The Determining (27 page)

Read The Determining Online

Authors: Rebecca Grous

Chapter Twenty-Two

Richard glared at the pristine high rise. The longer he stared, the angrier he became. Grabbing his flask, he downed a gulp of whisky. The liquor burned as it traveled down his throat.

That’s right. Drink away your responsibility.

Richard growled, “Are you sure she hasn’t left the apartment?”

All our hard work, everything we’ve sacrificed. Gone.

“She’s remained inside since her arrival,” James replied from the front seat of the black SUV.

“She couldn’t have left through a back exit?”

“I have men watching all the exits, Councilman,” James reassured him.

Richard looked out the tinted window, catching his own reflection in the glass. He examined his face with a scowl. Not a trace of the black eye or fat lip he’d sported last week. His doctor had done well. But nothing could get rid of the pure rage pulsing through him whenever he thought about Charlotte. The voice hissed its own fury. Richard watched his reflection twitch at the sound.

He took another swig, letting out a heavy breath as the burn hit. “I need her, James,” he spat, working his jaw back and forth until the muscles ached.

“We have to wait her out, sir. I can’t send my men storming into the apartment,” James deadpanned.

“I don’t care how you do it!” Richard bellowed. “Get. Her.”

“With all due respect, sir. At this point, waiting is our best option. She has to leave some time.”

That’s right, Richard. Because of you, our plans are at a standstill.

“Fuck!” Richard punched the seat in front of him.

He glared back at the apartment. Images of her looking down at him and laughing taunted him. The sudden urge to beat her until she begged for his forgiveness almost had him storming into the apartment.

He pictured her kneeling as her blood pooled at his feet. The thought made his pulse pound with excitement. He could almost feel her warm blood on his hands; hear her whimpering and begging for forgiveness. He wouldn’t grant it. Not until she’d passed out from the beating. A malicious grin spread across his face. He had to stop himself from laughing.

“Sir?” James’ voice snapped Richard back into reality. Realizing that his vengeance had been a mere daydream made his fists clench.

“I want her. Now,” he growled.

James glanced at him in the rearview mirror. “Yes, sir.”

Chapter Twenty-Three

Charlie paced in her room, waiting to leave for Cornelia’s premiere. Her heels clacked against the wood floor as she walked back and forth, back and forth. The excitement had been building all day and she didn’t think she could contain it anymore.

She’d spent the afternoon picking out a dress, applying makeup to hide her bruises, and curling her hair. A few of her fingers showed telltale red marks from the curling iron, but the end result was worth the burns. She’d accentuated her naturally wavy hair until it framed her face. But it seemed like hours since she’d finished getting ready.

A knock interrupted her mid step. She hurried to the door, throwing it open. Thayer stood on the other side. His eyes widened as he took in the sight of her. The stunned look on his face sent a rush of pleasure through her. She couldn’t keep the pleased smile from pulling at her lips.

“You look beautiful,” he said voice breathlessly.

Charlie blushed, admiring the sight of Thayer in a suit. He looked just like he had at her party. “You clean up nice yourself.”

His brows rose, not used to her being so forthcoming with her thoughts. He recovered quickly, extending a hand to her. “Ready?”

She nodded, placing her hand in his. Disappointment flooded through her when she didn’t experience the tingling sensation she’d expected. Her face fell.

“What’s wrong?” Thayer asked, guiding her toward the stairs.

“Nothing.” She shook her head. “I’m excited for tonight.”

“I know. I could hear your heels wearing a path in the floor.” He smirked at her.

Charlie shot him an annoyed glance. “I wasn’t that bad.”

He chuckled, leading her toward the door. Reaching for the handle, he paused.


“I forgot something upstairs. The driver should be here if you want to head down.” He turned back to the stairs. “I’ll meet you in a minute.”

“Okay,” she called after him as he vanished up the steps.

She pulled her coat on. Checking that she had her phone and lipstick in her clutch, she opened the door. A wave of nerves washed over her but she dismissed them. Stepping out, the door closed behind her with a definite click.

She’d taken a few steps down the hall when movement in the shadows caught her attention. Turning, her heart stopped. Richard stood a few feet away, eyes blazing with rage and bloodlust. A chilling leer split his face.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Charlotte.” His voice sounded like it had in her dreams, a sinister hiss.

Her heart thudded, slow at first but picking up speed until it beat so hard she thought her chest would explode from the pain. A cold sweat broke out across her body. She stepped back, praying the movement wouldn’t provoke him.

“What do you want?” Her voice cracked.

Richard moved toward her, stalking her like prey. “You
what I want, you disobedient slut. If you get on your knees and beg forgiveness, I might allow you to marry Novack with your body still intact.” He spat the words at her, all the while moving closer.

Charlie saw the red rimming his eyes and smelled the whisky seeping from his pores. Under normal circumstances, Richard could be cruel. Under the influence, his actions were calculated and malicious. Alone with him, she was helpless. But Thayer would be here any second. He could help her.

“No.” Her voice sounded weak even to her own ears.

She’d said the wrong thing. Richard lunged at her, yelling at the top of his lungs, “You bitch!”

Charlie rushed to the apartment door. She didn’t bother trying the handle. She knew it wouldn’t budge. Thrusting her wrist under the scanner, she prayed the lock would click open. The red light pulsed against her skin. Just as she heard the scanner emit an angry beep, Richard grabbed her by her hair and pulled.

“I told you to beg for my forgiveness, whore!” he snarled through gritted teeth.

Before she could utter a word, he slammed her head against the door. Tears sprung to her eyes and the hall swayed around her. She gasped in pain and surprise. Blood trickled from her nose. She couldn’t let him do this to her. Not again.

With an enraged cry, she twisted until she faced him. Ignoring the hair ripping from her scalp, she kicked out at him. Her kick landed straight where she’d aimed, his groin. Richard groaned and stumbled back. The moment he released her hair, she was at the apartment door. She screamed and banged on the door, hoping Thayer would hear.

Glancing over her shoulder, she watched Richard struggling to move through the pain. She hit the door harder, screaming until her throat felt raw. The door finally opened. Charlie looked up. A startled cry escaped her. It wasn’t Thayer who crossed the threshold.

Mason’s hard eyes stared down at her. The lust in his face made her stomach roll. Then she noticed the blood staining his hands. It took her a second to understand what that meant. It had to be Thayer’s blood.

“No,” Charlie whispered. She scrambled back from the door but stopped when Richard grabbed her. He pulled her up, holding her in place so she faced Mason.

“Charlotte, I’ve been waiting for this.” Mason’s eyes traveled down to her breasts, lingering there. “Such a tease,” he murmured, voice heavy with longing.

“Where’s Thayer?” She knew the answer, but she needed to hear Mason’s admission before she believed it.

Mason stepped aside, taking his eyes off her body long enough to flash her a smirk. “Take a look.” He gestured with a bloody hand behind him.

Thayer lay a few feet from the door. His eyes stared back at her, but they held no light. Blood leaked from a deep cut across his throat. It pooled around his head in a red halo, staining the floor and soaking into the collar of his white dress shirt.

Charlie screamed and kicked, desperate to get away. Richard’s grip tightened the more she struggled. She didn’t stop until her arms felt numb and all energy had left her.

“Shhh.” Mason moved until his body pressed against hers. His fingers traced the outline of her lips, sending shivers of dread shooting down her spine. “You’ll like this, I promise.” His eyes burned with uncontrolled desire.

“Please.” Charlie whimpered, twisting her head away. “You can’t do this.” She choked on her words.

Mason chuckled. “Yes, I can. Now that Thayer is dead, I can do whatever I want with you. We are Compatible, after all.” Her whole body tensed as he leaned in, whispering in her ear. “I’m so going to enjoy taking you in every way I please. As many times as I want.” He grabbed one of her breasts, squeezing until she out cried in pain.

He pressed his lips to hers, forcing her mouth open. His tongue flicked inside. He tasted foul, like rotten meat. She tried to move away from the assault but Richard held her firmly in place, cutting off any hope of escape.

“Enough.” Richard’s voice was bored. “She isn’t yours yet. I still have plans for her.”

Mason frowned but released her. He took a step back.

“Are you ready?” Richard posed the question to Mason. The other man nodded. Richard lowered his head until his lips pressed against Charlie’s ear. “All you have to do to make this stop is get on your knees and beg.”

Charlie saw everything happen in slow motion. Mason drew his fist back, readying himself for attack, and threw the punch. She watched it draw closer to her face. Fear tightened her stomach the closer he got. Her head snapped back and lights filled her eyes at the impact. She would have fallen to the ground if it weren’t for Richard holding her up. She closed her eyes against the dizziness that overwhelmed her.

After that, she lost track of where Mason’s blows landed. Pain radiated from every part of her body. When she finally opened her eyes, she lay on the floor. Blood pooled in front of her. Just like Thayer’s body lying inside the apartment. She slammed her eyes shut again, letting out a strangled whimper.

“What was that, Charlotte? Are you ready to beg?” Richard mocked from above her. She heard him rear back, preparing to hit her again.

“Please,” she cried. “It’s not real. It’s not real. It’s not real.” She chanted to herself. Something gripped her arm and she cringed away, expecting more pain. Whatever it was grabbed her and held on. “This can’t be real,” she croaked.

“Open your eyes, Charlotte. Look at me.”

She did as the voice instructed. Darkness shrouded everything. Mason and her father had done something to blind her. Her breath caught in her throat. She twisted, trying to establish where she was and why she couldn’t see. A light clicked on near her face. She threw her arm across her eyes.

“Charlotte …” A gentle hand took hold of her wrist, moving her arm away from her face. She squinted as the bright light assaulted her. When her eyes adjusted, Thayer sat in front of her. Unharmed.

Confusion sliced through her. She’d seen him dead. Mason had slit his throat. Tears burst from her in a torrent. Before she knew what he was doing, Thayer pulled her into his lap. He rocked her back and forth, whispering soothing words in her ear. She burrowed into his neck, taking shaky breaths. The lingering smell of soap on his skin calmed her.

“You’re dead. I saw you.” Her words were muffled, but he heard her.

“No, I’m right here.” He kissed her temple.

His lips felt real against her skin. She grabbed his arm to be sure he really sat there. When her hand found solid flesh and bone, she relaxed a little. She let him continue to sooth her as the minutes passed. She tensed when he moved her off his lap and laid her down.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he assured her as he leaned back and clicked off the small light.

Lying down next to her, he pulled the blankets up over them. He slid an arm under her head before drawing her into his chest. She nestled close, relaxing into him. She shivered as the heat of his body warmed her freezing limbs. He kissed her on the forehead before resting his chin against the top of her head.

Next to Thayer, the nightmares vanished and sleep overwhelmed her.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Richard sat behind his desk, working to keep his anger off his face. He’d already lost control of the situation, but he couldn’t afford to let Councilman Novack or Mason know that. The boy looked like a younger version of his father. Everything from their slicked-back blond hair to the sneer on their faces was identical. They apparently had no such qualms about hiding their emotions.

If it weren’t for their connections I would have had you kill them already,
the voice said with distaste.

“I won’t allow the merger to continue,” Councilman Novack said, his eyebrows rising slightly as if to dare Richard to challenge him. “Your daughter’s rebellion has called your authority into question.”

The voice hissed and Richard nearly did the same. “A minor setback.”

Mason snorted. “How the fuck is that minor?”

“Mason,” Councilman Novack snapped before turning to Richard. “It’s much more than minor. And the fact that you don’t seem to think so concerns me.”

We need their company.

The sound of the voice made him give an involuntary twitch. “What does the marriage matter?” Richard leaned forward, glancing between both men. “Think of the power we could have. With your company building the chips and all the scanners and my company developing the software, we’d control everything.” Just thinking about all that power made Richard’s heart beat quicker.

“You’ve proved yourself to be a weak ally. Letting your daughter slip through your fingers only inspires doubt.” Novack shook his head, his brown eyes unmoving. “I can’t afford an alliance with you. We have nothing further to discuss.” He stood and Mason followed.

Don’t let them leave. Tell them whatever they need to hear.

“The marriage is still an option,” Richard blurted out.

Both men paused.

“How?” Mason demanded.

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