Authors: Julie Gutin
yard | el jardín |
year | el año |
yes | sí |
yesterday | ayer |
young | joven |
younger | menor |
yourself | mismo, misma |
yourselves | mismos, mismas |
youth | el/la joven |
zero | cero |
Spanish to English
la abeja | bee |
abierto | open |
el abogado, la abogada lawyer | |
el abrazo | hug |
abril | April |
abrir | to open |
la abuela | grandmother |
el abuelo | grandfather |
aburrido | boring, bored |
aburrir | to bore |
aburrirse | to be bored |
acá | around here |
acabar | to finish |
el aceite | oil |
la aceituna | olive |
acercar | to move something |
closer | |
acercarse | to approach |
aconsejar | to advise |
acordarse | to remember |
acostar | to put to bed |
acostarse | to go to bed |
acostumbrarse to get used to | |
la actitud | attitude |
la actriz | actress |
actual | current |
actualmente | at present |
actuar | to act |
el acusador | accuser |
adentro | inside |
el adjetivo | adjective |
adónde | to where |
el adverbio | adverb |
afeitar(se) | to shave |
el aficionado | fan |
a fin de que | in order that |
afligir | to afflict |
agosto | August |
agradecer | to thank |
el agua | water |
el aguacate | avocado |
el águila | the eagle |
ahogar | to choke, to drown |
el ajedrez | chess |
el ajo | garlic |
alegrarse | to be happy |
la alegría | joy, happiness |
alemán | German |
Alemania | Germany |
al final | ultimately |
la alfombra | carpet |
algo | something |
alguien | someone, somebody |
algún | some |
algunas veces | sometimes |
alguna vez | once, sometime |
al ajillo | in garlic sauce |
al horno | baked |
al lado de | next to, |
| to the side of |
el almacén | grocery store |
la almohada | pillow |
almorzar | to have lunch |
alrededor | around |
alto | high, tall |
amable | nice |
ambos, ambas | both |
a menos que | unless |
a menudo | often |
el amigo | friend |
el amor | love |
analfabeto | illiterate, |
| uneducated |
la anarquía | anarchy |
andar | to walk |
anteayer day before yesterday | |
el antebrazo | forearm |
antemano | beforehand |
los anteojos | glasses |
antes | before |
antiguo | former, ancient |
antinatural | unnatural |
la antipatía | antipathy |
el antisudoral | antiperspirant |
el antojito | appetizer |
anunciar | to announce |
el anuncio de trabajo | |
| help-wanted ad |
el año | year |
aparecer | to appear |
el apartamento | apartment |
el apellido | last name |
apenas | scarcely |
a pesar de | despite |
el apetito | appetite |
el aplauso | applause |
aprender | to learn, to study |
el aprendizaje apprenticeship | |
apresurarse a | to hurry |
apretar | to grip |
aquél | that one |
aquel | that |
aquí | here |
a quien corresponda | |
to whom it may concern | |
el árbol | tree |
la arepa | corn pancake |
Argelia | Algeria |
argelino | Algerian |
argentino | Argentinean |
el armario | dresser |
arreglar | to fix, settle, arrange |
arreglarse | to get ready |
el arreglo | compromise |
el arroz con frijoles | rice and |
beans | |
el arroz con leche rice pudding | |
así | like that, so |
asistir | to attend |
el asunto | matter |
el ateísmo | atheism |
la atención | attention |
atender | to serve |
atentamente | sincerely |
atento | attentive, sincere |
a tiempo | on time |
atravesar | to cross |
atreverse | to dare to |
atribuir | to attribute |
el atún | tuna |
aumentar | to increase |
aún | even |
aunque | although |
australiano | Australian |
austríaco | Austrian |
la autobiografía | autobiography |
el autobús | bus |
la autodefensa | self-defense |
el autor | author |
la autorización | authorization |
la avaricia | avarice |
la ave | poultry |
a veces | sometimes |
avergonzado | embarrassed |
el avión | plane |
ayer | yesterday |
ayudar | to help |
el azúcar | sugar |
azul | blue |
el bacalao | cod |
bailar | to dance |
bajo | short |
el bancario | banker |
el banco | bank, bench |
bañar | to bathe |
bañarse | to take a bath |
la barra | / (slash) |
bastante | rather |
la basura | trash |
la batería (tocar) | drums |
| (to play) |
el batido | milk shake |
el bebé | baby |
beber | to drink |
la bebida | drink |
belga | Belgian |
Bélgica | Belgium |
bello | beautiful, lovely |
la berenjena | eggplant |
la biblioteca | library |
el bibliotecario | librarian |
bien | well |
bienvenidos | welcome |
el bigote | moustache |
el billón | trillion |
el bistec | (beef) steak |
blanco | white |
la boca | mouth |
la boda | wedding |
el boleto | ticket |
el bolígrafo | pen |
boliviano | Bolivian |
bonito | pretty |
el borrador | board eraser |
el bote | boat |
el botón | key |
el Brasil | Brazil |
brasileño | Brazilian |
brillante | shiny |
bueno | good |
la bufanda | scarf |
el buñuelo | fritter |
buscar | to look for |
el buzón | mailbox |