Read The Lady and the Falconer Online

Authors: Laurel O'Donnell

Tags: #historical romance, #romance novels, #medieval romance, #romance adventure, #romance ebooks, #Fiction, #Romance, #romance books, #Historical, #romance author

The Lady and the Falconer (34 page)

But the only revenge he was able to come up with was the attack he planned on her sweet body.





Chapter Thirty-Two




arly the next morning, S
olace shivered, sitting up in her bed in the spare room Uncle Hugh had prepared for her, her arms peppered with goose bumps. She wrapped the covers tightly around her, wondering why it was so cold. Then she looked at the window to find one of the shutters had blown open during the night, letting in a chilling draft. She swung her legs out of the bed and padded to the window, keeping her blanket curled around her. But as she reached a hand out to close the shutters, she halted. A winsome smile grew on her lips, and she threw the shutters wide. Joy soared through her. Large flakes of snow were falling from the gray sky, tumbling end over end, floating earthward with silent grace. The ground was covered in a downy white blanket. The trees were splashed with a shimmering coat of ivory.

The cold abruptly vanished from her body as an excited warmth consumed her. The laughter of children sang to her from somewhere outside, their sweet voices filling her with comforting cheer. She threw the blanket from her body and quickly rummaged through a chest at the foot of the bed. It was overflowing with dresses that Uncle Hugh had told her had belonged to his late wife. She quickly donned one of them, pulled on some shoes and raced down the stairs, out into the chill morning air. She turned her face up to the sky, letting the large snowflakes kiss her skin with cold lips. She laughed out loud and held her hands out to capture the elusive flakes.

“Are you mad?”

The voice startled her and she whirled to face Logan. Slowly, a grin spread across her face. “Isn’t it beautiful?” she cried. Another snowflake kissed her lips, and her mouth shimmered in the sun’s morning light.

“You have no cloak on. Your shoes are soaked through,” Logan answered darkly, approaching her from the barn where he had chosen to sleep. His angry breath was clearly visible, white puffs of air erupting from his mouth and nose like the outraged snorts of a disturbed dragon.

“You’re one to talk,” she said, looking over his disheveled white tunic, black leggings and black boots, which he had obviously just thrown on.

As she turned her back to him, she heard him retort, “That’s because someone’s insane cackling woke me and I came out to see who was up so damned early.”

She moved to a tree stump covered with snow and bent over the wood, slowly gathering a handful of fallen flakes. “Yes. Laughter is such a strange sound around here,” she said, hoping to distract him for a moment

“Get inside this instant before you catch your death,” he ordered.

Solace whirled, letting the snowball fly. It sailed through the air, spinning straight for its intended target, but Logan easily sidestepped it. His face darkened with outrage and disbelief as he continued to approach her. She burst into giggles and stooped to grab another handful of snow.

“Don’t!” he warned.

Splat. The ball of snow hit him squarely in the chest, spreading a dark smear of cold wetness across his tunic.

Solace clapped in glee. Ignoring the frigid chill in her reddening fingers, she bent to retrieve another snowball. The insolent dog deserves to have an entire avalanche of snow fall on his stubborn head, she thought. And I’m going to start it! As she straightened, she saw Logan was only a few feet away from her. She quickly pelted him with the next snowball. Without seeing where it hit, she turned to race away.

Logan launched himself at her, catching her around the waist, tackling her. Snow billowed up all around them as their bodies hit the ground. He pinned her in the snow, his body pressing tightly against hers.

Solace laughed and soft, white clouds of happiness slipped out from her lips as her warm joy mingled with the cold air.

Until he picked up a handful of snow.

Then her laughter trailed off as her eyes widened incredulously. “You wouldn’t!” she half laughed, half shrieked, grabbing his hand and holding it away from her.

A smile crossed his handsome face, lighting up his features with a warmth she had always hoped to see again. Surrounded by freezing wind, entrapped in a frozen cocoon of snow, Solace’s heart melted. His smile was the most devastatingly beautiful thing she had ever seen. Her hold on his hand eased, and the laughter left her face. “You should smile more often.”

He sobered, his smile fading as he stared down at her, inspecting her face closely. His gaze caressed her cherry nose, her red cheeks, and finally came to rest on her moist, parted lips.

Her lips parted even more, obeying the command his eyes were giving them, inviting entrance to their temptation.

A trickle of icy water traced its way from the snow in Logan’s hand down Solace’s wrist, disappearing beneath her sleeve. She didn’t want to move, didn’t want to breathe for fear he would leave her, but the snow melting in his palm was a temptation she couldn’t resist.

She shoved his hand into his face, smearing the frozen white rain across his skin, breaking the spell they were falling under. He hissed steam and she squirmed wildly, trying to get away from him, but his weight effectively held her hostage. He wiped the snow from his cheek with his shoulder and scooped up another handful. “You’ll pay for that one.”

“Don’t! Don’t!” she squealed as an evil smile crossed his face. He easily held her hands aside with one of his, trapping them above her head. He touched the snow to her lips and slowly made a cold, wet line from her chin to the top of her dress. Solace squirmed helplessly in his clutches. He paused at her neckline, then lifted the fabric and tucked the snow down the front of her dress.

Gasping in disbelief, Solace shoved him from her and stood, arching her body away from the snow in her dress, dancing like some mad drunk in her effort to escape the stinging cold. The ball of melting snow traced an icy path down her body, dipping between her breasts, then rolling across her stomach and finally out her skirt. She shivered and glared at him. “This is war,” she vowed.

He approached her, and she backed away from him. “You want a war,” Logan murmured, “you’ve got one.”

She backed up slowly, stopping short as her back touched the stone wall of Cavindale Manor. “Wait,” she said, holding up her hands and pressing them tentatively against his chest. His muscles were hard. “I was just kidding. I don’t want to be at war with you.” There was honesty in her voice.

Snowflakes swirled around them, drifting lazily through the morning air, sparkling as the sun bounced off their delicate shapes. For a moment, Solace felt a stirring of magic in her soul, and she wondered if it was from nature’s wintry gift or from the look on Logan’s face as he gazed tenderly at her.

He reached a hand to run it down her nose and over her cheeks. “You’re freezing. Let’s get inside and warm up.”

The sudden thought of curling into a blanket beside Logan warmed her spirit as well as her body. She allowed him to take her hand in his and lead her inside Cavindale Manor.

“Go upstairs and get changed,” Logan instructed as he closed the door behind them.

Something like alarm flared through her. She felt so close to him now, so at ease. She was afraid if she left him, if she even let go of his hand, the distance would somehow be in his eyes when she returned.

“Go on,” he ordered, gently disengaging his hand from hers.

“Wait for me by the hearth,” she replied.

His lips curved in a warm promise and Solace turned, fleeing up the stairs.






Logan leaned against the roaring hearth, spreading his fingers before him to warm them. As the snow melted from his chest and hair, the magic began to fade and Logan’s old, cynical mood returned. Finally, he heard the rustle of cloth and turned to see Solace crossing the Great Hall toward him. He saw her tiny toes appear and disappear with her steps beneath her blue gown; she hadn’t even taken the time to don a pair of shoes. She wore a blanket around her shoulders. Her hair was wild and uncombed, a tangle of rebellious curls. But it was her large emerald eyes that kept his gaze riveted.

When she joined him, Logan turned his gaze back to the dancing, twisting flames, flames that ate away at his soul.

She stood beside him for a long moment, staring at the wavering flames. “When I was young I was never allowed to play in the snow or in the rain. Father said I had too many other, more important things to do,” Solace explained.

Logan shifted his gaze back to her face. So, now she is making up for the denied pleasures of her childhood, he thought. I wish I had time to do the same. And for a moment, under her guidance, he realized he had.

“Now he’s not here to tell me I can’t do it.” She stared down into the hypnotic flames.

Logan watched the reflection of light shimmer on her face. The soft glow of the flames caressed her skin. She was achingly beautiful. Any man in his right mind would fall hopelessly in love with her.

Any man except him.

He seized her arm and pulled her close so she could hear his words distinctly. “I don’t want you,” he snarled, his anger directed more at himself than at her. “The only thing that’s important is I regain control of Castle Fulton.”

“I know,” she replied weakly.

Her soft voice drove him wild with want. Her large green eyes made him desperate to cast aside every vow he had ever made to himself and to his family and love her.

He gritted his teeth. What was she doing to his mind, to his reasoning? He had to keep a clear head. He had to keep focused on what was important. Instead, all he could see, all he could think about, was Solace. With an anguished growl, he pulled her to him, assaulting her lips with an onslaught of kisses. He reached around behind her, coming up from the rear like a vanquishing army, trapping her tightly against his body. Like an expert in war, he attacked her senses, leaving her powerless against his victory.

When his kisses traveled to her neck, she rallied her final defenses. “I thought you didn’t want me.”

Her soft-spoken reminder branded him a lying fool. He pulled back sharply to stare into her eyes. “The treasure between your thighs is enough to bring the strongest man to his knees.”

A broken sob tore loose from her throat. “But what of you?”

“Is that what you want?” he demanded. “To bring me to my knees?”

“No,” she whispered. “To bring you to my side, as my ally. I need your help. You know the castle. You know the secret passages.”

Her green gems shone at him, pleading in their innocence, dark in their want. He could see her desire in them. He knew he would give her the world, the heavens, the stars. But he could not give her his allegiance. The only allegiance he had was to his family. His dead family. But they were gone and she was so very alive. With a groan of despair and indecision, he pushed away from her.

“Don’t fight me, Logan,” Solace insisted. “I’m not your enemy.”

He stepped away from her. Logan Grey had never been truly frightened of anything in his life. He knew his future, knew his destiny. He knew someday he would regain Fulton. It was all he had ever wanted, all he had ever needed. But now, staring down at this woman, the woman who should be his enemy, he doubted his destiny. He doubted his duty. He would push it all away to spend an eternity at her side. He had fallen into the same trap as Peter, and he would not let it consume him. “No,” he whispered hotly. “I will not let you destroy everything that I am.”

“I don’t want to destroy you.” She reached for him.

Logan moved away from her touch.

“Don’t shut me out,” Solace begged. “Don’t do this.” Logan heard the anguish in her voice and steeled himself. “Let me help you,” she beseeched him.

“You can’t,” he whispered hoarsely, turning away from her. “No one can.” He knew he had to rid his thoughts of her. His original plan of revenge and reclaiming Castle Fulton depended on him having a clear head. There was one thing he could do to rid himself of the memory of their lovemaking. He headed for the door.






Logan stood outside the inn, staring at the wooden structure in the moonlight. He didn’t need Solace to satisfy him. He had learned long ago one woman was as good as the next. He entered the inn, shoving the door so violently it smacked hard into the wall. All the patrons looked up. Logan paid them no heed; he stalked into the room, taking a seat at the rear of the inn.

His eyes scanned the small room. The other patrons resumed eating and talking. A woman made her way over to him and boosted herself onto the table, her legs dangling from the side. He didn’t need to raise his eyes to know who it was.

“It’s been a very long time, Logan,” the soft voice said. She was an expert in pleasing a man. She had shown him her skills years ago, and he was sure she was still quite proficient at it.

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