The KinKaid Wolf Pack Trilogy (17 page)

Read The KinKaid Wolf Pack Trilogy Online

Authors: Jessica Lee

Tags: #wolf shifters, #KinKaid Wolf Pack, #Jessica Lee, #Paranormal Erotic Romance, #menage romance, #gay paranormal romance

"Hasn't enough of our family died today?" The sound of Jocelyn's dead-calm voice sent a shiver down Evin's spine. Evin shifted but remained crouched and swung his human gaze in her direction. Tears streaked her pale cheeks, yet her expression contained no mercy. Victor's wild stare met his daughter's. Even though he held the face of a wolf, shock was written in his eyes.

"Go home, Father. No more." She shook her head. "I can't take anymore," Joselyn whispered.

The other wolf rolled to his feet and stood there as if in challenge.

"I don't want to shoot you." Jocelyn's voice wavered, and her hand shook. "But I will do it—I swear I will if that's what it takes to stop this." Victor's gaze held Jocelyn's for what seemed like minutes before he finally turned and walked toward the tree line. Jocelyn's arm dropped, taking the gun to her side. Her knees collapsed, and she sank to the grass. Her gaze drifted to Evin.

"I didn't think they would actually take it this far." Jocelyn trembled, her loose blonde hair swaying. "I swear. I didn't know."

"We don't have time to play the blame game right now." It was all he could do not to spit the words at her.

Mason's human groan had Evin spinning back around. Damn, his throat was a mess, but the shift had at least stopped the bleeding. If the attack had occurred while he was human, a shift would have healed the damage. But since he'd been in his wolf form, the shift back to his human state saved his life, though the injury would need more time to heal.

His father's shadow moved over Mason. Evin glanced up. Rosa and his mother stood by the Barron’s side, having wrapped a blanket over his shoulders.

"We'll get your friend inside and taken care of. See to your mate, son," the alpha instructed, lifting his chin in Jocelyn's direction.

seeing to my mate," Evin bit back in return. He slid his arm beneath Mason's neck and another under his knees, cradling him against his chest before standing. Mason hissed, and a grimace formed on his face.

"What are you trying to say?" Barron's puzzled expression moved from Jocelyn's distressed form still sitting on the ground to the man in Evin's arms. "You're confused right now..."

Evin marched past his family and headed toward the KinKaid home, Mason secure in hold. "I've never been more clear in my life."



ne week later

Evin KinKaid's cabin on pack grounds


ason propped his guitar over his thigh and strummed a chord, testing the strings. He'd lost count of how long it'd been since he'd last played. But today, the time felt right.
felt right. As if he was exactly where he was supposed to be and who he was supposed to be. He sat back, allowing his shoulders to rest against the headboard of the bed. Evin had left earlier, needing to make sure what remained of the Lathans, including Jocelyn, departed the grounds without incident.

After the battle at the mansion and once Mason had received the care he'd needed, Evin's father hadn't wasted another minute transferring his position to his son, even though the shock of learning about his son's ineffective mating ceremony hadn't worn off. Mason had been half out of it, but he'd never forget the shade of red Barron KinKaid's face had turned when Evin informed him of their unique bond. He'd seemed ready to explode, but Evin reminded him that if it hadn't been for his mate, his father would have been dead. That sudden recollection had seemed to quickly sober the former alpha.

"What? No welcome-home kiss for your mate?" The deep and delicious sound of Evin's voice kick-started Mason's pulse, sending a surge of lust to his groin. He glanced up. Evin stood in the doorway, one shoulder leaning against the wood frame. The
you're mine
grin he sported told Mason the other man knew exactly how he affected him. And that he loved every minute of it.

"Hi there, yourself," Mason said. "Didn't hear you come in."

"I could tell." Evin strolled over toward the bed, kicked off his shoes, and plopped down beside him. "You looked pretty deep in thought." He leaned over, brushed the surface of Mason's lower lip with his tongue first, then gently covered his mouth with a kiss that said more than any words could hope to reveal. Mason knew his moves. His touch. Evin filled the void in Mason's heart and completed his soul.

Mason lifted his head, catching his breath. "I love you," he whispered.

A smile spread across Evin's mouth—one that lit his eyes, making the blue sparkle. "I love you too." His thumb smoothed over Mason's chin.

"Hate to change the subject here, since we're talking about how much you love me." Mason bit back a chuckle. "But I have to ask. How did it go with Jocelyn?"

Evin propped up a couple of pillows, then leaned back, his head turned in Mason's direction. "She's taking it pretty hard, since she's lost not only her brother but her place as queen as well." Evin swiped a hand over his face, as if the whole topic exhausted him. "But she's strong, and I'd expected worse, considering how many years her family groomed her for power. It's amazing she's stable at all." Evin turned his gaze away. "I think getting her away from the pack was the right thing to do. For a moment there the other morning, when I saw her pointing the gun at her father, I glimpsed a little of the compassion that used to exist in her when we were kids." He rolled to his side, facing Mason. "Maybe this time she can truly start over."

"Yeah. That would be good." Mason reached out and smoothed a palm over Evin's cheek. "You never cease to surprise me."

"I try." Evin grinned.

Mason shoved at his shoulder, rocking the other man back. "So did you get a chance to discuss your ideas with your father about amending the laws about who can succeed?"

"No. There really wasn't time." Evin fixed his gaze on Mason. "But I'm not going to let this go. Our pack needs to join the twenty-first century. There's no reason the son of an alpha's daughter shouldn't be considered to one day assume power. And my sister's children will carry KinKaid DNA. Maybe not the surname, but the dominant trait could be passed to her sons. One of her offspring should be allowed to take my place in the future."

"It's excellent logic. Unless it's just stubborn pride keeping them in the dark ages, I can't see why the elders wouldn't agree."

"Very true." Evin reached over and traced his finger along one of Mason's guitar strings. "Are you sure living here, in these small quarters instead of the alpha mansion, is enough? I just wanted to keep it simple. Just you and me for as long as we can get away with it."

"Me, you, a roof... It's all I need." Mason met and held Evin's gaze.

Evin's hand left the guitar and brushed Mason's cheek. "Ditto." His expression morphed from one of warmth to concern right before adding, "It looked like you had a lot on your mind when I came in. Did you have another
with your dad?"

"No. Thank goodness; I think that's settled. The threat I'd talked about possibly having to use has taken care of that problem. He won't be interfering in our lives unless he wants information about his gay son fed to the media." Mason rolled his eyes. "In reality, it's an empty threat. I couldn't risk anyone finding out about our world or potentially causing my mother or sister pain." Mason quirked a smile in Evin's direction. "But my dad doesn't know that."

"I do love it when you're bad." Evin narrowed his eyes. He wrapped his fingers around the guitar's neck, which rested on Mason's thigh, and then slowly allowed his palm to slide down over the strings. "You know, I never realized how sexy it could be to watch a hot guy's hands glide over an instrument." His gaze flicked to Mason. The pink tip of Evin's tongue moistened his lips.
Mason's cock pulsed.

"Are you saying you think I'm hot?" Mason lifted a brow.

Evin grinned. "Most definitely."

"Wow." Mason feigned surprise. "I think you're kind of cute too." He smirked.

"Cute?" Evin yanked the guitar from Mason's lap and tossed it behind him on the bed.

"Hey! Give that back." Mason laughed.

He loomed over Mason, one hand on either side of his shoulders, and gripped the bed rails. "I've been a lot of things over the past few years, but cute is not one of them."

"What? Are you going to punish me for calling you cute?" Mason brought his head forward and planted a kiss on Evin's pouting lips.

A low growl vibrated off his mate's chest. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Yes, sir," Mason breathed, then nibbled his lover's mouth.

Evin grunted, but pulled back and stood from the bed. "Naked. Now."

The command sent chills skating over Mason's flesh, lifting the hairs on his body. Quickly Mason lifted his hips and pushed off his shorts. He hadn't bothered putting on a shirt that morning, so his bottoms were the only item that needed to go. Mason watched as Evin stripped in front of him. He took his time, knowing the show would drive Mason wild. And Evin was right. His cock burned. Mason stroked the hard length, spreading the precum over the head, enjoying the beautiful sight of his lover's body.

Nude and erect, his rigid shaft bounced with each step. Evin moved to end of the bed and nabbed Mason's guitar. What was he up to?

"On the edge of the bed."

Mason looked up, met Evin's commanding gaze, then dropped his legs over the edge of the bed. "You mean like this, sitting?"

"Yes. Good." Evin held the guitar out in front of Mason.

Reflex had Mason taking the instrument. What the hell? Did Evin want him to play? Now?

"Scoot farther over the edge," Evin directed.

With guitar in hand, Mason rocked his hip until only a portion of his ass remained on the mattress.

"Excellent." A devilish smile sat on his face. "Now, open your legs."

Mason complied.


The cool wood of the guitar sat against the top of Mason's rock-hard cock, but it in no way chilled the fire in his veins. Mason spread his thighs a little more. The look on Evin's face had his balls taut and the blood pounding through his length. Fuck. If he'd only come a little closer. One touch, and shit, he'd lose it.

Evin eased onto the chair beside the bed, facing him with his legs apart. His large palm worked a slow and steady rhythm over his thick girth. His gaze raked Mason. "Have you ever been fucked or blown while you played, Mason?"

Holy shit!


opyright © 2012 Jessica Lee


his is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are all fictitious products of the author’s imagination. They are not real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


ll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced electronically or used in whole or in part without written permission from the author. Unauthorized use or distribution is illegal. Exception given for review quotes.


dult content
. This book contains sexually explicit material, including sexual play between men, anal intercourse, sexual dominance, and graphic language. Please be advised that any reader sensitive to the above mentioned material may not wish to continue. 


ecoming the alpha of one's wolf pack—brutal. Keeping the title and your mate alive all at the same time—living hell.

Evin KinKaid has it all: the title of alpha of the KinKaid wolf shifter pack and the man he loves, his mate, Mason Thorne II in his bed. But across territorial lines, it seems another pack is conspiring to see just how badly he wants to keep them both. So when the Gregorson pack tests its boundaries, leaving Evin to find his home ransacked and his mate nowhere to be found, the rival shifters learn what it's like to gain the KinKaid's alpha's full attention.

Chapter One


uck! Yes.” Mason rocked forward, seating himself balls-deep inside Evin.

His mate.

The man who held his heart in his hands, and the only one capable of bringing him to his knees and have him begging for more. But tonight, the alpha of the KinKaid wolf pack submitted.

“Come here,” Evin rumbled and wrapped his fingers around the back of Mason's head. Mason lowered his torso over Evin's chest, following his lead, and seized his partner's mouth. The kiss hot and urgent. Mason thrust his hips in time to the hungry nips and pulls at his lips and tongue. A groan released from the back of Evin's throat as he pulled back. “You love it, don't you?” Blue eyes filled with wicked lust locked with Mason's.

“Love what?” Mason pistoned forward and rolled his hips, forcing a gasp of pleasure from his mate. “You?” he added, then swiped another taste of Evin's full lower lip before lifting his head. “That, I do.” Mason smirked. Evin grumbled but rose to meet each downward stroke Mason offered.

“No. When you get to fuck me.” Evin gripped the top of Mason's ass with his broad hands, stilling his movements. Mason bit back a moan. His cock was on fire, the need for release drawing his balls tight.

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