The Determining (28 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Grous

Novack reached out and grabbed his son’s arm, his eyes clearly warning Mason to contain himself. “It doesn’t matter. The damage has been done.”

The pair turned to go.

Do something you fool!

Richard jumped to his feet. “You’re a fool if you walk out that door without hearing me out!”

Novack didn’t even look back when he answered, “I’ve heard enough.”

Despite his father’s obvious warning, Mason stopped and looked back to Richard. “I want Charlotte. If you can get her for me, Grey, I’ll listen.”

Novack glowered at his son for a moment but acquiesced with a nod.

This is our last chance to save this. Don’t fuck it up.

Richard swallowed back a retort and focused on bullshitting his way back into their good graces.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Charlie stood in her room, considering her bed warily. She glared at the neat pile of pillows and smooth blankets. Her body ached to lie down but flashes of her newest nightmare forced her to resist. Thayer’s cold, dead eyes danced through her mind. Goosebumps raced across her skin.

She’d slept in that morning. By the time her eyes opened, Thayer had gone. On the bedside table, he left a note. He said he had meetings all day and wouldn’t be home until later. Charlie glanced at the clock. It read well past midnight. She couldn’t help wondering how late he would be.

She didn’t want to admit it, but having Thayer with her helped her sleep. She couldn’t ask him to share her bed again, but she hoped he might bring it up on his own. Now, she doubted she’d find sleep at all that night.

With a sigh, she walked to the desk and sat down. If she wasn’t going to sleep, she might as well do something. Turning on her tablet, she opened her browser, intent on checking her email. But she didn’t make it past her home page.

Mason Novack’s faced filled her homepage. His superior expression immediately had her irritation simmering. Beside him stood his father. The resemblance between the two was uncanny. Above the picture, the caption read: “Merger Still On?” Charlie’s eyes quickly scanned the article below.

According to the author, Mason and his father were seen leaving the Grey Technology building the day before. An unnamed source confirmed that the merger between the two Councilmen’s companies was still a possibility, despite her recent marriage. The further she read the more her stomach clenched with nerves. She couldn’t explain the feeling, but she knew the meeting didn’t bode well for her.

A knock on the door startled her.

She quickly closed the browser. “Come in.”

Thayer stepped in, wearing his pajamas. Not sparing her a glance, he walked straight to the bed. Charlie watched him with wide eyes. He pulled the blankets down and crawled in. Once he’d settled, he looked at her.

“Are you coming?” A smile pulled his lips up, sending her heart racing.

His boldness pulled her attention away from what she’d just read. “What are you doing?”

“I would
to sleep. It’s been a long day.” He patted the empty space next to him. “Come here.”

Another night without the nightmares called to her like a siren. Resistance wasn’t an option. She powered down her tablet and, heart pounding, padded to the bed. She slid between the sheets, putting as much space between herself and Thayer as possible. He turned off the light, plunging them into darkness.

Every muscle in her body tensed, waiting for what would happen next. Crawling into his arms had been so easy when she’d been half-conscious and disoriented. Now that she possessed all her faculties, she didn’t know what to do. She had liked staying in his embrace last night, but what if he’d only comforted her because she’d been upset?

Do you realize that Thayer is falling in love with you?
Cornelia’s voice taunted her.

Thayer’s presence in her bed seemed to confirm Cornelia’s suspicion. Charlie didn’t know what she felt in return. She couldn’t deny her attraction to him. Her cheeks flamed at the memory of his arms wrapped around her, his lips kissing her temple. She pushed the thoughts away, focusing on one fact. She might be attracted to him, but she didn’t love him.

It’s okay if you don’t love him yet. You will.
Stupid Cornelia.

“Did you hear me?” Thayer asked, rolling on his side to face her.

In the dark, Charlie could just make out his silhouette. “What?”

He chuckled. “I asked how your day was.”

“Oh. I had a good day.” In reality, she’d spent the day wandering through the apartment, seeking something to occupy her. She’d spent those hours deep inside her mind, replaying recent events, searching for some logic or reason to her life and finding none. “How were your meetings?”

“Tedious.” He reached out and found her hand, squeezing.

Encouraged by this contact, Charlie scooted closer to him. She settled in with her back to his front. He draped an arm across her waist, lacing his fingers with hers. His thumb brushed across her skin. Unlike the nightmare, his touch sent tingles shooting through her body. She could feel the pleasure of it all over.

“Goodnight, Thayer,” she whispered.

“Goodnight, Charlotte.” He leaned his forehead against the back of her head. “Sleep well.”

But Charlie didn’t sleep. The exhaustion that she’d been fighting all night vanished, leaving her wide-awake. It didn’t help that every place where their bodies met, little jolts of energy shot from him into her. They rushed to her heart, causing it to race.

Although Thayer’s body relaxed next to hers, his breathing let her know he too was awake. Through the fabric of her shirt, she felt his heart thundering against her back. She liked that she seemed to have as much of an effect on him as he did on her. She smiled.

It’s okay if you don’t love him yet. You will.
The more she got to know Thayer, the more she believed Cornelia. It could be very easy to fall in love with him.

Chapter Twenty-Six

“I can’t postpone my trip.” Thayer stood in front of Nemo’s desk, his jaw set. “I have to go back to Texas.”

Thayer’s departure would leave Charlotte alone. With her returning to University the next day, the risk of Grey stepping in was growing. But, they’d all known they couldn’t keep her hidden forever. Looking over Thayer, Nemo couldn’t help noting the strain in his features. He found himself wondering, not for the first time, if the man’s concern had grown beyond professional.

Nemo’s fingers tapped on his desk. “When do you leave?”

“Three days.” Thayer gritted his teeth, as if the idea alone were distasteful. “Charlotte can’t be alone.”

“I’ll have someone watching her,” Nemo tried to reassure.

Thayer ran a hand through his hair, making it stick out at odd angles. “Grey has better resources, more men. If he wants her, you won’t be able to do anything to stop him.”

“If that’s true, then your presence doesn’t matter.” Thayer rewarded Nemo with a fierce glare. “Do you know why I chose you to be her husband?”

Thayer shook his head.

“Because of your military training. You don’t let personal feelings get in your way. I thought you’d be able to interact with Charlotte without letting her get to you.”

Thayer stopped. “She hasn’t gotten to me.”

Nemo ignored the protest. “I told you to get closer to her so she would trust us when the time came. I didn’t expect you to form a romantic relationship with her.”

Thayer glanced away. “I don’t see why my feelings matter. We need to be prepared if Grey makes a move.”

“And we will be.” Nemo stood and walked around the desk. “Go to Texas. Everything’s under control here.” He gave Thayer’s shoulder a squeeze.

“Don’t let anything happen to her.” He used a hard tone, but his eyes betrayed the worry he felt.

Nemo tried not to be offended. “I wouldn’t risk her. She’s too important to us.”

Thayer nodded. “Who’ll be watching her?”

“Dean is setting up a rotating shift so her chip is monitored twenty-four hours a day.”

“That’s it?” Thayer tensed.

“Liam will drive her to and from school. I assume she’ll remain in the apartment for the remainder of the time.” Nemo turned, returning to his desk. “At least until the Grey threat has passed.”

Thayer scowled. “It’s not enough.”

Nemo crossed his arms and glowered. “You’re more than welcome to set up additional security measures.”

“Even if Milites Security could spare the men, my father wouldn’t approve their use as security for my wife.” Thayer sighed, rubbing his eyes. “I appreciate you doing what you can.”

“I’ll stay in touch.” They clasped hands. “Safe travels.”

With Thayer gone, exhaustion overwhelmed Nemo. He understood the young man’s concerns. If he were honest with himself, he had the same fears. If they weren’t careful, Grey would take Charlotte. Her loss would be a blow to everyone.

“Dad?” A quiet voice spoke from the doorway.

Viveca leaned against the doorframe, watching him. He tried to smile. “What can I do for you?”

She crossed the room and took the seat opposite him. “You’re worried.”

“I’d be a fool if I weren’t.”

Her brows furrowed. “If Charlotte’s so important, why are you allowing her to go back to school?”

He shrugged. “Until she moves forward with her Determining, we can’t use her.”

Viveca leaned toward him, studying his face. “You know what Grey is capable of. He would kill her without a second thought, despite the fact that she’s valuable to him.”

“It’s a risk we have to take.”

“There’s an enormous chance this will turn badly,” she warned.

The truth of her statement pressed down on him. “I know.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Monday morning arrived, the day Charlie could return to school. If it weren’t for the anticipation, her body would have been dragging from lack of sleep. The excitement had kept her up half the night. That, and Thayer’s presence next to her in bed.

Before he’d fallen asleep, Thayer had asked her what she planned to do once she finished her degree. If her life were different, if she was sure of where their marriage was going, she might have considered staying home. Being his wife, the mother of their children. As they stood now, she wasn’t ready to make that kind of commitment to him. Not yet.

“I know I’ll end up working for my father.” Bitterness edged her voice.

“Did the Determining tell you that?” he countered.

“No. But my father’s too powerful. No other company will hire me; he’ll make sure of it.”

He’d taken her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “That might not happen, but if it does, you can always be better than him.”

“What if all the power goes to my head?”

“You’re nothing like your father. You don’t ever need to worry about that.” He’d brought her hand to his mouth and pressed a gentle kiss against her wrist, right above her chip.

She shivered at the memory and glanced at him across the kitchen counter.

He wore black dress pants and a fitted white shirt. A tie hung loose around his neck. All signs that he had a meeting that morning. His eyes turned down, fixed on the paper in front of him. Without his piercing gaze trained on her, Charlie felt free to examine his face.

He lifted his coffee, taking a sip. She watched his Adams apple bob as he swallowed. He’d shaved that morning, leaving the skin across his face and down his neck smooth. She still hadn’t decided whether she liked him better with or without the dark stubble. Either way, she couldn’t stop herself from noting how handsome he looked. Especially with his dark brown hair still damp from a shower.

“You’re staring at me,” he said without looking up from the paper.

Charlie focused on her tablet. “No, I’m not.”

“Not now, but you were,” he teased.

“Fine, I was staring.”

Thayer’s gaze flicked up. Despite the playful expression on his face, his eyes revealed uneasiness hiding just under the surface.

“What’s wrong?” Charlie frowned.

“Why do you ask?” He took another drink of coffee, going back to the paper.

“Something’s wrong, I can tell.” She debated whether to press him for more information or to let it drop. After all the times he’d been there for her the past week, she couldn’t ignore an opportunity to return the favor. “What is it?”

His fingers tapped an unsteady rhythm on the table. “I have to go back to Texas this week.”

Charlie’s heart sank. “How soon do you leave?”

“Two days.” He stood up and headed to the sink.

At the start of their relationship, she’d dreaded the idea of being confined in the apartment with only Thayer for company. Now, she’d grown used to having him there, especially since he seemed to be the one thing that soothed her nightmares.

“When will you be back?” She refused to let the anxiety she felt come out in her voice.

“In time for Cornelia’s premiere,” he said, turning his back to her.

Her stomach dropped. “That’s almost three weeks away.”

He still didn’t face her. “You’re returning to University now. With all your classes and homework, you won’t even notice I’m gone.”

She balked. “Thayer, look at me.” He complied after a moment’s hesitation. “I’ll notice.” She filled her voice with as much sincerity as she could muster.

His expression softened, but the strange look remained in his eyes. He crossed the kitchen and wrapped her in a tight embrace, whispering. “The time will fly, you’ll see.”

She pulled away. “The trip isn’t what’s bothering you.”

“It’s nothing.” He dropped his arms, taking a step back. “I have something to give you. When do you need to leave?”

She frowned at him, not ready to drop the matter but knowing it was pointless to continue probing. “Fifteen minutes.”

“Meet me at my office when you’re ready and I’ll take you.” He flashed her a fake smile.

“You don’t have to.”

“I don’t mind. My meeting is right around the corner.” He disappeared before she could protest.

Charlie stood in the kitchen, staring at the empty space he’d occupied. He could tell her everything was fine until his face turned blue, she wouldn’t believe him. She wanted to stay there until she puzzled it out, but class started soon. Puzzling would have to wait.

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