The Gray Institute (The Gray Institute Trilogy Book 1) (40 page)


'Still, something like this can't be rushed,' She insists. 'If you rush, you make mistakes. We can't afford to make a single mistake. We have to plan and re-plan this, inch by inch.'


I resist the urge to remind her that the plan is terrible whichever way you look at it and no matter how much time is spent on it.


'So when?' I opt for instead.


'Two weeks,' She replies confidently. 'Then that gives us another week and half to try again if we fail to get over the fence.'


I shrug, unable to offer a better suggestion. My life is hanging by a thread either way, the time difference is irrelevant.


'Okay, two weeks. But I've just had a warning from Sir Alec. If it doesn't look like you're going to be changed willingly soon, he'll take me off the job and isolate me. You need to help me out, make it look like you're slowly changing your mind. Make off-hand comments to him, whatever it takes.'


'Don't worry, I know exactly what to say.' She smiles, her eyes shining with happiness.




The next two days are a blur in the shape of Lorna's face. We plan, re-plan, spend hours talking of how to find the Rebels. Lorna is of the firm belief that one of them is gifted and can communicate with people telepathically, that this is how the Rebels are organising themselves without being caught.

Whether she's being overly optimistic and making things up, or whether she genuinely has a source for these claims, I don't know, but it makes no difference to me either way; I'm going with her, I have no choice.


I leave most of the planning to Lorna; she's had far longer than I to hatch an escape plan and seems to know a lot more than me about the Institute's structure. But after two days of careful deliberation, the plan is little different from the original outline.


I've long since resigned myself to the fact that there's little hope Lorna's plan will work, but as long as we get over the fence and manage to run a fair distance, I'm happy. I'll be safe in the knowledge that I didn't sit by and wait for Sir Alec's inevitable punishment, I escaped him, for however brief a time.


I decide not to tell Tia about the escape plot for a number of reasons, the main being the fact that she will tell Malachy, the other that she will tell everyone, and the final one that she will freak out, be inconsolable and I'll have to spend the next two weeks calming her down.


These are all fair and understandable reasons, but I still feel a stab of guilt every time I see her and as a consequence of that, have been attempting to avoid her – not easy when we share a room together.

She's sensed something awry and spends more and more time with Meredith. I can't help feeling jealous and missing Tia's company despite the fact that her absence is my own fault.


She isn't back on Friday night at seven when I leave Lorna, though she has been home recently. Her damp bathrobe lies on top of the washing basket and the air smells heavily of her flowery perfume.

I breathe it in for a few moments, feeling nostalgic and stupid for neglecting my best friend, but I soon remember the plan and Lorna.

I have no doubts that Tia will soon move into Meredith's room and request me a new Mentor, but I won't be here to witness that.


The more Tia is kept out of my sordid plans, the better. If Sir Alec notices a drift between us, he'll be less likely to believe that Tia was involved in the escape. Though her expression every time she lays eyes on me is one of heartbreak, by ignoring her, I am actually protecting her.


I only hope that when I leave, she realises that.


The corridor outside my room is silent; it's Friday night, lessons for the week have finished and most students are in the Black Room or their common rooms, winding down after a long week and getting ready for the weekend.


I don't much feel like visiting the Black Room or even the common room, if I did, who would I talk to? Lorna has become my only friend, but it has to be that way.


Tia's weathered copy of Jane Eyre lies on her beside table, I think it's her favourite book, she reads it every now and then in a half hour in the evenings.

I pick it up idly and flick through the pages, scanning paragraphs with speed. I sink down onto my bed and begin the novel, one page takes me around ten seconds to read and process properly, I'm almost halfway through the book within ten minutes.


A presence in the corridor distracts me and I cast out my senses to determine the individual's identity. Possibly Tia returning early from the Black Room, possibly Sir Alec coming to check on my progress with Lorna. My ears detect two sets of footfalls coming from the direction of the lift, one set is confident and purposeful, the other lighter and more hesitant.


The two Immortals don't speak as they advance and are too far away for me to smell them. An unknown sense tells me one is male, the other female and as they approach my door, I slide from my bed, casting Jane Eyre to the side, poised to defend.


They hover outside in silence and I quietly cross to stand beside the door. They're inches from me, separated only by wood and as I breathe in, a strong scent of cloves wafts under the door.

Without hesitation I pull on the handle, swinging the door open to reveal an almost startled Malachy and a girl I've never met before. They glance at one another briefly before Malachy turns to me, his eyes hard with determination, the girl's expression wary – guilty.


'Eve.' Malachy greets me in his formal tone, one he's taken to using with me recently.


'Malachy.' I grit my teeth, responding in an equally hostile tone before eyeing the young girl. Her body age must be at least eighteen but she appears far younger, fifteen, possibly sixteen.

Her honey blonde hair falls straight down her back, her caramel coloured eyes flit nervously between Malachy and myself. She is very pretty, with tanned skin and long eyelashes and I feel an unwelcome stab of jealousy, for what, I don't know.


'This is Amber Mayfair.' He acknowledges the young woman, who nods courteously at me. I detect no threat from this seemingly innocent girl, she clearly lacks the green fire in her eyes, but I'm not open to letting them in all the same.

I stand firmly at the door, opened just far enough that I can see out, and raise a defiant eyebrow at Malachy.


'Can I help you with something?' I ask, watching as Malachy shifts guiltily from one foot to the other.


'It would be better if we weren't standing in the corridor.' He states. I shrug, letting a long, awkward pause play out before sighing and reluctantly swinging the door wider.


He nods his thanks and crosses the threshold, followed quickly by the nervous Amber. I close the door behind them but keep a hand on the knob, ready to flee if this meeting turns sour. I have a bad feeling about it and I've learned to trust my judgement.


'Have you come with a message from Sir Alec again?' I bite, placing my free hand on my left hip. Malachy sighs quietly, standing in the centre of the room, Amber by his side but slightly behind him. His stance is protective of her and another jealous ripple passes through me.


'No.' He replies simply, his cerulean blue eyes fixed on mine.


'What is it then Malachy?' I tap my foot, growing increasingly impatient. He glances at Amber briefly before taking a step forward to engage me.


'I wanted to ask if you had decided to aid Lorna Gray in escaping the Institute?' His words catch me off-guard and I gasp involuntarily, instantly looking to Amber, whose face tells me that this is not news to her. Malachy senses my outrage and shakes his head.


'You can trust Amber.' He tells me. I scoff.


'Trust her? Like I can trust you?' I snap. 'I don't know her from Eve, pardon the expression.'


'She's not here to gather information for Sir Alec, neither am I. I swear it to you, Eve.' Malachy insists.


'Like you swore to me you'd never use your freakish powers on me again?' My hostility is irritating even me but I can't seem to stop acting like a five year old. Malachy grows impatient.


'You know I had no choice in that, Lucrezia was standing right there. I'll ask you again, Eve, are you going to aid Lorna Gray?'


'No.' I lie firmly, folding my arms across my chest. Malachy pauses, his gaze penetrating.


'Then why have you been spending so much time with her? Shunning Tia? Shunning everybody?' He asks and I hesitate.


'I like her, she's a break from all this Immortal stuff and a breather into reality, into a world I know. Why should I explain myself to you?'


'Because I'm an Auctorita and I'm asking you a question.' He snarls. I instantly back off, my natural instincts kicking in. Malachy takes a breath, composing himself before running a hand through his silky blond hair.


'Are you lying to me?' He asks calmly.


'No, I am not.' I insist, feeling a sense of panic build up in my chest.


He sighs, shaking his head slightly before turning to Amber. He nods at her, his eyes cast downwards.

'Go on.' He mutters, stepping back to allow her to cross the room.


She takes a step forward, her eyes pleadingly guilty, stopping in front of me as I glance from her to Malachy in confusion.


'I'm sorry, Eve.' She says simply, her voice quiet and timid before she places a soft hand on my wrist. Her touch is like an electric shock and I jolt backwards, shaking my arm free of her grip. She doesn't attempt to hold onto me, she stares quietly into my eyes for a split second, before turning defeated to Malachy.


'She's lying.' She says sadly, her shoulders slumping before she retreats, putting Malachy between herself and me.


'Amber here is very gifted,' Malachy snarls, his tone slowly building in rage with every word. His eyes flash, his posture rises until he seems to me to be seven feet tall.

'She's a lie detector. With just one touch she can determine whether your answer to a question is true or false. Sir Alec uses her a lot, she's very precious to him,' As Malachy speaks I remember my first day at the Institute, during my test with Clayton Nickson. He informed Sir Alec of my gift and Sir Alec had nodded confidently; 'She's a lie detector, like Amber Mayfair.'


'I brought her here tonight in the hope that she could cast aside my suspicions,' Malachy continues. 'Reassure me that you're not that stupid. That you would never do something so irresponsible as to follow a ridiculous and ludicrous plan to escape the Institute with Sir Alec's prized possession under your arm.

And yet you are.' He steps closer to me with each word, keeping his voice low but his tone harsh, until he stands less than two inches from me.  

I cast my eyes down at my feet, looking everywhere but into Malachy's eyes. The sense of betrayal I feel at Malachy's deceit is nothing compared to the fear that freezes me to the spot. He looms over me, his stance threatening, mine submissive.


'I – ' My attempt to explain myself stops with this one word as Malachy explodes, his voice shouting over mine.


'How could you be so idiotic, Eve? So misguided?' He yells, backing me into a corner, placing one hand either side of me, flat against the wall so that I'm entirely cocooned in the shell of his body.

'Do you have any idea what will happen to you when you're caught? Lorna Gray will go free, but you, you will be thrown into the Confine immediately. You've condemned yourself, no matter what you do.

I can not allow you to even attempt an escape, as a duty to my family and inheritance, to Sir Alec and to
, I can not allow it!

If I were to alert Sir Alec now you'd still be Confined. Do you have any idea what you've done, simply by conspiring to do this?'


'I'm screwed no matter what I do, Malachy!' To my surprise, I push him back, away from me and towards the centre of the room. He stares at me in both anger and shock as I shriek at him, advancing on him like a predator.

'I can't convince Lorna to change willingly, she won't! If I stay here, I'll eventually have to admit defeat and Sir Alec will isolate or Confine me, just like he did to Katy Branch. If I leave with Lorna, I will be Confined. My fate was chosen for me the moment he set me that task.'

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