Read The Lamb Who Cried Wolf Online

Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #Romance, #Romance MM, #erotic MM

The Lamb Who Cried Wolf (11 page)

“I don’t want to run,” Carson answered. “I merely want to see Brody.”

Perhaps confessing his need for his mate’s presence wouldn’t earn him any points, but he doubted he’d be able to hide it anyway. Oddly, the wolf didn’t seem angry. Instead, he almost looked thoughtful. “So you sensed he is here. Very good. Did my men tell you I decided to give you another chance?”

Carson nodded, even if he didn’t trust the wolf. The elder had been the one to separate him and Brody in the first place. Why would he change his mind?

“I see in your eyes that you doubt me, Carson. That’s your name isn’t it, Carson?”

Carson just stared and, through a miracle, managed to reply, “Yes, it is. And yes, I just can’t believe what’s going on.”

“Entirely justifiable.” The wolf grabbed Carson’s arm as if they were old pals intending to go on a walk. “You know who I am, I take it?”

Carson suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. However stupid these wolves considered sheep to be, the connection with Brody and the time he’d spent by the man’s side two years back had given Carson a pretty good clue about the man’s father. “Yes, sir,” he answered, the respectful word tasting bitter on his tongue.

“Very good.” He paused, as if to heighten Carson’s anticipation or highlight whatever he intended to say. “You see, Carson, I’m both a concerned father and an Alpha with a duty. I am forced to do certain things that might seem cruel to outsiders. Above all, I believe in nature following its course.”

The man stopped speaking again, and Carson took his cue to say,

“I don’t understand. Where are you going with this?”


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“My men told you I intend to give you and Brody another chance, yes?” When Carson nodded, the elder wolf continued, “Before we go on with anything, I want to ask you a question. Do you know what happened earlier today?”

Carson hesitated, uncertain what the wolf expected or wanted him to say. In the end, something in the other man’s eyes told him to go with the truth. “About what Brody did? Yes.”

The elder pulled him away from all the other wolves, then in a whisper, asked, “Tell me exactly what you felt.”

The wolf’s attitude confused and intimidated Carson and he stammered through an answer. “I…uh…In a way, I sensed it when he…attacked you, and sort of…Well, tried to…”

The other man nodded, thankfully not requiring him to be more coherent. “I see. And you did what?”

Carson gulped. Should he tell the wolf that he’d spoken to Brody and pleaded with his mate to stop? It seemed like an advantage in the circumstances, but the man might interpret it in a bad way and make an additional accusation toward his son. Then again, the others didn’t seem to know about Brody’s actions. The elder had pulled him away to discuss it. Perhaps the wolf truly was a concerned father, as well.

Gathering his courage, Carson went with the truth again. “I…I managed to speak to him, and…told him to stop.”

Once more, the wolf looked thoughtful. “I appreciate your honesty,” he finally said. “It is very important.” His penetrating gaze fixed on Carson. “First of all, I want you to know you passed the first test. I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but there’s a difference between a claimed mate and a true mate. Brody believes you are his true mate, his other half, as it is. As I gather, in spite of his bond with Roxanne, they cannot talk to each other telepathically. This supports his claim that you are the one for him. I had not actually trusted his words until today.”

Hope coursed through Carson. “So you’ll allow us to be together, then?”

The Lamb Who Cried Wolf


“Don’t be hasty, lamb.” Great, Carson was back to being a lamb.

“What you and he are trying to do defies everything we know. As such, I want to complete a test. If you pass it, you will be free.”

Carson didn’t think he’d like this new plan, and his suspicion was confirmed seconds later, when the wolf pulled him toward the very edge of the grove. As they walked, he sensed Brody’s presence grow more and more powerful, but he couldn’t see his mate anywhere. At last, they stopped and the elder pointed at something Carson hadn’t originally noticed—a hole in the ground covered with bars. It seemed deep, and even if he was a shape-shifter, Carson couldn’t see to the bottom, but still, he knew Brody must be in there.

He knelt on the grass, desperately trying to break through the bars.

“Brody,” he called out. “Brody!”

Brody’s voice answered him as if from the distance, “Carson? Oh, God, you shouldn’t have come. You shouldn’t be here.”

The elder pulled Carson up and forced him to meet his eyes. “You will stay in there together for one month. You will occasionally be given food, but not Brody. If he lives through this without trying to eat you, it means that you really are true mates.”

Carson gaped. “You can’t be serious. He’ll die.”

The other man shook his head. “Wolves can live without food for a long time, and you will be under close supervision. But I don’t think it will get to that.”

Clearly, no matter what the wolf had said earlier, he was still convinced Carson and Brody couldn’t be true mates, and that, if pressed, Brody would eat Carson.

The elder waved his hand in the general direction of the grove, and some wolves made their way to their position. They removed the grate, using thick gloves. The bars must be made out of silver. Before Carson could say anything else, the elder pushed him into the pit.

Carson fell through the darkness, hearing himself screaming, not knowing if he was going to even survive the landing. Shape-shifter or

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no, he could still break his neck. He closed his eyes, unwilling to see his demise coming.

And then, all of a sudden, strong arms wrapped around him, catching him. His nostrils were invaded by a spicy, familiar scent.

Carson cracked his eyes open, and for the first time in two years, met the beloved gaze of his mate.

* * * *

Carson looked just as beautiful as Brody remembered him. He’d changed very little, barring a more fashionable hairdo probably the result of Shiloh-the-swan’s intervention in Carson’s life. He was both happy and dismayed to see his mate. In fact, he felt thrilled at holding Carson once again, but the danger he’d put the lamb in shadowed that glee.

As if forgetting all about the horrible place they were in, Carson buried his face in Brody’s neck and took a deep breath. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again,” he mumbled. He broke away and glared up at Brody. “How could you just leave me like that? How could you claim her?”

Carson sounded furious, and his eyes sparkled with genuine anger and jealousy. Brody’s mouth went dry with the desire to kiss the hell out of his mate. And for once, he saw no reason to deny himself. Even if there were dozens of wolves above them, it didn’t matter anymore.

The decision had already been made, and Brody’s father would not change his mind no matter what Brody did.

With that in mind, Brody pressed his lips to Carson’s. His mate’s flavor hit his taste buds, and Brody groaned in ecstasy. It felt as if he’d been a man wandering in the desert for two years, and he’d finally found his oasis. He didn’t know how he’d even managed to survive without the ambrosia of Carson’s kisses and caresses. It seemed impossible now.

The Lamb Who Cried Wolf


Carson entangled his hands in his hair, moaning lightly, parting his lips to allow Brody entrance. Their tongues entangled as they reacquainted themselves with each other, and Brody lowered Carson to the ground and covered his mate’s body with his own.

He plundered the recesses of Carson’s mouth, rubbing against his lamb as he did so. His prick responded to Carson’s proximity in a way that it never had to anyone else, especially not during these past years.

He groaned, already aching to tear Carson’s clothes off and fuck his mate.

They broke apart to breathe, and Brody met Carson’s gaze again.

His mate’s glare was replaced by an expression of awe. “Don’t try to quiet me down with that,” Carson murmured, but he didn’t sound upset at all.

“Sorry.” Brody smiled gently. “Okay, that’s a lie. I’m not sorry.”

Carson smiled back. “Me either.” His expression sobered. “I don’t want you to be with her anymore.”

A fist clenched around Brody’s heart at the pain in Carson’s gaze.

“Whatever happens from now on, we won’t part again,” he promised.

This time, he’d keep his word, no matter what happened.

Carson nodded, seemingly believing his words. “Do you think your father will really let us go?”

Brody released Carson from the embrace and rolled over. They sat together on the cold ground, with Carson leaning against him. “He’s a man of his word,” Brody answered, “but I’m not sure how he’ll react next. This whole thing is crazy.”

Carson bit his lip, looking anxious. “Did he tell you about the…plan?”

Brody sighed. “That he means to starve me? Yes. It’s not too far-fetched. Wolves can go a long time without eating. But it’s beyond my power of comprehension how he can think I would ever eat you.”

“He doesn’t believe we’re really mates,” Carson replied. “I suppose that’s a good thing for us, though. We might have a chance at this.”


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Carson seemed to be trying for optimism, but Brody could sense Carson’s fear, not for himself, but for Brody. “Hey, little lamb, don’t worry. I can handle it. Wolves are resilient creatures. I’ll be fine.”

He grinned. “Now, let’s just not think about it for a while, okay?

We’ll figure something out, I’m sure.”

He fixed his gaze on Carson. “I know it’s not the most romantic setting,” he said, “but God, I’ve missed you. You have no idea how much.”

Carson beamed gently, his blue eyes so deep that even in the gloom of the pit, they lit up Brody’s soul. “I think I have a pretty good clue.”

The message hidden in those simple words and the emotion Carson said them with cast aside all the shadows in Brody’s heart. He didn’t care about where they were anymore. He just needed to touch Carson, needed it so badly it hurt.

Without waiting for a second longer, Brody took Carson’s lips once again. He’d run out of patience. He yearned to be inside Carson, to have his mate’s body wrap around his prick. He had to have Carson, now.

Desperately, he fumbled with his mate’s clothing. The rational part of his mind kept him from tearing them, since he knew they wouldn’t get a wardrobe change for quite some time. They undressed as quickly as they could and put their clothes into a pile, forming a make-shift bed. When they finished, they lay down together, with Carson under Brody.

Brody’s hands traveled over the expanse of Carson’s naked skin, exploring everything he’d missed throughout the past two years.

Carson’s nipples perked up as Brody brushed his fingers over them.

His mate gasped, a beautiful, needy sound that made Brody’s cock throb. He peppered Carson’s face with kisses, then advanced down Carson’s neck, nibbling on the sweet skin. He didn’t bite down, not yet. The bite would cancel out his already strained connection with Roxanne, and he didn’t want her there, between them, while he made
The Lamb Who Cried Wolf


love with Carson. But he wanted to give his mate a bit more pleasure first, and he had to ask for permission before he went along with it.

Carson seemed to have understood the situation, but that didn’t mean he would immediately agree to the bonding.

Carson, however, must have guessed or sensed his doubt. “I want you to claim me again,” he said, panting. “I want you back.”

Brody licked down Carson’s chest, stopping when he reached his mate’s nipples. He suckled on the buds of flesh, loving the way Carson arched against him. He caressed his mate’s sides, the soft silken skin he’d missed so much. Carson spread his legs, giving Brody access to his genitals.

Brody took Carson on his silent offer and reached between their bodies. First, he wrapped his hand around Carson’s dick, moving it up and down the thick shaft.

Carson’s cock twitched in his fist. The lamb moaned, his voice a pleading rasp, “Oh, God. Brody. Touch me. I need you.”

Brody briefly abandoned Carson’s nipples and continued to press kisses on Carson’s chest and abdomen. As he traveled lower down, he stopped fisting Carson’s prick, choosing to tease his mate’s taint instead. He rubbed at the lovely hole hidden between Carson’s cheeks, already yearning to be inside.

Instead of just thrusting inside Carson, though, Brody lowered his mouth over his mate’s dick. He put everything he had in the suction, not teasing, just going for the prize that was Carson’s pleasure.

Carson cried out in euphoria, his hands entangling in Brody’s hair, forcing his mouth lower down. Brody chuckled, Carson’s need for him awakening his darkest instincts. He wanted to spank Carson’s ass and remind him who was boss. But that would have to wait for a different time. Brody just went with the moment, moving his mouth up and down on his mate’s prick, occasionally swirling his tongue around the glans. All the while, he started massaging Carson’s testes and continued to tease his lover’s ass with a dry finger.


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Carson bucked against him, as if torn between sensations. Brody didn’t prolong their torture for much longer. He himself needed to get to the main event.

Removing his mouth off Carson’s cock, Brody returned to his previous position over Carson’s neck. “Carson?” he asked.

Even in the darkness, Brody saw his mate nod. “Do it. I told you I want it.”

Perhaps Carson’s decision might be influenced by the sexual chemistry between them, but Brody’s wolf told him what to do. Brody pushed their bodies close, so very close. His fangs dropped, and without waiting another second, he sunk them in the soft flesh of Carson’s neck.

Ecstasy coursed through him the moment his mate’s blood hit his taste buds. Shots of electricity coursed through him and he found his peak, his cum splashing against Carson. At the same time, he felt Carson come as well, his mate’s seed mixing with his between their bodies.

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