The Fighter Duet: Two Full-Length, Red-Hot New Adult Fighter Romances (34 page)


awn is
a hazy glow when I open my eyes again. The rain has passed, and I’m in Koa’s bed with his large body around me. His arms hold my waist, and we’re curled tightly together. I’ve never felt so perfect.

Once I realized it was him who had been outside my window, he’d been the one to chase the fear away and allow me to sleep, I knew I couldn’t wait for California. I needed to be with him. Last night had been the second most incredible night of my life.

Now, however, it’s morning, and I have no clothes. I came over here in my lynx form, thinking I’d apologize hopefully get lucky, and then slip out again before anyone was the wiser. Somewhere along the way, my plans changed, and I couldn’t leave. I think it was when the moon finally appeared, and we saw the same thing reflected in each other’s eyes.

What’s happening between us is more than a casual hookup. Still, I won’t say the words yet. Even though we’re shifters, it’s too soon, and I have too much at stake to follow that train of thought at this point.

Twisting slowly, I try to loosen his grip without waking him. It doesn’t work. When I start to squirm, his grip on me tightens, then he relaxes and lets me go, rolling onto his back with a deep exhale.

I’m on my stomach, propped on my elbows, and I look up at him through my hair. “I need to go now.”

For a moment, he rubs his face before pushing into a sitting position. Green eyes catch mine, and the little spark in them sizzles low in my belly.

“Come here first,” His voice is scratchy with sleep, but he reaches down and easily pulls me onto his lap.

Our chests are pressed together, and I drop my head to his shoulder, thinking about morning breath and wondering if my eyes are crusty. He catches my chin and lifts it, nipping the side of my jaw before moving his mouth into my hair.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

My eyes press closed at the humming sensation his voice triggers just below my skin. “Koa, I need to go.”

“Okay,” he whispers, kissing my ear.

I feel his erection against my thigh, and I know I can’t leave him unsatisfied. Lifting my chin, I move forward on his lap, lifting my ass so I can take him deep inside me.

“Mmm,” it’s a low rumble against my skin, and the flames in my stomach fan hotter as he grips my hips.

“I thought you had to go,” he says, but I hear the smile in his voice.

I don’t stop working him, moving my arms around his shoulders so my breasts bounce between us with each thrust.

“Oh, Mercy,” he groans, and my insides clench at the sound. “Mercy.” Again, my body responds to him. The pressure low in my stomach is tightening as he scoops my ass, grinding my clit against his pelvis.

He moves me faster, waiting for me to come. My heart beats harder until I’m sure it will fly out of my chest. The tension in my stomach is almost unbearable then I feel his teeth against my neck. He bites me, sucking hard at my skin, and I explode, my orgasm shimmering through my stomach as pleasure snakes up my thighs.

“Koa… oh, Koa.” I’m burning in his arms and he comes with a low groan.

I feel every pulse, every movement of him stretching me to the core. We finish, and he still holds me close. His arms are tight around my shoulders as his lips press against my temple. I’m holding on for dear life, my knees pressed to my chest, his cock buried deep inside me.

I’m not sure I can shift. I’m not sure I can move. I never want to leave the circle of his arms. It’s several minutes before I realize he’s still kissing my face, sliding the palm of his hand across my lower back and down, cupping my ass.

I manage to lean back and clear my throat. “What was I saying?”

His face splits with the most beautiful smile, and he actually laughs. I can’t believe the sound.

My breath catches, and I have to blink to clear the mist in my eyes. “I’ve never seen your smile. I’ve never heard you laugh.”

He leans forward to kiss my eyebrow. “I haven’t had much reason until now.”

“I like that I make you smile.”

“Me too.”

Again, our eyes meet, and I feel something… Something I don’t want to feel right now. This time, I drop my chin and move to sit beside him on the bed.

“I really do have to go before I’m caught here.”

“You know, I have clothes you can borrow.”

“They’ll be way too big.”

I stand and go to the door completely nude. When I look back, I see the gleam in his eye as he watches me. “You’re not getting any arguments here.”

I turn the knob, leaving a crack in the door, but I wiggle my naked ass at him before I shift. I’m on four paws and darting down the back stairs when I hear his laugh again and warmth fills my chest.

* * *


Weekdays are slow at the gym. Other than a few retirees and one young mother working with Mercy on losing her baby weight, it’s just Andy, Jim, Mercy, and me hanging around, working on our fitness for most of the day.

I keep my distance from Mercy when we’re working. Andy did threaten to fire me if I didn’t stay away from her, and I respect his position as my boss. Still, we’re pretty addicted to touching each other when we pass in the halls, and I can’t resist grabbing her slim hips and stealing a kiss whenever we’re alone.

We’re in just such a clutch when Jim rounds the corner, catching us in a deep embrace, tongues entwined.

“Hey, Mercy. Sorry, dudes.” We break apart, and she rubs her cute little nose against mine as he continues. “I was just thinking we should work on a new hold I can attack you with. You know. Something you can teach the girls to escape from?”

He gives me a mild glare, and I can’t help a laugh. It’s hilarious to have Jim reprimand us.

“Sure!” Mercy says, pulling away from me and following him to the front of the gym. I go behind the juice bar where I can pretend not to watch as I fix myself a protein shake.

Andy wanders out to where I’m standing behind the bar. “Fix one of those for me,” he says casually, and I nod. “Starting tomorrow, why don’t you do two to nine weekdays? It’s when we’re busiest.”

“Sounds good,” I say, silently hoping it doesn’t mean I’ll miss Mercy.

“Let’s see,” she says, positioning her small, tight body in front of Jim’s larger, much softer one on the mats out front. “We’ve pretty much covered attacks from the front, from behind…”

“How about I come at you from the side?”

Her pretty brow clenches over her beautiful blue eyes. “It has to be something that could happen in real life.”

“I know!” Jim is practically bouncing in place. “You know how sometimes people you least expect will try to attack you out of the blue. Like the ole switcheroo?”

“I don’t think that’s the ole switcheroo,” she notes slowly. “Still, you bring up a great point. We need to talk to them about date rape.”

“Aw, that kind of bums me out, dude.”

“What does?”

“Date rape.” Jim looks down at the mat. “Dates are supposed to be fun.”

She nods. “You’re right. It’s a sucky topic.”

“So what should I do?”

“What if you pretend to be my friend and then make a pass at me.”

“Is that all?”

“No, when I say ‘Stop, I’m not interested,’ you don’t take no for an answer. You keep pushing me for more. Think you can do that?”

He does a little shrug. “I guess.”

Andy and I are quiet, shakes in hand as we watch the scenario unfold out front. Mercy smiles up at Jim, light in her pretty eyes and sunshine on her face. Everything changes when Jim starts to play his role. He puts his hands on her upper arms, and when she tries to push them off, he grips her tighter, holding her against her will.

I don’t expect the ball of fury that explodes my stomach as I watch my beautiful Mercy refuse our simple co-worker. My head knows he’s playing a role. It’s their job, and what’s more, she’s a shifter. Mercy could rip Jim’s head off. Still, when he shakes her and pulls her against him, my insides revolt.

“I said NO!” Mercy says with more force.

“Well, I’m sorry, dude.” Jim’s voice is raised. “I’m not taking no for an answer this time.”

His delivery is stilted, but the sight of him grabbing her body causes something inside me to snap. I’m over the juice bar and headed out front before I can register what I’m doing.

“Dude!” I barely hear Jim’s cry before I have him by the neck, up against the wall. “Dude…” He chokes.

With my shifter strength, I have him off the floor, and I’m crushing his esophagus.

“Koa!” Through the blackness clouding my vision, I realize Mercy is pulling my arm. She’s jumping up and down beside me, jerking it. “Koa!

Suddenly, I realize where we are and what I’m doing. My death grip on Jim’s throat relaxes, and I let him go. He crumples to the floor, and I step back, rubbing my face with my hands.

“Jim…” I’m shaken, and our friend is on the floor gasping for air. “I’m sorry, man. I don’t know what came over me.”

Dropping to a knee, I reach for his arm. He instinctively rears back, putting up an elbow to block me. “Stay back, bro!”

He’s genuinely terrified, and shame burns in my chest. It’s been a long time since I’ve lost control that way. All my years of anger management seem to have left me in one simple threat to Mercy.

Rising slowly, I back toward the juice bar, wondering if I should tender my resignation now or wait to be fired.

Andy sticks his head out. “Why don’t you take the afternoon off,” is all he says before heading back to his office, leaving Mercy and me to figure out what to do next.

Her palms are gentle against my biceps. I blink down to her blue eyes, and she’s looking at me with such warmth. I can see she’s holding back words. I’m just the opposite. I have no words for what I did, but I agree with Andy.

“I’d better take the afternoon off.”

“Okay.” Her voice is soft, and holding my forearm, as she rises on her toes to kiss my cheek.

Our eyes meet again, and that feeling is back, that overwhelming protectiveness.
Nothing hurts Mercy.
Yeah, I need to get out of here.

I spend the rest of the day wandering the streets, looking in shop windows and trying to get my bearings on how I’m changing and what I’m going to do about it. I’ve got to figure out what that unknown evil is lurking around Mercy’s house. I’ve got to settle that problem, and then I really should get back on the road.

My feelings for Mercy are getting out of control. I don’t understand them, and I can’t rationalize them away. I stole her blood, as if I have a right to be inside her mind. I’ve allowed myself to get too attached to her when I don’t have anything to offer her at this point.

She’s a beautiful, high-class shifter, and I’m a banished rogue. I have to reestablish myself before I can even think about approaching her seriously. As it stands, I can’t even buy her dinner.

It’s sunset when I’m walking back to the garage apartment. Thinking about Mercy, I realize I’m so pathetic, I don’t even have a phone to text or call her. Briefly, I think of walking back to the discount store and picking up a burner when I see Jim waiting in Doris’s driveway.

I pause at the street, but he strides forward, hands raised. “Dude, I totally get it.” He stops right in front of me. “If a big dude like me was hurting Sally that way, I’d do the same thing you did.”

My shoulders relax and I shake my head. “Jim, I’m really sorry, man. I just snapped.”

“Don’t even apologize, bro. Bygones.”

“I’m not sure it’s bygones.”

“Oh, it’s bygones. I put my hands on your woman, and then I didn’t stop when she asked me to stop. It was a total kick-ass offense.”

“You weren’t doing anything wrong. You’re supposed to work out these scenarios for the class. I know you’d never hurt Mercy.”

Jim nods vigorously. “Right, but at the same time, I don’t have to watch my lady being attacked by me. At least I know Mercy’s going to kick my ass when I’m doing it. That makes it okay.”

I’m not going to win this argument. I acted irrationally, but Jim seems ready and willing to let me off the hook for it. I grasp his shoulder hard, pulling him in for a solid man-hug.

“I know you’re her friend.”

When I release him, he seems a little embarrassed. “I like Mercy a lot. I’d hate my job if I wasn’t helping those girls stay safe.

“You’re a good guy.” I nod. “I’ll miss you when I leave here.”

He goes quiet a moment, eyes thoughtful. “I didn’t know you were leaving, bro. I’m sorry to hear that.”

Awkwardness fills the space. I can’t seem to get it right with Jim today. “It probably won’t be for a little while. At least a week or so.”

He nods and turns, heading slowly back towards Doris’s place, shoulders slumped. “Wow. I’m kind of bummed out now.”

I watch him go inside then I glance up at the growing twilight. I haven’t seen Mercy since early afternoon, and I’m jonesing for a hit off her beautiful lips.

I could shift, and run over for a quick visit. Only, if I did that, I’d be naked when I shifted back. With a grin, I imagine where that would lead. The idea of running with clothes in my mouth is not appealing, so I take off on foot.

Walking takes considerably longer than running in my panther form. It’s dusk by the time I reach the grounds of her family’s place. Again, the large house is all lit up like a cruise ship, and I wonder why.
Are they expecting guests?
We’ve never discussed her family or what her obligations might be to them. As if I have a right to ask.

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