The First Touch (Templer Series) (11 page)

He returns to the front of my sex, kneading my clit with the palm of his hand while he thrusts a finger, then two into the folds of my sex, circling then thrusting, circling then thrusting. I’m arching against his hand, his body
, screaming out my moans, my body slamming itself in spasms against the wall. The tight pull through my stomach intensifies as I ride his fingers and the palm of his hand.

“FUCK!” He screams “Come, baby, come!” And I convulse, shattering down onto his fingers, shouting out my orgasm.

I’m still bucking and convulsing as he releases me and spins me around, pushing me face up against the wall. I hear his zipper rip free. His fingers plunge into my folds, causing me to thrust and arch against him. He releases his fingers and slides his around to my front, cupping my sex, and in one hard thrust rams his pulsing cock into me. My nipples scrape and bite against the wall, both pain and pleasure, causing me to cry out again. He’s bending and thrusting upwards hard into me, almost lifting me from the floor. He’s roaring out his groans, his fingers cutting so tight into my flesh as he grips me tighter and tighter.

His fingers catch and collect
my cream and begin the circle my anus bud, still thrusting deeper and deeper into me. He slowly inserts a finger into the bud, pulling halfway out and plunging back in again, repeating over and over. The intensity of the sensation is beyond anything I have ever experienced, and I want more, need more.

“More, baby….more….PLEASE! DREW!” I cry out.

He creams more juices onto his fingers and plunges in again. I’m bucking, thrusting against this singular finger. He releases and inserts two fingers, one large thrust. I buck again. Still thrusting, pacing harder and harder with this cock ramming hard inside my pussy. “MORE, DREW! MORE!” I shriek out.

“FUCK, TILLY! FUCK! I’M GOING TO FUCK YOUR ASS!” In a thunderous roar, he bites out the words, his jaw clenching, c
lashing teeth upon teeth.

He readies his cock, sliding up and down between the cracks
of my ass, circling the tip of his shaft around and around the anus bud, coating its entrance with my cream. One last plunge of the finger, releasing, and I feel the bite as he pushes the tip of his shaft stretching the rim of the bud. He eases an inch in and I’m feeling his rigidity and trembling legs as he struggles to go slow, restraining himself. I’m crying out my moans, pain and pleasure coursing through me. He loses his control and thrusts his whole length into me. I feel my scream in my ears, wrenching itself from my lungs, burning my throat. I can’t comprehend this feeling of pain causing such intensity of pleasure, finding my ass eager pushing back in to him, seeking more. He thrusts once more, drawing his cock almost fully out and plunging deep inside me again.

! I’m coming, baby….I’m coming…FUCK! TILLY!”

The immensity of his orgasm, shuddering through him, caus
es his legs to buckle and give beneath him, crashing us to the floor. We lay tangled, sodden in sweat, retching for breath. Unexpectedly, he suddenly grabs a tight hold of my whole body, I’m crumpled almost foetus, and carries me to his bed, wrapping his arms and legs around me, squeezing me into me, spooning me.

“Baby, tell me you’re ok….oh, god, please tell me you’re ok! Tilly, please!”

I can hear the break in his voice, his chest heaving out a sob. A wrenching ache hits my throat as I hear the sob. I fight myself free turning to face him. His face is soaked with tears, and I can’t bear it, my own tears springing, stinging at my eyes. I pull his face to mine, kissing his eyes, kissing his cheeks.

“I’m ok…I’m ok. Drew, look at me!” I jerk his face up to look into my eyes. His eyes are crinkled in pain. “Baby, I’m ok. That was
FUCKING AMAZING, ok?” I kiss his eyes and cheeks again, smiling widely at him. Relief spreads across his face, his mouth finding mine, breathlessly kissing me long and slow and tender. We wrap around each other, still facing, still kissing loving and tender until we can no more, and sleep takes over….still fully clothed….not moving until the morning lights breaks through the window.


Chapter Fourteen


I’m awoken by the sensation of light, tickly kisses on the nape of my neck and I stretch my limbs arching back into his mouth. His hand is stroking up and down the side of my body. He’s murmuring but I can’t make out the words. A soft moan parts my lips. A warm breath at my ear.

“Morning, beautiful Tilly”

“Morning, Mr Templer”

I hear the smile before the laugh joins it. I’m aware of a sharp scratching at my back, and it’s not the delicious feel of his erection.


“Yes, baby?”

“What’s that digging in my back…..unless your cock has developed hard, pointy edges?!” I giggle.

He jumps away from me and I turn to face him.

“My belt buckle, sorry!” He grins sheepishly at me. We are both still dressed (although I’m minus a shredded thong), our clothes twisted and crumpled in knots on our bodies.

“You looked thoroughly and happily
, Mr Templer”

“I’m very happily
, Miss Teague… have no idea how happily
I am…..but I could force myself to show you if you insist!” A wide grin breaks across his face, his eyes wide and twinkling.

I stretch my body and limbs in a long, slow stretch never breaking eye contact with his eyes.
I smile the most seductive smile of my life.

“Oh, if you must force yourself to show me…..
then take me, Mr Templer, take me” I purr each breathy, pouty word out.

“Fuck, Tilly, you have no fucking idea what you do to me….” He groans before launching himself at me.

“DREW! Bloody Hell!” I yelp.

He springs back, eyes wide.

“Jesus….what….what have I done?”

“Take that damn belt buckle off
!” And we both dissolve into laughter.

Nearly an hour later, I am thoroughly in heaven. Drew has licked and kissed every inch of my body so slowly and so tenderly
, I am melted into the mattress. He made love to me so slowly, so incredibly tenderly, I feel completely overwhelmed. I have never experienced this feeling of being wanted so much.

We are now facing each other, surrounded by warm, oily scented water in the biggest bath I have ever seen. Occasionally, we each lift a sponge to wash a limb but mostly we are just watching each other. Moments go by in this blissful cocoon. I am so achingly happy. I want to burst and tell him now that I love him.
That I am so deeply in love with him. I have to. I lean forward and begin to open my mouth but he interrupts me.


“Yes, baby?”

“I don’t know if I can do this….I
don’t know how to say this…” His head is down, he’s mumbling the words out, his face looking pained.

“What? WHAT!”
I splurt out, panic rising in my throat.
Oh, god….please don’t do this….
Tears spring into my eyes.
Oh, god, don’t you feel this between us……I can’t be imagining this tenderness, this love….

“Please don’t cry….oh, Jesus ……let me explain, Tilly”

A sob escapes from my throat. I try to stand to get out of the bath, out of here, to run. But he grips my arms and pulls me to him, squeezing me to him. My sobs increasing now. “I-I thought you wanted this….felt the same as me….” I’m spilling the words in between sobs. I want away from him but somehow I’m squeezing him tighter, fingers gripping into his flesh.

I’m trying to explain…..I
want this….fuck, I
want this. Us. You and Me. Please listen to me. Look at me”

I snap my head up “But you said….you said….”

“Just listen, Tilly. Please.” He bends his head to plant kisses across my mouth. “Just hold me tight and listen.”


“I’ve never wanted a relationship. Stop it Tilly. I can see the panic in your eyes. Just listen, baby, please. It will be ok. I’m not going to hurt you”

I can see his chest moving heavily up and down, deep, deep breath. He starts to speak again.

“I’ve never wanted a relationship…not with anyone, ever. I watched my mother destroy my father. He loved her so deeply that when she deserted him and us….I was ten……he couldn’t bear it. Work and his children became his life. All the focus was on us and he gave nothing to himself, pushing and pushing himself so hard, and never loving another woman….not even just sex or dating…..pushing himself until he collapsed and died the day before his sixty first birthday.”

His voice breaks and a tear
runs down his cheek. I reach to touch his face but he clasps my hand, holding it away, smiling softly at me.

“Don’t touch me, baby. Not yet or I’ll break….and I need to get this out. It’s important. You are important.”

Another tear rolls down his cheek and I’m aching to thumb it away. I feel my own tears building again but I must focus in him. He takes a huge deep breath in, holds it in his chest and exhales out loudly.

You see, I heard him……crying, breaking his heart night after night….alone in his bedroom….he was destroyed. His love for her consumed him. I couldn’t bear it…..listening in the night to this big, strong powerful man I worshipped, wanted to be. It was then I decided that no woman would ever destroy me like that. No woman would ever get near me or closer enough. But then you……..You did it, without me even realising… climbed into my heart and latched on.”

He is crying openly now and my heart is breaking….my throat closing with the force of the ache. I reach out to him but again he pushes me away. My own tears are falling, my need to hold him breaking me apart. Oh God, this is love and I
at this very moment I’ve never felt love,
love before….not this…..not this powerful penetrating emotional wave engulfing me.

But I want this. I want you and me. I ache because I want you so much. I’ve tried to push you away, and when you said you didn’t want me at Browns….I thought I was relieved…..until that fucker Simon was hurting you and I knew I was fooling myself. But I’m scared, Tilly…..I’m scared to let you further into my heart…..because it’s
that might hurt
not the other way round….don’t you see? Don’t you see?”

“Oh, Drew” I throw myself at him this time, not taking no for an answer. I will hold him
this time. And he lets me, pulling me into him. “I won’t hurt you, I won’t hurt you!” I’m kissing away his tears. And I need to tell him.

“I love you, Drew. I love you….”

He holds my shoulders gently pushing me away from him. His eyes intense on my face but he’s nodding and I know he loves me too. It’s written in the emotion in his eyes.

don’t say those words yet….I can’t say them back to you yet….I’m not ready to say them….do you understand? But I know you know how I feel about you….Look at my eyes….I’m telling how I feel about you with them”

I nod. “I know. I know. I know I you feel about me. And that’s enough until you’re ready.”

And then we lie there holding each other in silence. And the silence is enough.


Chapter Fifteen


“What time is it?”

“Hmmm…?” He’s stroking my wet hair, nuzzling and kissing the top of my head.
I’m lay against his chest, his free arm draped around me. The water went cold forever ago but as it is mid Summer, neither of us is shivering. I raise my hand, examining the wrinkly pads at the base of each of my fingers.
How long have we been in here?

“What time is it?”

“Hum….ten past ten. You hungry baby?”

Mmmm. Hungry. Mia will need to leave soon in an hour or so. I should see her. You too.”

“Yes, we should see her before she heads off. She already thinks I’m an arrogant asshole. Come on, shift yourself, my Tilly”

“Ok my Drew.”

I wrap a towel around me and pad back to my own room, which somehow now, feels strange. I know I’ll be going back to the cottage in a couple of days as soon as the injunction is finalised, so should I move my case into his room?
For a couple of days? Is it too soon? Too much?  I know he’s not ready to say I love you….in spoken words.

I haven’t started to dry off yet. I’m still standing looking down at my open case, the thoughts still rolling around in my mind, when he walks in behind me. He doesn’t utter a word. He bends down and zips up my case, picking it up and
begins to walk out of the room. He stops in the doorway. I turn round, he smiles a huge grin, and holds out his hand taking me back to his room. I have my answer.

We dress quickly, suddenly both famished, and eager to see Jake and Mia. Drew admitted while we were throwing on clothes but he doesn’t know what to say when we get downstairs. Do we just come out and say we’re now together? He’s so new to this
relationship stuff
that he’s apprehensive and lost. And I know I am going to have to be strong and lead him through the early stages. There will be hiccups and he will make mistakes. We both will. I put my hand to his face and smile. “I think they’ll just
, baby, so don’t worry about saying the right or wrong thing or saying anything at all.”

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