The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (105 page)

Also, “Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control. Technical and scientific momentum would then feed on the situation it exploits,” Brzezinski predicted, in the same source.

“If one questions why THEY would initiate this ‘mass murder’ – across the entire planet and still expect to survive it should be noted that in the past 20 years these Illuminati elitists have built huge underground facilities throughout the world.  The fact is that they have developed massive underground facilities to avoid the Holocaust that they are creating.
The fact is they have literally launched an all-out attack on the Earth’s Atmosphere.
These Malthusian Minded Maniacs have the Minds of Monsters.  No one who is not either Satanic or insane would order millions of tons of deadly toxins containing aerosol compounds composed of Aluminum Oxide, Strontium, Barium, and Sulfur Hexafluoride to be dumped upon the population of the world.
Just look to the skies. This is not a Conspiracy Theory – This is Frightening – This is a Fact.”

The abundant circumstantial and actual evidence here points firmly to the fact that we are being manipulated against our knowledge or will, in an attempt to control us all.
We are being electronically influenced to focus inwardly and in consequence of this, turn a blind eye to what is going on in the world today right under our noses.
The ‘elephant in the room’ is the construction of the Elite’s ‘New World Order’ which is designed to suppress and subjugate us all, before we even realise what is happening.

This is but one more small piece in the overall jigsaw puzzle that leads me to conclude that the human race is under severe attack by a Satanically motivated cabal and our freedoms of thought and movement are being eroded as quickly as is possible.
Unless we stand up very soon and say ‘no more’, our time will soon have run out and our last opportunity to counter this threat will be gone forever.

FEMA – The Federal Emergency Management Agency

FEMA’s role in any disaster scenario in the US has to be seriously questioned.
Indeed they seem to specialise in aggravating the disaster by being deliberately obstructive, preventing medical and other aid reaching the victims and generally creating an atmosphere of fear and truth suppression among those they are supposedly trying to help.

I believe that the mission of FEMA has never in reality been to bring people food and water and help in times of crisis.
Alex Jones of ‘Infowars’ relates that he has attended numerous FEMA drills where the whole point of the exercise is to round people up, break up families and institute a brutal police state crackdown.

For example, FEMA needed to create a chaotic atmosphere in New Orleans after the artificially induced Hurricane Katrina so they could legitimise what they were doing.
Immediately following the disaster, there were multiple reports of police being ordered to guard key infrastructures in order to defend them from FEMA federal agents.
Sheriffs in several different counties were guarding highways to keep FEMA out.

They were treated as the enemy because they were known to be sabotaging key facilities in an effort to intentionally worsen the already desperate scenes of horror in New Orleans.
They were known to also be sabotaging lines of communication so that their activities could not be exposed to the wider relief authorities and the media.

Commenting on the sabotage by FEMA of communication lines, Washington insider Wayne Madsen stated that;

“Jamming radio and other communications such as television signals is part of a Pentagon tactic called ‘information blockade’ or ‘technology blockade’.
This tactic is one of a number of such operations that are part of the doctrine of ‘information warfare’ and is one of the psychological operations (PSYOPS) methods used by the US Special Operations Command.”

Radio host Carol Baker who was tracking the FEMA sabotage stated that Plaquemines Parish Sheriff Jeff Hingle had his deputies patrol the county line under orders not to let FEMA in.
As was discussed in the ‘Meet the Press’ interview, Jefferson Parish Sheriff Harry Lee also has armed guards patrolling the county line in order to prevent the FEMA sabotage.
FEMA has a number of Presidential executive orders to fall back upon that allow for the total federal takeover of any US city.

FEMA was clearly using this human catastrophe as a means of executing its long-term plans and providing the pretext for future takeover scenarios of all major American cities.
Amongst a litany of government inaction and outright dereliction, this is the most alarming evidence to emerge yet that clearly indicates an agenda for the federal government to profit and expand its power from exploiting the aftermath of disasters.

“FEMA is not an elected body, it does not involve itself in public disclosures and it even has a quasi-secret budget in the billions of dollars.
It has more power than the President of the United States or the Congress, it has the power to suspend laws, move entire populations, arrest and detain citizens without a warrant and hold them without trial, it can seize property, food supplies, transportation systems, and can suspend the Constitution.
Not only is it the most powerful entity in the United States, but it was not even created under Constitutional law by Congress.
A Series of Executive Orders dating from the 1960s onwards underlines the history of FEMA.
The plan for total control of every aspect of our lives has been under construction for a long time”.
[my emphasis – JH] Steve Watson,, 6 September 2005

“A trained National Police Force, formally referred to by the name of Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force (MJTF), wearing black uniforms and composed of:

1. Specially selected US military personnel

2. Foreign military units carrying United Nations ID cards, and

3. Specially trained existing police groups from larger metropolitan American cities.

These members of the MJTF will implement and enforce martial law under the direction and control of FEMA.
The President and Congress are out of the loop.
FEMA is the Trojan Horse by which the New World Order will implement overt, police-state control over the American populace”.
Ken Adachi,

So what does all this mean?
It was clear from the start that the goal of FEMA and Homeland Security was, not to rescue people, but to control them.
Their directive was to relocate families and businesses, confiscate property, commandeer goods, direct labour and services, and establish martial law.
This is what they have been trained to do.
The reason they failed to carry out an effective rescue operation is that this was not their primary mission and the reason they blocked others from doing so is that any operations not controlled by the central authority are contrary to their directives.
Their objective was to bring the entire area under the control of the federal government - and this they succeeded in doing very well.


William Anderson, in an article posted to the website of the von Mises Institute, came to the same conclusion but from a slightly different perspective.
He calls attention to the need for politicians and government agencies to be in the spotlight during emergencies so they can look good to the voters and claim credit for all positive results.
They are not interested in sharing the praise.

Anderson writes: “While the world is preoccupied with trying to fix the blame for the government's failure in New Orleans, the reality is that it did not fail at all.
It was a huge success in promoting its own agenda.
Unfortunately, that agenda was not to rescue American citizens.
Once this simple fact is understood, everything that happened in the wake of Katrina becomes understandable and logical.”


The Man-made ‘Global Warming’ Hoax

Have you perhaps noticed that ‘global warming’ has lately disingenuously been re-branded as ‘climate change’ by most commentators and reporters?
This is because it has now been shown beyond all doubt that the Earth is currently entering a period of cooling which is expected to continue for the next several decades.
Indeed this is all part of a natural cycle of warming and cooling that has been going-on for millions of years.

The utterly ridiculous and easily disproved fantasy of human-caused global warming by CO2 emissions is nothing but a gigantic hoax, a confidence-trick designed to extract even more money from we, the people in taxation, to further line the pockets of the already super-wealthy.

There are also other powerful factors at work here.
‘Climate change’ as we must now refer to it, is also being used to justify the ongoing centralisation of power, de-industrialisation, the passing of global laws and an expansion of the surveillance of the world population, all as part of the inexorable march towards the much-vaunted ‘New World Order’.
This is also another major example of the Hegelian dialectic; problem, reaction, solution technique.
Create a problem, wait for a demand for action and then provide the solution you wanted to see implemented in the first place.
By that method is the agenda advanced step by step by step.

Enter Mr Al Gore, fresh from his (planned) defeat at the hands of Bush the lesser in the 2000 presidential election campaign.
I can just imagine the scenario right now…

Sorry Al, but Georgie-boy is our choice this time around, but don’t worry, we have something even more important lined-up for you.
We want you to front this massive con… er, campaign that we have thought of to make us all even more billions.
Basically we are going to employ a whole bunch of scientists, corporations and politicians to falsely promote the fact that the Earth is suffering from some kind of runaway warming and that the only solution that will save mankind will be draconian measures that will ahem, stop it all.
Of course this will cost every single person on Earth an absolute ‘arm and a leg’, but never mind eh?
What do you say Al?
Will you do it Al?
You know it makes sense, Al.

Yes of course, Mr. Rothschild, sir.
Of course I will, sir – only too delighted Mr. Rothschild.
When can I start?

So, Gore embarked upon his quest to convince the entire world that the Earth is warming dangerously as a result of excessive CO2 emissions, all of course funded by the Rothschild millions.
One of his first actions was to produce the horrendously scientifically inaccurate film, An Inconvenient Truth which became the third most successful documentary in history and unsurprisingly won the ‘Oscar’ for best documentary.
Gore’s book of the same name also reached the top of the best-sellers list in America as the public fell for his scam ‘hook, line and sinker’ and furthermore, as if this was all not enough, Gore subsequently ‘won’ the Nobel Peace Prize for this great work of fiction.

Please bear in mind that this is the same Al Gore that Phillip Eugene de Rothschild, referred to thus:

“President Clinton has ‘full-blown’ multiple personality disorder and is an active sorcerer in the Satanic mystery religions.
This is also true of Al Gore, as well; I have known Clinton and Gore from our childhoods as active and effective Satanists.”

Incidentally, the Inconvenient Truth documentary has been distributed to all schools in Britain to be shown to teenagers, by the government despite a High Court judge ruling that it was too full of unscientific inaccuracies as well as gross distortions of the truth to be shown to impressionable youths.
But the law matters not a jot to these people of course.
Laws are only there to be obeyed when expedient for their agenda to do so; otherwise they may be ignored by them at will.
And perhaps even more tellingly, the psychological damage has now been done and the purpose of the film has been served.
No matter how much proof of its distortions and inaccuracies may now be forthcoming, the falsehoods it portrays are now firmly established in millions if not billions of human psyches all around the world.
This then of course renders the refuting of its false information, much, much more difficult.

Of course any concerned person realises that protection of the environment is vital to long-term human and indeed all life’s survival on the Earth, but that is not the real issue here, despite the fact that it is disingenuously portrayed as being so.
Climate change ‘theory’ is based on the complete myth or even downright lie, that global temperatures are inexorably increasing solely due to the levels of CO2 emitted by human-caused activities, whilst the real truth is that from the 1970s to the early 2000s, the Earth was actually undergoing a short period of naturally induced warming as part of a normal cycle of sun-spot activity.
This trend is now rapidly being reversed as we are now entering a sun-spot induced period of cooling, but of course this fact does not figure too prominently in the ‘warmists’ agenda and they therefore deny, but mainly ignore this particular inconvenient (for them) truth.

All their ‘warming’ predictions are based on totally unscientific premises and selective data derived mainly on the old computer principle of ‘garbage-in, garbage-out’ which roughly translated means that if the initial data input is incorrect then the resultant computer predictions based on that data will also be incorrect.

It is falsely claimed by these grand-scale con-artists that it is the excessive amounts of the ’greenhouse gas’, CO2 emanating from vehicle exhausts and industrial processes, especially those of the third world that is the root of the problem.
According to their shills, ‘useful idiots’ and downright professional liars, this excessive CO2 is collecting in the atmosphere and preventing the natural escape of heat into space and thus causing a build-up of warm air all around us that is the issue.

Of course we are now being extolled to become ‘carbon neutral’ and partake in the ‘carbon offset’ scam just as many companies that wish to cause pollution are now able to ‘buy’ ‘carbon credits’ from those who do not exceed their stated carbon emission limits.
What a farce it really is.
So essentially what is being said then is that is OK to cause pollution as long as you pay for it.
And where does this money go, you may well ask?
Well, luckily for us all, Gore has set up a company to facilitate it all, Generation Investment Management, based in London.

“So Al can buy his carbon offsets from himself.
Better yet, he can buy them with the money he gets from his long-term relationship with Occidental Petroleum.
See how easy it is to be carbon-neutral.
All you have to do is own a gazillion stocks in ‘big oil’, start an eco-stockbroking firm to make eco-friendly investments, use a small portion of your oil company’s profits to buy some tax-deductible carbon-offsets from your own investment firm and you too can save the planet whilst making money and leaving a carbon footprint roughly the size of Godzilla’s at the start of the movie when they’re all standing around in the little toe wondering what the strange depression in the landscape is.”
An Internet commentator

So please, please never, ever submit to the blatant con now being perpetrated by some airline companies that generously invite you to buy your carbon credits when paying for a ticket.
This is all nothing but a highly lucrative fraud being perpetrated against us all through the emotional blackmail of ‘saving the planet’.
At the time of writing, these airline carbon credits are voluntary, but in line with the ‘totalitarian-tiptoe’ it is simply the prelude to more and more taxation, even more Orwellian controls and perhaps most importantly to prevent the developing nations (third world) from gaining a share of the profit gravy-train currently being enjoyed almost exclusively by the first world and the likes of Gore and his cronies.

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.
All of these are caused by human intervention.
The real enemy then is humanity itself.”
Aurelio Pecci, The Club of Rome, a part of the Round Table network, 1991

In 2006 an offshoot of the United Nations, The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) began to inform the world that global warming is the direct result of human-caused carbon emissions.
It has since become the de facto truth (along with many other lies exposed in this book) that carbon emissions are warming the planet at an unsustainable rate despite the now proven fact that the Earth is now in an intensive period of ‘cooling’.
However, please note that the IPCC is not a scientific body at all, despite some of its apologist’s claims; it is a purely political institution with its own agenda and replete with all the bias inherent in such organisations.

“The IPCC is not a scientific institution; it’s a political body, a sort of non-government organisation of green flavour.
It’s neither a forum of neutral scientists nor a balanced group of scientists.
These people are politicised scientists who arrive there with a one-sided opinion and a one-sided assignment.”
Vaclav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic

The IPCC’s claim that it represents 2000+ of the world’s foremost scientists is an unadulterated lie.
Its report purportedly had the backing of all these scientists, most of whom are blatantly and deceptively, named within its covers.
However since the publication of this huge fairy-tale masquerading as truth, at least 60% of these named scientists have formally protested at the inclusion of their names within its pages, all of which were used without their express permission and indeed many have demanded that their names be specifically excluded from it – all of which has fallen of course upon ‘deaf ears’ and as usual remained unreported by the compliant media.

As an example (among many) Professor Paul Reiter one of the world’s foremost authorities on tropical diseases, whose name was included without his express permission, gave an example of the blatant untruths within the report when he said that it states within its pages that tropical diseases such as malaria were more likely with the advent of global warming, to spread to formerly ‘colder’ parts of the world than before.
This he pointed out is in fact, nonsense.
Mosquitos actually thrive better in colder temperatures and are abundant within the Arctic Circle in such places as Siberia for example where there are 13 million cases a year reported on average.
In fact, he said, he was horrified by the entire report as it was he said… ‘…so much misinformation… virtually without mention of scientific literature by specialists in those fields’.

The IPCC report is simply put, a document compiled to support a pre-arranged outcome and designed to fool the public into believing that which is not true.
In this it has been a raging success.

“The IPCC like any other UN body is political.
The final conclusions are politically driven.” Professor Phillip Scott, the department of Geography, University of London

We are constantly being fed the line that the Earth is now ‘warmer than at any time since records began’.
Sounds impressive yet foreboding does it not?
However, upon hearing statements such as these it is worth remembering that records only began in fact as recently as 1914, less than 100 years ago, at the time of writing.
Yet another example of the depths of deceit to which the warmists do not hesitate to stoop in their constant battering of our senses to drive home their messages of doom and gloom.
As I stated previously, the Earth is subject to constant and ongoing fluctuations in the warming and cooling cycle that has been in evidence for hundreds of millennia and a mere one hundred year period taken in isolation, forms no statistical basis whatsoever upon which to base proper scientific data.

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