The KinKaid Wolf Pack Trilogy (16 page)

Read The KinKaid Wolf Pack Trilogy Online

Authors: Jessica Lee

Tags: #wolf shifters, #KinKaid Wolf Pack, #Jessica Lee, #Paranormal Erotic Romance, #menage romance, #gay paranormal romance

The thick head of Mason's cock replaced his digits.


"Are you ready for me, lover?"

Evin's gaze locked with Mason's dark, hooded one. "Yours," Evin breathed. "Fill me." much, the width burned and stretched him. His pulse pounded in his ears.
So good.
Nothing had ever felt this good. Evin bore down, needing it all. Wanting to feel every inch of Mason invading him, possessing him.

"Ah, fuck... Evin," Mason groaned and surged forward. His balls tapped Evin's buttocks, and he fell forward, his palms landing on either side of Evin's head. "Tight. You're so damn tight," he panted. "Killing me."

"Shut up and kiss me," Evin growled. Mason's tongue darted out and teased Evin's lips. He played along, chasing Mason with his teeth. Finally Mason's mouth crashed down onto his, and their tongues mimicked the action of their hips. Evin threw his legs around Mason's thighs and wrapped the other man inside his arms. He couldn't get enough.

In and out, Mason pounded him, striking the sweet spot inside and brushing the back of his shaft with his abs. His balls were so fucking taut, the cum inside hammering against the dam walls. Evin jerked his mouth away.

"Can't stop," he cried out. "Don't stop." He clamped down on the rigid feel of Mason inside him, shuddering under the exquisite sensation that shot through his cock. Stream after stream of his own hot cum jetted onto Evin's chest and abdomen. But Mason didn't let up.

His lover's head dropped to Evin's shoulder, and the warm, wet touch of his tongue bathed the skin there.

"Christ. Evin," he moaned, shoving his cock deep. "I'm dying to sink my teeth into you." The sharp edge of his lover's canines grazed Evin's flesh. "Need to"—Mason thrust hard again—"mark you."

"Do it," Evin managed to grit out. "Fuck, yes." Evin tossed his head farther to the side, making sure Mason knew he wanted this more than his next breath.

Mason pumped once, then twice more before his spine arched, and he groaned, filling Evin with the warmth of his cum. Evin ran his palms up Mason's spine, reveling in the orgasmic ripples rolling through his mate. Mason's head snapped forward, and the hot sting of his bite seized Evin's shoulder. The room blurred. Chaotic swirls of little white dots swam across his vision, and pleasure swamped his mind, his body.

"Ah, shit!" Evin didn't know if he'd actually made a sound of not. All he knew was the endless orgasm that had gripped his balls and cock, milking him dry. Every hot lick of Mason's tongue ricocheted down his spine, resulting in a spasm that had him squeezing the other man's shaft over and over. Damn, there couldn't be another drop of cum left in his body. Using what little strength he had left in his limbs, Evin rolled, taking Mason to his back, and pulling free from the sucking hold his mate had on his neck.

During the change of positions, Mason's rigid cock had slid free, but the man beneath him continued to thrust as if his need to fuck were insatiable. Mason had already come, but the stimulation of the moon combined with his primary shift and the all-consuming need to bond with his mate rode him hard. A deep growl emanated from Mason's chest, and he clawed at Evin's arms.

"Shhh, Brown Eyes." Evin planted kisses at the corner of Mason's mouth, and the metallic taste of his own blood seeped onto his tongue. "I'm right here. I've got you." Mason shivered under his touch. His hips slowed but continued their gentle rubbing action, working the hard ridge of Mason's cock between Evin's cheeks. Not that Evin was complaining.

"Sorry," Mason breathed, his voice hoarse. "Hard t-to stop."

"I know. Just breathe." Using the weight of his body, Evin held Mason in place, giving his mate the time he needed for the tremors and the lust to pass.

"God, did I just...?"

"Mate me?"

Mason nodded.

"Yeah, I think you probably did, judging by the intensity of that bite." Evin brought his gaze to Mason's and smiled. "You're having one hell of a day, Brown Eyes."

"You think?" Mason chuckled.

Evin dropped onto the bed beside Mason. "Fuck the formal ceremonies. This was a whole lot more fun."

Chapter Twelve


inKaid!" A loud, deep voice penetrated the silence of the room, jerking Evin from a sound sleep. Early morning sunlight poured through the open curtains. Mason looked up from where his head rested on Evin's chest.

"Who is that?" Mason ran his fingers through his hair and rubbed his eyes.

"KinKaid!" The male's voice boomed again, coming from outside. "Show yourself."

"Son of a bitch," Evin hissed and jumped from the bed to his feet. His gaze darted to the clock on the bedside table—6:15 a.m. He was so screwed. Evin snatched his jeans from the floor, jammed both feet in, and pulled hard.

"What's going on?" Mason followed suit, leaving the bed and pulling on the running pants from last night.

A loud bang hit the room's door, cutting off Evin's reply. The sound quickly turned into a feverish pounding of fist to wood. "Evin! Are you in there?" It was Rosa. "Evin, please... If you're in there, answer me. There's trouble."

Evin rushed to the door and swung it open. Rosa stood on the other side, dressed in the red and gold colors of the KinKaid line, her eyes wide, her face pale.

"Evin... Thank goodness I found you." She darted into the room, her gaze swinging from Mason, then back to him. "When you didn't show up this morning, I knew there could be only one other place you'd be."

"Is that who I think it is out there?" Evin closed the door and approached his sister, Mason at his side.

"Yes." Rosa nodded. "It's the Lathans." She paced between the bed and loveseat like a caged animal. "When you didn't appear at six sharp to announce your claim on the title, word traveled fast to the rest of Jocelyn's family. Now, not only are her father and mother here, but her two brothers and cousin as well."

"Greedy opportunistic bastards," Evin spit, not holding back the resulting rumble from his chest. "Obviously having Jocelyn as their queen wasn't enough to satisfy her family's desire for power. They must have been lying in wait, hoping something like this would open the door for them to completely take over."

Rosa slowed, then turned, her gaze settling on Mason. "Since Evin didn't announce his alpha status at dawn, pack law gives them the right to try to take it. They've come for my father's and brother's heads."

"That won't be fucking happening," Mason growled. "They'll have to go through me first." Mason whirled on Evin. "Come on."

"Hold up." Evin braced his hand against Mason's chest. "You're not going anywhere."

"What the hell do you mean?" Mason knocked Evin's hand away. "If this is your battle, then it's mine too. No one is going to come here and threaten what's mine."

Warmth spread through Evin's chest like wildfire. He'd never get tired of hearing Mason stake his claim. Blood surged to his groin, and he had to push back the urge to take his mate, bend him over the bed, and fuck him into submission right there. But damn if this was the time to teach his lover who was in charge. Especially not with his sister in the room.

"After what you went through last night, you're not ready for this kind of fight. No way." Evin shook his head, pivoted, and headed toward the door.

"I'm fine." Evin could have sworn he'd heard Mason's teeth click as hard as he'd bitten out those words. "I'm not sitting back and watching like some damn pansy while someone tries to kill you."

"I'm not arguing with you on this." Evin gripped the door handle and glanced back. "I need for you to keep an eye on Rosa. I can handle this if I know you two are safe."


Mason surged in his direction, but Evin was out the door before the other man could get another word in. Yeah, he'd pay for that one later.

Barefoot and shirtless, Evin ran through the breezeway, then cut over onto the grounds of the garden. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted his father stepping from the house and onto the large stone patio. His mother, the queen, stood behind him, and Evin didn't miss the pleading hold she had on the alpha's arm. Their personal guards would never interfere in this fight. Pack law said it was Evin and his father's battle to win.

Jocelyn was out the door next. "What are you doing?" She cried out at her father. "No..." Jocelyn shook her head. "I did everything precisely as you said. I'm about to be queen."

The Lathans had formed a shallow V formation at the rear of the mansion, with Jocelyn's father, Victor, leading the mob. "Yes. You did fine, Jocelyn," Victor replied, meeting her confused expression. "But fate cannot be denied. This is all too perfect."

Victor's eyebrows shot up at the sight of both KinKaid males closing in, his gaze flicking from one man to the other.

"Well, well," the senior Lathan began, his words directed at Evin. "I'd almost given up hope that this day would come, when you returned to the pack to stake your claim. But what were the odds that you wouldn't show up on time for the transfer of power?" A smirk slashed Victor's mouth. "My lucky day."

The older man dropped to all fours, clothes splitting down his sides as he shifted. His posse followed like dominoes toppling in a row, morphing into their wolf forms. The sounds of ripping cotton and denim filled the cool morning air. His father's howl rang in his ears.

Evin sprang, his wolf shape overtaking him midflight.

He and his father were grossly outnumbered. But no way in hell would they go down easy. The Lathans would feel their teeth and claws, leaving several of them dead before a KinKaid would fall.

Dark paws hit the grassy surface amid three of his enemies. Evin snarled, turning, never allowing his back to remain in one spot. Each clawed the ground, snapping for a piece of him as he moved. Then it was his turn.

He lunged.

Jaws wide.

The foul taste of sweat and hot fur filled Evin's mouth. He clamped down hard, sinking his canines deep in the wolf's throat. A yelp rang out from the other beast, and his legs buckled. Evin held on, rolling with the twists and turns of his enemy's body. Without warning, the weight of the two wolves slammed into his torso, one on each side. Evin locked his jaw tight. No fucking way were they going to knock him loose.

Blood spilled into his mouth, nearly choking him. His neck and shoulders burned from the relentless amount of jaw pressure. The other wolves hammered at his back and legs. Pain raced up his spine from their attack, but he refused to go down.

From a distance, a familiar growl released then grew in intensity.



His father was coming. Two snarls followed by shrill cries of pain filled Evin's ears, and then the bombardment against his flesh ceased as well as the struggles underneath his muzzle. The battle had been won, but the war still raged on.

Evin wrenched his jaw free. He whirled just as a blow landed against his head. Stars burst in his vision, and Evin stumbled. His ears rang. In a haze, Evin could barely make out the alpha's shape. He had one wolf pinned, but the other chomped at his father's neck, determined to find an opening.

Another blow sent Evin tumbling. Victor, Jocelyn's father, had him targeted. Evin clawed at the ground and scrambled back onto all fours. His vision swam, but the bastard wasn't taking him down that easy. If he wanted blood, Evin would give him a taste.

With canines bared, Evin dipped his muzzle and charged. The heavier wolf met him halfway and rammed him, the force causing Evin's ribs to cave in. The resulting
echoed in his ears. Evin reached inside, calling upon every ounce of reserve strength, then reared back and slammed forward once more. Victor sailed backward, his paws leaving the ground. His spine hit and curved at an unnatural angle over the rim of the garden's fountain. His body slumped onto the surrounding concrete.

Evin's diaphragm contracted, dragging the breath back through the pain and into his starved lungs. He swung around to find his father once more engaged in a fight for his life. One of the wolves was down and unmoving from the alpha's attack on his throat. But the other—the other had Barron pinned.

Hell no.

Barron KinKaid may be a bastard, but he was still his father, and Evin would not see him destroyed.

Dirt and grass flew from beneath his paws as Evin ate up the distance between himself and the two wolves. With his prey marked and in sight, Evin leaped. The force of the impact dislodged the other wolf from the alpha. Evin crashed on top of the final Lathan in a frenzy of claws and teeth. Blood sprayed. Fur flew. Until the world was a blur, and Evin knew only primal instinct, an animal driven to dominate. Driven to defend his territory.

The Lathan wolf flipped beneath Evin, reared his head back, mouth wide, going for the jugular. But it was a fatal mistake. In his stretch to reach Evin's throat, he exposed his own, giving Evin the perfect winning strike at his windpipe.

"Father!" Rosa's scream wrenched Evin from his prey. Evin spun at the same moment a golden blond wolf sprang into the air.


His mate collided with a conscious and charging Victor mere seconds before the large beast pounced on his father's injured form. What the fuck? The damn wolf had been down.

Mason and Victor locked and rolled, tumbling across the grass in a whirl of blond and gray-speckled fur. Evin couldn't breathe. His heart thundered in his ears.
Shit. Shit.
He couldn't get to them fast enough. It was as if he were moving in fucking slow motion.

A loud yelp ricocheted inside Evin's head.

No! Fuck, no! Mason.

Evin's hind legs collapsed, and he pitched forward. Somehow, he regained his balance, snatching his muzzle up seconds before eating dirt. Mason's blond form was down. Victor's larger size held him to the ground, his jaws pinning Mason's head to the grassy surface. This time, the son of a bitch would die.

At full speed, Evin collided with the other wolf. Victor's grip on Mason failed, and his head whipped around from the impact as his body rolled over Mason's. Victor was a dead man. Evin leaped over Mason's still form and landed beside the senior wolf's torso. The sound of an automatic pistol being locked and loaded froze the dueling pair.

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