The Falcon in the Barn (Book 4 Forest at the Edge series) (88 page)

Read The Falcon in the Barn (Book 4 Forest at the Edge series) Online

Authors: Trish Mercer

Tags: #family saga, #christian fantasy, #ya fantasy, #christian adventure, #family adventure, #ya christian, #lds fantasy, #action adventure family, #fantasy christian ya family, #lds ya fantasy

Oh, they’ve been by to
visit many times.” Yung’s smiled brightened. “Until tomorrow, then
. . . but Jothan—do one more thing for me, please.” He gestured to
the ancient stuffed chair. “Take a seat, would you? Just for a

Jothan shrugged. “All right, but I really
need to be leav—”

His sentence was stopped by the enormous
cracking sound that deposited the massive man on the floor and
surrounded him with splinters of wood, torn cloth, and old gray
bits of fluff floating around him.

Yung grinned. “Well done. Now that I don’t
even have a chair left, I suppose my time here is finished.”




Two other men sat in the dark office of an
unlit building. The sun would soon be rising.

Chairman Mal clenched several papers in his
hand, shaking. When he spoke, his tone could have ripped leather.
“So NOW what?!”

Genev took an analytical breath. “Really
quite remarkable when you think about it. He’s
thrown away his career. Unimaginable,”
he said with a faraway look in his eyes.

imagined it!” Mal bellowed to bring the younger man’s thoughts back
to the room. “And he did it!”

Genev shifted in his chair. “It’s nothing out
of our control—”

That’s what my former
colleague claimed once about a situation. And then he
his life!

Genev’s jaw firmed. “Are you threatening

No!” Mal shouted, waving
the papers. “Shin is! He killed Brisack in Moorland!”

The Administrator of Loyalty leaned back,
trying to appear confident, but he licked his lips nervously.
“What’s he going to do now, really? He has no army to command, so
he’s no threat to us—”

You said you read our
previous findings, right?” Mal seethed. “Where in those studies
have you ever seen that Perrin Shin and his wife are
threats to us? When have they ever acted in a predictable manner?
Surprises! Always!”

Genev met Mal’s fiery gaze. “What could he
possibly do?”

The Chairman shook his head in disbelief at
his new assistant’s ignorance. “Tell me, how many soldiers love
Colonel Shin? How many citizens saw that ridiculous play about him?
The only village it wasn’t performed in was Edge, yet the reports
were that Mountseen was flooded with Edge’s citizens for the four
weeks it ran there. There’s only one name more well-known in the
world than mine: Perrin Shin. And now he’s supporting his wife’s
me and the Administrators?” He threw the
papers to the ground in disgust.

Genev swallowed.

I knew Perrin back when he
was a student,” Mal continued, struggling to regain composure. “You
read about that. He never agreed with my theories or my tactics.
Not then, not now. Do you
want to know what he could
possibly do? The man you replaced promised me I would never again
hear the words General Shin or King Perrin. Then he lost his life
trying to make that so. You took his place and promised me General
Shin would be a good idea. It now seems clear that that is
the title he wanted. Would you like to take a guess as
to which title he’s going for now?”

The Administrator of Loyalty firmed his
position in his chair. “I assure you,
with my life
, that
there will be no King Perrin.”

Do you swear it with the
oath?” asked Mal severely.

Genev sat even taller and more resolute.
“With the same oath all Guarders swear allegiance to you: there
will be no King Perrin. Nor future King Peto. I swear it with my

Mal leaned back in his chair and exhaled.
“I’m satisfied with that answer. Now, what will you do to guarantee
your life remains yours?”

Genev thought for a moment, an air of worry
about him. “We still hold considerable power over the Shins. The
young captain has thickened Mrs. Shin’s file significantly. Nearly
every day she’s been teaching the impressionable and troubled youth
of Edge contrary to what the Department of Instruction requires.
I’ve already drafted the sedition papers, but with her outburst
she’s rather convicted herself, hasn’t she?” He ventured a
tentative smile.

The Chairman nodded slowly, but his
countenance suggested he was waiting for much more.

Genev nodded back and coughed politely. “Then
there’s the matter of the letter Captain Thorne found in the
colonel’s—I mean,
Mr. Shin’s
—desk, addressed to Zenos. All
kinds of implications in that, apparently. So many that he sent a
second messenger with news about it. We can certainly find a use
for that ‘death letter’ as well. That will be the final blow to
Mahrree Shin should everything else somehow fail.”

Is it still in the
captain’s possession?” Mal asked.

Yes, although I’ve told
him it should be sent to us immediately. I mean, the Administrator
of Loyalty told him—”

Mal cut him off with an admonishing finger
point. “Don’t be sloppy!”

Genev nodded. “Sir, I believe it’s all well
within our means to control,” he tried to salvage. “Perrin Shin’s
‘intentions’ must be exposed. After all, it
he may
be attempting a takeover of the Administrators,” he implied with
raised eyebrows.

Not bad,” Mal said slowly.
“Not a bad spin at all. You just may survive this, Genev. But no
allegations must come from either of us, nor from any of the

No, of course not,” Genev
said, not at all certain as to why he agreed.

The Chairman smiled faintly for the first
time that early morning. “However, I know who should make the
allegations.” He bent over and picked up the papers he’d thrown to
the floor. “Captain Thorne’s urgent message makes some serious
allegations. Given to
his father
, I’m sure General Thorne
can read between the lines and draw his own conclusions—with a
little guidance—about Perrin Shin’s future intents.”

Genev’s shoulders relaxed. “That should make
General Thorne much more satisfied with the present situation.
That, along with giving him the High Generalship?”

Mal sighed. “Yes, I suppose that must happen
now. I’ll have to rewrite all the scenarios, toss away all the
future questions. I really was looking forward to this, but now?”
He shook his head and looked out the dark window. “Perrin, Perrin,
you arrogant man. Do you realize how much work I’ve wasted on you
this past year? What insights could have been gained? I barely have
time to create new questions before . . .” He looked again at
Genev. “Before what? What’s going to be tested now?”

His associate shrugged. “I’m not entirely
sure yet. Have you considered just watching to see how things play
out for a time?”

The Chairman pointed at him. “I leave very
little up to chance! Observations should take place under carefully
controlled situations. I’m not about to throw away my life’s work
just because one of my test subjects continues to rebel! No . . .
no . . . he’s still coming back to Idumea.”

Genev smiled thinly again. “It sounds as if
you are already planning to execute something. Tell me, how do you
recommend we do this, sir?”

,” Mal
smiled. “This will follow under the jurisdiction of the
Administrators. As you mentioned, we have a very thick file waiting
to be addressed. We’ll soon have an intriguing letter written by
Perrin Shin’s hand that promises additional treachery . . .” He
looked off at the dark windows slowly lightening with the coming
dawn. A flurry of ideas passed over his face. Scenarios,
possibilities, fingers of blame, outcomes not even considered
before . . .

This may take a little bit
of time to massage,” he finally continued, interlacing his fingers

Genev waited patiently.

But it’ll be worth it.
Perhaps our focus should be on the Administrators for a time. Group
pressure is also a fascinating process to watch. Given enough
arguments, time, and stress even the most resolute and determined
man can be made fearful enough to completely reverse his ideals to
conform with everyone else. No, I believe you just may be correct.
There is still much under our influence. We are still ultimately in
control, aren’t we?” With renewed optimism, he bellowed. “Get me
General Thorne!”




As the sun rose that morning, a bleary-eyed
Captain Thorne stood in the doorway of Zenos’s quarters to watch
him pack. Thorne hadn’t slept at all that night, too engrossed with
what he found in Colonel Shin’s desk drawer, too caught up with
sending messengers to Idumea, and too busy reorganizing the

But he took time to make sure one
complication would be eliminated for the next few weeks while
everything at the Fort at Edge improved.

Not taking a uniform?”
Thorne said.

Don’t need it where I’m
going,” Zenos intoned. He shoved his work clothes into his pack and
buttoned it. “I’m ready for my goodbye kiss now.” He hefted his bag
on to his shoulder and smiled frostily at Thorne.

Thorne glowered. “Three weeks you have off,
soldier. Remember, I expect you to
yourself. Give my
regards to your father. Perhaps he’d like to see more of you?
Consider a transfer to Flax while you’re there. I’ve already sent a
message to the fort to look for you.”

If they can find me, they
can talk to me. Good luck, Captain. You’re going to need

Shem pushed past Thorne and on to the
stables. He strode across the compound, several soldiers looking at
him in surprise that he wore his worst work shirt and trousers. But
Shem didn’t notice as he went directly to his horse, which Thorne
had already ordered to be saddled. Nearby, Clark snuffed and
regarded him with questioning eyes. Shem would have to find a way
to get him to the Briters’ barn. Clark didn’t belong to the fort,
but convincing the fort of that when he returned might prove

Shem mounted and glanced back to see Thorne
standing in the compound with his arms folded, waiting. Without a
word, Shem kicked the horse and headed out the gates as the sun
began to rise.

He slowed the horse to a trot as he
approached the Briters’ farm, and spotted the soldier hiding in the
bushes leading up to their drive. He shook his head in

Don’t have the baby early,
please,” he whispered to the quiet house as he passed. “Take care.
I’ll be back. I promise.”

He continued down the road and turned to the
alley that led to the Shins. Another soldier sat in the tree behind
their house. Shem groaned quietly as he clucked his horse to walk
slowly past so as to not arouse the suspicion of the guard. He
looked askance as he passed the house hoping to see some movement
inside, but it was quiet as well.

Probably didn’t sleep well
last night,” he murmured. “I certainly didn’t. But if I can’t find
out what’s happening in the fort for you, I can find out something
somewhere else. Just lie low. I’ll be back,” he whispered and hoped
the message would somehow reach them.

At the end of the alley he turned his horse
back on to the road and kicked it into a gallop.

He had a long way to go. For the first time
in his life, Shem Zenos was headed south for his leave.




hapter 33 ~ “The quieter you both are, the faster all of this
will just . . . go away.”



ahrree had been
expecting the knock on the door in the morning.

Mr. Hegek smiled painfully, apologetically,
when she opened it.

Mrs. Shin, I’m so sorry to
have to do this but I was told that I needed to—” He stopped
because Mahrree was already handing him a sheath of

With a kind smile she said, “Last night I
made complete records about each student for whomever will be
filling in for me during the last few weeks of school. I wasn’t
about to get much sleep anyway. I wish you guidance from the
Creator, who I still believe in, Mr. Hegek. You’re going to need
all the help you can get.”

Mr. Hegek shook his head, his tiny green eyes
looking lost and pitiful. “Oh, Mrs. Shin. I feel so awful about
this. There’s so much I want to say to you—”

Perrin appeared behind her. “But you’d be
safer to say nothing,” he warned.

Colonel—Gen—I mean,
Shin—” Mr. Hegek closed his eyes briefly before saying,
with as much warmth as possible, “Thank you. For
Over the years.
Thank you

He tried to convey so much in those few
words, and Mahrree felt it all. She blinked back tears and nodded
to him, as did Perrin.

Mr. Hegek nodded back and left with Mahrree’s

Perrin closed the door. “Well, that wasn’t so
hard, was it?” He was already wearing The Dinner smile.

Mahrree shrugged. “So why do I feel like I
was just kicked out of school?”

Well then let’s sit down
at the table and ‘Consider the effect of our behavior upon our
peers!’” Perrin did his best Mr. Hegek impersonation.

Mahrree smiled. “Almost as good as Lannard.
You know, I think I might actually miss those boys.”

It’s just for a little
while, Mahrree. Give this some time and everything will calm down.
Hegek will be here by the beginning of Harvest Season begging you
to return. No one else will put up with those boys.”

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