The KinKaid Wolf Pack Trilogy (18 page)

Read The KinKaid Wolf Pack Trilogy Online

Authors: Jessica Lee

Tags: #wolf shifters, #KinKaid Wolf Pack, #Jessica Lee, #Paranormal Erotic Romance, #menage romance, #gay paranormal romance

“Yes,” he whispered, his voice hoarse. “Watching you come beneath me while your ass squeezes my damn hot.” Mason didn't miss the shiver that raced over his mate.

“Damn you...” Evin growled and jerked his hands away. “Fuck me!” His hips surged up and bumped Mason's, urging him on.

Mason shot Evin a defiant smile and narrowed his gaze. “Make me.”

The bedroom blurred in a whirl of browns, blues, and white as Mason's back slammed into the mattress. Evin's large, muscled frame loomed above, his hard thighs braced around Mason's hips.

“Make you, huh?” The corner of his mate's mouth lifted in challenge.

Mason grinned.

“Brown Eyes, you know that's a dare you'll never win.” Evin grasped Mason's cock and held it steady as he sank back onto the shaft. Mason couldn't hold back his pleasure-filled groan as Evin's tight heat engulfed him. His lover's muscles squeezed and released, over and over, as if trying to milk the cum up from his balls.

“Shit!” Mason flung his arms over his head and fisted the headboard’s wrought-iron rails. Evin didn't play fair. Mason breathed deep, then exhaled, attempting to slow his heart rate. He wouldn't cave. Not yet. The game was just too damn amazing.

Evin flexed his thighs and slowly lifted, squeezing every inch of Mason's cock along the way. Mason gasped, and unbidden, his hips surged up, the urge to fuck nearly uncontrollable.
Not yet.
Tightening his hold on the headboard, he stilled, then settled back onto the mattress.

“You okay, baby?” Evin's palms glided up Mason's chest. His fingers lingered on Mason's nipples before giving them a tweak. “Something you need?” A mischievous gaze met his.

“I'm fine,” he forced out through clenched teeth. “But I think I have something
need.” Mason flicked the tip of his tongue out, wetting his upper lip.

A low rumble vibrated off Evin's chest, and he repeated the process—in reverse. With excruciating deliberation, he lowered over Mason's sensitized erection until his cheeks bumped Mason's groin.

Holy shit.

If his mate didn't let go soon, Mason was going to come unglued. Because, dear God, he
need. He needed more of Evin.




Evin ground his hips, seating Mason's cock even deeper, rocking and pulsing along the base of his shaft.
Blowing his mind.

“Ah, shit!” Mason released his grip on the bars and clamped on to Evin's hips right before driving the other man up with his own. “Damn you!” he growled and proceeded to shuttle his cock in and out. “You win.”

“God. Yes.” Evin slammed his mouth onto Mason's, riding the feverish pitch of his thrusts. He groaned and tore his lips away. “That’s it. Fuck me.”

There wasn't a damn thing he wanted to do more. Mason worked his cock in and out, digging his fingers into Evin's flesh, dragging him down with every upward lunge.
So good. So tight.
His gums tingled, signaling the lengthening of his canines.

“On your back,” Mason ordered a second before he rolled, taking Evin beneath him. Evin wrapped his legs high on Mason's hips, his heels digging into his ass with each stroke. Mason leaned in, yearning for a taste of his mate. He brushed his lips against Evin's, then dropped to his shoulder and traced his partner's throbbing pulse with his tongue, following the beat until it ended at the curve of his jaw. “You ready, mate?” he breathed. “'Cause when I mark you, my cock's gonna blow.” Evin gripped Mason's nape and pressed his lips closer to his target: the dip where Evin's shoulder met his neck. The same area that held the scar from his previous love nips.

“Fuck, yeah,” Evin uttered, his voice gruff. “Do it.”

The tips of his canines tingled with anticipation. Mason opened wide and struck, sinking his teeth and his cock into his lover at the same time. The orgasm erupted from Mason's shaft, blasting an electric bolt of pleasure up his spine. Hot blood seeped into his mouth as his cum pumped into Evin.

“Mason!” Evin circled Mason's waist and pulled him tight against his chest, rubbing the hard ridge of his erection against Mason's lower abs. Seconds later, Evin's hips jerked, and the warm, wet feel of his seed jetted between them.

Mason released his mate's shoulder and soothed the bite mark with his tongue. The healing properties of his saliva would ease any pain and prevent infection, but he and Evin would always carry the scarred evidence of their mating. Mason smiled at the thought, his own shoulder heated where Evin had sunk his canines many times over the last six months. He gave one last prolonged lick over the wound, drawing a moan and squirm of pleasure from his partner.

Evin grasped Mason's shoulders, pulled him in, and sealed their mouths. But this time, instead of hard and hot, their pace slowed to tender and thorough. A lingering kiss between two people who had an eternity to explore their love—but whose desire could never be quenched.

“Love you,” Mason whispered against his mate's lips.

“I love you too.” Evin threaded his fingers through Mason's hair. “Can't imagine my life without you.”

“Good. 'Cause I'm never letting you go.” Mason smiled, then nipped Evin's lower lip.

“Ouch!” Evin jerked and laughed.

Mason flexed, ready to scramble from the bed, but Evin snaked his arm around his waist, halting his retreat right. A hard palm landed on Mason's ass.

“Hey...” he cried out, whipping his head around to meet the handsome, teasing gaze of his lover. Warmth flared across his butt cheek where he'd been spanked, sending a heady rush of excitement through his veins. “You love
, don't you?”

“What?” Evin smoothed his palm over the sting, then promptly swatted the same spot again. This time Mason had anticipated his move and yielded to the sensation. “Keeping you in line? Spanking your ass when you've been bad?” Mason's cock stirred back to life at his words. The deep and husky sound of renewed arousal in Evin's voice tantalized every nerve ending and licked up his shaft, making it difficult to remain still. Evin pulled Mason closer, and the warmth of his breath caressed Mason's ear. “Yes, I do.”

The heavy thud of a fist pounding on the front door had Mason swallowing the demand for Evin to finish the punishment he'd started.

“What the...?” Evin rolled from the bed and darted toward the bathroom. Mason followed close on his heels. After performing a quick spot check for any evidence, they grabbed their robes and made their way to the front of the cabin. The abuse of the wood grew even more insistent as they neared. “Coming!” Evin mumbled a few more choice words, flipped the dead bolt, and yanked the door wide open.

Landry Michaels and Kaleb Dalton, two senior leaders of the KinKaid enforcers, stood on the other side. The stony looks on their faces and the fact that it was three o'clock in the morning said they hadn't dropped by for a beer.

“We've got a problem.” Landry was the first to speak as he entered. Kaleb sauntered in behind, his palm resting on the grip of his automatic.

“Must be a bitch of a situation if this couldn't wait until dawn,” Evin stated, shoving the door closed.

“It's the Gregorson pack.” Kaleb swung back around, facing Evin now.

Mason moved in closer to his mate's side. He didn't know what the hell that meant, but judging by the chill suddenly sweeping the room, it couldn't be good. Mason glanced up at his partner. Lines of tension creased the corners of his eyes, reinforcing the uneasiness bubbling in Mason’s gut.

“What have you found?” With a lift of his chin, Evin directed the men toward the den, and the warmth of his hand at Mason's back guided him toward the couch.

The thump of boot heels echoed off the wood floor as they proceeded into the other room. Dressed in black from head to toe, the enforcer’s uniforms matched their dark moods.

Landry dropped into the large chair to the left of the sofa. Kaleb sat on the edge of the love seat, legs spread, and hands clasped between his knees, directly across from Evin and Mason. He shoved a few strands of the auburn hair that had come loose from the band at his nape behind his ear, then looked to Landry. As if on cue, the other enforcer picked up where Kaleb had left off.

“Dead wolves.” Landry took a deep breath and rubbed a gloved hand over the back of his bare neck. Where Kaleb's hair fell beneath his shoulders, Landry’s cut was all military with his dark strands buzzed close to the scalp.

“Shit.” Evin shook his head. “How many and where?”

“Four. Border patrol found them a couple of hours ago. All the carcasses had been strategically left just inside KinKaid territory.”

“Excuse me here, but um...”—Mason's gaze darted between Evin and Landry—“how can you be sure it's this Gregorson pack?”

Evin turned in Mason's direction, lifting one eyebrow. “How would a dog leave his calling card?”

Mason studied Evin's expression for a split second before it hit him. “Oh! They urinated on the bodies?”
Fuck, how vile.
It was bad enough that they'd killed those beautiful animals, but to degrade them by pissing on their broken bodies...

“Correct,” Landry continued. “The markings were definitely not familiar to any of us, which left only one explanation. Well...” The enforcer's dark gaze flicked away, as if he was uncomfortable for the briefest of moments with what he was about to say. Then look vanished, and he was all hardened military again. “All except one.” Landry's expression steeled. “I did recognize a marking and can confirm that the trespassers were from the Gregorson pack.”

“I won't ask you how you would know that. Now is not the time.”—Evin leaned forward, elbows on his knees, his fingers laced and steepled—”only if you're one hundred percent certain?” The alpha met Landry's hard stare with one of his own. Kaleb studied his partner's profile, his expression intense, strained. If Mason had to guess, the reveal that Landry knew one of the scents came as news to Kaleb as well.

“I am,” Landry said, his voice deep and steady.

“Okay. That’s good enough for me,” Evin stated. “No other signs of anyone deeper into our territory, just at the border?”

“Nothing,” Kaleb said, taking his gaze back to Evin.

“Well then, it appears the Gregorson’s are trying to get the new alpha's attention.” Evin glanced over at Mason, blue eyes hooded by long, obsidian lashes.

“And they've succeeded,” Mason replied and stood. “Looks like it's going to be a long day. I'll get a pot of coffee going.”

“Thanks.” Evin's mumbled reply drifted behind him, and Mason made his way to the kitchen.

A few moments later, the three men passed by, heading toward the door as Mason grabbed two mugs from the cupboard.

“Inform the elders there'll be an emergency meeting at my father's home at seven,” Evin said. “Believe me, when I'm done, the Gregorson pack will have a much clearer understanding of what it means to have the KinKaid alpha's full attention.”

Mason drew a calming breath. He didn't like the sound of that plan. But he knew they didn't come any smarter or tougher than Evin. The man could handle himself. God knew he'd seen proof of that when Evin had taken down a couple of Jocelyn's family members right after they'd attempted to kill the former alpha, Evin's father.

Mason's mind slipped back to that incredible roller coaster ride of a week when he'd met Evin, and his whole world had turned upside down. It'd been six months, but to Mason, everything loomed so fresh in his mind. Becoming a wolf shifter—mate to Evin KinKaid—had meant walking away from his human life: his parents, his sister, and his former identity. And he'd do it all again if it meant Evin would be his. Mason had never been happier in his life. But still, with news of a threat against his current family, he couldn't help but wonder about his former one. Especially his mother and sister. Did they miss him? Were they okay?

“Rosa?” The combined exclamation from Landry and Kaleb had Mason swinging around. Evin stood with the front door open, his partner's twin sister on the threshold.

“What are you doing here at this hour?” Evin took her by the arm and pulled her inside.

“Exactly. That's what I'd like to know,” Landry added, crossing his arms over his chest.

Dang. Last he'd checked, Rosa only had one brother. But by the sound of Landry's voice and the look of frustration on Kaleb's face, there were three mighty possessive men standing in the hallway. Two of which, if they didn't back off, were about to get their asses kicked. Rosa may look like a china doll, but she shared the same DNA with an alpha wolf. Mason quietly chuckled and poured a cup of strong brew for Evin and himself.

“Back off.” Rosa glared at Landry, then Kaleb. “You too, before you even open your mouth.” Both men clamped their lips tight but appeared as if they were about to spit molars from the hard clench of their jaws. She turned to Evin. “I see my gut instincts weren't wrong.” Rosa glanced at Mason, worry clouding her blue eyes, then returned to Evin. “Something bad happened tonight, didn't it?”

Chapter Two


hey're taunting you!” Barron KinKaid slammed his fist onto the wood of the conference table.

“I realize that,” Evin snapped in return, trying his best to hold onto what was left of his patience. “But I'm not going to risk the lives of our men by charging north into their territory like rabid animals. Our retaliation needs to be well thought out to minimize KinKaid casualties and maximize our effectiveness.” They'd been at this for the last twelve hours and had got nowhere. His father wanted a show of immediate force to teach them a lesson. The council had suggested a diplomatic meeting of the pack alphas, which infuriated the former alpha, and Evin could understand why. They'd desecrated KinKaid land and the animals that lived there under their protection. A price would have to be paid for their violation, and Evin agreed that meant more action than diplomacy alone could provide. Yet his people needed to think before reacting, to prevent an all-out war. No one would win if such an event occurred.

Besides, wouldn't forcing them to wait make them squirm even more? Anticipation had always been the best—or worst—part of any game.

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