The Dark Angels: Tied Together (19 page)

Read The Dark Angels: Tied Together Online

Authors: Z. Allora

Tags: #Romance, #MLR Press LLC; Print format ISBN# 978-1-60820-573-8; ebook format ISBN#978-1-60820-574-5, #Contemporary

So he boiled it down to one simple concept. “What I am saying is, it doesn’t matter.”

“No? No? Ha! Wow! Ha!” Josh was angry and bitter. He knew Robby decided to date Stephen to eliminate the rumors. And now Robin was probably in love with the fucking freak.

Josh allowed his misery to wash over him. He took a drink from the glass in front of him. After realizing Dusty must have had the bartender give him water, he almost spat it out but it was icy cold and felt good going down. Josh asked a question he hadn’t asked out loud to anyone else. “What do you think of Stephen?”

“He’s fine.” Dusty was looking a little too hard at Josh.

Josh couldn’t stop the snort of disgust and waved the bartender for another drink. The bartender pointedly ignored him. Frowning, he took another sip of the water.

“You know he is only being seen with Stephen because he wants to stop the rumors. They’re just friends.”

Josh felt an arm snaking around him. Looking down at the hand grasping at him, Josh recognized the nails with little pink diamondettes as female. He turned to greet the bold chick.

“Hello, sweetheart.” Josh figured he might as well use his charm on someone.

“Hi. I like, really like love your music.” Her bleached blonde hair looked like it would fall out if a straightening iron were taken to it any time in the next three years. But ignoring the sprayed on tan and tight top, she was almost pretty. Looking over at Dusty, she said, “Ohhhhhh, yeah. You are the drummer, Dusty. I told my friend it was,
like you
guys. But she was like no. I was like yeah-ah.” Barely taking a breath during her giggle, she continued.

“Would you like to um, like go someplace?”

Josh had a feeling that was where this was going. He almost wished he could say yes, but there was no way. “Nah, honey, I have had too much to drink to be of any use to you.” That was always a great excuse. Always worked like a charm.

She giggled and pushed something in his mouth. He tried to spit it out but instead his teeth crunched it and he swallowed.

“What the fuck was that?”
Did the bitch just poison him?

“That was like,” she giggled like the moron she was. “You know the little pill.” She cupped the front of his jeans and squeezed. “You won’t have any problems now.”

The alcohol was taking effect in a major way. He felt dizzy and sick.

“Jesus! He’s twenty-three, he doesn’t need pills.” Dusty was too disgusted with the bitch to carry on a dialogue so he pushed the girl away. “Josh, are you okay?”

The room started spinning. He wasn’t sure if the pill would take affect that quickly or if the alcohol finally decided to make itself known. Josh tried to stand up as if he could move away from the feeling, or at least the bleach blonde viper who was still trying to touch him. His foot hooked the leg of the stool and he took a tumble. His hands saved him from face planting but fuck they hurt and then everything went black.

When Josh woke up, he was in a hospital room. The doctor was lecturing Dusty on being careless while drinking. “Oh, Mr.

Strider you have joined us.” The doctor stepped over the bed and shined a light into his eyes. “You were dehydrated from the alcohol. I understand that someone gave you a pill for erectile dysfunction.” The doctor wrote something down on the chart.

“Yeah, I told you some crazy girl,” Dusty answered clearly frustrated.

The doctor looked at both of them with doubt. “Yes, well. It should be out of your system in 24 to 36 hours. If your erection lasts more than four hours please come back.” He sounded annoyed as he filled out more forms. “You sprained your wrists but if you follow instructions they should be ready for your next show. Your friend tells me you play bass. It shouldn’t affect your finger movements.”

“So I can go?” Josh asked in surprise.

The doctor set down his clipboard on the cart and opened the curtains. “Yes, you can go. There is no medical reason to keep you. Hospitals are for sick people.” He turned on his heel and left.

Dusty stared at the fluttering curtain with his mouth opened.

Grinning, he turned back to Josh, “Well, let’s get you home.”

After Dusty helped him into his bed, he must have fallen asleep. Josh woke up to see Robin was sitting in the chair staring off into space. As soon as he moved, Robin was by his side. Josh tried to scratch his nose but lifted up a bandaged hand. “What?”

Looking at the other hand confirmed it was locked in gauze as well. “Right. I forgot.”

“Dusty said your hands will be fine. You sprained both wrists when you fell off the barstool. The doctor said if you kept them wrapped for five days they should be better by the next show. But only if you rest them.”

“How am I supposed to do anything?” Josh was disturbed and probably still a little drunk.

“I can take care of you,” Robin said without hesitation.

Josh knew he looked horrified by the idea. “I don’t want you to have to be my nurse. I know you’re busy.”

Robin moved to sit on the bed. He moved closer to Josh’s face and took his forearm above the bandages. “Hey, nothing is more important than you are.”

Josh wished he could believe him. He had just enough alcohol in his system to ask, “What about
?” He tried but failed to keep the irritation out of his voice just saying his name.

“What about him?” Robin looked confused.

“Won’t he be upset you’re spending all your time taking care of me?”

Clearly exasperated by Josh’s comment he said, “Like I
care about anyone but you.”

Robin never swore so he’d meant to emphasize his point. But Josh needed to push for information. “But isn’t it serious with the two of you?”

Robin’s brow furrowed. “No. We’re only seeing each other to, you know, to help stop the…you know…the rumors. We’re just friends.” His voice trailed off. Robin always busied himself when he was nervous so he fussed with Josh’s covers and pillows.

“How are you feeling? Is there anything I can get for you?”

Josh was awake enough now to feel the Cialis was still in his system.
Yeah, a blowjob!
He had a hard on that you could break bottles on.
Oh God!
He was beginning to really notice it. His cock was so sensitive that the pressure of the sheet and duvet was almost enough to make him come. The fabric had been stretched tight when Robin sat on the bed, pressing down on his cock.

Robin followed Josh’s eyes downward. His eyes widened as he saw the tented material pulled taunt over Josh’s lap. There was no mistaking what caused the obscene distortion.

Robin’s big beautiful eyes devoid of their usual black rim of eyeliner caught Josh’s. Robin opened his mouth and then cleared his throat before trying to speak. “Cialis?”

Josh shrugged. Looking down at his mummified hands he began to wonder how the hell he was going to take care of things.

Moonlight was streaming in from the window, casting shadows and making Robin’s creamy white skin almost glow. The moon made him look almost fae. He was so beautiful it almost hurt to look at him.

“Can I, um, help?” Robin asked as he was tugging down the sheets.

Josh realized he was naked under the swaths of silk and cotton. He wondered if Robin had undressed him. The thought sent a chill through his body.

“Robby, you don’t have to,” Josh told him as his own body was screaming at the lunacy of his words. His cock wanted nothing else in the world more than for Robin to tend to his need. His heart craved the physical connection. But his brain knew that would be folly.

Robin pulled the sheet and duvet to the bottom of the bed and the gentle breeze from the central air vent kissed over Josh’s aroused flesh. Josh knew Robin could see him throb and waited no more.

Robin’s hot wet mouth swallowed him straight down his throat tearing a moan of desire from Josh. No gagging, just a nice swallow to massage his aroused dick. It felt so good. Josh knew this would be an embarrassingly short encounter.

Robin got right to work moving his mouth up and down.

Gentle hands played with Josh’s balls, rolling them softly. The sacs were drawn up tight and ready to spurt. A finger slipped behind them and circled his hole that had gone too long unfilled.

The light tease was too much. Josh’s body released his pent up frustration down Robin’s throat. His orgasm was long and strong but as he finished Josh realized he was still rock hard.

Robin pulled his mouth off Josh, swallowing down the remaining drops. He delicately wiped his lips and looked away as he licked his fingers. The action made Josh’s insides twist. It was probably wishful thinking but it was as if Robin couldn’t bear the thought of not ingesting all of what he had given him.

Josh opened his mouth to say something to him, but he closed it.
What could he say? Thank you?
I love you?
True. But he knew from history those words had ramifications that could upset Robin.

“Josh?” Robin asked so many questions with just his name, he didn’t know what he should answer first.

Josh taking the coward’s way out just shrugged. Maybe if he ignored his erection it would disappear.

“Should I...?” Robin asked leaving the question out there.

“You don’t have to,” he said as if his body wasn’t begging for Robin to give him more.

Robin grinned. “I know I don’t have to...but I kind of need you, too.” Without further words, Robin stood and stripped off his clothing. Soon he wore his collar necklace, a sexy smile and nothing else.

Getting the bottle of lubrication and a condom from the nightstand, Robin joined him on the bed.

Robin answered the question that must have been on Josh’s face. “I put these in here a while ago. Just in brought someone home.” The pain of the perceived hurt and the perceived betrayal that seemed to be cutting Robin deeply bled into his tone.

“Robby, I haven’t—not with anyone but you.” Josh was suddenly choked by emotion and could barely get the words out.

“But all those women?” Robin pointed out what every tabloid had claimed.

Josh knew he was painted as a huge slut which was especially funny since the only times he had sexual experience with more than just his right hand, Robin was in attendance.

Josh shook his head. “No one. Ever.” Josh stared into his beautiful eyes. “Just with you.”

Robin’s beautiful eyes got wide with shock. “Really?” After Josh reconfirmed it with a nod, Robin’s face lit up with a very happy smile.

It was the first real smile Josh had seen on Robin in quite some time. Robin didn’t say more. He kissed Josh softly on the mouth until it roared into a fiery passion. Josh heard the bottle of lube being opened and he wanted to see Robin prepare but he couldn’t bear not to continue to kiss him. On and on their lips traced over each other. Tongues licked out to play and tease exciting both of them beyond reason.

Robin sat back on his knees and straddled Josh’s hips. Josh inhaled deeply as his cock found the place he wanted to be most of all. He slid inside of Robin as the light filtering in through the blinds played over Robin’s form. Very slowly Robin slid down onto Josh with one long moan.

When he was as close to him as physically possible, Josh exhaled. “Oh, so fucking tight and hot!” The relief his heart felt at being connected to Robin was almost unbearable. Josh was complete for the first time in months. He felt whole.

Robin who was usually modest, almost virginal, seemed to relish the fact that Josh was deeply embedded inside him. Josh could see the image in the large mirror behind Robin. He was breathless as that perfect ass rose off his cock only to consume it time and time again. Josh groaned from the pleasure of feeling Robin moving slowly up and down his stiff prick.

Looking away from the mirror, Josh was treated to the front view of his love. His long peacock colored hair flared around his shoulders, his kiss swollen lips drawn up in a sexy fuck-me smile and his very aroused cock hoping for some direct attention, mesmerized Josh.

Josh’s right hand reached for Robin’s cock until he realized his fist was trapped under gauze. He growled in frustration. “Touch yourself for me, Robby,” Josh just about begged as his dick was sucked back into the scorching hot back passage. “Wait,” he said impatiently as he slowly picked up the pace. He just noticed the unopened condom package. Robin changed the angle. Based on the agonized groan, Josh knew he was pegging Robin’s prostate. Josh’s eyes landed on the golden plastic package.

“Robin, condom.” Robin seemed to ignore him. “You forgot the condom.”

Robin sexy smile turned into a grin. “No I didn’t. You said…

mmmmm,” Robin got lost in the feeling for a moment. He moved himself up and back down as if he was chasing a good feeling. “You said you haven’t been with anyone but me.”

“Yeah?” Josh was still not getting it.

“Neither have I,” Robin said.

“Oh,” was all Josh could think of to say. “I thought...” Josh decided it was best not to finish that sentence.

Robin grinned happily at him. “No one but you.” A delicious internal clenching emphasized each word that was making Josh’s eyes cross. “Only you.”

Wishing like hell he had his hands, Josh just lay there and watched Robin take him. “Really?”

Robin’s hand wrapped around his cock and tugged. “Yeah.”

He seated himself onto Josh’s prick and drew off it, riding Josh like he was racing on a pony. He was moving so fast he was almost bouncing. “No one else.”

Josh was breathing hard and froze as his body was hurled over the edge. “Robin, oh Robin!” His dick spasmed as if he hadn’t just come from Robin’s loving mouth.

As warm pulsing gushes filled Robin, he followed Josh with a few firm jerks on his cock. He painted Josh’s chest with his love and devotion. “So good! Love you!” Robin was close to shouting and he didn’t seem to care. Josh was glad. It felt too amazing for Robin to worry about being loud. He loved seeing him lose control.

Robin’s hole pulsed around Josh as if it were sucking everything out of Josh from deep inisde him. This gave Josh wicked pleasurable aftershocks. “Love you, Robby,” he whispered as Robin collapsed on top of him shivering with satisfaction.

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