Read The Firefighter's Cinderella Online

Authors: Dominique Burton

The Firefighter's Cinderella (18 page)

“I'm feeling a little better,” she replied. “If all of you hadn't risked your lives, I wouldn't be here. How can I thank you?”

“That you're still with us is thanks enough, Tasha. Let's start by looking at your hands.” She held them out. “No permanent damage from frostbite.” He listened to her heart. “Sounds good. Let me take a look at your feet.”

He lifted the sheet and blanket to her knees, revealing one bare foot and the other in a big cast, which had been put on after the bone had been reset. “After what you were exposed to, you're a fortunate woman to have lost only one toe to frostbite.”

“I am.” She smiled weakly. “I feel hideous. Do you think I'll be able to run again?”

“Yes. Let me show you something.” He went over and closed the door. “By the way, where's lover boy?”

“C.J.? Went to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat. He should be back soon.” She eyed the cot next to her bed with a loving expression. “He's hardly left my side since you rescued me from that tree.”

The doctor smiled. “Now I'm going to show you something private and very confidential.”

Her eyebrows shot up as Cole scooted a stool over, then took off his crocs and socks. He showed her his feet.

“Wow,” Tasha said. “Your toes are worse than mine!”

“I know, and yet I ski, run and do everything I want. When I was a teen out helicopter skiing with my brother, I got buried in an avalanche and spent a very long cold night on the mountain. They didn't find me until the next day.”

Tasha had tears in her eyes. “Thank you for giving me hope.”

“You're welcome. Just keep it a secret. I have to maintain my image.”

Tasha nodded as she wiped the moisture off her cheeks. When C.J. entered the room, larger than life as always, Cole was putting on his shoes and socks.

“Damn it, Cole. What are you doing now? Why is she crying? Did you hurt her during the exam?”

“Chris—I told her she was able to go home with you. She was so happy she cried.” Cole winked at Tasha and she smiled.

“Oh. Now that's different.” C.J. walked over and sat on the bed. “So where's home?”

“Alaska,” she declared.


“I'm going to take this as my cue to leave.” Cole got up and began to head for the door. “I'm sure Nurse Chris will take good care of you.”

“Funny, Doc. Thanks,” C.J. said.

After Cole left C.J. turned to Tasha. “What are you talking about? Our whole lives are in San Francisco.”

“Yes, and they could be again one day. You're a captain and I have a growing practice that I love and will miss. But I adore the peace and quiet of this rugged land. I've been going so hard for so long, I just want to sit back and enjoy life for once.”

“Really?” His eyes searched hers.

“Yes, really. I heard you talking to Jake last night about firefighting.” She eyed his jaw, which was covered in morning stubble. “I don't know how to explain this, but I love seeing you come in here wearing jeans and a flannel shirt with that padded vest. You need time to recover from the bomb, and I need time to heal, too.”

“Living here is a huge change, you know.”

“I'm aware, but just listen. I love the man you are up here. I love your family and friends. But I want our children to grow up where they have grandparents who
will love them and want to be with them on a daily basis.”

He looked stunned. She continued, “I've been thinking about everything since we spent the night in your parents' house. I've never felt family love like yours.” Tasha turned in the bed so she could see C.J. better. “Do you think we could go stay at your parents' house till we buy one of our own in Craig?”

C.J. kissed her so hard, it almost stole her breath. “I can't believe the words you just spoke.” He wrapped his arms around her so he was cradling her closely.

“Will you be happy to live here,” she asked, “and give up your position as captain?”

“Oh yeah. The forest service has need of rangers for fighting fires. I'll find out if there's an opening at the Craig Fire Station. As long as I'm with you, I don't care. My worry is for you, Tasha. What about your parents? Your practice? You have a brilliant mind that needs to work.”

“First, we'll have enough money to see my parents all we want. And I don't plan on closing my practice in San Francisco. I'll leave it open, and have Richard run it with some new employees. But I'm going to open a branch in Craig, Alaska, to help Native Americans with their rights on Prince of Wales Island.”

“The news just keeps getting better and better,” he whispered emotionally. “And now I have something really exciting to tell you.”


“I was going to announce the news when I walked in, but you seemed upset.”

“Tell me!”

“They got Mendez.”

She sat up a little, then fell back into his arms. “When?”

“Today. Your dad called and told me. The police got a lead from one of the people you interviewed. It's because of
work. You helped to put him away.”

“That's the best news in the world. Oh! I can't wait to read everything about how it happened.”

C.J. had a smile as wide as the Alaskan sky. “I bet you can't.” He kissed her forehead and then her nose and then her lips.

Once Tasha returned to earth after the incredible sojourn with C.J.'s mouth he whispered, “I love you, Tasha.”

“I love you, too.”

“We've got to get married fast!”

Tasha laughed. “I agree. But can it wait till I can walk again?”

“Anything for you, sweetheart,” C.J. said, and sealed his words with another kiss.


like a fairy princess in that dress.” Genevieve Bennington stared at her daughter as if she didn't want to give her up.

“Thank you, Mom.” Tasha hugged her. She walked over to the full-length mirror in Doris and Doug's bedroom to look at herself in the Vera Wang bridal gown.

The dress was called Fairy Princess. She couldn't believe it when she and her mom had gone dress shopping in San Francisco a few weeks earlier. Once they'd put the gown on her, she knew it was right. An off-the-shoulder style made of ivory organza with cut petals,
it had beautiful vanilla ribbons fashioned across the hem and a creamy bow that tied just below her waist, making her look tiny around the middle.

The veil was the one her mom had worn on her own wedding day, and as Genevieve put the diamond-studded tiara on her daughter's head, she started to cry. Tasha turned to her. “Mom, what's wrong?”

“I'm sorry I've never been the mother you needed, Natasha.”

“We've been over this.” Tasha smiled at her. “It's time to move on and begin again.”

“I'm going to miss you all the way up here in Alaska.” Genevieve wiped the tears from her perfectly made up face.

“I'm going to miss you, too.” She kissed her mom's cheek.

“No time for me getting all misty-eyed with you needing to walk down the aisle and all.” Genevieve made sure the tiara was anchored firmly to the beautiful updo. Tasha had curls falling around her shoulders and curls pinned to her head. She'd never felt more beautiful. She couldn't wait for C.J. to see her.

“Are you two done in there?” Doris called out. “I have something for Tasha.” Tasha's parents had flown Doris to San Francisco to be fitted for a dress. Each in her own way, the mothers looked stunning in the violet-ice dresses custom-made for them. Genevieve had also arranged to have makeup artists and hairdressers at the house. Doris was in heaven.

“Now, Tasha, I can see your mama gave you something old with that beautiful tiara veil you're wearing. But my family has a tradition of walking down the aisle
with a particular garter.” Doris had a delighted look in her eye.

“Are you serious?” Tasha said.

“Come on over here and let me put this on you.”

Genevieve was all smiles. “I think this is a wonderful tradition, Doris.”

Tasha's soon-to-be mother-in-law slipped it on the bride's leg. “It's so good to see you without a cast, dear, and those shoes are darling.” She gestured at the dainty, ballet-style slippers.

“It feels good to be out of a cast, too,” Tasha said. “I love the garter, Doris. And I love

“I love you, too. You brought my Christopher home, and for that I'll be forever thankful.” Doris started getting misty-eyed.

George poked his head in, “It's time, ladies.”

Tasha's dad looked especially handsome in a tux. His green eyes glowed when he saw her, making her feel loved and wanted. “Oh my…I can't believe Tasha is all grown up and ready to get married.” He shook his head. “Now, moms need to proceed. Sammi is waiting for you to start the wedding procession.”

When they'd gone, he turned to his daughter. “You're a beautiful bride. I have something else that's old for you.” He handed her a large black jewelry case he'd been hiding behind his back. Inside was a choker with oval-cut diamonds strung together in perfection, with a white gold clasp. “My mother loved this necklace and I haven't wanted to see it since she died. But so much has changed, and now I'm giving it to you, Tasha, to astound everyone today.”

Tasha had to try hard not to cry, so her makeup wouldn't be ruined. “I love you, Daddy.”

“I love you too, princess.” He hugged her tight. “Let's get you down that aisle, to where that fine young man is dying to marry you. You couldn't have picked a better husband.”

“Thank you. Thank you for everything.” She reached up and kissed him on the cheek.

C.J.'s dad, attractive in a tux, poked his head in. “Everything okay? Wow, you look beautiful!”


“Are you ready?”

She nodded. “Let's go.”


planning, Tasha couldn't believe the moment had finally arrived. She and her dad walked out of the house along a violet carpet lined with white and purple roses. The carpet led to a flat area beyond the house where chairs were set up to look out over the sea. Terrance had worked overtime helping her plan the wedding, bless his heart.

Her parents had spared no expense. Tasha had decided to give up and let them enjoy giving their only daughter away in the backyard wedding of the century on Prince of Wales Island.

A string quartet could be heard in the background playing Offenbach's “Barcarolle.”

Once she and her dad reached the end of the violet carpet, she saw Sammi, Doris and her mom. They all looked stunning. It was an evening wedding, and even the aurora borealis seemed to celebrate the union.

Sammi started down the aisle, followed by Doris and then Genevieve. Tasha had asked Sammi and Doris to be her bridesmaids and, in an unusual twist, asked her mom to be matron of honor.

The wedding was an intimate event with only a few close friends and family members. A huge party would be held after the ceremony at a resort north of town, where guests had been arriving all week. Natasha didn't care about that. The wedding itself was the part she'd been adamant about. She wanted to be married here, where she'd first found a real home.

“Are you excited?” her dad asked.

“More than you'll ever know.”

He bent down to kiss her cheek, then led her forward. She looked ahead to where C.J. was waiting for her, gazing as if trying to memorize every inch of her. Then she glanced around and saw Jake blow her a kiss. Cole gave her a wink, and Richard grinned.

As she drew closer Tasha couldn't believe how handsome C.J. looked in his dress firefighter uniform. She was delighted that he'd worn it. In a way, it showed that he, too, had healed from the trauma they'd both been through.

Her father put her hand in C.J's. “Take good care of her, son.”

“I will.”

Against a magically lit sky, the pastor recited the time-honored words and they pledged their vows. It wasn't until the pastor said, “You may kiss the bride,” that Tasha realized they were really married.

“Benny, I'm going to love you forever,” C.J. whispered, his eyes blazing with love.

“Right back at you, Jeremiah.”

ISBN: 978-1-4592-1464-4


Copyright © 2011 by Dominique Burton

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