The Cowboy's Property (Siren Publishing Classic) (8 page)

Read The Cowboy's Property (Siren Publishing Classic) Online

Authors: Calico Daniels

Tags: #Romance

Kayla didn’t need to turn to know he’d left the room. The soft click of the front door closing was confirmation enough. It was over. He was gone. So why did she feel like the one who’d just lost everything?

“There are times when I wonder if you have any brains at all.”

She turned to find Jerry standing in the doorway of her bedroom. “How long have you been home?”

“Long enough.” He entered the room and sat on the edge of her bed. “So that’s it, huh? You’re just going to let him leave?”

“He lied to me. He used me.”

Jerry scowled. “Maybe he did, but you used him, too.”

“What? I never used him.”

“Bullshit. Tell me something, what did you stand to lose by sleeping with him?”

Kayla swallowed hard and stared at her uncle. “My job.”

He shook his head. “You already figured once the sale came through you’d be out of work. Care to try again?”

Her mind raced to find a reason, but Jerry was right, she had used him. With nothing left to lose, she’d taken a chance on a man, a stranger, who made her feel alive. The thought of losing her place on the ranch, her home, had left her feeling empty. She’d grabbed the chance to make a few memories while she still had the chance, but it had turned into something more than just a fling. Apparently, it had for both of them.

Jerry smiled a slow smile and nodded. “I see it’s all starting to sink in now.” He stood and moved to stand in front of her. “Do you really want to spend the rest of your life wondering? I know he made you happy, and I know you feel like he lied to you, but I think, if you really think about it, you’ll see that what started off as just selfish reasons for each of you turned into a whole different beast all together.”

Kayla stared after her uncle as he silently left the room. Damn it to hell, but he was right. They’d both been in the wrong, but somehow it had turned out so right. She’d never let herself really feel free and wild with a man before. Never felt like she could. There were always too many other responsibilities crowding her mind to let her even think about a man, much less a long-term relationship. But somehow with Jack, she could see a future. Assuming he was still willing.

She needed to find him before he left. Before it was too late.

Kayla grabbed the duffel bag from her bed and raced from the cabin. With any luck, he would still be in his room. She could still catch him.

She made her way through the lodge and up the stairs to Jack’s suite. Kayla tapped on the door and tried to tamp down the nerves threatening to eat her alive. She rapped again, but still no answer. Maybe she’d missed him.

She twisted the knob and pushed the door open. His suitcase lay open on the bed, filled with clothes. The only sound in the quiet came from the shower. Dropping her bag beside the bed, she closed the door and made her way to the bathroom.

Even with the thick steam billowing around her, she could make out his naked form through the frosted glass of the shower enclosure. Need coiled deep within her. She wasn’t sure which was more powerful just now, the need to work things out, or the need to wrap her legs around his waist and fuck until neither of them could walk.

Fear crept up her throat and threatened to choke her. What if he’d changed his mind and didn’t want to see her? He’d said she could call if she ever needed him, hadn’t he? Shit, maybe she should have called first. Instead, here she was standing in his bathroom without his knowledge while he showered. Naked. Soapy.

Hell, she needed to get out of here before she made a bigger ass out of herself. All she needed to do was make it out of the room without getting caught. Then she could go back to the cabin and call him. Yep, sounded like a plan.

With her mind made up, Kayla turned and eased toward the doorway. Slow and easy. Her right foot had just touched the carpet when she froze.

Chapter Eight


“Were you just going to leave without saying anything?”

Tingles raced down her spine and settled directly in her pussy, making her muscles pulse and jump. Damned if that man didn’t have a voice that could send her careening to near orgasm with just a few simple words. Slowly, Kayla turned and focused on his fuzzy silhouette through the opaque glass. His hands roamed over his chest and down to his cock as water splashed over him.

Kayla bit her lip to keep from moaning out loud. Mere hours ago, she’d been the one running her hands over the ridged planes of his body. Her skin prickled at the memory of the heated flesh beneath her fingertips. “I figured I’d come back when you weren’t busy.”

His deep chuckle resonated in the tiled room, bouncing off every surface and surrounding her. Jack turned off the water and opened the door. Damp rivers raced over every mouthwatering inch of his flesh, tempting her. He stepped from the enclosure and grabbed a towel off the counter.

She drew in a shuttering breath as he rubbed the fluffy material across his body, erasing the traces of moisture she desperately wanted to taste on her tongue. Cream flooded her pussy while her eyes tracked his movements. Precise. Methodical. They were designed to tease her, and she knew it.

Jack pushed the towel down his chest and cupped his cock through the material. His hands worked the cloth around his balls and back up the semi-erect length, tossing it to the side. He stood before her, breathtakingly nude and looking like he loved every minute.

Kayla gripped the marble counter behind her as he took determined steps toward her.

“Looks like some time just opened up.” He stopped inches from her and braced his arms on either side of her body, cutting off any escape.

Not that she wanted to leave, but it was difficult as hell to form a rational thought with him so close. The spicy scent of his soap saturated every breath she took, weaving a web of desire around her that had her knees threatening to buckle. Given the state of her arousal, even that might not be so bad. His cock would be right at mouth level. Just the right height for her tongue to slide across the silky head, dip into the small slit, and taste his arousal.

Kayla gave herself a mental shake. “I wanted to talk to you.”

Jack raised an eyebrow. “Talk?”


“Is this the kind of talk that I should be dressed for, or is my present state acceptable?” He bent his elbows, bringing his torso slightly closer. His body heat scorched her from chest to thighs.

“Whatever you like.”

His gaze roamed over her face. “I like this just fine.” Jack brought his right hand to her face and trailed a finger down her cheek.

Kayla closed her eyes and reveled in the rasp of his callused finger against her skin. Her pussy quivered in anticipation. Lust swamped her, threatening to overwhelm her already muddled brain.

Moist breath teased her earlobe. “What do you want to talk about?” He sucked the tender flesh gently.

“Um...” How in the hell was she supposed to think while his fingers were dancing across her skin, drifting closer to her breast? “Need to talk about…about—,” she gasped as he grazed the side of her neck with his teeth. She tilted her head, allowing him more access to the sensitive skin.
Oh, fuck, that feels good.

What had she been saying? Talking. Right. They were supposed to be talking about everything that happened this morning. Kayla moaned as his hand closed over her breast.

His erection pressed against her stomach as he brought their bodies flush. She tightened her grip on the marble. There was nothing she wanted more than to wrap her fingers around his thick shaft, to feel the silken skin, to draw out a drop of pre-cum and spread it across the head. Talk? No, she had an entirely different four-letter word on her mind.

As if sensing her thoughts, he grabbed the hem of her T-shirt and tugged it over her head. “Fuck it. We can talk later.” He speared both hands into her hair as his mouth crashed down on hers in a fierce, demanding kiss.

Lips, teeth, and tongues clashed against each other in a desperate frenzy. Her clothes disappeared in a matter of moments, leaving no barrier between passion-heated skin. Jack sank two fingers into her pussy, gathered her cream, and spread it across her clit. Lightning bolts of pleasure ricocheted through her at his eager assault.

Breaking the kiss, he spun her around to face the mirror and stroked on a condom that he retrieved from inside his shaving kit near the sink. Their gazes locked in the reflection before them. A totally erotic sight. His eyes filled with lust, her cheeks flushed with need. Both panting with desire. This would be no tender coupling, but that wasn’t what she wanted. Raw, primal sex. She wanted him to demand, to take, to fuck her endlessly.

He applied pressure between her shoulders and urged her torso to the marble counter. The cool surface brought her nipples erect instantly, almost painfully. Kayla cried out as he gripped her hips and thrust his cock into her slick channel. Filling and stretching her in the most delicious way.

Jack groaned and stilled, his fingers digging into her soft flesh. “Damn, you feel good.” He pulled back and slammed into her again. “So fucking tight.”

The tension deep within her pussy coiled tighter as every plunge he took caressed her G-spot, pushing her toward the edge. Every forceful entry was a small decadence, heavenly and sinful at the same time, stealing her breath but heightening her passion.

Kayla wrapped her fingers around the bronze faucet and rocked back against his driving force, matching him stroke for stroke. Her knuckles turned white as her grip tightened on the anchor. At this pace, she wasn’t going to last long, and she didn’t care. Her need for him was powerful.

Rising up on the balls of her feet, she changed the angle of penetration to allow for an entirely new barrage of sensations. He stroked her deeper, harder, touched places within her that had been sadly neglected before Jack.

Her gaze focused on the reflection of him behind her. His expression was a mask of euphoria. At this moment, there was nothing between them. No complications, no unanswered questions, no doubts. Now was all about the tremendous pleasure they could give to each other.

His left hand slid to her shoulder, securing her in the perfect position to receive his thrusts. Cream trickled down her thighs as he drove his cock into her pussy again. Her orgasm built inside her, growing in force but not breaking free. She fought off the impending bliss, denying herself the pleasure of release. She wanted more. More of his cock, more of him, more of everything.


Kayla pushed her left hand between her thighs and cupped his balls as they slapped against her. She caressed the velvety sac, lightly scoring the sensitive skin with her nails. Jack groaned and closed his eyes, slowing his hips to accommodate her fondling. With gentle precision, Kayla stroked the smooth area between his balls and anus then dipped further to circle the puckered hole and press slightly against its opening.

Jack hissed and pumped into her with renewed fury. An animal-like growl rumbled from his chest as he slammed into her again and emptied himself into the latex sheath. The erratic jerking of his cock in her pussy sent her spiraling over the edge. Pulsing contractions racked the walls of her cunt, clutching and pulling at his tool, drawing out another jerk which only sent another wave crashing through her pussy.

Physically spent and gasping for breath, Kayla dropped her head and pressed her cheek to the counter, the marble frigid against her heated skin. Jack covered her with his body, chest to back, as he struggled to gain normal breathing. The heat of him seared her to the bone, making her heart clench.

Last night she’d thought she was falling in love with this wonderful man, but in reality, the falling had already happened. Amazing that in such a short time he had come to mean so much to her. It was near impossible to imagine her days without him now. Each morning since meeting him seemed to dawn just a bit brighter, and she didn’t want to lose that newfound light.

“Am I crushing you?” The deep timbre of his voice soothed her nerves.

She smiled against the marble. “Feels good.”

A tremor coursed through her as his lips grazed her shoulder. “Maybe we should continue this in bed.”

Oh, that sounded wonderful, but Kayla knew they needed to talk first. Hell, talking was the entire reason she’d come to his room in the first place, and they hadn’t gotten to it…well, not to the talking anyway. They had definitely gotten to other things. “We need to talk first.”

He straightened, his cock slipping from her. “Can we talk in bed?”

Kayla tracked his reflection as he disposed of the condom. She propped herself up on her elbows and met his gaze in the mirror. “Do you think we’ll get any talking done?”

A devilish grin worked its way across his face. “Maybe not, but we’ll have a hell of a lot of fun.”

Jack scooped her into his arms, carried her into the bedroom, and set her down in the center of the bed. She shivered as his nude body covered hers, pressing her into the plush mattress.

“What’s up with the luggage? Are you going somewhere?” He nodded his head toward the duffel bag by the door.

Emotion clogged her throat. She’d been such an ass, hell, they both had. “I guess that all depends.” She trailed her fingers through the damp hair at his nape.


“What you say when I’m done talking.” Kayla swallowed against the tears threatening to fall and pressed on. “You hurt me, maybe more than I’ve ever been hurt before. I don’t like feeling used, but then I realized that I used you, too.”

His brows furrowed. “How did you use me?”

“For my own selfish pleasure. I’d pretty well figured that once the ranch sold I’d be out of a job. When I saw you that first day I wanted to jump you right then. I figured if I was going to be leaving anyway why not take advantage of an opportunity to enjoy myself.”

“I don’t think you were the only one who benefited from the time we’ve spent together.” A sexy smile pulled at the corners of his lips.

“Maybe not, but we’re both guilty, and I acted like what you’d done was the most terrible thing in the world, and in truth, I was just as guilty. I’m sorry.” The tears she’d been fighting pushed forward, welling in the corners of her eyes.

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