The Irresistible Tycoon (19 page)

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Authors: Helen Brooks

They talked and kissed some more before Lucas brought another chair close to the bed, so they could sit together. ‘I feel like she's my child, too,' Lucas whispered softly,
turning away from the little figure in the bed as he lifted Kim's chin and met her eyes. ‘Right from the first time I saw her, and I could swear she feels the same. I nearly went crazy when I first got here before they said everything was going to be okay.'

‘You said you were my fiancé?' Kim murmured quietly.

‘I hadn't got time to worry about red tape or any rules about only family. Melody needed one of us,' Lucas said with Kane disregard for convention.

‘Oh, Lucas.'

‘I'd like to adopt her legally, Kim, so she takes my name after we're married.'

.' Kim smiled tremulously.

It was much, much later when Melody awoke properly, but Kim and Lucas were still sitting by the bed, Lucas's arm holding Kim tight and her blonde head resting against his shoulder as she slept. His other hand was clasped tight in Kim's.

Melody surveyed them sleepily and Lucas smiled at her, saying, ‘Hi, sweetheart. You feeling better now?'

‘Uh-huh.' Melody nodded drowsily, her brown eyes going again to their clasped hands and her mother's sleeping face. Kerry's mummy and daddy held hands. ‘Lucas?'

‘Yes, sweetheart?'

‘Are you going to be my new daddy?'

‘You bet your sweet life I am, sweetheart.'


ISBN: 978-1-4268-8312-5


First North American Publication 2002.

Copyright © 2001 by Helen Brooks.

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