The Gate (Dark Path Series) (17 page)

“Pissed? It’s never happened to me but I’ve heard others have. If you think you need to relieve yourself or end up having an accident, don’t be embarrassed. Our bodies can only take so much.” He stopped playing in her pussy to pet her bush.

“Well, actual sex is messy, too….” Her comparison sounded lame, so she shut her mouth and closed her eyes, allowing his touch to soothe her.

His husky laugh filled the room. With one last kiss on the side of her throat, he moved away.

When he dropped the strap on her shoulder, she jumped. He coasted the leather down her back and across her ass. She dropped her forehead to the wall, her legs trembling as he ran the leather down each leg and up again. When it fell away, she peeked over her shoulder.

“Face the wall, close your eyes, and brace yourself. I’m going to start with soft slaps and, in time, whack harder. I’ll keep going unless you scream the word, ‘stop’ at the top of your lungs or call out your safe word. You remember your safe word?”

She nodded, mouthing the word that would make him quit the moment she said it. She would try her best not to. She would be strong, allowing him to use her in order to release whatever demons raged inside him.

She was given no warning, but the slap on her ass barely stung. She jolted because she was surprised, not because it hurt. She kept her eyes close, digging her nails into her palms as she waited for the next slap. It came. Then another.

He kept a steady stream of slaps on her ass and back. After a few, her legs shook even more, and those areas throbbed. She warmed, trembling all over. She inhaled and exhaled deeply, just as Max taught her to do. It helped as the flicks of the leather grew stronger, more powerful.

He didn’t say a word as the strap came down on her back and ass. She bit her bottom lip as her flesh throbbed from the stings. Then he changed direction, the strap hitting near the back of her knees. She cried out. The pain ran up her legs, pitching in her stomach along with her throbbing cunt that became wetter with every snap of the leather.

Each slap multiplied with brutal force until she was sobbing. A trickle of wet dripped down the inside of her thigh. She squirmed, jerking on her bonds, yelling Max’s name as his strikes grew harsher.

“Oh God!” she yelled when the strap hit her right in the middle of her back. Her heart pounded in her ears. Her throat clogged with unshed tears.

“More?” he asked somewhere over her right shoulder. The strap slashed her there.

Trembling, she yelped. Tears streamed down her cheeks, she opened her mouth, a soundless scream leaving her.

“Erika, I stop when you tell me to.” His voice didn’t sound uneven, but strong and steady like each slap he gave her. How could that be?

Her back and ass were on fire, the blaze running through her body, traveling through her head, over her face. She burned like she was on the sun. She wouldn’t be able to last much longer.

One stroke. Another. At last, such a forceful strike she thought she heard a high whistle. She broke down from the massive explosion inside her. Rivulets of tears ran down her cheek. Her feminine juices coated her inner thighs, her nipples swollen and rubbed raw from the amount of times she’d landed into the wall to escape the slashes.

“Stop, stop, whiskers, stop!” she repeated those words in a steady stream until Max wrapped an arm around her waist, taking her down from the wall. Her arms remained in the air, so stiff she couldn’t lower them. As he backed her away, her legs folded underneath her.

He carried her out of the room. She hid her face in his naked chest, breathing in his sweat and musky scent while she sobbed. He spoke to her, but she couldn’t understand him—her ears rang. She drifted away until he placed her face first on some soft, cool surface.

When he left her there, she sniffed the sheets under her.
Ah, Max’s bed! We can sleep now.
But she had such horrible aches on top of aches, her back, butt, and legs swelling with an unnerving heat and pain she couldn’t explain. She’d never experienced anything like it.

The bed dipped, and he sat next to her hip. He pushed back her hair, caressing her head. Smiling, she sighed. Such kindness after such sweet cruelty left her yearning for something more.

“Are we going to make love now?” she mumbled through her heavy tongue. The inside of her mouth tasted like cotton.

“No, baby. I’m going to take care of you in another way just like you did with me.”

“Don’t call me baby. Hate that name.” She sounded drunk to her ears and laughed.

“Okay, I won’t. But I want to come up with something special that only I call you.” He eased his palm onto her back, and she flinched. “Stay right here. I’m going to wash you then rub some cream on your skin.”

He left her with a kiss to her cheek. She spread out her arms, helping the circulation run through her fingers. Flexing her toes, she wiggled her legs before they cramped.

He came back with a warm washcloth, cleaning her back and legs. The cloth wasn’t rough, but soft. Whatever else he used besides water smelled medicinal.

“I’m using aloe and a special cream my doctor gave me to help with muscle tension and aches,” he explained as he washed her body.

She started to doze but then jerked awake from the cool liquid he dropped on her back and rubbed into her skin. It tingled, but not in an unpleasant way, and she burrowed her head into the pillow under her cheek. He worked the salve in where the strap had abused her. When his fingertip ventured down near her feminine folds, she sighed.

“Later, when you feel better.” His mouth replaced his hands. He kissed the curve of her ass, peppering kisses there until he covered every part, then moved up her back, kissing along the way.

She still throbbed from the sting of her flesh from the strap and her arousal. She wished he would take her in his mouth, making her come like he did the first night they were together. But he lay next to her naked, easing her to him until she was lying on his chest, their legs tangled together.

He twined his fingers in her hair, and she moved her fingers lower, trying to find his cock. He put a stop to that, bringing her hand up higher.

“Did you find your release while you strapped me?”

“That and more, my precious Erika.”

“I like that. Being called precious by you. You can call me that from now on instead of baby.”

Laughing, he kissed the top of her head. “Okay.”

“Great.” She burrowed her face in his shoulder. “I’m tired. I’m going to sleep. Then you’ll wake me up, and we’ll make love. ‘Kay?”

“Whatever you say, precious. Your wish is my command.”

She spread her palm over his chest near his heartbeat. His hand fell over hers. She then drifted away on a sea of exhaustion as numbness overtook her body. When darkness descended, she welcomed it gladly.

Chapter Sixteen


“I guess you deserve a break, but I’ll miss those late night phone calls we have about ideas for the next book or you cursing me to high heavens over my evil edits.”

Erika gave her editor, Mindi a sympathetic smile. “You can keep busy with your other authors who are more than willing to curse you for torturing them with deadlines.”

Mindi slumped back in her chair, swinging it around to look out the window. Sticking out her tongue, she grunted. “Another shitty day outside. I hate this shitty ass cold weather and the shitty sleet that comes along with it.”

She wiggled in her seat, a twinge of tightness lodging in her lower back. She couldn’t wait for her massage later in the afternoon, including the facial Max had gifted her at a spa downtown. He’d bought her a package deal for the next six months—bi-monthly massages to loosen her up and help keep her stress to a minimum. She crossed her legs as a rush of liquid warmth nestled between them. The personal massage he gave her last week after her first time with the strap had been pure heaven. The twist he used with hot candle wax didn’t shock her as much as she first thought it would when he’d recommended it. The plus factor was he even allowed her to dribble wax on him and peel it—

A snapping sound brought her out of her memory. She blinked a few times to focus on her editor again, who was gave her a questionable stare.

“I wish that dreamy look was because you’ve come up with the next book in your series, but I don’t think something as innocent as a little girl and her adorable cat can make you so happy and glowing.” The woman sat forward, her stare predatory. “So, who’s the lucky man or woman you’re getting some from?”

She coughed, her face heating. They’d talked about the people they dated many times before, most often from Mindi chattering on about her relationships and the type of sex she enjoyed. She wasn’t ready to share Max with anyone, especially their sexual side of things that would leave even her free-spirit thinking editor stunned.

“You know I’m not into women. But I am seeing someone.”

“You wench!” The petite redhead shot up from her chair, stomping over to her in the six-inch heels she always wore to give more height to her svelte frame. Crossing her arms, she perched on the edge of her desk, her gold hoop earrings swaying. “You’re not going to tell me anything else about your mystery man?”

She held up her hands before the woman went into a tirade. “He’s very private. Also, I’m testing things out with him. It’s my first real relationship with a man, other than friends. I don’t want to screw it up.”

A Cheshire grin filled her face. “I’m thrilled for you and all the sex you’re getting.”

“Are you two celebrating because Erika has a fabulous idea for the next Tammy and Whiskers book?”

She held back a wince as Chris strolled in the room. How long had he been standing outside the door? She hoped he didn’t overhear her talking about her mystery man or Mindi implying she was getting a lot of sex. It had been over a week since she’d talked to him. She’d ignored his voice messages and emails. But with him standing two feet away, she couldn’t avoid him any longer.

“Hi, Chris. How have you been?” She tried to play it cool, acting as though nothing was wrong.

“Better now that I’ve caught you. I need a minute of your time.”

Hmm, he said caught instead of seen. Interesting choice of words.
She gave him a stiff nod and, rising from her chair, hugged her editor. “I’ll be in touch after the holidays.”

“Enjoy your break. After the first of the year, I’m going to stalk you.” An evil light came to Mindi’s eyes.

“Catch you later,” she said with a dramatic roll of her eyes. She joined Chris in the hall. “What’s up? I have an appointment—”

“Come into my office where we can talk.” Without waiting for her answer, he walked away.

Sighing, she followed him. She didn’t have to worry about staying with him for too long because she had an appointment. After her massage, she was meeting Max at his place where they would have dinner and watch a movie. When he had suggested something so simple and innocent, she accepted gladly. It would be nice to do something normal for a change.

He marched inside his office, but didn’t wave her in or ask her to sit. She waited for him to speak.

“Shut the door. I don’t want anyone to overhear our discussion or walk in like I did with you and Mindi.”

Crap. So, he heard everything.
If he ripped into her, she was leaving.

When she didn’t shut the door, he did it himself, muttering her name under his breath.

Crossing her arms, she looked right at him. She wouldn’t cower or allow him to talk down to her. In the past few weeks, she’d become more self-assured with the people around her. It was a wonderful feeling, very freeing. Chris would just have to get used to it.

“Erika, I’m worried about you. You’ve lost weight, you’re pale, and all of a sudden you’re taking a break from writing—”

“I decided to take a break after I finished my last book at the end of the summer. I’ve only lost a few pounds, which I should have done anyway. As for being pale, have you noticed how crappy the weather’s been?”

“All excuses.” Moving away from the door, he slid his hands in his pockets as he came over to her. When he towered over her, invading her space, she didn’t back up.

“Excuses?” She stared up at him. “Care to explain what you mean by that?”

“Why haven’t your returned any of my calls, and why haven’t you been at home? Your father is working all hours to make sure the transition into his retirement runs smoothly, and you’re not around to tell him to slow down. I know I pissed you off the night we had dinner, but I never expected you to run away.”

“I didn’t run away. I went out that night—”

“And didn’t come home until later the next day. Were you with him?” he demanded.

“If you mean Max, yes. After our discussion, I met with him.”

“Did you ask him about Page?”

“We talked.” Everything with Max was going great, she didn’t want to ruin it by bringing up a woman from his past even if it was Chris’s sister.

“You didn’t ask him. God damn it,” he roared.

She backed away a step. “You have no right to raise your voice at me. I’m not going to stand here and let you—”

Grabbing her arms, he yanked her to him. A trickle of fear ran down her back.

“Erika.” Though he stared down at her in indigent anger, he’d lowered his voice. “He’s is using you. Why can’t you see that? He did the same to Page, and it not only ruined her marriage but also drove her insane. She gave up so much for him, cheating on her husband, thinking he would marry her. When he got what he wanted from her, he cast her aside, moving on to someone else. She tried killing herself because of his rejection. The things he did to her—” He grimaced. “—were sick. Depraved. She can’t have a normal sexual relationship with any man because she gets off being hit and tied up.”

A deep-rooted fear rushed over her, leaving her chilled to the bone. “I’m not Page. I won’t end up like her.”

“See? You don’t deny it!” Releasing her arms, he grabbed her wrist and pulled up her sleeve. His eyes widened. “You won’t end up like my sister? Here’s the proof you will.” He pointed at the discoloration of her skin. “She started wearing clothes to cover up her scars, long sleeves even in the summer. She wasted away.”

“Enough! I can’t talk to you anymore.” Thrusting him back, she hurried to the door. As she reached for the knob, he grabbed her arm again, turning her around to face him. She landed against the door and pressed her palms to his chest to stop him from crowding her.

“You refuse to talk about him with me, someone who cares about you and doesn’t want to see you hurt. What would your dad do if he found out?”

“He’s not going to and, if you tell him—”

“I can tell him whatever I want, especially if it has to do with the man who’s not just abusing his daughter but planning a hostile takeover of his company!”

Black spots appeared in front of her eyes. Bile slithered up her throat. “W-what?”

He took her hands in his, linking their fingers together. “Walsh Publications is in the red. Almost bankrupt. Roger has been working overtime, trying to get more money from investors, loans from the banks to keep us from filing Chapter Eleven. Somehow word got out, and Crawford pounced on it. We’ve been underperforming across the board for years but keeping it under wraps.”

“It’s that bad?” She blinked in disbelief. “I had no idea. Why didn’t Dad tell me?” Shoving him away, she stumbled across the room to find a seat. Her breath came out in pants, her throat constricting.
Oh, God.

“Shh, calm down. Do you have your inhaler on you?” Coming up behind her, he guided her to a chair.

“I don’t want to calm down.” She dug her inhaler out of her purse and took a few shots. Her lungs expanded, causing her to become lightheaded as she took in gulps of air.

Drawing her into his arms, he rubbed her back. As she rested her cheek on his chest, closing her eyes, tears formed behind her lids.

“It’ll be all right now. I’ll make sure that bastard never hurts you again.”

She wiped her eyes. “He would never hurt me.” Her mind spun. She could handle what Chris told her about his sister, but Max trying to take her father’s company from him?

Tilting her chin up, he stroked the side of her head. “He’s a cruel bastard for seducing you, and he uses pain as an excuse for his sexual gratification. He also wants to get back at me for—”

“Stop right there!” She tore from his embrace. “What makes you think he’s involved with me because he wants to get back at you?”

“It’s obvious he chased after you because he knows how much I care for you.” He gathered her close. “That man wants to ruin me. The way to do it is through you.”

“Stop it!” She covered her ears to muffle his accusations. Max had no idea about how she used to want Chris. How could he?

“I won’t stop because you need to know the truth.” He pulled away her hands. “I was waiting for the right time to tell you, to throw in a little romance. But now it’s too late. I’m in love with you.”

“You’re just saying that because of my feelings for him. How I’ve—”

“Don’t you dare say it!” He held her by the back of her head, fisting her hair.

He’s jealous!
“Let me go. I need to think and—”

“You haven’t been thinking for some time, ever since you met Crawford. I’m sick with worry you’ll end up like Page, a shell of a woman who’d rather kill herself than go on living. I won’t stand by while he uses you for his own sick enjoyment, just to throw you away when there’s nothing left for him to steal.”

She wanted to lash out, to hit him for his words, but a small sliver of dread seated in her mind. She needed to confront Max, make him tell his side of his story before she jumped to conclusions based on what Chris said. “I’ll take into consideration what you’ve told me. Now release me before I—”

His mouth crashed down on hers. She gasped as his lips sucked and seized. She tried to tear her mouth away, but he held her immobile, his hands in her hair keeping her prisoner.

“Stop, no.” She threw back her head to escape his plundering mouth and pillaging tongue. At one time, she would have welcomed his passionate, fevered kiss, but her heart belonged to another.

She wrenched her head to the side to catch her breath. He rested his mouth over her throat, his lips wet and moist on her skin. She shivered, feeling clammy. When she pushed at his chest, he released her.

He stood panting, his hair messy, standing on end. A bulge strained the front of his pants, a damp spot covering the area.

Disgusted, she wiped at her mouth. When he reached for her, she hurried to the door.

“Erika, I’m sorry. I lost control. I’ve wanted you—”

“Please stop. I can’t take much more. I’m going to…just go.” Opening the door, she rushed out of the office, ignoring him calling her name. Flying into the bathroom, she ducked inside a stall where she sat down on the toilet and held her head in her hands.

While taking in deep breaths, she used toilet tissue to wipe her eyes and blow her nose. When her cell rang, she didn’t look at it. She needed to get herself under control. At last, the humming in her ears stopped and her head didn’t feel like it was going to pop from all the pressure. Taking out her phone, she almost broke down again as she read the text message.


I miss you. Come see me as soon as you can.


She typed a response of acceptance.




Erika roamed for an hour in the brisk autumn air, overcome with a sense of foreboding and depression. Her relationship with Chris would never be the same. The life she once knew was breaking apart. If her father lost his company, he would be devastated—even more so if he found out she was involved with his rival.

As she opened the door to a coffee shop, her cell vibrated. A voice message from Max. Warmth built in her chest, and a familiar throbbing headed south. God, she hoped Chris was wrong about him.

Her phone rang. Max again. He must be worried because he almost never called, just texted. When the ringing stopped, rolling over to voice mail, she disregarded the coffee, deciding to head to his building.

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