Read The KinKaid Wolf Pack Trilogy Online

Authors: Jessica Lee

Tags: #wolf shifters, #KinKaid Wolf Pack, #Jessica Lee, #Paranormal Erotic Romance, #menage romance, #gay paranormal romance

The KinKaid Wolf Pack Trilogy (36 page)

At that moment, Stefan yelped under the pressure of Evin’s jaws, then reared back, flipping Evin onto his back. The black wolf rolled and scrambled onto his feet. Landry raised his Glock, placing the other alpha in his crosshairs. This was Evin’s battle, but if his alpha was at risk, Landry would end it.

“Evin!” Mason struggled against Kaleb’s solid grip.

Stefan grunted, yet this time, it had nothing to do with a blow on Evin’s part. Landry glanced up, and it was as if he’d been teleported into a scene straight out of a B horror movie. Except the movie was on the wrong speed. Everything moved in a dramatic slow-mo. Stefan’s oversized head sat skewed on his body, as if someone had screwed the damn thing onto the top of his spine wrong. The beast’s large eyes were fixed on the darker wolf beneath him, his lips curled back over his fangs. Then without warning, the cranium slid free from its body, hitting the floor with a sickening

“What the fuck?” Kaleb whispered.

Behind the headless carcass stood Stefan’s brother, a long blade fisted at his side, the steel smeared with crimson. Arick’s glassy stare surveyed the carnage at his feet, a well-satisfied grin sitting on his face.

Before Landry could fully absorb what the hell had just happened, Stefan’s remains shifted back to his natural state, blood pooling like a scarlet pond beneath him. Evin did the same, returning to his human form before springing to his feet.

“Congratulations,” Arick stated, his gaze slowly rising to meet Evin’s. “You’ve succeeded in murdering my brother.”

“This is what you were after all along... You’re a sick bastard.” Evin lunged for Arick, and the rest of the team was hot on the alpha’s heels.

Arick lashed out with his sword, going for Evin’s head. The alpha ducked, then spun, landing a hard kick to the other male’s gut. Arick stumbled, but recovered, coming back with another swing. This time, Evin dropped to a squat. But as soon as the blade cleared his head, the alpha dove forward, ramming Arick’s midsection with his shoulder and skull.

Arick’s spine impacted with the corridor’s arch, stunning him. Landry, Mason, and Kaleb took full advantage. Kaleb seized the male’s wrist, wrenching the sword free. Mason snagged the weapon and aimed its tip toward the bastard’s midsection. Landry planted the muzzle of his Glock at the shifter’s temple right before Evin stood, shoving his snarling face into Arick’s.

“Where’s Rosa?” Evin wrapped his fingers around the bastard’s throat.

A twisted chuckle bubbled up and fell from Arick’s lips.

“You’ve got two seconds to tell me where she is,” Landry growled. “And I suggest you use them. Because when those run out, so do any good reasons I have not to pull this trigger.” Landry tapped the metal against Arick’s skull for emphasis. “You see, we’re going to find her, whether you answer or not. Even if we have to rip this damn place apart, we’ll fucking find her.”

His gaze fixed on Landry, Arick eyelids lowered to half-mast. “What the hell... Anything for you, Sir.” Arick licked his lips, and it was all Landry could do not to dry heave at the sight. “She’s useless to me now anyway.”

The male had completely lost his mind. How had he ever been attracted to him? Landry’s gut twisted at the thought.

“Where is she?” Evin snarled.

“Fine...” Arick held his palms up and turned to the alpha. “I’ll show you. Don’t get your panties in a wad.”

Evin reared his arm back then rammed it into Arick’s jaw with a crack of bone-on-bone. Arick’s head snapped hard right, blood spraying from his lip. Slowly, he swiveled his head back around, his palm going to his chin. Arick worked the hinge, his eyelids narrowed. “Now, was that really necessary?”

“Not nearly enough of what you deserve,” Evin chewed out then jerked the male forward. Planting a hand between the shifter’s shoulder blades, the alpha propelled him down the hall. “Get your ass moving, and take me to my sister.”

“I’m going.” Arick grinned. “I’m going.”

The four of them followed the dark-haired shifter down the corridor, then into an office Landry could only presume was Arick’s. Evin stood behind the maniac, watching as he placed a palm over a panel in the wall, pressed twice, and a door-sized section slid back revealing a set of stairs.

Arick glanced back at the alpha, then his gaze met Landry’s.

“You first,” Landry stated with a lift of his brow. The shifter was a little too cooperative for Landry’s liking. He wasn’t about to let him out of his sight.

“Of course.” Arick shrugged. Then he ducked into the stairwell, the four of them close on his tail. At the bottom of the landing, they came to another door. To the right of the door sat a square keypad.

“She’s in there?” Evin seized the other male’s nape.

“Yes,” Arick bit out.

“Punch in the code,” Evin demanded.

Evin kept a tight hold onto the shifter’s head as Arick punched in a four-digit number. The door
then popped open. Evin yanked it wider before shoving Arick inside. The rest of the team followed.

The moment the door closed behind them, there was no mistaking Rosa’s presence. A scent he could only describe as category F6 lust punched into his nostrils and detonated inside his head. Landry’s cock roared to life, slamming against the back of his zipper. His steps faltered.

“Fuck.” Kaleb hissed and spun. His gaze landed on Landry, pupils dilated. “We’re too late.”

“What the hell is that smell?” Mason reached out for his mate, curling a fist around Evin’s biceps, and bringing them both to a halt. The alpha’s mate was still new to the shifter world, having only been bitten and turned by Evin a little over a year ago.

“It’s Rosa,” Evin chewed out. “She’s in heat. The fact we’re mated, and because I’m her brother, will allow us to be in her presence without her pheromones affecting us like it will other males.”

“Shit.” Mason drove his fingers through his hair and glanced over his shoulder at Landry and Mason. “It’s intense, not in an arousing way, but I can definitely detect a difference—a greater potency in her scent. You guys okay?”

Landry gave him a tight nod, then rolled his backpack off his shoulder. He reached inside then tossed Mason a pair of running pants and a T-shirt.

“Thanks.” The blond shifter quickly pulled on the clothes.

“If you’re not okay,” Evin added, “get a grip before we approach her. You hear me?”

“We’re good,” Kaleb interjected, then dropped his satchel and handed the alpha his clothes.

Evin hastily dressed.

“I agree. I think you’re doing just fine,” Arick stated, his gaze dropping to the bulge behind Landry’s zipper.

“Shut the fuck up!” Landry slammed his palm into the male’s sternum, knocking Arick off balance. But he quickly recovered.

“What?” Arick shrugged. “Just making an observation.” He grinned.

“God, you’re such a perverted asshole.” Landry coiled his fist. “I will make you pay for touching Rosa. That’s a promise.”

Arick’s gaze narrowed on Landry in a silent challenge that said
take your best shot
. And it was bait Landry would definitely be biting once he knew Rosa was safe.

“Evin...?” It was Rosa. But she sounded hoarse, strained, as if the effort to call out cost her.

Landry’s pulse kicked into overdrive, sending a tremor though his extremities. Light shone from behind a partial wall where her voice had originated.

Evin spun then slammed a right hook into Arick’s jaw. The shifted flew backward, crashing into the cement wall. His head released a loud crack off the surface before he slithered down into a mass of limp arms and legs.

The alpha shook out his fist and grunted. But the sound was more satisfaction than discomfort. “That should keep him down and out of my sight for a few minutes.”

“I should think so.” Landry smirked, then nudged Arick’s unconscious form with the toe of his boot. The bastard flopped back in place, out cold.

Mason and Evin dashed around the corner toward Rosa. Landry and Kaleb took off after them, pulling up the rear. On the other side, a square cage with metal bars was the focus of the room. Inside, Rosa had curled herself into a ball in its back corner. This close to the object of his desire, Landry froze. God save him. His brain was captured, hijacked by the overwhelming need to...

He swallowed hard, fighting the draw to the female shaking on the floor.
It was as if she were the polar opposite to his magnetic core. Everything inside him...
wanted her

And not just to mate.

To mark.


Climb inside her.

Until a part of him was left on every inch of her.

“Landry?” Kaleb brushed his arm. And it took every ounce of willpower to pull his gaze away from the female. “You with me?” Kaleb’s words came out as if dragged over sandpaper. “I need you here. I understand, believe me.” His Adam’s apple bobbed. “I’m nearly crazed from it too. But I can’t do this without you.”

“I’m fine,” Landry stated through clenched teeth.

“Rosa...” Evin gripped the bars, testing the lock. “We’re going to get you out of here. Where’s the fucking key?”

Kaleb spun toward Arick at the same moment the exterior door clicked. “Son of a bitch!”

Bite wound forgotten, both Landry and Kaleb bolted after the escaping asshole. Kaleb wrenched on the knob, but the latch didn’t budge. Another one of the mounted keypads was fixed on the interior wall.

They’d been so wrapped up battling Rosa’s pheromones neither of them had detected Arick’s miraculously quick recovery or, what was a more probable scenario, he’d feigned his concussion. Landry pulled his pistol, prepared to blow the deadbolt into the next dimension.

“Landry,” Evin called out. “Fuck him. Put a bullet into this cage’s lock.”

“With pleasure,” Landry rumbled and marched over toward the metal monstrosity. Standing to the side, Landry aimed the muzzle at the center of the square panel on the door. He glanced at the female on the floor. Rosa’s eyes were wide, panicked, and fixed on his. “Don’t move.” He pulled the trigger. The loud bang ricocheted off the concrete walls, and metal fragments exploded from the lock.

Evin rushed forward and yanked the busted door open. “Rosa...” He dropped down onto his haunches, and his sister wrapped herself around him.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” she whispered, her voice quivering. “Please...take me home.” Rosa slumped.

The alpha jerked. “Rosa!” His hand dropped to her throat.

“Shit!” Landry’s chest clenched. What had that bastard Arick done to her? “Is she okay?”

After what felt like an eternity, Evin finally nodded. “She passed out.” Reaching around, the alpha lifted her into his arms and stood. “I’ve got you,” he said, stepping from the cage, his lips against her hair.

Landry’s heart rate spiked, and he quickly stepped aside.

“Kaleb.” With a lift of his chin, Evin motioned for Kaleb to join him.

Kaleb edged closer, his gait stiff.

“I need you and Landry to get Rosa off these grounds and away from KinKaid territory.”

Fucking hell...
Landry grabbed onto one of the cage bars for support. Just how was he supposed to do that and not lose his mind?

“Us?” Kaleb blinked.

“There’s too much at stake for the pack right now. With Arick on the loose, he’s no doubt informing everyone I killed his brother. This war is nowhere near over. And I can’t leave.”

Landry faced Evin and Rosa. “Where do you want us to take her?”

“To the hunting cabin north of our land. You know where we store the key,” Evin stated. “I don’t know how bad this is going to get, and while Rosa is in this condition, the best thing I can do for her is to get her as far away from this battle as possible.” Gently, Evin handed over his sister’s unconscious form into Kaleb’s arms.

Landry’s partner closed his eyes and tightened his grip around her, the veins along his neck bulged in sharp relief. Shit, standing beside her required herculean effort to remain calm. Landry could only imagine what it was like to hold her in his arms. A blend of pure heaven and hell.

“Are you sure about this, Evin?” Kaleb shook his head. “She’s your sister...”

Landry’s fist tightened, nails biting into his flesh. How was he going to handle being the third wheel in that cabin when Rosa turned to Kaleb? Because that was the movie reel playing in his mind. The two people he cared about more than anything in this fucked up world would turn to each other. A green wave of jealousy barreled into his gut, turning it inside out. But what was even worse, Landry couldn’t say which one of the two he was more envious over.

... Both had their claws in his heart. Yet, Landry knew if being together made them happy, he’d allow them to rip it apart.

Mason moved in beside his mate, placing a possessive palm on his shoulder. Evin glanced up at the male as if reminding himself of what they shared.

“She cares deeply for you both,” the alpha began, “and I know you feel the same way about her. I’d have to be blind not to have noticed.” His gaze moved over his sister’s still form then up to Kaleb and Landry. “I can’t think of any two males I would entrust her safety with more. As to her state... You’re both men of honor. I trust in you to allow her choice as a mate to be just that—
decision.” The hard edge in the Evin’s voice said
don’t disappoint me or I’ll have to kill you

Chapter Fourteen


etting back across the Gregorson territory had been a hell of a lot easier than the initial crossing thanks to the KinKaid pack who’d driven what was left of their enemies’ ranks from the surrounding border and onto the main grounds. Their fellow enforcers had the Gregorsons preoccupied, allowing Landry, Rosa, and himself to slip away with relative ease.

With Evin’s help added to the chaos outside the mansion, commandeering one of the Gregorson’s SUVs had been as simple as flipping down a visor, snagging a set of keys, and disabling the GPS.

For the past half hour, Kaleb sat in the back with Rosa in his arms while the painfully alert erection behind his zipper attempted to embed the outline of the metal into its flesh. The scent rolling off the beautiful woman on his lap was unlike anything he’d ever breathed. It was like female arousal doused in sinful desire, rolled in wicked lust, and sprinkled with promises to make every one of his erotic dreams come to life. His balls tightened, throbbed.

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