifted her hips off the bed onto his thighs and entered her again.
Oh, God!

She planted the soles of her feet on the bed behind him and used it for leverage to meet his thrusts. New sensations threatened to overwhelm her as he stroked her at this new angle. The pressure built until she was ready to burst. Her muscles began to quiver as a new orgasm built. He quickened his strokes and rubbed her clit with his fingers until she burst apart with the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced.

He followed closely in her wake and with an animal groan released himself inside her. They collapsed into an exhausted heap and clung to each other while their breathing slowed.

“Holy shit, woman, if I’d known it would be that damn good, I’d have found a quiet place long before now.”

She giggled and swatted his ass lightly. “I’d have helped.”

He smiled and kissed her soundly. “I’m glad.” He rose from the bed and disposed of the condom. On his way back, he grabbed the wine. Kayla had already crawled beneath the covers. He handed her a glass and joined her.

“I’m really glad you came tonight.” He wrapped an arm across her shoulders and gathered her close.

“Me, too.” She sipped her wine and snuggled against his chest, his heartbeat steady beneath her ear.

“I want…need to tell you something.” He paused, swallowed the rest of his wine, and set the empty glass on the nightstand.

Nervous butterflies rippled in her stomach as she pushed back and looked at him. His face was serious. “Is it going to spoil the mood?”

“It might.”

She gulped the rest of the wine from her glass and sat up, keeping the sheet pulled over her breasts. Closing her eyes, she turned her head away from him.

“Kayla?” His voice was full of concern.

“Whatever it is, just tell me tomorrow. I don’t want to ruin tonight.” Her voice was barely more than a whisper. She felt his fingers grip her chin lightly as he turned her to face him. She opened her eyes to find him gazing at her, a faint smile touching his lips.

“Okay.” His fingers grazed her cheek. “You sure are a special woman.” He brushed his thumb across her lower lip. “And I want nothing more than to stay locked in this room with you for as long as I can.”

“I hope you have some interesting ways to pass the time.” Kayla loosened her grip on the sheet and let it drop to her waist.

“I’m sure we can think of something.”

Chapter Seven


Morning sun streamed through the windows in Jack’s room. Kayla sighed and focused on the man sleeping beside her. So much had changed in the past week. True, he was only responsible for part of the change, but what a change it was. She’d never felt as free as she did when she was with him.

Muscles protested as she stretched and climbed out of bed. A hot shower would help, but a glance at the bedside clock told her she was running late for the morning feeding. Uncle Jerry would be pissed if she didn’t get a move on.

She just finished tucking her shirt into her jeans when someone knocked at the door. Jack rolled over in the bed but didn’t open his eyes. Kayla twisted the knob and pulled the oak door open.

“You didn’t waste much time, did you?” Laura glared at her from across the threshold.

“What?” Confusion swamped her as she stared at her former employer.

Laura rolled her eyes and huffed angrily. “Oh, come on. Cut the act. The ink’s not even dry on the contract, and already you’re sleeping with the new boss.”

The bottom dropped out of her stomach. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Laura.”

“He hasn’t even owned this place twenty-four hours, and you’re in his bed.”

Kayla turned and looked at the man in question. His dark eyes were open, and his face held a look of disbelief. “You?”

He tugged the sheet around his waist and sat up. “Kayla—”

“You lied to me.” Kayla’s eyes blurred with unshed tears.

Jack shook his head, wrapped the sheet around his waist, and stood. “I paid to stay here, so technically I was a guest.”

“Did you know the ranch was for sale before you got here?”
Please say no. Please say no.

The look on his face said all she needed to know. He’d come here to check out the business with the intent to purchase. He’d used her to find out about the inner workings and any trouble spots that she might know about. “You bastard.”

“It’s not what you think.”

“Really? How is it, then? Just tell me one thing. Did you use anything I told you in your decision to buy this place?” Kayla held her breath and waited.

Jack’s shoulders sagged. “It’s not as easy as that.” He took two steps toward her.

“You’re wrong. It’s a very simple question that only requires one answer. Either yes or no.” Unshed tears burned her eyes. “Did you, Jack?”

His gaze dropped to the floor as he whispered the one word she feared. “Yes.”

Laura still filled the doorway when Kayla turned to leave, a satisfied smirk on her face. “You didn’t really think he wanted you for more than sex and information, did you?”

“Fuck you, Laura.” Kayla pushed past her and walked quickly down the hall.

“It’s the way of the business world, honey. Do anything required to get what you need to close the deal.” Laura’s nasty words followed her to the stairs.

Anger mixed with the tears threatening to flow by the time she reached the tiny cabin she shared with her uncle. There was no way she could face being around Jack right now. Hell, she could barely tolerate being on the same ranch with him after what she’d just learned.

He’d used her. Plain and simple. No doubt, she’d been as willing to have sex as he was, but she also never hid who she was and what she was doing here. Kayla hadn’t used their passion and lust for each other to gain insider information to give her the upper hand in closing a deal.

Kayla grabbed a duffel bag from under her bed and started filling it with clothes. There was no way she was going to stay here. Not now.

“Where are you going?”

Her back went ramrod stiff as Jack’s whiskey-rough voice danced over her. She glanced over her shoulder at him filling the doorway of her bedroom. The events of the past week slammed into her. The things she had done with this man. Wonderful things she had denied herself for such a long time. All the feelings and emotions threatened to break free. Be damned if she’d let him see her cry.

“I’m not very particular at the moment, as long as you aren’t there.” Another armload of shirts went into the bag.

“Are you leaving because I’m the new owner?” He took a step into the room.

“No, I’m leaving because you lied to me. You used me.” Her extra pair of boots was shoved into the bag. “And because you’re the new owner.”

“I didn’t use you, at least, I never intended to. I came here to check out a prospective buy, meeting you was just an added extra.”

She stopped stuffing clothes into the bag and turned to look at him. “An extra? I was just an added extra?” White-hot rage boiled in her stomach.

Jack closed his eyes and held up his hands. “That didn’t come out like I wanted it to. Let me try again.” His eyes opened, and he took another step forward. “Meeting you wasn’t something I expected when I came here.”

Kayla jammed her fists into her hips. “So, it was like a perk?”

“Yes. No.” He rushed forward and grabbed her shoulders. “This isn’t coming out right. I’m trying to explain, but I keep saying the wrong thing.”

“Explain what exactly? That you came to the ranch so you could better judge how to close the deal? How you had ample opportunity to tell me you were here looking to buy but didn’t? How you screwed me hoping I would tell you about the internal problems going on?” She shook her head and shrugged his hands from her. “I played right into that one, didn’t I?”

Jack stood motionless. “You’re right. I did come here to get information about the ranch. No good businessman goes into a sale blind. The more intel you have, the better deal you can work, but it was never my intention to make you feel like I was using you to gain information.”

“Right, that was just a perk.” How could she have been so stupid? She put herself out there and ended up burned. “I need to leave.”

“I know you feel like I’ve used you, but that just isn’t how it happened.” He blew out a deep breath and backed toward the door. “I hope you know that you don’t have to go. I want you to understand you and Jerry have jobs here as long as you want them.”

“There’s nothing to understand, Jack. You bought a ranch, but we both got fucked.” She swallowed hard in an attempt to rein in her raging emotions.

Sinful chocolate eyes gazed at her from across the room. “What would it take for you to stay?”

“I can’t make you leave, Jack, but if you think I’m just going to stand by and put on a happy face, you’re wrong.” Kayla turned and looked out the window.

“If I have to leave so you’ll stay then that’s what I’ll do.” Muffled footsteps crossed the room until she could feel the heat of his body on her back. “The ranch needs you.” He drew in a deep breath. “I need you. I didn’t come up here with the intentions of hurting anyone. God knows I wouldn’t hurt you for the world. I’ve come to care about you, but if my leaving will make your life easier then I’ll do it in a heartbeat.”

Her eyes burned as fresh tears brimmed and threatened to spill. “I think it would be for the best.”

His breath tickled the side of her neck, sending a shiver of want through her body. How in the hell could she still want him after what he’d done? He’d lied and used her for his own personal gain. No amount of apologies could ever erase that from her mind and heart.

“If you need to get in touch with me about anything,” he placed a business card on the dresser in front of her, “all you need to do is call.”

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