The Institute: Daddy Issues (29 page)

Read The Institute: Daddy Issues Online

Authors: Evangeline Anderson

“I want you to un­der­stand some­thing, Andi,” Salt said, un­ex­pec­tedly break­ing char­ac­ter.

“Yes?” I looked up at him, sens­ing that he had some­thing im­port­ant to say.

“If we do this,” he mur­mured, hold­ing my eyes with his own. “It is not just a one-time thing—this is not cas­ual. If we do this, it is forever. Do you un­der­stand?”

“I do,” I whispered, my heart swell­ing within me. “I…I un­der­stand, Salt.”

“I do not know if you do.” He cupped my cheek and looked at me in­tently. “My darling, I have wanted you and waited for you for so long. If I claim you in this way, I do not in­tend to ever let you go. Is for al­ways if we do this.

“Yes,” I said softly. “Yes, Salt, I un­der­stand. And…that’s how I want it too.”

“Good.” He pulled me close for a mo­ment and cap­tured my mouth in a long, sweet kiss. I could taste my own secret fla­vor on his lips and it made me moan as he kissed me.

“Salt,” I whispered as the kiss fi­nally broke.

,” he cor­rec­ted me, his eyes flash­ing. “Tell me,
should we try and see if you can fit your Papa’s cock into your tight little pussy?”

My whole body seemed to flare with heat.

“Y-yes,” I stuttered, turned on all over again. “Yes, Papa, please.”

“Good girl,” Salt mur­mured ap­prov­ingly. “Then just lower your­self down and guide the head into your tight little slit. Just the head now—be care­ful and do not hurt your­self. Your pussy will be stretched tight around your Papa’s cock soon enough, Baby­girl. There is no need to rush it.”

“No,” I said breath­lessly. “No, I won’t, I prom­ise, Papa.”

“That’s my good girl,” he said, pla­cing his big hands lightly on my hips to help guide me down. “My good girl who wants to feel Papa’s cock so deep in her pussy.”

I moaned softly as I felt the broad head of his shaft breach my en­trance. It was a tight fit but Salt had done a very thor­ough job of get­ting me ready to take him. I felt the head and the first thick inch slide slowly into me with only a little ef­fort. I would have taken more but Salt stopped me.

he mur­mured, his big hands on my hips hold­ing me in place. “Tell me how it feels to have just the head of my cock in­side your pussy.”

“It feels good,” I told him, bit­ing my lips. “You’re really big, Papa so it’s a tight fit but…I like it. I want

“All right, but go slowly,” Salt said sternly. “Don’t hurt your­self,
. Come down care­fully and let a few more inches slide into your tight little Baby­girl cunt.”

Moan­ing again, I did as he said. I could feel his thick­ness stretch­ing my in­ner walls but I loved the sen­sa­tion—wel­comed the feel­ing of my part­ner—my
slid­ing so deeply into me.

Salt stopped me again when he was halfway in­side.

“How does it feel?” he asked, search­ing my face. “You are very tight around me. Am I hurt­ing you,

“No, Papa.” I wiggled a little, twitch­ing my hips to get him a little deeper into me. “No, I like it—I want more.”

“You can have more, Baby­girl,” he mur­mured, his eyes blaz­ing. “You can have as much as you want—as much as you can take. Come down all the way now but do it slowly.”

I did as he said, lower­ing my­self onto him as inch after thick inch of his long shaft slid into me. At last I felt the broad head of his cock kiss the mouth of my womb and I knew he was as deep in­side me as he could pos­sibly go.

I moaned as I settled fully into his lap. “Oh God, you’re all the way in me now—so deep in­side me!”

“Mmm, so I am.” Salt reached between us and spread my pussy lips, show­ing the place where we were joined. I bit my lip at the erotic sight of his thick shaft spread­ing me so wide and pen­et­rat­ing me to the hilt.

I whispered.

“Look at what a good girl you are,
” Salt told me, look­ing up and strok­ing my cheek. “Look at how you took all of your Papa’s big cock deep in your tight little cunt.”

“God, Papa,” I whispered, put­ting my arms around his neck. “It feels so good to have you so deep in­side me. Are…are you go­ing to fuck me now?”

“No.” Salt kissed me ten­derly. “Now I will make love to you—we will make love to­gether,” he mur­mured. “Look into my eyes,
Look at your Papa while you ride his cock.”

“Papa,” I whispered and then he began to move in a slow, hip-rolling rhythm that made me moan every time his cock thrust home in­side me.

Keep­ing my eyes locked with his, I braced my­self against his broad shoulders and tried to meet him thrust for thrust. Tried to be open enough for his thick­ness as he fucked me—as he claimed me com­pletely.

The pleas­ure went on and on, build­ing as Salt thrust in­side me. We worked in si­lence for a time, find­ing each other’s rhythm, learn­ing each other’s bod­ies in a way that was com­pletely new and ut­terly amaz­ing. Salt watched me the whole time, his eyes trained on my face as he filled me. I loved feel­ing all of his at­ten­tion centered on me—know­ing that we were fi­nally giv­ing ourselves to each other in the way both of us had longed to do for so long.

“That’s right, my darling,” Salt mur­mured as he thrust slowly into me. “Open all the way for me. Open your sweet little pussy wide to take all of your Papa’s cock.”

“I…I’m try­ing,” I whispered, spread­ing my legs a little wider. “Get into me deep, Papa—I want to feel you all the way in­side me.”

“And that is where I want to be when I come. Tell me,
he mur­mured. “Do you want your Papa to come deep in your pussy?”

“Yes, Papa,” I moaned, grip­ping his shoulders tighter. “Yes, please—I want that so bad.”

“I can al­most feel your tight little pussy suck­ing the cream right out of me,” he groaned, still thrust­ing in­side me. “You are so very tight, my darling. And such a good girl to let your Papa come in­side you.”

His con­stant stream of dirty talk and the feel­ing of his thick­ness filling me over and over was push­ing me to­wards the edge all over again. Then Salt upped the game by find­ing my throb­bing clit with his thumb.

“Oh!” I gasped as I felt him start to slip the broad pad of his thumb over and around my swollen bud. “Oh, Papa!”

“Are you close,
he asked, his deep voice hoarse with de­sire. “Are you close to com­ing all over your Papa’s cock?”

“Yes,” I whispered and as I spoke, I felt the or­gasm spill­ing over me, drench­ing me in pleas­ure like warm honey. “Oh God, yes—Papa, yes, I’m

“I can feel you, Baby­girl,” he groaned, his hand tight­en­ing on my hip. “Can feel you com­ing with my cock bur­ied so deep in­side you.”

“You come too,” I begged him. “Come with me, Salt.”

he groaned and crushed me to him. I moaned in his ear as I felt him throb in­side me.

And then he was com­ing too, com­ing hard and spurt­ing deep in my pussy—claim­ing me forever as his. His Baby­girl, his part­ner, his lover, his friend…his
and his Andi. I was his—his com­pletely and there was no one else I would rather be­long to than my part­ner who was also my Papa.




“I still don’t un­der­stand why you wanted me to dress like this.” I looked down at the frilly blue party dress my part­ner had brought home for me to wear to wherever our Valentine’s Day date was be­ing held.

The dress wasn’t
as ob­vi­ously a little girl out­fit as the dresses I had worn at the In­sti­tute but it wasn’t far from it. It had a short skirt with a bow in the back and Salt had re­ques­ted that I wear the san­dals he’d got­ten me at the In­sti­tute with it. I felt con­spicu­ous in it and not just be­cause I don’t nor­mally wear dresses.

“You look beau­ti­ful.” Salt smiled at me ap­prov­ingly as he steered the car. He had picked me up at my house at ex­actly seven o’clock and I still didn’t know where we were go­ing. No place too pub­lic, I hoped. Valentine’s Day or not, I didn’t want any­one I knew see­ing me dressed like this. Not that they would prob­ably guess at our hid­den re­la­tion­ship of “Papa and
would know and that would make me un­com­fort­able.

Salt him­self was dressed in an im­macu­late black suit—what I now thought of as his “Papa out­fit” since he rarely dressed that way un­less we were “play­ing.” He seemed much more at ease in our new roles than I was, al­though I was try­ing to let go and re­lax—try­ing to trust him more as time went by. It had been nearly three months since our time at the In­sti­tute and I was still get­ting used to hav­ing Salt as more than just a part­ner—at home, any­way.

At work, we ab­so­lutely never played—there we were just two good part­ners as we had been for the last three and a half years. But on our off hours…well, that was a dif­fer­ent story.

We weren’t
Papa and
but I had learned that Salt was will­ing and able to slip into the role any­time I needed him to. At first I felt nervous and shy about ask­ing for what I wanted. Part of me still saw it as a weak­ness—a sick­ness that I shouldn’t be in­dul­ging.

Salt, how­ever, had ab­so­lutely no shame about it. If I wanted him to be my part­ner and talk shop about whatever case we were work­ing, he was will­ing. If I needed him to be my Papa and cuddle me in his lap, he was more than happy to do that too. And dur­ing sex, he fell into the role nat­ur­ally, keep­ing up a stream of dirty talk in his low, gut­tural voice that made me help­lessly hot, even when I wasn’t quite sure I should be.

I couldn’t com­plain about our new and ex­pan­ded re­la­tion­ship—deep down I seemed to need it and Salt al­ways made it so good for me. He made me come over and over and lately he had re­in­tro­duced the plug, adding a whole new di­men­sion to our play.

He hadn’t spanked me again though—that was one place he drew the line. I un­der­stood why. The way he had spanked me at the In­sti­tute had nearly ended our re­la­tion­ship. So I didn’t blame him but still, I couldn’t help feel­ing like there was a tiny piece miss­ing from our Daddy/Baby­girl dy­namic be­cause of the lack of dis­cip­line.

Don’t get me wrong—I wasn’t com­plain­ing. Quite the op­pos­ite, in fact. After all, it’s not like I
be­ing spanked—at least, I didn’t
I did. And I ad­ored the time I spent with Salt and the new re­la­tion­ship that was blos­som­ing between us. Everything was just so won­der­ful I guess I was won­der­ing when it would all end. If I was hon­est with my­self, I still had my father’s deser­tion in the back of my mind. Everything had been won­der­ful with him too…un­til it sud­denly wasn’t any­more and he’d left, never to re­turn.

I think part of me was wait­ing for that to hap­pen with Salt. After all, he’d already tried to end our part­ner­ship once and though that had been cleared up as a mis­un­der­stand­ing, it had left a gap­ing hole in the already flimsy fab­ric of my trust. I was try­ing to have faith that everything would be okay, but it was hard—so damn

What it boiled down to is that things were
good and I was wait­ing for them to go bad. Wait­ing to see if Salt would get tired of this little game I needed so des­per­ately it made me feel sick in­side—and leave me for someone who didn’t have so many is­sues.

After all, we had never clearly stated that we were ex­clus­ive or a couple, al­though I was cer­tain we were, at least in Salt’s mind. And though my part­ner of­ten told me how much he cared for me and needed me, both of us were care­fully skirt­ing around the “L” word like it was a bomb that might go off in our faces if we in­voked it too soon. Part of me was scared to death be­cause what I had with Salt was both the longest ro­mantic re­la­tion­ship and the best friend­ship I’d ever had in my life—I didn’t want to do any­thing to ruin it.

And above all, I didn’t want to get hurt.

These were my rather mor­bid thoughts as my part­ner drove me through the darkened Tampa streets, headed for an un­known des­tin­a­tion.

“Salt,” I said, try­ing to put the de­press­ing thoughts from my mind. “About that Pear­son’s case—”

“No.” He held up a hand and shook his head. “No talk of work to­night, please. And you will call me ‘Papa’—

“What?” I looked at him un­eas­ily. “Come on, Salt—you know we don’t do that out­side—don’t call each other those names where any­one can hear us.”

“Be­cause no one else would un­der­stand. I know.” He nod­ded. “But we are alone to­night and I would like you to call me Papa—is that clear,

I felt the fa­mil­iar twist of pleas­ure in my belly at his low com­mand­ing tone. It was time to put all the doubts and wor­ries out of my head—it was clear that at least for now, Salt wasn’t tir­ing of our little game—not a bit.

“All right, Papa,” I said con­tritely. “So can you tell me where we’re go­ing?”

“No, I can­not. You must find out for your­self.” He gave me one of his rare smiles and then turned the car into a darker street.

“Where are we head­ing?” I couldn’t help ask­ing again. I hoped he wasn’t tak­ing me to an Age Play con­ven­tion or some­thing like that. I had seen such things on the In­ter­net but I had no wish to “play” with any­one else in any kind of pub­lic set­ting. I’d had enough of that at the In­sti­tute to last me a life­time, thank you very much. Just be­ing “
to Salt’s “Papa” was enough to sat­isfy my crav­ings without in­volving any­one else.

“You’ll see soon enough,” Salt told me. “In fact—we are here.”

He turned the car to­wards a darkened build­ing—well, mostly dark—one area of it seemed to be lit up and that was the part he headed for.

“What is this?” I asked, frown­ing. Then I caught a glance at the sign out front.
Parker Davis High School for Gif­ted Youth
, it said. “Hey, why are you tak­ing me to a school?” I asked, look­ing at Salt, com­pletely mys­ti­fied.

He gave me a mys­ter­i­ous smile.

“You will see. Is private school and they rent out their aud­it­or­ium for events some­times.”

“Events?” I looked around the deser­ted park­ing lot as he pulled in. “What event? We’re the only ones here.”

“Which is the way we like it,
He raised an eye­brow at me. “We have agreed that oth­ers would prob­ably not un­der­stand the way we like to be to­gether so this is a
event—only the two of us.”

“But what—?”

He got out of the car and came around to open my door. This be­ing Feb­ru­ary it was a little chilly—about as cold as Tampa ever gets. I shivered at the blast if cool air as it gus­ted into the car, lift­ing my short, frilly skirt.

“Come in­side where it’s warm, my darling,” Salt said gently. He offered me his arm in a gen­tle­manly fash­ion. I took it, still com­pletely mys­ti­fied, and let him lead me to­wards the aud­it­or­ium.

My little girl san­dals crunched over the gravel in the park­ing lot and I saw that the lights leak­ing out of the build­ing were dim and multi-colored. It was the same kind of light­ing I re­membered from the school dances I’d been to back in high school.

We got to the door and Salt drew a key out of his pocket and opened it with a flour­ish.

he mur­mured. “Come in­side.”

I stepped in, com­pletely be­mused by his strange be­ha­vior. The aud­it­or­ium was a small one but it seemed large be­cause it was just the two of us in­side.

After Salt closed the door and my eyes got ad­jus­ted to the dim light, I looked around and saw that all the chairs had been ar­ranged around the edges of the floor, leav­ing a large, open space in the middle. There was soft mu­sic play­ing and the colored lights were com­ing from above, slowly blink­ing and chan­ging as they il­lu­min­ated the make­shift dance floor. Heart-shaped bal­loons and sil­ver and red stream­ers dec­or­ated the walls and in one corner a small round table was set up with a punch bowl filled with pale pink punch. From the ceil­ing, a ban­ner was hanging.

I looked up, try­ing to make out the words in the dim light­ing.

“Father…daugh­ter…ban­quet,” I read aloud and looked at Salt with wide eyes. “How did you…what did you…?” I couldn’t get the words out.

“I am sorry.” He shrugged apo­lo­get­ic­ally. “I could not find ban­ner that read ‘dance’ in­stead of ban­quet. Was the closest I could get.”

Sud­denly it all made sense. In a startled rush, I felt my­self whizz­ing back­wards in time—back to a sad little girl who was sit­ting on the curb out­side her house wear­ing her pret­ti­est party dress and wait­ing for her Daddy to take her to the Valentine’s Day dance. That little girl waited un­til her heart broke and her Daddy never came. But Salt—my Papa—had come for me. He had dressed me up in a beau­ti­ful blue dress and taken me to the dance—the one I had never got­ten to go to back when I was only nine.

“Salt,” I whispered. “Papa…”

“Dance with me, my little sweet­heart,” he mur­mured.

I thought my heart would burst.
My little sweet­heart—
it was what I had told Salt my father used to call me. Back when he was still in my life and everything was good.

“I…I…” I was frozen in place. Memor­ies of the past were still swamp­ing me. Wait­ing and wait­ing for a Daddy who never came. Wish­ing so hard to go to the dance and be held in his arms. And now Salt had made my dream a real­ity—he had righted a wrong so old it had nearly eaten a hole in my soul.

I just couldn’t be­lieve it.

Salt came to me and put an arm around my waist. Numbly, I put my hand in his and we began to dance, just the two of us in the empty aud­it­or­ium dec­or­ated with bal­loons and stream­ers and big red valentines.

“Do you like?” Salt mur­mured in a low voice after we’d been sway­ing to the mu­sic for a few minutes. “I hope it is not too much.”

“It’s…I can’t be­lieve you went to all this trouble,” I said, look­ing around the dim aud­it­or­ium. I still felt stunned, blind­sided by the ef­fort he’d put into this even­ing.

He shrugged, smil­ing a little.

“I wanted my Baby­girl to go to the dance. The dance she missed so many years ago.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, look­ing up at him earn­estly. “This is bey­ond any­thing I ever ima­gined. Thank you, so much…Papa.”

Salt cupped my cheek in his big hand.

“I must con­fess, I had ul­terior motive for do­ing all this.”

“You did?” I looked at him un­cer­tainly. What reason could he have to re­cre­ate this scene from my past?

“I did. Is this.” Salt let go of me and sud­denly went down on one knee, right there on the dance floor. Reach­ing into his breast pocket, he pulled out a small black vel­vet box.

I felt like my heart had stopped beat­ing.

“Salt?” I whispered in a shaky voice. “You’re not go­ing to…”

“My darling,” he mur­mured, open­ing the box and hold­ing it out to me. “Will you marry me?”

“You…you’re ser­i­ous?” I took the box from him with trem­bling fin­gers. There was a gor­geous square cut dia­mond ring in­side—I didn’t know how many car­ats but it looked big.

of course I am ser­i­ous.” He nod­ded. “I want you—I have since we first met and the Cap­tain put us to­gether.”

“But…but what about the way we ‘play’ to­gether?” I asked. “What about that?”

“I want that too,” Salt said softly. “I want you as Andi, my tough part­ner who I can trust when we are out on the streets. And I want you as
my sweet Baby­girl who likes to cuddle in her Papa’s lap. I want
of you—be­cause I love you.” His voice went low and hoarse as he spoke. “I love you so much, my darling.”

“Oh…Oh, Salt…Papa…” I didn’t know what to call him. I only knew my eyes were welling up with tears and I could barely breathe I was so filled with emo­tion.

I sank down on the floor be­side him and Salt pulled me into his lap. We sat there on the dance floor to­gether with no one to judge us or say the way we loved each other was strange or wrong be­cause we were alone.

Ex­cept we weren’t alone, I real­ized—we had each other. And Salt was ask­ing me to make that a per­man­ent ar­range­ment. Be­cause he loved me—just the way I was. Flawed and needy and with enough Daddy is­sues to keep a whole team of shrinks busy for years.

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